Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Lease Contract Model

Facade rental contract template



______________ The company will lease the facade of _______ Road ____ to Party B. In order to regulate the behavior of both parties, after full negotiation, the following facade lease agreement will be reached:

1. Before Party B leases the facade of Party A, it must obtain a business license issued by the administrative department for industry and commerce and meet the business operation verified by the industrial and commercial department. The non-local resident population shall have valid ID card, temporary residence permit, family planning certificate and floating population certificate. Documents and a copy of all documents will be handed over to Party A.

2. Before signing this contract, Party B shall pay Party A a façade deposit of _______ yuan, which shall not be used to offset the rent of the facade. If Party B can fully perform this contract during the contract period, Party A shall fully pay Party A after the expiration. The deposit will be returned to Party B.

3. After the contract is signed, Party A is not allowed to return the Facade to Party A, otherwise the deposit will not be refunded. Party B shall not transfer the facade to other parties for privately during the lease period. If it is necessary to transfer the facade due to special circumstances, Party A must, with the consent of Party A, Party A collect the transfer management fee of _______ yuan each time. If it is transferred privately, Party B shall impose a fine of _______ yuan and impose a fine of _______ yuan on the new tenant, increase the rent of the house by _______%, and re-sign the lease agreement.

4. The rent of the facade is _______ yuan per month. Party B must first pay the rent and then rent the house. At the end of the month, the rent of the facade of the next month will be paid off first. No arrears will be allowed. If there is arrears, the first time will be given _______ yuan. The fine is deducted from the deposit. In case of any occurrence, Party A has the right to take back the facade and rent it separately, and the deposit is forfeited.

5. Party B must abide by the national laws, decrees and policies, do a good job of comprehensive management, obey the management of various administrative departments, and operate legally within the scope of business. If it violates the law and discipline, it will not be subject to management. The consequences will be borne by Party B. Party A with serious consequences has the right to terminate the contract and confiscate the deposit.

6. During the lease period, Party B shall be responsible for its own business management fees, taxes, utilities, facilities maintenance fees, and sanitation fees. Owners engaged in the catering industry should pay attention to environmental sanitation, especially to ensure the smooth flow of sewers. The following waterway blockages are jointly funded by catering owners who have an impact on the sewer blockage.

7. During the lease period, Party B shall do a good job in fire prevention, theft prevention, and “three bags in front of the door”. If Party B’s “three bags in front of the door” is unqualified, Party A shall be punished by the management department, and Party A shall impose Party _______ on Party B. The fine of the yuan is deducted from the deposit. Party B shall be responsible for the loss of itself and other parties in the event of a liability accident, and the consequences will be transferred to the legal department.

8. Party B shall properly keep all the facilities of Party A within the lease term. If there is damage compensation, the overall structure of the facade shall not be modified. If the facade is to be renovated, Party A shall obtain the consent of Party A. Otherwise, Party A has the right to take back the facade and confiscate the deposit.

9. This Agreement shall be valid for ____ years, that is, from ______Year ____________ to ______Year ____________, Party A shall, in principle, guarantee Party B's operating period, If there is a major change in the national giant policy during this period, the local government re-plans the urban area, and Party A needs to take back the facade in advance, the party must notify Party B one month in advance, and Party B must obey unconditionally. After the termination of the contract, no compensation request shall be submitted to Party A.

X. This contract is made in two copies, effective from the date of signature. If there are any outstanding matters, the two parties will resolve the matter through negotiation. After the contract expires, Party A will bid on the facade and Party B will have priority under the same conditions.

Party A: _________________

Party B: _________________

_______year month day

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