Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Lease Contract Model

Commercial property market lease contract



Party A is willing to lease the property owned by the owner to Party B. The two parties have entered into this contract by consensus in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. The details are as follows:

First house address

The shop rented by Party A is located at the address: No., the building area is square meters.

Second lease term

Lease period _____ years, from _____ years __month __ days to ______ years __ months __ days.

If the lessee has one of the following circumstances, the lessor may suspend the contract and recover the house:

1. The lessee subleases, transfers or lends the house without authorization;

2. If the lessee uses the rented house for illegal activities, it will harm the public interest;

3. The lessee has arrears of rent for a total of 30 days and compensates for the breach of contract.

After the contract expires, if the lessor continues to rent the house, the lessee has priority. However, the rent was adjusted according to the current price and the increase in rents in the surrounding stores.

Article 3 Term of rent and rent payment:

1. The annual rent is RMB 10,000.

2. From the second year onwards, rents are increased by an annual amount compared to the previous year.

3. In order to reduce the burden on Party B, after negotiation between the two parties, Party A agrees to pay the rent of Party B for __ period, and the payment period and amount are as follows:

The first period: the rent is _____, and the payment time is _year_month_day.

The second period: the rent is _____, and the payment time is _year_month_day.

The third period: the rent is _____, and the payment time is _year_month_day.

The fourth period: the rent is _____, and the payment time is _year_month_day.

The fifth period: the rent is _____, and the payment time is _year_month_day.

The sixth period: the rent is _____, and the payment time is _year_month_day.


Paying a rent, Party B pays the rent in cash. )

4. Party B must direct Party A to pay rent according to the contract. If there is no rent in arrears, Party A will give Party B a grace period of 7 days. From the 8th day, Party A has the right to add a late fee of 1% to the actual rent owed by Party B.

Article 4 Housing repair during the lease period

After the lessor has handed over the house to the lessee, the lessor is not responsible for the decoration and repair of the lessee. If the lessee no longer uses the lessor's store, the lessee may not destroy the renovated part and the structure of the house.

Article 5 Payment of various fees

1. Property management fee: Party B shall pay the property management company by itself;

2. Utility fee: Party B shall pay by itself;

4. Maintenance fee: During the lease period, due to the quality of the leased house caused by Party B or the damage to the internal facilities of the house, including doors and windows, water and electricity, etc., the maintenance fee shall be borne by Party B.

5. All other expenses incurred in using the house for commercial activities shall be paid by Party B.

Article 6 Changes of the lessor and the lessee:

1. If the lessor transfers ownership of the property to a third party, the contract continues to be valid for the new property owner. The lessee must notify the lessee three months before the sale of the house. Under the same conditions, the lessee has the right of first refusal.

2. During the lease period, if Party B wants to sublease the leased house to a third party, it must apply in writing to Party A in advance, and the third party shall confirm in writing and obtain the written consent of Party A. The third party that has obtained the right to use becomes the ex of Party B of this contract, and enjoys the rights of the original Party B and assumes the obligations of the original Party B.

Article VII Liquidated damages and liability for breach of contract

1. If Party A cancels the contract or leases it to others in advance without Party B's breach of this contract, Party A shall be deemed to be in breach of contract and be responsible for compensation for breach of contract.

2. If Party B cancels the contract in advance if Party A does not violate this contract, Party B shall be deemed to be in breach of contract, and Party B shall be responsible for compensation for breach of contract.

3. If the lessee violates the contract and transfers the rented house to others for unauthorized use, it shall pay the breach of contract. If the damage to the rented house is caused, it shall be responsible for compensation.

Article 8 Disclaimer

If the rental house is damaged due to a natural disaster caused by force majeure or the loss of the lessee, the two parties shall not be responsible for each other. During the lease period, if Party B is unable to use the leased house due to natural disasters due to force majeure, Party B shall immediately notify Party A in writing.

Article 9 Ways to resolve disputes

In the event of a dispute arising from the performance of this contract, the two parties shall settle the dispute through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, either party may sue the people's court.

Article 10 If there are any unfinished matters in this contract, all the provisions of the Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China shall be supplemented by the joint negotiation of Party A and Party B. The supplementary provisions shall have the same effect as this contract.

Article 11 The two parties shall enter into force after signing and sealing the contract. If one party breaches the contract, the other party has the right to demand compensation from the defaulting party for the breach of contract.

This contract has a total of ___ pages, 2 in 1 type, and each of Party A and Party B has the same legal effect.

Lessor: ______ Lessee: ______

Legal representative: ______ Legal representative: ______

Contact number: ______ Contact number: ______

Contact address: ______ Contact address: ______

ID number: ______ ID number: ______

______year month day

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