Fan Wen Daquan > Contract Model > Lease Contract Model

Counter lease contract

Enter into the parties to the contract:

Rental counter: ____ store, hereinafter referred to as the lessor;
Renting party: ____, hereinafter referred to as the lessee.

In order to invigorate the economy and give full play to the economic benefits of the counter, the lease will be leased by the lessor to the lessee for negotiation.

Article 1 The number and area of ​​the rental counters and the location where they are located ____________.

Article 2 The term of the lease counter and the scope of business _________________.

Article 3 Rent standards and payment methods, payment time

1. Rent standard: __________________________.

2. payment method:__________________________.

3. Payment time:__________________________.

Article 4 Rights and Obligations of the Lessee

1. The business activities of the lessee in the business scope are not subject to the intervention of the lessor.

2. The lessee has the right to require the lessor to provide all the necessary conditions for conducting normal business activities.

3. The lessee has only the right to use the rented counter, has no ownership, and is not allowed to sublease or transfer in any form.

4. The lessee may not use the counter to engage in illegal business operations, and its business activities shall not exceed the business scope stipulated by its business license, nor shall it exceed the business scope of the lessor.

5. The lessee may not engage in business activities in the name of the lessor and must certify the operation. The sales activities of the lessee's goods must be carried out in spot transactions, and pre-sale or purchase or sales agency of pre-paid styles is not allowed.

6. The lessee must take care of the counter equipment and repair or compensation for damages to the counter equipment during the lease period.

7. The lessee must abide by the lessor's store discipline, correct business attitude, civilized business, courteous hospitality, comply with safety fire rules, and maintain store hygiene.

Article 5 The rights and obligations of the lessor

1. The lessor has the right to request the lessee to pay the rent on time.

2. The lessor has the right to request the lessee to report various statements, and has the right to supervise whether the lessee's business activities are legal, whether it complies with the store discipline and relevant rules and regulations.

3. The lessor has the right to terminate the contract if the lessee has one of the following circumstances:

1 arbitrarily change the nature of the use of the counter;
2 Unauthorized subletting, transfer of counters or use of counters to engage in illegal business activities;
3 If the rent is overdue, it will not be paid by the lessor after payment within the time limit;
4 The relevant rules and regulations of the lessee that seriously violates the discipline of the store do not listen to the persuasion.

4. The lessor must respect the tenant's business rights and must not interfere with the lessee's legitimate business activities in the name of supervision.

5. The lessor must give the lessee all the operating conditions equal to the counter of the store to facilitate the business activities of the lessee.

Article 6 Taxation

The lessor and the lessee must deliver the tax amount they are legally responsible for according to the relevant tax regulations.

Article 7 Rights and Obligations of the Guarantor

1. The guarantor has the right to understand the operation of the lessee, and has the right to require the lessee to operate and abide by the rules and regulations of the store, and require the lessee to pay the rent to the lessor on schedule.

2. If the lessee fails to pay the rent on time and in accordance with the prescribed amount, and the refusal is not paid by the lessor, the lessor has the right to request the guarantor to pay the rent on his behalf. The guarantor bears joint economic responsibility for this. After the guarantor pays on its behalf, the guarantor has the right to request the lessee to pay the rent.

Article 8 This contract shall take effect from the date of signing

When the contract expires, the rent is suspended, or the lessee relocates, the original registration of the industrial and commercial administrative department shall be subject to change registration procedures. If there are any unfinished matters in the contract, the parties to the contract shall negotiate and make additional provisions. Supplementary provisions have the same effect as this contract.

Article 9 This contract is notarized by the __ notary public. The original form of the contract is __ share, each party to the contract is signed; copy __ share, send __ and other departments to record.

Representative: ____.
Bank of deposit: ____.
account number:____.
Lessee: ____.
Representative: ____.
Bank of deposit: ____.
account number:____.
Representative: ____.
Bank of deposit: ____.
account number:____.
Place of contract: ____
Contract time: ____

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