Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Lease Contract Model

Shenyang City Housing Leasing Contract

Shenyang City Housing Leasing Contract


Lessee: _________

According to the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws and regulations, both parties on the basis of equality and voluntariness agree on the following matters concerning housing leasing:

The basic situation of the first house The house is located in the ______ district of Shenyang City _________.

The house is: building _________ room _________ hall _________ wei, bungalow _________ room, building area _________ square meters, use area _________ square meters, decoration status _________, other conditions are _________ The house is set to mortgage.

Article 2 The ownership status of the house The condition of the ownership of the house is the _________

If Party A has ownership of the house, Party A or its agent shall present the building ownership certificate to Party B. The certificate number is: _________.

If Party A has the right to sublease the house, Party A or its agent shall present to Party B the written evidence that the owner of the house allows Party A to sublease the house. The certificate is: _________.

Article 3 Use of the house The purpose of the house is: _________. Party B guarantees that the use of the house will not be changed without prior approval from Party A and the approval of the relevant department in accordance with the regulations.

Article 4: Party A shall present to Party B a true and valid identification certificate such as _________.

Party B shall present to Party A a true and valid identification such as _________.

Article 5 Housing Improvement Party A shall make the following improvements to the house within ______ days after the signing of this contract: _________, the cost of improving the house shall be borne.

Party A allows Party B to decorate, decorate or add new items to the house. The scope of decoration, decoration or addition of new items is: _________, and the parties may also agree in writing.

Article 6 Lease Term The term of the house is from _________ years _________ months _________ days to _________ years _________ months _________ days, total _________ years _________ months.

Upon expiration of the lease, Party A has the right to take back the house. If Party B intends to continue to lease, it shall submit a request for renewal of rent to Party A in advance ____________, and Party A and Party B will re-sign the lease agreement after obtaining the consent. If Party B continues to use the leased house, Party A has not filed a protest, the contract continues to be valid, and the lease term is irregular. Both parties have the right to cancel the contract at any time, but should notify the other party _________ in advance.

Article 7 Rent and rent standards: _________ yuan /, total rent: _________ yuan. The rent of the house is unchanged _________. From _________, the two parties can negotiate to adjust the rent. The adjustments are subject to separate agreement between the parties.

Rent payment time: _________, _________, _________, _________, _________.

Rent payment method:

After Party A or its agent collects the rent, Party B shall issue a receipt certificate to Party B.

Article 8 When the house lease deposit is delivered by Party A, Party B shall pay Party A the deposit for the house lease, the specific amount is: _________ yuan.

After the lease expires or the contract is terminated, the house lease deposit shall be refunded to Party B in addition to the expenses, rent and Party B's liability for breach of contract.

Article 9 Other Expenses During the lease term, the expenses for the expenses related to the house are:

Party B shall bear the same expenses. Party B shall store and present the relevant payment credentials to Party A.

The house rental tax and other expenses not listed in this contract shall be borne by Party A.

Article 10 Delivery and return of the house: Party A shall deliver the house to Party B according to the agreed conditions before _________ _________ month _________. The "List of Housing Affiliated Facilities and Equipment" is deemed to have been delivered after the two parties have signed and sealed the documents and handed over the keys to the room and _________.

Return: After the lease expires or the contract is terminated, Party B shall return the house and its ancillary facilities. After the acceptance and approval of both parties, both parties shall sign and seal the "List of Housing Affiliated Facilities and Equipment". Both Party A and Party B shall settle their respective expenses. The new things added by Party B can be recovered by themselves, and the specific treatment method for the decoration and decoration of Party B is. After returning, Party A has the right to dispose of the items left by Party B without the consent of Party A.

Article 11 During the maintenance and lease period of houses and ancillary facilities, Party A shall guarantee that the house and its ancillary facilities are in a state of application and safety. Party B shall promptly notify Party A to repair if the house and its ancillary facilities are damaged or malfunctioning. Party A shall make repairs within _________ days after receiving the notice from Party B. If it is not repaired within the time limit, Party B may repair it on its behalf and the expenses shall be borne by Party A. If the maintenance of the house affects the use of Party B, the rent shall be reduced or the lease term shall be extended accordingly.

For the decoration, improvement and addition of Party B, Party A shall not be responsible for the maintenance.

Party B shall use and care for the house and its ancillary facilities reasonably. Party B shall be responsible for repair or liability for damages caused by improper or unreasonable use by Party B, resulting in damage or malfunction of the house and its ancillary facilities. If Party B refuses to repair or refuses to accept the liability for compensation, Party A may repair or purchase the new property on its behalf, and Party B shall bear the expenses.

Party B shall not be liable for the loss of the house and its ancillary facilities due to natural attributes or reasonable use.

Article 12 Sublease Unless otherwise agreed by Party A and Party B, Party B shall obtain the prior written consent of Party A before subletting part or all of the house to others during the lease term.

If Party B subleases the house, it shall conclude a written sublease contract with the subletter as required, and go through the formalities for registration and registration of the house lease contract with the house leasing management agency.

If the sub-letter accepts damage to the house and its ancillary facilities, Party B shall be liable to Party A for compensation.

Article 13: Changes in Ownership If Party A transfers the house during the lease term, Party A shall notify Party B in writing _________ days in advance, and Party B shall have the right to purchase in preference to the third party under the same conditions.

If the ownership of the house changes during the lease term, this contract has legal effect between Party B and the new owner.

Article 14 The cancellation of the contract may be terminated by the agreement of both parties.

In any of the following circumstances, this contract is terminated, and both parties shall not be liable for breach of contract:

1. The house was included in the scope of house demolition due to urban construction needs.

2. The house is damaged, lost or caused other damages due to force majeure such as earthquake or fire.

Party B has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract if Party A has one of the following circumstances:

1. The house was not delivered within the agreed time for _________ days.

2. The delivered house does not meet the contractual agreement and seriously affects the use of Party B.

3. Failure to undertake the agreed maintenance obligation will result in Party B not being able to use the house normally.

4. The delivered house jeopardizes Party B's safety or health.

5, other: _________.

Party B has one of the following circumstances: Party A has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and withdraw the house:

1. Do not pay or do not pay the rent as agreed upon for _________ days.

2. The outstanding fees are _________ yuan.

3. Unauthorized changes to the use of the house.

4. Unauthorized dismantling to change or damage the main structure of the house.

5. Unauthorized the house to a third party.

6. Use the house to engage in illegal activities.

7, other: _________.

Article 15 If Party A has one of the circumstances stipulated in the third paragraph of Article 14 of this contract, Party B shall pay Party B a penalty for the payment of _________% of the monthly rent.

Party A shall be liable for compensation if Party A fails to perform maintenance duties as agreed to cause Party B’s personal and property losses.

During the lease period, if Party A needs to recover the house in advance, Party B shall notify Party B _________ days in advance to return the rent balance already received to Party B and pay liquidated damages at _________% of the monthly rent.

If Party B has one of the circumstances stipulated in the fourth paragraph of Article 14 of this contract, Party A shall pay Party A a penalty for the payment of _________% of the monthly rent.

If Party B arbitrarily renovates, decorates or adds new items to the house, Party A may request Party B to restore the original condition or compensate for the loss.

During the lease term, if Party B needs to withdraw the lease in advance, Party A shall notify Party A on _________ days in advance and pay liquidated damages at _________% of the monthly rent.

If Party A fails to deliver the house at the agreed time or Party B fails to pay the rent as agreed but fails to meet the conditions for the termination of the contract, and Party B fails to return the house at the agreed time, it shall pay the liquidated damages according to the _________ standard.


Article 16 If the agent of Party A is not authorized to sign this contract and handle related matters, Party A and Party B shall determine the specific terms of this contract within the scope of authorization of the power of attorney or the agency contract issued by Party A. If the agent of Party A surpasses the agency right or the agency act after the termination of the agency right, Party A will not have legal effect without Party A's written ratification.

Article 17 Settlement of Contract Disputes The disputes arising under this contract shall be settled by the parties or resolved to apply for mediation; if the negotiation or mediation fails, the case shall be brought to the people's court in accordance with the law, or according to the arbitration clause or arbitration agreement reached separately. arbitration.

Article 18 Other agreed matters _________ This contract shall become effective after being signed and sealed by both parties. This contract is a _________ share, in which Party A holds _________ copies, Party B holds _________ copies, and the housing lease administration administrative agency records one copy and holds _________ copies. After the contract comes into effect, the parties shall take the written form of the change or supplement of the contract as an auxiliary file of this contract. The affiliate file has the same legal effect as this contract.

Lessor: _________ Lessee: _________

Residence: _________ residence: _________

License number: _________ License number: _________

Legal representative: _________ Legal representative: ______

Phone: _________ Phone: _________

Attorney: _________ Attorney: ______

Residence: _________ residence: _________

Phone: _________ Phone: _________

Signing location: _________ signing location: ______

_________Year ____________________________________________

If the lease relationship is intervened or represented by a real estate brokerage agency, the real estate brokerage agency and the certified brokerage staff should fill in the following:

Real estate brokerage agency: _________ Real estate broker certificate holder name: _________ broker qualification certificate number: _________ subsidiary file

Subsidiary file

A list of housing accessories and equipment

Note: Both Party A and Party B can directly fill in the contents of this list and sign and seal them. They can also attach the “List of House Auxiliary Facilities and Equipment” prepared and signed and stamped on this page.

1. This contract is a model text jointly prepared by Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Land Resources and Housing and Shenyang Administration for Industry and Commerce for the parties to the lease of the house, but not for the lease of public housing that implements the government's prescribed rent standards. Before signing the contract, both parties should carefully read the terms of the contract, and the unfinished matters can be clarified in Article 18 “Other agreed matters” or the attached files of the contract.

2. Before signing the contract, the leasing parties shall submit each other the relevant identity certificate and the ownership certificate of the house.

3. If accepting the entrusted agent to rent a house by others, it shall present the power of attorney or the agency contract issued by the client before signing this contract, and express the agency permission to the lessee.

4. The leasing parties shall jointly inspect the facilities and equipment in the house, fill out the "List of Housing Auxiliary Facilities and Equipment" and sign and seal them.

5. The space part of the contract may be filled out by the parties to the lease according to the actual situation.

6. Within 30 days from the date of signing this contract, the leasing parties shall go through the registration procedures for the registration of the house lease contract with the district and county land resources and housing administration or their entrusted institutions where the house is located.

7. If the lease relationship is intervened or represented by a real estate brokerage institution, the real estate brokerage institution and the real estate broker certificate holder shall sign and seal the signature and indicate the broker qualification certificate number.

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