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Self-examination report on education fees of Tengqiao Middle School in Sanya City

Self-examination report on education fees of Tengqiao Middle School in Sanya City

Tengqiao Middle School is a township middle school with 54 faculty members, 17 teaching classes and 945 students. The education fees of our school since the fall of 2003 are reported as follows:
In recent years, our school strictly follows the provisions of the Measures for the Administration of Fees and Licenses. Every year before the start of school, we send people to the price department to conduct an annual review of the school's various fees and charges. At the beginning of the school, the school will announce the various fees and charges, and accept the supervision of all sectors of the society. The items of all the fees and charges of our school are all special notes designated by the finance and price departments.
First, the charge situation:
In the spring of 2004, the high school charge program of our school has
1. Tuition fee is 250 yuan/person;
2. The textbook fee is charged according to the actual price of the textbook, and more or less;
3, the homework fee is 16 yuan / person;
4, accommodation costs 70 yuan / person;
5. Information technology education fee is 35 yuan/person;
6. The tuition fee is 1.4 yuan per class hour;
Projects charged in the central part of the country have
1. Miscellaneous expenses 105 yuan / person;
2. The textbook fee is charged according to the actual price of the textbook, and more or less;
3, the homework fee is 16 yuan / person;
4, accommodation costs 70 yuan / person;
5. Information technology education fee is 35 yuan/person;
Among them, the number of high school fees is 72, and the total amount is 18,000 yuan;
The number of fees for miscellaneous fees in the country is 713, and the total charge is 74,065 yuan;
The textbook fee is 785, and the total charge is 93,016 yuan;
The total cost of the operation fee is 785, and the total charge is 12,560 yuan;
The number of information technology education fees is 785, and the total charge is 27,475 yuan;
The number of accommodation fees is 19, 50 yuan/person, and the total charge is 950 yuan;
In the fall of 2004, the high school charge program of our school has
1. Tuition fee is 200 yuan/person;
2. The textbook fee is charged according to the actual price of the textbook, and more or less;
3, the homework fee is 15 yuan / person;
4, accommodation costs 70 yuan / person;
5. Information technology education fee is 35 yuan/person;
6. The tuition fee is 1.4 yuan per class hour;
Projects charged in the central part of the country have
1, miscellaneous fees 110 yuan / person;
2. The textbook fee is 118 yuan/person;
3, the homework fee is 15 yuan / person;
4, accommodation costs 70 yuan / person;
5. Information technology education fee is 35 yuan/person;
Among them, the number of high school fees is 86, and the total fee is 17,200 yuan;
The number of fees for miscellaneous fees in the country is 859, and the total charge is 94,490 yuan;
The textbook fee is 945, and the total charge is 118,592 yuan;
The total cost of the operation fee is 945, and the total charge is 14,175 yuan;
The number of information technology education fees is 945, and the total charge is 33075 yuan;
The number of accommodation fees is 21, including 4 in high school, 50 yuan/person, 17 in the middle, 35 yuan/person, and the total charge is 795 yuan;
The number of medical examination fees is 945, 12.5 yuan / person, and the total charge is 11812.5 yuan.
Second, the recommendations:
Since our school is a revolutionary old district, some of our students are poorer. Our school has raised funds from various sources. Last year, 33 students were relieved of the miscellaneous expenses of the students, the total amount was 3,630 yuan. In addition, according to the actual situation of our school, our school did not collect non-administrative districts. The student’s borrowing fee does not cover the tuition fees of high school students, although these two fees are reasonable charges.
In addition to the faculty's salary in the second quarter of 2004, there is no other funds allocated to the budget of the school. The cost of maintaining the normal operation of the school is only the student's miscellaneous expenses. Other expenses are on behalf of the fee, and some poor students are in arrears with tuition and fees and textbook fees. This has led to a large gap in funding for our school. Therefore, we suggest that the higher authorities should consider the actual situation of each school while rigorously managing the school fees, and allocate the school office funds in due course to facilitate the normal development of the school's education and teaching work.
Written in Tengqiao Middle School, Sanya City, Hainan Province
Zeng Wenzhong

October 16, 2004

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