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US small business service system inspection report

US small business service system inspection report

Since March 1991, the United States has continued to develop its economy for 117 months, with stable taxation, high growth, low inflation, and low unemployment. The overall economy is at its best in history. There are many reasons for in-depth research. Among them, small businesses have contributed. The sustained and rapid development of small enterprises is inseparable from the strong support of the government and cannot be separated from the help of the small business service system. During the training tour of leading cadres to the United States, we focused on the US small business service system. He visited the US Federal Small Business Administration, the eastern and western small business management branches, and inspected relevant local government departments as well as small business development centers and some business incubators, and obtained a large amount of information from the Internet. The relevant information is introduced below for reference by leaders at all levels and relevant departments.

I. Basic overview of the development of small businesses in the United States

1. Small business division standards and industry distribution. In the United States, the concept of a medium-sized enterprise is rarely used. The small business that Americans call a small business is similar to that of China. According to the "Small Business Scale Standard" issued by the US federal government on May 15, 2000 and effective on October 1, the small businesses in the United States are divided according to the number of employees, enterprise capital and enterprise size according to different industries. . In the general industry, employees with less than 500 employees or corporate capital below 5 million US dollars are small enterprises; special industries such as petroleum processing, air cargo, ocean freight, etc., the number of employees does not exceed 1,500, and the capital does not exceed 27.5 million US dollars. For small businesses. The industry distribution of small businesses in the United States is divided into 19 categories and 1,151 items. About one-third of small businesses are engaged in services that do not produce direct products, and the remaining two-thirds are distributed in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, mining, construction, processing, transportation, wholesale and retail, finance and insurance, real estate and other industries. . The industry distribution of small businesses is dynamic. Before the 1980s, small enterprises were mainly concentrated in processing and manufacturing, agriculture, construction, commerce and service industries. After the 1980s, small enterprises gradually withdrew from general processing and manufacturing industries; from the future development trend, more and more Small businesses will enter the high-tech industry.

2. The organizational form of small businesses. The organizational form of small businesses in the United States is divided according to the composition of corporate capital, the interests of shareholders and the liabilities of shareholders to debts, and the differences in tax payment. They are generally divided into individual enterprises, general partnerships, and limited partnerships. Enterprises, limited liability companies and joint stock companies and other five categories. Among the five types of enterprises, except for individual enterprises and general partnerships, which have unlimited liability, the other three types of enterprises have only limited liability for corporate debt. Most small business owners choose the organizational form of individual companies and partnerships, largely due to the consideration of taxation methods. If in this type of industry, the income tax in the name of the company is better than the payment of personal income tax, the corporate legal person's organizational form is chosen; if it is the opposite, the individual or partnership enterprise organization form is chosen to reduce the tax burden.

3. The status and role of small enterprises in the national economy. According to the 2000 annual report of the US Federal Small Business Administration, there are currently 25.2 million small businesses in the United States, accounting for 99% of the total number of enterprises. In the past ten years, small businesses have developed rapidly. Since 1990, the number of small enterprises has increased by 26%. In 2000 alone, the number of newly established small enterprises reached 880,000, a record high. Small businesses play four important roles in the US economy: First, to maintain sustained and stable economic development. Small businesses have become an important part of the US economy. Its total output value accounts for more than 50% of GDP, and product sales account for more than 47% of total sales. 97% of exporters in the US are small businesses, and merchandise exports account for 1/1. 3 or more. The second is to provide a large number of employment opportunities. Small business employers account for 99% of all employers, and employment accounts for nearly 60% of all employment. In 2000, small businesses provided a total of 56.3 million jobs. Since 1992, small businesses have created 22 million new jobs. . The third is to promote technological progress and technological innovation, and to open up new industries. According to the survey, more than 55% of the technological innovations in the United States are realized by small enterprises. In the high-tech field, the employment of small enterprises is 38%, and the per capita innovation of small enterprises is twice that of large enterprises. More than 70% of the varieties are provided by small businesses. In the past ten years, a number of emerging industries represented by computers, networks and information have emerged, most of which are innovated by small businesses. The fourth is to support large enterprises to fill the gap. In the United States, due to the high degree of professional division of labor, almost every major company has thousands of small enterprises to support it. More than 2.5 million small companies in the United States have more than 2.5 million small enterprises to provide supporting parts and components.

Second, the status quo of the US small business service system

The United States is a typical market economy country, but the government is not doing nothing to support the development of small businesses. After long-term development, the US government and non-governmental organizations have jointly established a comprehensive small enterprise service system to provide a full range of services for the establishment and development of small businesses.

Sound and perfect management and service organization

1. Uniform and efficient Federal Small Business Administration

In 1940 and 1941, the US Congress and the House of Representatives successively set up a special committee for small enterprises to study the development of small businesses. In 1953, Congress passed the Small Business Act, under which the federal government established an independent agency, the Small Business Administration. SBA is the highest administrative body of small businesses in the United States. Its main task is to help small businesses "start, develop, and succeed." Its main functions: First, as the mouthpiece of small enterprises, reflecting the requirements of small enterprises, conducting research on issues related to the development of small enterprises, and making recommendations to the federal government to create an environment conducive to the development of small businesses; second, coordinating the federal government Various departments and private institutions provide resources for small business development; third, provide financial services, information services and consulting services for small businesses. SBA has ten regional branches, 70 regional offices, and more than 1,000 offices that extend down to counties, cities, and communities across the United States. The main work of these subordinate organizations of SBA is to approve bank loans guaranteed by SBA, help enterprises obtain credit funds, help small enterprises obtain government procurement contracts and technology development projects, and coordinate other social organizations to provide various information and consultation for enterprises. And talent training services.

2. Small enterprise development center of cooperation between government and people

The Small Business Development Center is a non-profit service organization that provides small businesses with comprehensive services such as technology, information, consulting, financing, and training. The agency is formed by federal, state, and local governments, as well as private and educational groups. The Small Business Development Center was first established in 1977, when the United States only tried to set up eight small business development centers. Since 1980, the federal government has listed the Small Business Development Center as a permanent program. At present, there are 58 small business development centers in the United States, and there are more than 1,400 sub-centres throughout the United States.

Small business development centers are generally located in universities, community vocational and technical colleges, chambers of commerce and economic organizations. There is no affiliation between the Small Business Administration and the Small Business Development Center, just a contractual relationship. The former makes clear and specific provisions on the nature, duties, rights, obligations and operational procedures of the latter. Any unit with conditions can apply to the Small Enterprise Administration to establish a small enterprise development center. After examination and approval, the federal government provides 50% of the funds, and the remaining 50% is provided by local governments and private institutions. Currently, the Small Business Development Center receives more than 50% of funding from the private sector. Small business development centers typically recruit professionals from professional associations as well as legal, financial, and commercial organizations to provide services to small businesses. These include: financial finance, corporate management and marketing, engineering technology, project feasibility analysis, product export, and small business innovation research projects and small businesses that help small businesses get venture capital and government procurement contracts to help small businesses participate in the federal government. Technology transfer program. At the same time, the Small Business Development Center works with local governments and community organizations to provide staff training and other services for small businesses. In the past 10 years, the Small Business Development Center has provided technical training, business guidance and various assistance to more than 600,000 small businesses every year.

3. Various other social service agencies

The above-mentioned Small Business Administration and Small Business Development Center are the two most important service organizations. In addition, the US government also organizes, coordinates, and guides various social forces to provide various effective services for SMEs.

Retirement Manager Service

SCORE is a national non-profit organization funded by SBA. Founded in 1964, it has 389 local branches and 12,400 members. Most of these members are retired entrepreneurs and company executives, as well as some current managers and experts. They carry out activities in the vicinity of the region, and the SBA provides car and horse fees. In the form of "volunteer", they voluntarily provide various management consulting and technical services for small businesses free of charge. Help companies solve various problems in the process of starting and developing. SCORE provides assistance to approximately 300,000 small businesses each year.

Small business information center

SBIC is also a small business service organization jointly run by SBA and state, local government and commercial organizations. Its main task is to use advanced computer technology to help small businesses, providing a variety of materials, information, materials, reference publications. At present, there are 70 regional small business information centers in the United States, with more than 600 service outlets. In 2000, a total of 128,000 small businesses received SBIC services.

Small Business Manufacturing Technology Center

In order to support small businesses to improve their competitiveness through technological advancement and help small businesses acquire modern manufacturing and production technologies and information, the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the US Department of Commerce has established 100 manufacturing technology centers in the United States in cooperation with state and local governments. The Manufacturing Technology Center is a non-profit organization that is established and managed by region with the mission of broadly attracting a variety of technology sources, transferring manufacturing technologies, and establishing technology transfer for federal research and development institutions, universities, social nonprofits, and small businesses that require manufacturing technology. The bridge provides technical assistance to small businesses. The services provided by the Manufacturing Technology Center include: project engineering technology, assisting in the selection and installation of software and equipment, providing on-site diagnostic analysis for enterprises, and helping employees to conduct employee training. The Manufacturing Technology Center is funded in three parts; part of it is allocated by the Federal Government through the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which was $150 million in 2000; part of it is sponsored by social non-profit organizations; the rest is sponsored by local governments and relevant commercial organizations. .

The above-mentioned multi-level and all-round small enterprise service organization has formed a service network system with division of labor and cooperation and efficient operation. As a functional department of the federal government and a central link of the entire service system, SBA has adopted more than 1,400 small enterprises across the United States. The Development Sub-center, 12,400 Retired Manager Service Group members, more than 600 small business information service outlets, and 19 National Export Assistance Centers and 60 Women Enterprise Centers provide services to more than 25 million small businesses across the United States. Because these institutions are all over the United States, with thoughtful services and sufficient information, the ability of small enterprises to obtain information and use information has been greatly improved, and the technological progress, management level and competitiveness of small enterprises have been promoted, and the US government has been supported to support the development of small enterprises. The implementation of various policies has effectively promoted the vigorous development of small businesses.

Perfect, thoughtful full service

1. Financial services

Like China, the most important problem facing the development of small businesses in the United States is the shortage of funds. Under normal conditions, it is difficult for small businesses to obtain loans from banks. Therefore, the US government has helped small businesses to obtain funds as a key point to support the development of small businesses, and has enacted laws through Congress to empower small enterprises.

The Industry Authority has organized and implemented various projects to coordinate 8,966 private commercial loan departments in the United States to provide financial credit assistance to small businesses.

There are three main forms of SBA help small businesses to obtain funds:

Providing differential guarantees for corporate loans

According to the law, SBA, as a guarantee institution, approved the “Small Business Loan Department” of the relevant bank to obtain the “Small Business Priority Loan” loan qualification through the top ten regional branches of the country. Then, the SBA passed the implementation of the “corporate working capital” stipulated by the law. The loan guarantee '7 plan' and the "Enterprise Fixed Asset Loan Guarantee '504 Project '" guarantee the small business loan. The maximum guarantee ratio is 80% and the maximum loan amount is $1.25 million. The usual practice is for a small business to apply for a loan to a designated bank, and provide mortgage and pledge of the company's own assets. The bank will review the company's quota record. If the loan is initially agreed, the application form and the enterprise quota record will be sent. SBA, if the SBA agrees to guarantee the insufficient part of the enterprise's assets, and issues a guarantee file, the bank will give the loan. The SBA collects a certain guarantee fee from the borrower through the bank according to the guarantee amount and time limit. Usually a loan of less than one year is charged a 0.25% fee for the loan guarantee. Loans for more than one year are based on the duration and amount, starting at 2%. Since the above guarantee scheme is implemented by law, the SBA guarantee funds are paid by the federal finance. In the fiscal year 2000, the "7 Projects" provided a guaranteed loan of $10.7 billion for small businesses, a 13% increase over the previous year; the "504 Project" provided a total of $3 billion in secured loans, an increase of 11% over the previous year. Based on the amount of loan guarantees set by the federal government mentioned above, state and local governments have also increased their respective guaranteed loan quotas for the "7 Project" and "504 Project". For example, in California, the loan quota was raised to $3 million.

Implementing a small business investment company plan

"SBIC" is an investment program designed to provide venture capital and corporate start-up funds for small businesses. The plan was implemented in 1958 under the Small Business Investment Act. The Small Business Investment Company is a privately owned, privately funded company that is licensed by the SBA, supervised by the SBA and partially funded by the SBA. The establishment of a small business investment company must meet two criteria: 1 private funds of at least 5 million US dollars; 2 high-quality management experts, venture capital experts. In order to promote the development of small businesses, the US government strongly encourages private establishment of small business investment companies, and gives various concessions, such as tax relief, providing funds below market interest rates, and guaranteeing the issuance of bonds for small business investment companies. Small business investment companies use their own funds plus the preferential interest rate funds provided by the federal government to invest in new businesses with greater growth potential, and share high-tech small businesses with equity investment and management services. A high return on success. At present, there are 395 small enterprise investment companies in the United States. In 2000, a total of 5.6 billion US dollars was provided for small businesses, up 33% from the previous year's 4.2 billion. Since the implementation of the "SBIC" program, it has accumulated more than $30 billion in funding for small businesses. These funds have played an important role in the development of high-tech small businesses. Hundreds of world-renowned companies such as INTEL, Apple, Nike, American Online, and FedEx have been supported by small business investment companies in the early days of their operations.

Various other loan guarantee schemes

In addition to the two major loan programs mentioned above, SBA and state and local governments have also worked with banks to implement dozens of small business loan guarantee programs, such as simple ones, for different objects and different purposes. Loan courier, export loan express, community loan express, disaster relief loan, technical assistance loan, women's corporate loan, veteran corporate loan, etc. The overall goal of implementing the above plans is to do everything possible to provide small businesses with more adequate financial services and help small businesses get funds faster and easier. Detailed information on how to obtain the above loans is readily available in any small business service, community economic development, and financial institution. The time for the loan can be completed in the fastest 36 hours.

2, technical services

The US government's provision of technical services to small businesses and the promotion of technological innovation in small businesses are mainly achieved through the implementation of two important projects and the creation of small high-tech business incubators.

Small Business Innovation Research Program

The "SBIR" project is a nationwide and permanent enterprise technology innovation activity organized by the US government in accordance with the Small Business Innovation and Development Act passed by the National Assembly in 1982. The main objectives of the project are to encourage small businesses to realize their technological potential and promote technological innovation in small enterprises. Second, to combine the research and development activities of federal agencies with small business innovations; and third, to encourage and support the participation of ethnic minorities and vulnerable groups. Technological innovation activities; Fourth, to promote the commercialization of R&D results of federal agencies, and to increase the composition of the private sector in commercialization. The "SBIR" program is mainly targeted at the relevant agencies and small businesses of the federal government.

According to the Small Business Innovation and Development Act, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Health, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Space Agency have more than $100 million in annual research and development funds. 11 departments including the National Science Foundation and the Atomic Energy Commission must participate in the "Small Enterprise Innovation Research Project" according to law. Each year, a certain proportion must be allocated from research and development funds to support the technological innovation and development activities of small enterprises.

Small businesses applying to participate in the "SBIR" program must have four conditions: one is for Americans to start and operate independently; the other is for business enterprises with profit for the purpose; and the third is for the employees of innovative research and development projects. The fourth is that the company is under 500 people.

The implementation of the "SBIR" program is divided into three phases. Each year, 11 federal departments propose a number of research directions and research topics according to their own needs. Small enterprises propose research and development plans for related projects based on their own characteristics and technological innovation capabilities. The federal department funds small businesses based on the qualifications of small businesses, the level of project innovation, and the future market potential of innovative developments. The funded small business then began to implement a three-stage project. The first phase is the start phase. It is mainly a feasibility study on the technical value and market potential of the project. At this stage, each project can receive up to 100,000 US dollars of funding, and the time is limited to 6 months. The second phase is the research and development phase of the project. The second phase of funding is only available through the first phase of the project, with a maximum funding of $750,000 per project. The third stage is the commercialization stage of innovation development results, mainly to transfer the results of the second stage from the laboratory to mass production and to the market. At this stage, the government department no longer subsidizes small businesses, mainly relying on the market to invest funds. Since the research and development main body of the "SBIR" project is an enterprise, the transformation of the results in the third stage is relatively easy, and the commercialization rate is also very high, usually more than 50%. Since the implementation of the "SBIR" program in 1982, 11 federal agencies across the United States have provided more than $10 billion in research and development funding for approximately 50,000 small businesses. In recent years, the annual funding has been more than $1 billion, and more than 5,000 projects have been funded in just 99 years, with funding of nearly $1.2 billion. The success of Shibuya has also benefited to some extent from the implementation of this plan and the support of official and civil society service systems.

Small business technology transfer plan

The "STTR" program is also a national program implemented by the US government. It was implemented in 1994 with the aim of promoting joint ventures between the public and private sectors, non-profit research institutions and small businesses to develop scientific and technological achievements. Because many universities and non-profit research institutions in the United States have strong scientific research talents and equipment, they are often limited to theory rather than actual application. Small businesses have long been a fertile ground for innovation and entrepreneurs, but have been unable to afford the risks and huge expenditures of major research and development projects. Therefore, the "STTR" program combines the advantages of both to promote the transfer of technology and products from the laboratory to the market and promote the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements.

The "STTR" program is mainly targeted at five departments including the Federal Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Health, the Space Agency, and the National Science Foundation, as well as non-profit research institutions and qualified small businesses. Non-profit research institutions include universities, private research institutions, and federally funded research and development centers.

The implementation of the "STTR" project is basically the same as the "SBIR" project, which is also divided into three phases. The main difference is that the "STTR" project is mainly for research institutions that cooperate with small businesses; the feasibility study phase of the project is worth US$100,000 and the time is extended to one year, mainly to ensure full demonstration of scientific and technological achievements. The realistic possibility of commercialization; the amount of funding for the research and development phase of the project is $500,000. Since 1995, the "STTR" program has been funded annually at around $100 million, and more than 40% of the projects have been commercialized.

Business incubator

In recent years, with the continuous and steady growth of the US economy and the continuous emergence of technological innovation, new enterprises have emerged in large numbers, especially small and technological enterprises are becoming the highlight of the new economy. Along with it, a new form of service--business incubators have sprung up.

According to the definition of the American Business Incubator Association: Business Incubator is a tool designed to nurture new businesses and provide various services for the survival and development of new enterprises in the early stage of their establishment. The purpose is to apply technology, patents, personal talents, funds, and management. Operation and various services are combined to catalyze, support and promote the establishment and growth of enterprises.

A. Development status of business incubators

The following sets of information can outline the current status and role of the US business incubator in recent years;

--In 1980, there were only 12 business incubators founded by federal agencies in the United States; in 1999, more than 900 different types of business incubators were founded by different entities;

-- In the past two years, the for-profit "business incubator" is increasing at a rate of four new weekly. [The California Institute of Technology, POMONA, where we are training, is also working with the US Space Deployment, Air Propulsion Laboratory, and Dalton Flight Research Center to build a high-tech business incubator with an area of ​​395 acres and a construction area of ​​5,000 square meters.]

-- Business incubators are not limited to incubating high-tech companies and high-tech products, but also general enterprises. Among them: 40% of the incubators are professional, that is, they are dedicated to small high-tech enterprises in a certain professional field; 30% are mixed, and can accept high-tech enterprises and general technology enterprises in different fields; the remaining 30% are Service companies such as import and export trade enterprises serve.

-- Incubator incubator capacity is usually between 20-80 companies, and each incubator has an average of about 30 incubators. When an enterprise graduates from the start-up to the incubator, the average incubation time is 2-3 years.

-- 87% of companies graduating from incubators will continue to survive in the next five years, while companies that have not been incubated will typically fail by about 60% in three years.

-- Companies that are serviced by incubators can create a new job for every $1,100, while new businesses outside the incubator need to invest $10,000 to create a job. Since 1980, companies that have graduated from incubators have created nearly 600,000 jobs.

-- The new business in the incubation period has an average annual sales of $2.4 million per company, which is significantly higher than the new small businesses that have not been incubated.

B. Business incubators usually provide the following services:

Provide office and production and test sites for new businesses; assist with various procedures; assist in financing, referral of venture funds; provide shared production, test equipment and INTERNET networks; share meeting rooms and secretarial services; legal and financial; Consulting; technical support; product, market information; help establish a sales network and organize product sales, promotions; help staff training and so on. In short, incubators can provide all kinds of services necessary to run a business. This will enable even a company with only one or two individuals to have the functions of a sound enterprise.

C. Investment sources of business incubators and government-provided offers:

As incubators can promote the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, help high-tech enterprises to grow, increase employment opportunities, and promote local economic development, the US federal and local governments attach great importance to and give strong support, and social institutions are also very interested. Usually incubators are jointly invested by federal agencies, local governments, universities and research institutions, social non-profit organizations and private companies, and managed according to the operation of the enterprise. The benefits granted by the government are mainly two aspects: one is to participate in investment, but not to return; the other is to return the value-added part of the property tax to the invested enterprise within a certain period of time. Due to the attraction of government preferential policies and the fact that incubators are generally combined with newly developed industrial zones, graduated companies will purchase factories and grow stronger in the industrial zone. Private companies can combine investment incubators with development real estate. Get a certain profit, so the enthusiasm of private investment is also relatively high. Currently, 75% of business incubators in the US are non-profit and 25% are for-profit.

3. Entrepreneurship counseling and information consultation services

All of the small business services mentioned above have the function of providing entrepreneurial counseling and information consulting services for small businesses. All service agencies serve small businesses by producing promotional materials, regularly publishing publications, and establishing websites. Anyone who wants to start a new business, or what difficulties the company has in the development process, can always ask the small business service organization for help. SBDC employs relevant experts from legal, financial, taxation, trade, management, technology and other professional associations and retired manager service groups to help owners who are interested in establishing a business or operating an existing company, and to provide targeted guidance to small businesses. . This includes how to build a business, how to develop a corporate development plan, how to manage a business, and how to participate in industry competition, international trade and venture capital. Small businesses can also access various questions free of charge through the computer and telephone information system, and free access to information about the market, technology, and business in the SBA database center. SBA also provides small businesses with free publications on domestic and international market information published regularly by the Ministry of Commerce, and provides free information on innovative research projects, scientific and technological achievements transfer programs, and corporate property transactions.

The United States is the most developed country in terms of computers. Online information consulting services are a major feature of the small business service system. SBA's small business website is the most highly utilized and successful website in the United States, with the nation's highest ranking, with an average of 10.5 million hits per week. You can get almost any information you want about the creation and development of small businesses on the website. Almost all of the SBA problems that may be encountered in the process of starting and operating a small business have been compiled into standardized answers for users to check at any time.

4. Product promotion and market expansion services

In order to support the development of small enterprises and promote the sales of small business products, SBA and its service organizations have taken the following three measures:

Government procurement contract

The US federal government needs to purchase goods and services for about $200 billion a year. According to the "Small Business Law", when a federal agency performs procurement, it should specifically consider small businesses, called "small business single column." The law clearly requires that contracts with a capacity of less than US$100, which small enterprises can afford, be given to small enterprises as much as possible; contract tenderers with a price of more than US$500,000 must provide certain contracted subprojects to small enterprises in the secondary contract. To help small businesses get more government procurement contracts, SBA has set up a government procurement office with the task of maximizing opportunities for small businesses to participate in federal procurement. The work done by the SBA Purchasing Office is mainly in three aspects: First, it negotiates with all federal agencies every year, signs a memorandum of understanding, and determines the proportion of procurement to small businesses. Through their efforts, the annual government procurement contracts for small businesses account for 23% of the total federal government procurement, and about $46 billion in 2000. The second is to contact 2,235 procurement centers of federal agencies to supervise and evaluate the implementation of procurement by these departments. The third is to help small businesses that participate in procurement bidding through small business service agencies in various places, provide them with qualification certificates and provide contract guarantees to help small businesses obtain contracts.

Matching small enterprises and large enterprises

In order to help small businesses, SBA and its service organizations take the initiative to contact large companies and large companies every year to sign a partnership agreement to undertake collaborative support business for small businesses. For example, in 1999, SBA signed a contract with the General Service Administration to provide $1 billion in natural gas utilization to small businesses each year for the next 10 years; to sign contracts with the three major auto companies, and to order small-enterprise products worth $7 billion.

Small business product export service

In 1980, Congress passed the Small Business Export Enhancement Act, and in accordance with this Act, the "Small Business Export Promotion Plan" was formulated. SBA has established 19 small enterprise export support centers throughout the country, and set up export trade promotion departments in 70 regional offices of SBA, and set up international trade centers in 30 small enterprise development centers to provide laws for export of small business products. Financial and other services. At the same time, SBA also cooperates with the Ministry of Commerce, the Export-Import Bank, local governments, and commercial and trade organizations to provide resources for the export of small business products. For example, SBA and the bank have jointly developed an online export risk analysis tool to help small businesses obtain export loans as soon as possible. SBA also took the initiative to sign agreements with some countries such as Russia, Mexico and South Africa to establish trade relations. SBA and its service organizations often organize small businesses to go abroad to participate in product exhibitions and promotions.

5. Talent training service

Talent training is an important part of the small business service system. In cooperation with local governments and universities, SBA has set up small business colleges in many universities to provide training and quality education for small business operators. Most local governments allocate a certain amount of money each year to provide free training for employees of small businesses. All small business services have educational and training functions. According to statistics, in 2000, various service organizations trained a total of 1.287 million small enterprises, of which SBDC trained 613,000 and SCORE trained 395,000. SBA and its service organizations also make full use of modern technology to open courses online and conduct online training. In 2000, online training totaled 300,000 person-times.

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