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Topic and writing of graduation thesis

First, the topic of graduation thesis

The topic is the primary link in the writing of the thesis. The quality of the topic is directly related to the academic value and use value of the paper, novelty, advancement, groundbreaking, applicability and ease of writing. The following focuses on the principles of the topic:

1. It is worthwhile to be objectively needed. The topic selection must have significant theoretical and practical value according to the needs of China's economic construction. For example, "Enterprise Alliance Problem Research" is like this. As Li Qixiang, deputy general manager of FAW Group, said that China's autos compete with foreign autos, no matter the technology, quality, brand, function, cost and economies of scale, they can only rely on integration, strategic alliance, and "popular." "Joint venture into the world's big car group, relying on foreign development. Therefore, the research on strategic alliances not only satisfies the needs of China's economic construction, but also has great theoretical and practical value.

2. To capture inspiration and focus on innovation. The life of the thesis lies in innovation. The meaning of innovation is very broad and refers to a new perspective, creating new ideas, new arguments, new supplements, new approaches, and new perspectives. Others say that innovation means that the content of the research is new, the method is new, and the content and methods are new. Others believe that innovation refers to unique insights, raises issues that have not been raised by previous people, corrects the wrong views of predecessors, and further deepens, refines, quantifies, and simplifies the achievements of predecessors. It can be seen from the above that a paper must have a little innovation, otherwise it will not be a real paper. Innovation relies on inspiration and inspiration depends on accumulation. It is only in the long-term hardship that a spark of thought can happen by chance, and this fleeting thought spark can become the starting point of academic innovation. Of course, innovation can't completely break away from the research results of predecessors, can't leave the mainstream thinking of management, can't have no innovation platform, but build an independent system, otherwise it will not succeed.

3. To contact the actual, focus on hot spots. There are many theoretical and practical problems in management science, especially the current economic upheaval in China, the integration of the world economy, various new things, new problems, and the objects that can be studied, which can be used as the topic of thesis. For students studying management, it is undoubtedly an unprecedented opportunity. According to China's actual national conditions, it is easier to study the actual problems and be accepted by the society at this stage. From studying the practical problems of economic management, we can draw operational policy conclusions, which will have an immediate effect on the reform and development of China's economy, and the significance is far-reaching. However, don't catch up with "fashion" and make "competitive". Because the "hot spot" problem is a problem that everyone is concerned about, it is not easy to innovate. Be sure to choose hot topics based on your business expertise. In connection with the actual situation, the problem should be grasped and the problem should be fixed. When you look at the topic, it will attract people.

4. The size of the topic is appropriate and the depth of the excavation is deep. The problem is too big to grasp, often in a hollow and superficial, people are clouds, and finally become a mediocre work. Generally speaking, the size of the question should be appropriate, or the small point is easy to control, and it is easy to write full. But don't be as small as the work summary of the unit, or the opinion proposal. The paper requires profound and rigorous. The so-called profoundness is a deep, multi-angle and all-round discussion of a certain issue. The so-called rigor is the clear point of view, strong argumentation, clear hierarchy, and language norms. Some students are afraid that the problem is small, it is difficult to analyze, and a few words are finished, and even the number of words required is not enough. The solution to this problem is to "make a big problem", that is, to analyze a "small problem" from different angles and different levels, and to use more specific materials, charts and formulas to prove the expression of one's own point of view. In this way, the paper can be enriched, full, persuasive, and solve the problem of insufficient number of words. The size of the topic is appropriate, in order to work hard in a short period of time, can successfully complete the writing task.

5. To reverse thinking, search for blind spots. Hot issues are issues that are generally concerned, writing more people and increasing the difficulty of innovation. If you think backwards, look for problems and areas that people ignore, or look at them from another angle, you may be more likely to produce results. This requires that when choosing a topic, we must have a sense of reverse thinking, not with the big stream, no one is cloudless. In some border areas, cross-cutting territories may have more important issues to study. Of course, the blind spot problem is also a relative concept, which has occurred in real life, but has not caused widespread concern. This not only requires us to have the consciousness of reverse thinking, but also has the sensitivity and forward-lookingness of thinking. We can see the autumn and the new things and new problems every day. It depends on whether we are good at discovering and capturing.

6. To adapt to your own subjective and objective conditions. The topic should be adapted to one's own subjective conditions, including his or her own specialty, interest in the selected topic, possessed information, original theoretical basis, existing academic platform, and adapting to the information and time objectively available to himself. Guaranteed, etc. It is best to choose a topic that you are familiar with. In this way, the material can be enriched and sentimental. In other words, it is possible to choose both subjective and objective, to complete the task of this writing task.

7. Be within the scope of the applicant's major. The topic should be within the scope of management. According to the new classification criteria of management disciplines, business management includes: business administration, marketing, human resource management, accounting, and financial management. In our book, p16-54, topics in management, marketing, and human resource management are used as an alternative. Exceeding this range is failing.

8. To refer to the topic, customize and agree with the instructor.

Choose one of the three topics. In the book p16-54, three alternative questions are listed. The boundaries of the three directions are cross-over and repeated, such as the core competence of enterprises, corporate culture and so on. The reason is that the topics selected by the three teaching departments have not been sorted and summarized. Participants can choose one of the three directions.

Participants can also choose within the scope of the three topics, and they will be determined by the instructor. Within the scope of the topic, specific topics can be adjusted.

Second, thesis writing

Content structure of graduation thesis writing

The contents of the graduation thesis include: p6 content summary and keywords, catalog, body, notes, appendices, references, cover, back cover.

Graduation thesis writing steps

Graduation thesis writing steps: determine the topic, collect materials, determine the main bibliography, write the opening report and writing outline, the first draft, the second draft and the final draft. After the final draft, the defense preparation and defense. The following sections highlight the collection of materials, opening reports and writing outlines, first drafts, second drafts and final drafts.

1. Collect materials. After the title is determined, the materials should be collected extensively in the areas covered by the topic. Materials are generally divided into two categories, theoretical materials and factual materials. Theoretical materials can be found in libraries, libraries, theoretical publications, and the Internet by category. The factual materials can be found in books, newspapers and periodicals, personally contacted by others, work experience of others, statistics and cases at work. If you have the conditions, you can investigate the research yourself. Collect materials to collect more. The selection of material standards, the maximum selection of materials should be necessary; the minimum selection of information should be sufficient. Attention should be paid to the collection of materials, authenticity, specificity, and novelty. The data should be "to get rough and fine, to falsify the truth, and thus, and from the table and the inside". Some people generalize it as: "capture information, identify, concentrate, store information."

In short, the process of collecting materials is also the process of sorting and researching. The comparison, thinking and screening of materials are the premise and basis of the dissertation and argumentation.

2. Opening report. See book p14- for details.

3. Develop a writing outline. The benefits of the outline help to establish a global perspective, unblock ideas, arrange materials, and form a reasonable bamboo shoot. In the process of drafting the outline, in order to form a clear hierarchy of materials to be used, there is a theoretical system with strict logical relationships. Not only will there be a large amount of materials to be traded, added, deleted, or adjusted, but also the layout, viewpoints, and outlines of the papers. There are two ways of writing: one is the way the title is written, and the other is the sentence writing. Regardless of the type of writing, the title must first be drafted. There are two types of titles for the thesis. The first is the title of the argument, that is, the title formed by summarizing the arguments. The other is to indicate the title of the topic, which is to reveal what the problem is.

4. Writing the first draft. The main emphasis here is on the presentation of the content and the writing of the text.

"5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11"

Executive summary. The executive summary is a microcosm of the dissertation and is a complete essay. It mainly includes: Explain the author's research purposes, methods, and results of the thesis writing topic, especially to explain the new insights and creative results of this article. The text should be concise and translated into the corresponding foreign language. Indicate 3-5 “keywords” with representative meanings and outlines.

Writing the text. The main body is the main part of the thesis, usually composed of three parts: introduction, theory and conclusion.

1 Introduction. The introduction should mainly explain the reasons and significance of the research, raise questions, and sometimes simply write a historical review, the basic ideas of this article, and the methods used in this research.

2 theory. This theory is the core part of the dissertation and should include theoretical analysis, arguments, discourse, and innovation. Here we focus on the establishment of arguments and arguments on arguments; pioneering innovative thinking. Establish arguments and arguments about arguments. The argument is the soul of the article and the value of the article. The argument is in the article before the correction; it refers to where the foreword is wrong, what is the correct point of view, and what is the basis. What to advocate and what to object to. The argument should be accurate, clear and outstanding. The argument is produced in the analysis of the data, do not first determine the point, and then find the material to prove. The formation of arguments is actually the process of sorting, analyzing and summarizing the data. The author should learn from the information and find the problem. Finding the problem is the first step in solving the problem. The ability to establish arguments is primarily an abstraction,

It is to extract something with regularity in the vast amount of information.

Discourse refers to the process of clarifying arguments with arguments. After the argument is established, it is to discuss the argument. The discussion should be strict. In the process of discussion, we must deal with the relationship between arguments and arguments. The argument is explained by arguments, and the arguments are governed by arguments. Arguments and arguments are dialectical unity. In the process of discussion, the arguments and arguments must be formed into a unified organic whole, so that the arguments serve the arguments well. Materials and ideas should be unified, and materials should be organized to illustrate their own arguments. The level of discussion should be clear, for example, the problem is divided into three arguments, namely three levels. The discussion should also express its own ideas and viewpoints with reliable illustrations, informative materials, and beautiful forms. The language of discussion should be vivid and vivid. The ability to discuss mainly refers to the ability of logical thinking, reasoning, and judgment.

Pioneering and innovative thinking. The purpose of pioneering and innovative thinking is to make yourself discover the objects of the research as soon as possible, or to break through the existing achievements of the predecessors and reach new inventions. Mr. Li Jinglong summed up three basic conditions for the development of creative thinking: rich storage; increased the probability of interaction between information; and increased potential for solving problems. Without these three conditions, creative thinking cannot be formed. This means that the more books you read, the richer the information you collect, the higher your professional level, and the greater the likelihood of creative thinking. The large amount of information stored in the brain will interact with each other, and the result will form new thinking. Increasing the probability of interaction between messages will increase the likelihood of creative thinking.

In addition to these three basic conditions, some researchers also believe that it has a great relationship with the character that the author should have. This is rich imagination, strong curiosity and a strong interest in the problem. Creative thinking can give us new ambitions, new realms, new ideas, and new creative powers. With creative thinking, you can see the flashes that others can hardly find from the general insights, and have the foresight of superior people, so as to climb the height that others cannot reach. Foreign management scholars propose 10 ways to enlighten innovative thinking, for reference: a. seeking different methods, b. discovery method, c. try method, d. actual method, e. verification method, f design method, s Fantasy, h. reflection, i. guide, l observation. The 10 methods can be used individually or in combination.

3 conclusions. The conclusion is a summary of the entire paper. The conclusion can be summarized in the full text, and the problems and prospects to be further studied are proposed. The summary should be clear, refined, complete and accurate.

Writing the text must be carefully drafted in accordance with the writing outline. The outline reflects the rationality of the fineness and consistency of the paper's hierarchy, paragraphs, transitions and anaphora. Write the text to prevent the outline of the outline. The point of view should be accurate and the text should be smooth. The way of writing can be written in one go and "10 steps and nine turns back".

5. Second draft and final draft. On the basis of the first draft, we will continue to consider and revise it, and then the paper will be improved. The article should be considered and revised. What to change, that is, change ideas, materials, structure and language. Structure to see the level, paragraph transition. Whether the structural arrangement is complete and logical, will directly affect the expression of opinions.

The finalization of the paper must be approved by the instructor and signed and signed on the guidance form. The printing format must be in accordance with the uniform requirements, see the structural format standards. The number of copies must be guaranteed to be kept, and the members of the defense committee are 3-5 people, one per person.

Dong Shi University of Finance and Economics, School of Business Administration, Cai Shixin

June 26, XX

Methodology, case study

Lu Changchong

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

1. Or do not pay attention to the consequences of research methods or research methods

1. If a worker wants to do something good, he must first sharpen his weapon. Otherwise, he will not succeed.

2. It is not conducive to repeated experiments by other researchers to test the reliability and authenticity of the research conclusions.

3. Not conducive to the accumulation and expansion of research results.

4. The backwardness of China's management discipline is largely due to the backwardness of research methods.

The above words are the "creative motivation" that I discussed today!

Second, the main research methods used in management disciplines

Case studies, research studies, field studies, experimental studies, behavioral studies

Why is it positioned in case studies:

1. Is one of the most commonly used methods in management disciplines

2. Start with management practice, practical and easy to grasp

3. Closely related to case teaching

4. The methodology is broad and profound, and we can only choose it one by one.

Experimental research and behavioral research methods are worthy of attention; experimental economics and behavioral economics won the Nobel Prize in Economics at XX and XX respectively. Third, the methodology map summary


Masterpieces: 1. "The logic of scientific discovery" 2. "Conjecture and rebuttal";

Falsification refers to the logical possibility of falsification, that is, a statement derived from a theoretical proposition that logically always has an event that conflicts with it.

Experience can never prove theory or hypothesis.

Falseness is scientific, and vice versa. The more accurate the theory, the easier it is to falsify.

Popper believes that the growth of scientific knowledge can be divided into four links:

Ask a question

2. Put forward a bold guess on the problem, that is, theory

3. Critique of fierce competition between various theories or speculations, and accept observation and experimental tests to screen out new theories with higher fidelity

4. The new theory is falsified by the further development of science and raises new questions.

Fourth, the type of case study and its general positioning in the methodology map

Theoretical management case and applied management case:

The former why why

The latter what object result

Causal relationship case:

Stimulation - response model what why

In behavioral science, individual behavior is the product of personal will, or external forces and factors that are beyond the control of the individual, even undetectable. If it is the former, it is free will, if it is the latter, it is determinism, or constraint.

Specifically divided into two categories: First, the case-based interpretation model: list all possible reasons

The first is the general interpretation model: to find out several key reasons

Event description type case: what

It is mainly used to describe and explain the whole process of the occurrence, development, change and termination of an event, such as recording a strike incident due to labor and capital tension.

Decision-making case: Provide a real-life scenario to decide how to make decisions. What how

Theoretical discovery or application of extended cases: to propose a new theoretical hypothesis, empirical test as its main content, the purpose is to discover and propose new theories through case studies. Hypothesis testing

This is the standard natural scientific research method:

1. Assume that light is related to labor production, conduct experiments, confirm or falsify hypotheses, such as the Hawthorne experiment.

2. Edison invents the electric light

3. The life and death of birds and trees

In addition, the phenomena found in all cases that are difficult to explain by existing theories have the characteristics of historicalism and scientific research program methodology, and are one of the driving forces for scientific progress.

The above classification actually implies the elements that should be possessed in various case studies.

The significance of five case studies on the development of management science

1. Confirm certain management principles, principles or guiding ideologies, and conclude a set of management principles, principles or guiding ideologies. This is the induction method.

2. To falsify certain principles, principles or ideas, to play the role of falsifying the truth or perfecting a certain theory.

If some principles are falsified, then one can eliminate some theories or propose certain theoretical constraints. Second, it can promote the development and improvement of a certain theory.

For example, at the beginning of a person, sex is evil,

Therefore, by strengthening supervision and punishment, labor productivity will increase.

However, if empirical observations show that this is not the case, then the premise will be revised, resulting in the y theory.

3. The case study found new problems and finally solved them. The result is either to expand the existing theory or to expand the existing theory.

Use space. This is what Kuhn called "anomaly" into "conventional science."

4. Found new problems, unresolved, challenged existing theories and pointed out the future direction of development.

5. The objective world is complex and difficult to grasp from the whole. The case is small and specific, and it has the meaning of specimens. It can accumulate experience and knowledge for a comprehensive understanding of the objective world.

6. Case studies focus on why, focusing on scientific exploration and knowledge creation, while case teaching focuses on disseminating knowledge and teaching methods of creating knowledge. If researchers can transform their unconscious creation of knowledge into conscious action of creating knowledge, innovate under the guidance of established methodologies, and prepare teaching cases based on case studies, disseminate the breadth of knowledge and The depth will be greatly improved.

6. Limitations of case studies

There are very few cases where the basic characteristics are exactly the same and thus compared.

Case studies are rarely completely repetitive, and related findings are sometimes difficult to verify.

The meaning of discovery has the subjective judgment color of the researcher.

The results of the case study come from a sample and are therefore limited in promotion.

How to guide students to write financial papers

Sun Dongsheng, Central Radio and TV University

The writing of financial papers is an important course for students of finance majors in TV universities. Financial papers are articles used to explain financial issues, suggest economic and financial laws, and publish financial research results. It is not only a means for people to engage in financial scientific research, but also a tool for conducting financial academic exchanges. The writing of financial papers is the same as the writing of other articles. There must be topics, arguments, arguments, etc., but the writing of financial theory articles has its own characteristics and requirements. Financial papers are actually researches on a certain financial issue and describe the research results. For electric university students, it is also a test of the comprehensive ability of financial related knowledge that has been learned in the past few years. The writing of financial papers mainly includes the steps of selecting topics, collecting materials, researching others' results, learning theory, investigating and researching, sorting out data, analyzing data, refining opinions, and writing articles. Here are some thoughts on how to guide students in several key aspects of the financial paper writing process.

First, choose the topic

Select a topic, that is, choose a research topic. The topic is divided into narrow and broad. Narrow sense refers to the topic of choosing to write financial papers; broadly refers to the selection of research fields and the determination of scientific research directions. Here we mainly refer to the former. The correct choice topic is a key step in the writing of financial papers. The success or failure of financial papers, the high or low papers, depends to a large extent on the choice of topics, so we must treat the choice of topics carefully. Instructors should pay attention to helping students master the following principles and methods during the selection process.

General principles of topic selection

1. Academic value and the principle of urgent need for society. Choose a topic of scientific value. Academic value is the life of financial theory research and financial papers. New discoveries, new creations, new achievements, and new experiences of scientific value in the financial field are the goals that every economic and financial worker strives to pursue. Scientific value is reflected in the law of reminding, seeking truth, and benefiting the development of financial undertakings. Therefore, for all topics of scientific value, we should choose among them, especially the major issues that need to be solved urgently in the frontier areas of financial science and financial system reform. Among the large number of financial problems, some are related to the major development of the financial industry; some are the key to some aspects, although there is no academic value, but it has a guiding role in solving practical problems; some are general problems, but Classes are often closely related to the development of social life and financial science and urgently need to be resolved.

2. The principle of doing things. To choose a topic, we must fully consider subjective conditions and objective conditions, proceed from reality, seek truth from facts, and do what we can. Subjective conditions mainly refer to the overall consideration of personal interests and hobbies, knowledge level and scientific research ability, and must not be high-spirited and strong. Practice has proved that it is impossible to produce good results for any problem that is reluctant. The selection of topics is moderate, difficult and appropriate, and success can be achieved through hard work. Objective conditions refer to the conditions for possessing information and the conditions of the instructor. The topic needs to read the relevant literature, and it is necessary to understand the history and current status of the research content, which is necessary for the electric university staff. Therefore, we should pay attention to the selection of topics that can obtain rich information, which will facilitate the development of financial research and the writing of high-quality papers.

Above we are talking about the general principles that should be mastered in the selection of topics. Students are often prone to the following two mistakes in the actual selection process:

First, the topic is too big and too empty. Such as "Research on China's financial reform", "China's securities industry development prospects and outlets", "China's market economy development and financial reform", etc., the topic should not be too large, too large, will cause all-round, no margin, what The questions are all mentioned, and it is difficult to say what the problem is.

Second, the topic is too old and lacks new ideas. Such as "joining wto and China's financial reform", "research on interest rate marketization", "China's state-owned commercial banks' asset-liability management research", and so on. How these problems are acceptable in the past few years, but it is still only a general study of such topics, it does not make much sense, but it requires in-depth research. For example, if the interest rate is marketized, it may bring risks to the operation of commercial banks. After joining the WTO, the Chinese banking industry or the securities industry will face competition problems in specific businesses.

Topic selection method

The basic conditions for each person to engage in financial papers are different, so the method of selecting topics is different. We must, on the basis of adhering to the above-mentioned principle of selecting the topic, seek the method of selecting the topic that suits our basic conditions, in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

1. Personal preference method. That is to start with your own expertise and interest. Financial theory articles can be broadly divided into theoretical articles summarizing practical experience, articles discussing financial theory and policy, and so on. You can choose according to your own strengths and interests. For example, if you are interested in a consumer credit problem or engage in consumer credit work in actual work, you can analyze the problems existing in consumer credit, the reasons for these problems, and propose solutions.

2. Sharp knife method. The choice of the question should be small, that is to say, under the premise of ensuring that there is sufficient room for the choice, it should be as small as possible, and the smaller ones are easy to say, like a sharp knife, which can be inserted deeper. Still taking the above-mentioned consumer credit problem as an example, if general writing how to carry out consumer credit, or how to solve the problems in the development of consumer credit, of course, it is OK, but obviously lacks sufficient depth, but if only write about a certain aspect of consumer credit The problem is that it is easier to write depths, for example, personal credit system establishment issues, personal credit investigation questions, credit bureau issues, personal credit risk prevention issues, personal credit insurance issues, and so on.

3. See the six-way method. That is to make full use of the existing knowledge reserves, especially the knowledge reserve of the history and current status of the financial discipline, to give full play to their imagination and creativity, to develop ideas in many aspects, not limited to a certain aspect or a certain angle, but should be more A wide range of fields, higher viewpoints to observe research choice topics. The topic itself is an important part of scientific research. To choose the ideal subject, you need to mobilize your own knowledge reserves, explore ideas in all directions, and carry out creative thinking. Specifically:

The extension method is to change the depth of a certain research direction. As mentioned above, on the basis of consumer credit issues, we should work on how to further improve the consumer credit system on the basis of what others have already discussed, and avoid generalization.

The complement method is to study the problems in the field of study that have not been studied or studied insufficiently. This is more difficult, but the scientific value of the research itself is also great.

The hybridization method, which uses research results from other disciplines, is applied to the financial discipline. For example, accounting and statistics are applied to financial analysis, commercial bank management research, and information is applied to financial disciplines.

The comparative method, that is, through the comparative study of several things or the same direction of several things to understand things. As mentioned above, the study of consumer credit can compare the status of developed consumer credit with the state of consumer credit in China, and identify the causes of gaps and gaps, as well as solutions.

The angle change method, that is, a new angle can be selected for the same problem. For example, the issue of consumer credit can be studied from the perspective of banks, and can also be studied from the perspective of consumers, and can also be studied from the perspective of credit system. In this way, the same problem is studied from different angles, and research is relatively easy.

Second, collecting information

Collecting information is the basis and premise of the writing of financial papers. Collecting information is a tedious and arduous task that takes a lot of time and is laborious. It requires a wealth of information, not only diligence, but also scientific methods. In the process of data collection, the instructor should provide guidance to the students in response to the source of the data, the use of the library, and the source of the information. The instructor should be required to have a general understanding of the content and source of the materials used by the students. Guided, on the other hand, can prevent cheating from individual students. Specifically:

It is necessary to classify the conclusions and materials drawn in the selected topics, and to clarify the primary and secondary authenticity so that it can be used with emphasis, planning, and purpose. After screening, some are used for general arguments, some are used for sub-argument; some are used for narrative, some are used for argumentation; some are used for detailed explanation, and some are used to supplement with circumstantial evidence to make useful people suitable. Get it right, useless people to abandon it.

Focus on your own topics, to various financial journals, economic journals, essays and other literature, financial statistics, financial yearbooks, and various related files.

Such as collecting information, and can carry out the necessary investigation and research in combination with their own papers.

It is necessary to carry out serious and painstaking research on the basis of the materials collected, and strive to achieve this and the other, from the table and the inside, to the false and true, to take the fine. Especially for the research results and opinions of others, we must adopt a serious scientific attitude and make the broad sense a starting point or a starting point. Sometimes you can use your own unique feelings to make a new conclusion, to supplement or give new ideas to others' arguments; sometimes you can discuss certain opinions of others, and put forward the facts and reasoning to point out the inadequacies of others; Inspired by the results of others, we can point out what we have not said and do not say adequately, and explore and develop new fields and new ideas through our own improvement and development. In short, before completing the project and writing, you should collect and understand the opinions that others have already published on this topic, and use it to compare with your own income so as to get inspiration and reference from it.

Do a good job of data processing. Data is an important material for the writing of financial papers. The collection of relevant data is mainly obtained from relevant public publications and yearbooks. The processing of data mainly includes: detailed listing of production data; sorting and calculation of certain data according to needs; retaining scientific representative data; using charts as much as possible to show the law of change and the state of data under different changing conditions More intuitively marked. Perform the necessary analysis of the data to arrive at the correct conclusion.

Third, refine the point of view

There are basically two situations in the formation and refinement of viewpoints: one is to form in practice; the other is to form and form on the basis of occupying a large amount of materials as the collection of materials is formed. But in either case, the formation and refinement of ideas has a long or short process, which is the product of in-depth and rational analysis of materials, scientific synthesis, and rethinking and refining.

In the process of refining ideas, we consider the structure by conceiving ideas. Financial papers are essays, and their basic ideas are: asking questions, analyzing problems, and solving problems. Arranging the chapter structure can make the article clear, clear, and give the reader a sense of logical and prudent, hierarchical, orderly, and seamless. Therefore, it is conducive to the improvement of the quality of the paper and deepen the reader's impression, and achieve better social benefits.

Fourth, carefully written

Having a fresh perspective and a wealth of materials doesn't mean there is a good article. Opinion plus material is not a theoretical article. A good financial theory article must form its own theoretical system, so that ideas and materials are highly unified, forming an organic whole: a clear question, a rigorous analysis and argumentation, and a scientific solution. Therefore, it is necessary to write carefully.

Outline and drafting

Outline, the outline of the article. Writing an article, especially a theoretical article, should first write an outline. It is an important step in writing financial papers, and an important means to ensure the structure of the article is complete and reasonable. Because a paper can achieve better results, the structure of the article occupies an important position, which can also ensure the quality of the article and avoid substantial rework. . The instructor puts forward specific requirements in the process of writing the outline of the student's thesis, especially grasping the structure and logical relationship of the article, which is very important for the success or failure of the thesis.

The outlines of the project include titles, basic ideas, large projects, medium projects, and small projects.

1. Determination of the title. The title is considered "literary eye". It can be seen its importance. Financial theory articles also strive to prepare the title. The titles of financial theory articles generally do not rely on rhetorical means to strengthen the title, but particularly emphasize sharp, accurate, eye-catching, narrow and moderate, or clearly put forward propositions, such as "the choice of exchange rate system", "comparative study of state-owned commercial competitiveness", etc. . The title of a financial theory article cannot be subtle, but must not be embarrassing, but should be clear, specific and clear at a glance.

There are three types of errors that students are more likely to make in determining the title of an article:

First, the text is not correct. Some students' paper titles are out of touch with their own papers, or have little to do with them.

The second is a news headline. Some students are influenced by the news, and often like to use the news headlines of newspapers and periodicals, such as "Where foreign banks are wavering, where is the domestic bank?", "Silver card teamed up: listening to thunder in silence" and so on.

Third, the title is too big. The title is too big, and it is difficult to fully match the content of the article, just like a child wearing a big hat.

2. The basic point of view is the center of the article. It is the soul of the article. The basic ideas of financial theory articles must be correct, distinct, and strive to be profound and novel. The basic idea is expressed in the form of a topic sentence. The text should be concise and accurate.

In the process of determining the basic point of view of the article, the most common mistake students make is that the point of view is vague, letting people read the complete article, knowing nothing, not knowing what the author agrees with and what is against it.

3. The big project is the upper point of view, the big paragraph is the purpose, it is the support point for the existence of basic ideas and the complete expression. From the idea of ​​writing, big projects are reflected in what aspects, in what order to clarify the basic point of view; from the article structure, the big project is the logical structure of the full text. When compiling the outline, the superior viewpoint should be marked with arguments.

4. The middle item is the lower point of view, that is, the purpose of the paragraph. For the smooth progress of the text, the lower point of view is also marked with the viewpoint.

5. A small project is a specific material in the paragraph. For materials that are ready to be taken into the article, the serial number must be marked in the order in which they are intended for use.

The preparation of the outline should be prudent, and strive to be complete and meticulous, that is, it must not be carried out rashly, otherwise it will lose the meaning of the proposed outline. After the outline is ready, the writing of the article enters the drafting stage, which is a detailed description of the research results.

Modified and written

Good articles are changed. Without sculpting and revising, there will be no good articles. When you modify an article, you first need to review the content of the article because the content determines the form. Second, the form is reviewed. The form counteracts the content. Without a perfect form, content cannot be expressed. Special attention should be paid to the following three aspects when modifying:

First, whether the central point of view has been fully justified. If it is not fully justified, there is something wrong with the point of view, or the material is not sufficient. In short, you should seriously look for errors.

Second, seriously consider whether the choice of form and the arrangement of the structure are adequate. The form is not appropriate to re-select. The structure is unreasonable to be adjusted.

Third, carefully devote language. The linguistic features of theoretical papers should not be emphasized; the use of theoretical concepts should be accurate.

The methods for modifying the article are:

The first is heat treatment, that is, the modification is made after the first draft is completed;

The second is cold processing, which is a few days after the first draft is completed; then the changes are taken. Generally speaking, cold processing is easier to find the problem in the article.

After the establishment, the revised manuscript should be written, and it is best to print if there are conditions. The manuscript after writing or printing should be in the correct format, punctuation is accurate, standardized, clear, the chart is beautiful, and the number is accurate.

V. Basic requirements for financial papers

The topic is novel and timely, and it can address the current hot spots and focus issues of theory or reality. In the topic selection, it can reflect the author's ability to analyze the problem with the keen observation ability of theoretical and practical problems.

The point of view is clear and there is a certain independent opinion. The clear point of view stems from the author's deep and clear understanding of the objective laws. If the author has not always figured out it, it is impossible to express it clearly. The ambiguity in thought will inevitably lead to ambiguity in the text. To understand the reader, the author himself must first understand, which requires the author to study hard.

The structure is complete, the hierarchy is clear, and the logic of argumentation is rigorous. The composition of financial theory articles is actually a logical structure. By linking ideas, materials, and arguments organically, you can express the author's insights. However, the same point of view, the same group of materials, and the same method of argumentation are different because of the different arrangements. Therefore, it is easy to understand from the rules of people's understanding of things, such as from easy to difficult, from general to sub-speaking, from known to unknown, to organize content and arrange the structure of the article.

The language is smooth and smooth. To make the language clear and fluent and easy to understand, it is necessary to write as concisely as possible. The words should be easy to understand. Do not use as many unfamiliar and ambiguous words as possible, and the words should conform to academic norms. Understand professional vocabulary. Although financial papers have strong professionalism, it does not mean that the more difficult the language is, the more difficult it is to explain. On the contrary, a good financial paper is often easy to understand.

The information is functioning properly, and the data is used in a detailed, novel, authoritative and persuasive manner.

1. The reference should be appropriate, the comments should be clear, for this reason, the method of citation and annotation should be emphasized. Writing financial theory articles often uses citations because of the need for argumentation. The citation should indicate the source for the reader to find and check.

2. The use of tables and diagrams. The table and diagram should be applied correctly. The table and the diagram are intuitive, and it is often difficult to express the complicated relationship between the various types of documents, and it can avoid the problem that the theoretical article is easy to be dull. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully apply the treatment to make full use of it. The expression effect.

Six, the analysis of the common financial papers

The above is only a general explanation of the method of writing financial papers. It may not be intuitive enough. It is more abstract. The better way is to find several articles in the relevant financial theory publications as the object of imitation, according to the cat painting tiger, mainly imitating its articles. Structure and materials used.

Below we analyze several common empirical structure methods.

Several kinds of things done here

Classification is only an empirical classification and may not be in line with the specification.


Such papers generally demonstrate their own suggestions and convince the readers that they are justified and well-founded. From the perspective of large projects, there are several parts: necessity research, feasibility study, experience or problem research, measures and countermeasure research. For example, the following paper is the author's study of China's monetary policy. The basic idea of ​​"China's stock market development and monetary policy improvement" is that the central bank should pay attention to the stock market when formulating and executing currency.

The first part of the necessity study, that is, the author's reasons why the central bank should formulate and implement monetary policy should pay attention to the freedom of the stock market. The first headline of the article, “Several challenges to the monetary policy in the development of the stock market”, here are a few reasons, namely

Stabilizing currency as the ultimate goal of monetary policy is challenged

Monetary policy transmission is more complicated

The effectiveness of monetary policy supply as an intermediate target of monetary policy is declining.

The second part of the feasibility study, that is, the author analyzes and demonstrates whether it is feasible for the central bank to formulate and implement monetary policy and pay attention to the stock market. That is, the second title of the article, "A debate about whether the central bank should respond to changes in stock prices." The author first elaborates on two different perspectives of Western financial experts. The first view is that the central bank should pay attention to stock market volatility, on the grounds that stock market volatility will have an impact on the real economy. The second view is that the central bank's attention to the stock market will have adverse consequences. The author believes that the second view has obvious shortcomings. Taking the lessons of the developed countries on the stock market and the lessons of the Southeast Asian financial crisis as an example, it is not only necessary but also feasible for the central bank to pay attention to the stock market.

The third part, experience or problem research, that is, the author conducted an empirical analysis of the development of China's stock market. The third headline of the article, "An Empirical Study of the Impact of China's Stock Market Development on Monetary Policy." This part of the author combines the impact of the Chinese stock market on economic and monetary policy, further strengthening his views.

The impact of stock prices on money demand

The Impact of Stock Price on the Structure and Quantity of Money Supply

Stock price and monetary policy transmission

The Impact of Stock Price on the Intermediary Target of China's Monetary Policy

The impact of the stock market on the money market

Interest rate changes and stock market price trends

In order to strengthen the persuasiveness of their own views, the author used a lot of charts and data for analysis.

The fourth part, measures and countermeasures. The fourth part of the article, "Basic Conclusions and Policy Recommendations." Based on the previous analysis and argumentation, this part of the author puts forward his own countermeasures and suggestions.

The central bank's monetary policy operation should focus on stock market price fluctuations, but it cannot be used as one of the determinants of monetary policy decisions.

It is necessary to correctly handle the problem of credit funds entering the stock market.

It is necessary to further improve and improve the current statistical system of money supply.

Pay attention to the study of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy

Problem countermeasure

This type of paper generally asks the author to first find the problem he has discovered, and then analyzes the problem he has raised, and finally proposes countermeasures. That is to say, according to the general argumentative structure, it can be roughly divided into three parts, asking questions, analyzing the causes of the problem output, and solving the problem. The following "Analysis of Personal Mortgage Risk" is such a structured article. The article first describes the current situation of housing finance development in China. Then it analyzes the various types of risks and the root causes of the risk of housing finance in China, and finally puts forward countermeasures and suggestions.

The first part briefly describes the current situation of China's housing finance development, namely the title “The status quo of China's housing finance development”.

The second part, title 2, “The various types of housing financial risks in China and the root causes of their formation”. This part is actually composed of two parts.

Ask questions, the types of housing finance risks in China: interest rate risk, purchasing power risk, real estate market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, government risk.

Analyze the problem and analyze the reasons for the formation of housing finance risk in China:

a. Housing finance assumes the distribution function of the state finance

b. Short-term long-term goal of housing industry policy

c. The financial operation of the housing welfare policy has not yet been formed

d. The government failed to establish an effective housing financial risk mechanism

The third part, Title 3, “Personal Housing Financial Loan Risk Prevention Countermeasures. This part of the content authors proposed countermeasures based on their own analysis.

Establish a personal credit system

Establish a good housing credit risk sharing mechanism

Adopting a housing credit discount policy

In fact, the content of the second and third headings of this article can also be written directly into three parts:

The first part, the risk of housing finance

The second part is the analysis of the causes of housing financial risk

The third part is the countermeasures for housing financial risks.

Applied theory or model empirical analysis

Such articles are also composed of three parts from the big project. One is the introduction of relevant theories or models, the other is to apply the theory or model to analyze or test the concrete, and the third is the conclusion or countermeasure. The following "Long-term currency neutral: theory and its empirical evidence in China" is such an article.

The first part, title "Research Review", introduces the long-term neutral financial theory of behavioral currency.

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