Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Lease Contract Model

Lease contract model: housing lease contract

Party of this contract



According to the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B shall, on an equal and voluntary basis, rent Party A to Party B for use, and Party B shall lease Party A's house matters, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. This contract is concluded by consensus.

Article 1 Party A guarantees that the rented houses comply with the relevant provisions of the State on rented houses.

The second house's location, area, decoration and facilities

1. The house rented by Party A to Party B is located; the house number is

2. The rented house area is a square meter.

3. For details of the existing decoration, facilities and equipment of the house, please refer to the attached file of the contract.

The subsidiary file shall be used as the basis for acceptance by Party A when it is delivered to Party B in accordance with this contract and Party B shall return the house at the expiration of the lease term.

Article 3 Party A shall provide files such as real estate licenses and identity certificates, and Party B shall provide identification documents. After verification by both parties, the other party's file can be copied. All copies are for this rental only.

Article 4 Lease Term and Use

1. The rental period of the house is a total of several months. From the date of the year to the day of the month.

2. Party B promises to Party A that the lease of the house is for use only.

3. When the lease expires, Party A has the right to take back the rented house, and Party B shall return it as scheduled.

If Party B requests to renew the lease, Party B must notify Party A in writing before the expiration of the lease term and, after Party A's consent, re-sign the lease contract.

Article 5 Rent and payment method

1. The monthly rent of the house is yuan.

The total rent is yuan.

2. The payment method for housing rent is as follows:

Party A shall provide Party B with a valid receipt certificate after receiving the payment.

Article 6 Related expenses and taxes during the lease period

1. The expenses that Party A should bear:

During the lease period, the property and property tax on houses and land shall be paid by Party A according to law. If the relevant government department collects the expenses related to the house that are not listed in this contract, it shall be borne by Party A.

Property management fees and heating costs.

2. Party B pays the following fees:

Party B shall pay the expenses at its own expense on time.

Party A shall not arbitrarily increase the fees not paid by Party B in this contract.

Article 7 Housing repair and use

1. During the lease term, Party A shall ensure the safe use of the rented house. The responsibility for the maintenance of the house and its facilities shall be the responsibility of Party A except as agreed between the parties in this contract and the supplementary terms.

Party A shall notify Party B in writing in advance of the repairs, and Party B shall actively assist in the cooperation.

After Party B submits a repair request to Party A, Party A shall provide repair service in a timely manner.

Party A shall not be obliged to repair the decoration of Party B.

2. Party B shall reasonably use the houses it rents and its ancillary facilities. If the house or facilities are damaged due to improper use, Party B shall immediately be responsible for repair or financial compensation.

If Party B changes the internal structure of the house, decorates or sets up equipment that affects the structure of the house, the design scale, scope, process, materials and other plans must be approved in advance by Party A's written consent. After the lease expires or the lease is terminated due to Party B’s liability, Party A has the right to choose one of the following rights, unless otherwise agreed by the parties:

The decoration attached to the house is owned by Party A.

Party B is required to return to its original state.

Party B shall be charged the actual expenses incurred in the restoration of the project.

Article 8 Transfer and Sublease of Houses

1. During the lease period, Party A has the right to transfer the rented house in accordance with the legal procedures. After the transfer, this contract will continue to be valid for the new owner and Party B.

2. Without the consent of Party A, Party B shall not sublease or lend the rented house.

3. Party A shall notify Party B in writing before the sale of the house. Under the same conditions, Party B shall have the right of first refusal.

Article 9 Change, Cancellation and Termination of the Contract

1. Both parties may negotiate to change or terminate this contract.

2. If Party A has one of the following acts, Party B has the right to terminate the contract:

Failure to provide housing or provided housing does not meet the contractual conditions and seriously affects residence.

Party A has not fulfilled the obligation of repairing the house and seriously affected the residence.

3. During the period of house leasing, Party B has one of the following acts, Party A has the right to cancel the contract and recover the rented house;

Subletting or lending the rented house without the written consent of Party A.

The structure of the moving house shall be demolished without the written consent of Party A.

Damage to the rented house has not been repaired within a reasonable period of time proposed by Party A.

Change the purpose of the lease of the contract as agreed in this contract without the written consent of Party A.

Use a rented house to store dangerous goods or carry out illegal activities.

Failure to pay the fees payable by Party B in accordance with the stipulations has caused serious damage to Party A.

Arrears of rent for more than a month.

4. Before the lease expires, if Party B wants to continue to lease, Party B shall notify Party A in writing before the expiration of the lease term. If Party A still rents out after the expiration of the lease term, Party B shall have the right of first refusal under the same conditions.

5. The lease expires naturally.

6. If the contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure factors, the contract is terminated.

Article 10 Acceptance of delivery and recovery of houses

1. Party A shall ensure that the leased house itself and its ancillary facilities and equipment are in normal use.

2. Both parties participate in the acceptance. If there is any objection to the hardware facilities and equipment such as decoration and utensils, they should be raised. If it is difficult to detect and judge on the spot, it should be claimed to the other party within the day.

3. Party B shall return the rented house and ancillary facilities and equipment to Party A after the expiration of the house lease.

4. Party B shall return the house of Party A to maintain the intact state of the house, facilities and equipment, and shall not retain the articles or affect the normal use of the house. Party A has the right to dispose of the items that have not been retained without consent.

Article 11 Party A's liability for breach of contract

1. If Party A cancels the contract due to the inability to provide the house agreed in this contract, Party B shall pay the liquidated damages of Party B's total rent of this contract. In addition to paying liquidated damages as agreed, Party A shall also compensate for losses other than liquidated damages.

2. If Party B requests Party A to continue to perform the contract, Party A shall pay Party B a daily late payment fee for each day that is overdue. Party A shall also bear the losses caused by the late delivery to Party B.

3. Since Party A is in the process of fulfilling the maintenance obligation or the situation is urgent and Party B organizes the repair, Party A shall pay Party B's expenses or reduce the rent, but Party B shall provide valid certificates.

4. If Party A violates this contract and recovers the house in advance, Party B shall pay Party B the liquidated damages according to the total contract rent. If the liquidated damages are insufficient to make up for Party B's losses, Party A shall also be liable for compensation.

5. Party A shall compensate Party B for the loss of Party B due to the fact that the ownership of the house is illegal or illegally rented out.

Article 12 Party B's liability for breach of contract

1. During the lease period, if Party B has one of the following acts, Party A has the right to terminate the contract and recover the house. Party B shall pay Party A the liquidated damages in accordance with the total contracted rent. If the liquidated damages are insufficient to make up for Party A's losses, Party B shall also be liable for compensation until the full loss is made.

Subletting or lending the property to others without the written consent of Party A;

Demolition of the moving house structure or damage to the house without the written consent of Party A;

Change the leased use specified in this contract or use the house for illegal activities;

Arrears of rent for more than a month.

2. During the lease term, if Party B fails to pay the expenses stipulated in this contract that Party B shall bear, each time one day is overdue, Party A shall pay Party A late payment fee according to the total amount of the above fees.

3. During the lease term, Party B shall, without the consent of Party A, arbitrarily withdraw the rent in the middle of the lease, Party B shall pay Party A the liquidated damages according to the amount of the total contracted rent. If the liquidated damages are insufficient to make up for Party A’s losses, Party B shall also be liable for compensation.

4. If Party B pays the rent late, each time the one is overdue, Party B shall pay the late payment fee at the time of the daily rent.

5. Upon expiration of the lease, Party B shall return the house as scheduled. If Party B returns overdue, Party A shall pay Party A the late payment fee of the original daily rent for each overdue day. Party B shall also bear the losses caused by the overdue return to Party A.

Article 13 Disclaimer

1. Party A and Party B shall not be responsible for any loss caused by force majeure that cannot be continued or caused by this contract.

2. Due to the national policy that needs to demolish or renovate the leased houses, causing losses to both Party A and Party B, they will not be responsible for each other.

3. If the contract is terminated due to the above reasons, the rent shall be calculated according to the actual use time, and the calculation shall be based on the number of days less than the whole month.

4. Force majeure refers to “an objective situation that cannot be foreseen, cannot be avoided, and cannot be overcome”.

Article 14 The matters not covered in this contract may be supplemented by the agreement between Party A and Party B. The Supplemental Terms and Subsidiary Files are part of this contract and have the same legal effect as this contract.

Article 15 Dispute Resolution

The disputes arising under this contract shall be negotiated by the parties or applied for mediation; if the negotiation or mediation fails, the following methods shall be resolved:

1. Submit to the Arbitration Commission for arbitration.

2. File a lawsuit in a people's court with jurisdiction according to law.

Article 16 Other agreed matters



Article 17 This contract shall become effective after signing by both parties.

Article 18 This contract and its subsidiary files shall be executed in duplicate by Party A and Party B. It has the same legal effect.

person A person B:

ID number: ID number:

Phone: Phone:

Fax: Fax:

Address: Address:

Postal Code: Postal Code:

Real estate license number:

Real estate brokerage qualification certificate number:

Signing representative:

Signing date: year, month and date signing date: year, month and day

Signing place: Signing place:

List of facilities and equipment

This "List of Facilities" is an attached file signed with the same number as the lease contract.

Party A provides Party B with the following facilities and equipment:

First, the gas pipeline [ ] gas tank [ ]

Second, the heating pipe [ ]

Third, hot water pipeline [ ]

Fourth, gas water heater [ ] Model:

Electric water heater [ ] Model:

Five, air conditioning [ ] Model and quantity:

Sixth, furniture [ ] Model and quantity:

Seven, electrical appliances [ ] Model and quantity:

Eight, water performance: Electrical performance: Gas performance:

Nine, decoration status:

X. Other facilities and equipment:

person A person B:

Signing date: year, month and day

Signing place:

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