Work report > Investigation report

Investigation Report on Party Construction Work in Street Communities in Four Cities of Dalian, Tianjin, Nanjing and Ningbo

Report on the work of party building in the streets of Dalian, Tianjin, Nanjing and Ningbo. The secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jinghe Sub-district and the director of the office, Bai Yunsheng, further strengthened and improved the party building work in the street community and improved the overall party building work in the county community. At the standard level, the state group sent a delegation of 18 people from the State Party Committee Organization Department Deputy Director Xu Shaowei, the party committee secretary of the six cities, the organization department chief, and the community party branch secretary to the street community party building work. The four cities of Dalian, Tianjin, Nanjing and Ningbo have been better studied. The delegation visited the Libo Community Service Center in Lijia Street, Shahekou District, Dalian City, and the Green Wave Community, Jinhong Community, Jinxia Community, and Tianjin Horse Farm, which belonged to Lijia Street, Shahekou District, Dalian. Street Wenjingli Community, Decai Li Community, Nanjing Gulou District and its affiliated Tianmu Road Community of Ninghai Road Street, Gulou Street, Haishu District, Ningbo, and Wan'an Community, Baiyun Street and Yunfeng Community. Through investigation and comparative analysis, we not only learned the experience, but also found gaps and deficiencies, especially how to use the advanced regional experience to further improve the party building standards in the street community with a more objective and rational understanding.
The main practices and experiences of the first and fourth cities are highly valued by party committees and governments at all levels. The party building work in the street community is included in the important agenda and policy support is implemented. This is the key to the continuous enrichment and innovation of the party building work in the four-city street community.
1. Strong leadership support. During the inspection, the delegation and the delegation really felt the warm atmosphere of the party building work in the four communities. Under the premise of a high level of economic development, an effective mechanism for coordinating the work of the neighborhood community has been generally formed between the party committees, the government, and the station-based units in the four cities. The coordination between the party committee and the government, departments and departments is very coordinated, and the participation between the street community and the station-based units is extremely high. They really put the work of the street community on the important agenda, and the Gulou District of Nanjing clearly put forward the resounding slogan "Community construction is the eternal theme of urban work". In particular, the main leaders of the four cities insisted on persevering care, caring, paying attention to the work of the street community, and personally participating in the activities of the street community, which played a strong role in promoting the work of the street community. In addition to the work of the deputy secretary of the Ningbo Municipal Committee, he often participates in community security patrols and other activities. Sometimes, due to busy or public work, his wife should also participate in community activities. The director of the Ningbo Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee served as the chairman of the council in the election of the community council. Many of the district-level conferences in Nanjing are invited to come to the leading community.
Compared with the four cities, the working atmosphere of party building in the street community of Hunchun City is obviously not strong enough. There is still no good coordination mechanism between departments and departments, between street communities and station-based units. The various departments have different understandings of the party building and various work in the street community. Many resident units still have doubts and negative attitudes towards the work of community building, and their participation is not high. A considerable number of leaders only reflected their concern for the work of the street community in one or two practical things. They did not "take frequent and often".
2. Loose policy support. In order to speed up the development of street community construction, the four cities have generally formulated relatively loose support policies, which have created favorable conditions for the development of the work of the street community party. In terms of resource sharing, the Nanjing Gulou District Party Committee and the government issued a file requiring all units within the jurisdiction to open relevant facilities to the community around the clock. In terms of fiscal and taxation policies, Dalian, Tianjin, and Ningbo have all formulated corresponding incentive policies. The annual tax reward for Gulou Street in Haishu District of Ningbo City is 5 million yuan; the tax revenue of 30 million yuan last year in Lijia Street, Shahekou District, Dalian The self-supporting part will reach 20 million yuan. In terms of cadre appointments, Ningbo City directly hired the community directors hired by the street as career cadres; Tianjin City implemented the full-time community director, and the community director was served by street cadres. In terms of work treatment, Nanjing City adopts a method of mismatching people and provides medical insurance and social security for each community worker. In addition, Ningbo City also clearly stipulates that in the development of the community, it is necessary to provide business buildings for the community without compensation.
In light of the above policies, the city's policy support for street communities is obviously insufficient. The street community not only does not have the administrative law enforcement functions such as taxation, but also has to undertake heavy and trivial non-employment work without compensation. The resident autonomous organization has become the "leg" of the government functional department. The preferential policies for community service industry formulated by the superiors and the need to provide office space for the community at a rate of 5‰ in the development of the community have not been implemented. Our support for the street community still stays at the level of "people's governance". Leaders attach importance to work and can go up. Leaders have a higher level of understanding of the work of the street community.
3. Strong financial input. The fundamental reason why the work of the four-city street community party can achieve rapid development lies in the strong financial resources to back up. The wages of community workers in these cities are generally higher than the average income level of urban residents, which lays a good foundation for the community workers to attract high-quality talents. The community workers in Tianjin earn 480 yuan a month, but the number of community workers selected by each community is as high as 11 people. The monthly salary of each community worker in Nanjing is 600 yuan; the monthly salary of each community director is 850 yuan, plus medical insurance and social security, the annual income can reach 10,000 yuan. The annual salary of each employed community worker in Ningbo is 15,000 yuan; the annual salary of each community director is 25,000 yuan. In order to ensure that the street community puts all its energy into developing community undertakings and developing community services, the four cities have increased their financial investment in solving the problem of “rich officials”. According to the ratio of 4:4:2 in the city, district and street level, Ningbo Municipality will allocate community work funds to the standard of 100,000 yuan per thousand households. Nanjing Gulou District has invested 400 people in full-time employment and is engaged in community security management. Due to the abundance of community funds in the four cities, the higher treatment of community workers directly brings about the high level of community work teams and ensures a high level of work and high standards of development.
In contrast, Hunchun, despite the unremitting efforts of our past few years, the wages of community workers have increased, and the monthly salary of community directors has increased to 300 yuan, but the gap with the four cities is still very obvious. In particular, our community funding is highly strained, which directly leads our street community cadres to put most of their energy into the development of the street economy. It has no time to take into account the development of other businesses in the community. The problem of "rich officers" and "personnel officers" is far. Not solved.
Emancipate the mind, boldly practice, and actively explore new and effective work mechanisms. This is an important experience in the high-level and deep research level of party building in the four-city street community.
1. The district, street and community level party building joint meeting was generally established. At the same time, the community neighborhood committee also has a council meeting, which has formed a good working mechanism.
2. Generally established a strong sense of service, relying on two-way service to win the status of the street community. In particular, the practice of "six joint construction and two constructions" explored in the "co-resident construction" work in Gulou Street, Haishu District, Ningbo City is of great significance to the city. In the work of co-construction, the Gulou District of Haishu District proposed the main co-construction content and co-construction of "Party construction work experience sharing, infrastructure sharing, volunteer service sharing, ideological education, joint management of party members, and civilized communities." aims. In the form of co-construction, they proposed two modes of "base construction" and "project co-construction". Establishing a joint construction base in the street-based units that vigorously support the work of the street community, and listing and unveiling them; they organize the cadres of the street community to list the neighborhood communities on the basis of figuring out the superior resources of the neighborhood community. The service projects that can be provided for the station-based units and the service projects that need to be provided by the station-based units take the initiative to communicate and coordinate with the station-based units in the form of service, sign the specific projects of the two-way service in the form of agreements, and carry out "project construction" and "projects". The agreement was built together." The "six-two-building" model not only understands the shared resources and common needs between the street community and the station-based units, but also raises the level of the co-construction work, and also avoids the cadres of the street community running off the leg. Grinding the mouth, blindly seeking the unfavorable work situation supported by the station-based units, changed the bad image of the street community cadres who only reached out to ask for money to sponsor.
3. The working arms of the street community continue to extend. On the basis of covering the reformed enterprises, non-public economic organizations, retired party members and cadres, laid-off workers, cadre selection and appointment, poverty alleviation and reemployment, etc., it has been extended to the daily supervision and management of party members and cadres. The construction of a clean government is extended. Nanjing has hired a "party style and clean government construction supervisor" in the community, and established a "party style and clean government construction report box" in the community, opening up a new field of street community work.
4. The level of improvement of the community organization system is increasing, and the research level of the community work mechanism is deepening. With strong financial support, the selection methods of community workers in Nanjing and Ningbo have been developed from purely electoral system to selection and employment. Except for one or two community directors in each community for election, other community workers will be elected. The proportion of one community worker in 400 households is subject to appointment. This practice not only puts work pressure on the community workers in the appointment system, but also creates convenient conditions for timely adjustment of incompetent community workers. In order to solve the limitations brought by the community director and party branch secretary "one shoulder picking" system to the community party branch secretary selection, the Nanjing Gulou District has clearly stipulated that the community members of the party elections should reach 60% of the total number of representatives. The above, in addition to fully embodying grassroots democracy and resident autonomy, ensured the implementation of the party's organizational intentions. At the same time, the selection and appointment of the community party branch secretary under the "one shoulder pick" system broadened the horizon and dredge the channels. In addition, under the good atmosphere of working in the street community, Nanjing and Ningbo are currently trying to change the "sea election" of the community.
In stark contrast to the high-level, high-level street community work in the four cities, there are obvious problems in the implementation of the work of the street communities in the city. The "Working Rules of the Party Working Committee of the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture" clearly stated that it is necessary to establish a three-level "co-resident co-construction" organization system with the street party work committee as the core, namely: the street work committee, the street party construction work coordination committee and the community. Party building joint meeting. However, this requirement has not been well implemented so far. In order to do a good job of "co-resident co-construction", the city has put forward the overall working ideas of resource docking, two-way service, and win-win progress. However, we have never found a good way similar to "six-two construction", leading to the large-scale work committee system. The mode of operation is unclear. The coverage of community work in our city is only limited to the field of spiritual civilization construction. It has just begun to extend to non-public and re-employment. It has not yet been involved in the selection, appointment, supervision and management of party members and cadres, and has been elected. Incompetent community workers are still unable to make timely adjustments.
Grasping the carrier of the activity, giving play to the role of the incumbent party members, and improving the quality of the community residents, this is an effective way to create flexible and diverse party building work in the four-city street community.
1. In order to effectively solve the practical difficulties encountered by the community in life, the Gulou District of Nanjing organized the “100 Million” activities to enter the 100-door, know the family and warm the hearts of the people.
2. In order to give full play to the role of the incumbent party members, Tianjin has carried out the activities of the incumbent party members to claim the "eight big posts and ten members" and "four ones" activities; Nanjing organized the "one generation, three members" activities of the incumbent party members; Ningbo City is in service Among the party members, the "one person, one post" campaign was launched. In order to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of the active party members, Nanjing also launched an incumbent party member's bright identity activities to hang the "party member's house" bronze medal for the party members in the community; Ningbo City also hangs for the active party members who actively participate in community activities. "One person, one post, star card."
3. In order to improve the quality of community residents, Dalian and Ningbo have set up "small halls", "learning supermarkets" and "new century forums" in the community. In particular, Ningbo City has jumped out of the limitations of pure party affairs in the education and functioning of in-service party members, and hired community-based cadres to use the "New Century Forum" to give lectures on urban construction planning for party members and cadres, and received good results. Dalian City has also established the "Huaxia Culture Promotion Association" in the city and established a "Cultural Activity Base" in the community. In addition, the four cities have generally established a book reading room in the community to guarantee the source of the book through the form of "payment of interest bank."
It should be said that in recent years, our street community in Hunchun has also carried out rich and effective community activities, but it has not formed a form of community activities with Hunchun characteristics, especially the national characteristics have not played a comparative advantage in community activities. Especially after the introduction of archives in the city last year, the in-house party members of enterprises, institutions and institutions went to the community to report, the street community did not make good use of this valuable human resources and political resources, and there were not many carriers and ineffective effects of the active party members. It has created new formalism.
II. Thoughts and Suggestions on the Party Building Work in the Street Community of the City in the Future. Party Building in the Street Community is one of the three key points in the construction of the party's grassroots organizations. How to adapt to the new situation and continuously strengthen and improve the party building work in the street community is in front of us. Important and urgent issues. Through study and study, I feel that we must continue to push forward the party building work standards of the street communities in our city. We must study and solve the following problems:
1. It is necessary to change the guiding ideology of party building work in street communities. In the new historical period of the rapid pace of urban modernization in China, the party building work in the street community faces many new situations and new problems. For example, the work area is expanding, the work content is increasing, the work tasks are constantly increasing, and the work objects are constantly complicated. In order for the street community party organizations to play a leading role in the construction of two civilizations, they must adapt to changes in new situations and new tasks, and adjust their work ideas in a timely manner. At present, the establishment of a safe, clean and convenient community environment is a guarantee for community residents to live and work in peace, improve the quality of life and work, and is also an external environment necessary to accelerate the economic development of the city. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually free the street community party organizations from the past to lead and establish economic entities, and to transfer the excitement and attention to community construction and management; to expand the community party construction work areas and continuously expand the party's work coverage; In terms of leadership style, it is necessary to form a work pattern in which the street community party organization is the main body and the party organization in the street unit plays a role in the construction of the two civilizations of the community; in the form of organization, it is necessary to organize the carriers at all levels of the street community party. Coordinate the party organizations of different administrative levels in the street community, and build a block to combine the networked work mode. In short, we must focus on urban development, reform, and stability.

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