Work report > Self-check report

Sandu Center National Primary School 2019 School Goal Management Assessment Self-examination Report

Sandu Center National Primary School 2005 School Goal Management Assessment Self-examination Report

Jiande City Education Bureau:
In 2005, with the support and help of the higher education administrative department and the local party committee government, our school made great achievements through the joint efforts of the faculty and staff of the whole school, and successfully completed the goals set at the beginning of the year. According to the relevant requirements of the Education Bureau's school goal management assessment, according to the actual situation of our school, the report on the achievement of the school's target management is reported as follows:
First, the school profile:
The Sandu Center has a total of 1448 students, including 791 in the central country, 466 in the small country, and 200 in the former source. There are 74 faculty members, including 39 central small schools and 8 substitutes. There is a kindergarten in the subordinate center, 121 children in the park and 8 faculty members. The central country covers an area of ​​1,3529.4 square meters; the construction area is 6,493 square meters; and the green area is 3141.6 square meters. The average number of students exceeds the three types of indicators in Zhejiang standardized schools.
Second, the assessment indicators reached:
1. The school formulated a five-year development plan in 2000. Under the support of the leaders of the governments at all levels and the joint efforts of the faculty and staff of the whole school, the tasks and goals of the five-year plan have been basically completed. Currently, it has been formulated for 2005-2019. School development planning and efforts to achieve planning goals.
2. The enrollment rate of children of primary school age is 100%, and the enrollment rate of children aged 3-5 is 96%. There is a central kindergarten and it is accepted by Jiande City Second Class Kindergarten.
3. All children with disabilities in the area are enrolled. There are currently 2 physically disabled students, 1 semi-deaf student, and some intellectually disabled students. The school’s humane care makes children with disabilities feel warmer. The children of the migrant population know that they can mobilize admission without any restrictions.
4. The school has reached the Class III standard of standardized schools, and has actively applied for the construction of three types of standardized schools in Zhejiang Province. 2 Education technology information project construction has made new breakthroughs this year. One is to invest about 20,000 yuan to complete the construction of the campus network; the second is to invest about 300,000 yuan to build a standard computer classroom, adding 80 student machines and 17 teacher machines, so that each office has an office computer. The two counseling countries have established computer rooms with a life-to-machine ratio of 12 to 1. The third is input. 20,000 yuan to build a multimedia classroom; fourth, the teacher's courseware won the third prize of Jiande City's appraisal, the student's work won the second prize of Jiande City, and sent to Hangzhou City for evaluation; the fifth is to coordinate and use the audio and video according to the regulations of the Education Bureau. Teaching materials, information technology fees, and academic fees. 3 laboratory construction. The teaching equipment of the school science laboratory is equipped with the provincial standard and the use efficiency is high. This year, the equipment has been updated, with a total investment of more than 30,000 yuan. It is equipped with an art room, a music room and a sports room equipment. The average investment is nearly 40 yuan; 10 custom laboratory cabinets, 104 experimental tables, worth more than 20,000 yuan; 4 library, reading room and other special classroom construction. 1800 new books have been added, and the library has book borrowing and registration. The books have a higher circulation rate, which can basically meet the requirements of students to borrow and learn. The investment of 15,000 yuan, updated the teacher's desk, improved office conditions. Invested 20,000 yuan, and newly added 280 sets of student desks and stools. At the same time, we actively contacted the city of Hangzhou to provide contact with the national small school, and allocated 200 sets of student desks and stools, 18 sets of 34-inch digital TVs, and 12 podiums, worth about 200,000 yuan. And updated the teacher's desk for the former source of counseling, and added a student desk and stool.
5. There are 68 full-time teachers in the school. The number of diplomas with college or above is 50%, and 55% of the specified requirements are not met.
6. The main activities established this year are: Hangzhou Young Eagle Red Flag Brigade; Jiande City Safety and Civilization School; Jiande is an advanced unit of patriotic health; Jiande City Model Parents School; Jiande City, a pioneering group. At the same time, we will continue to consolidate the rural model country of Hangzhou established last year. In this school year, the School of Politics and Religious Affairs was rated as a priority group of Jiande City.
7. The school adheres to the rule of law, strictly implements the state's relevant education and teaching laws and regulations and policies, actively carries out the construction activities, and actively carries out the advanced education of party members and achieves satisfactory results under the leadership of the party branch. In the school's satisfaction with the school, the satisfaction rate was 99.8%, which fully showed the affirmation of parents and society.
8. The school leadership team is united and collaborative, and the style of work is democratic. Major issues are discussed and decided through team meetings. Innovative and highly prestigious among teachers and students. Party members and cadres are honest and honest, and there is no record of bad behavior.
9. All kinds of management institutions of the school are sound. The departments, the Office of Political Affairs and Education, the Academic Affairs Office, the Teaching Office, the General Affairs Office, the Trade Union, the Young Pioneers Brigade and other departments are all available. The functions of the departments are implemented, and various activities can be carried out normally and effectively.
10. The school rules and regulations are sound and constantly improved. On the basis of the original system, this year, the education and teaching reward and punishment system was revised; the canteen management system, the living school management system, and the staff and staff duty system were improved.
11. In strict accordance with the spirit of the Municipal Education Bureau's relevant archives, the implementation of school financial property management. Do two lines of revenue and expenditure management. All expenditures can strictly implement the national fiscal system and financial discipline, and the collection and settlement of escrow fees are strictly implemented in accordance with regulations.
12. The school attaches great importance to the political theory study of the faculty and staff. The weekly teacher meetings are arranged for a certain period of time to carry out ideological and moral education and business study and education for the faculty and staff. The Ministry of Political Affairs and Education and the Academic Affairs Office respectively formulate plans and assessment mechanisms for the faculty and faculty's ethics and teacher education, and carry out the plans in an orderly manner. The school's teaching and research activities are carried out normally, and there are topics for the month and month, and everyone has a task. The school has organized teachers to go out to learn and learn, to absorb the new curriculum concept, and invite foreign experts to come to the school to pass the treasure. This semester, the experimental city of Xiaoxiao, Chen Jiaguo, and Hangzhou Jianlan Guoxiao went to the school to teach. All teachers fully felt the atmosphere of curriculum reform and improved their ability and standard of education and teaching.
13. The school has special file management personnel. The school has various archives and complete materials, and the management is full-time. All kinds of materials are classified accurately and managed in place. The school's file management level is Hangzhou.
14. Emphasis on school education and propaganda work. In the past year, a large number of publicity manuscripts have been submitted to newspapers and magazines, Jiande information newspapers and education information networks at all levels. The publication of teacher works and student works are listed in the city.
15. Pay attention to school safety work, establish a school safety work leadership network and safety accident emergency plan, sign school safety responsibility letters at all levels, safety education and preventive measures in place, and regularly set up people to conduct safety inspections to eliminate safety hazards in time. In the past year, there have been no safety accidents and major safety accidents in our school. This year, the Jiande City Safe and Civilized Campus was declared and passed the acceptance test.
16. The school’s guiding ideology is correct. The school regards “all for the development of students” as its school-oriented aim, and establishes “love, good education, and teacher-oriented” with the school spirit of “teaching and learning, respecting teachers, loving people, working together, and striving for progress”. Teaching style and the style of "Mingzhi, honesty, music, and thinking". Strictly follow the rules of education: Strictly implement the national teaching plan and control the time of students at school. Efforts will be made to form a complete curriculum system for compulsory and elective activities, and actively promote school-based curriculum education. In this school year, the Red Cross spiritual education with the theme of “fraternity and dedication” was launched, and the Red Cross school curriculum was opened. Actively carried out extracurricular interest group activities, this year students have achieved excellent results in volleyball matches, go games, model airplane competitions, calligraphy and painting competitions, reading activities, and young writers activities.
17. The school's teaching plan management, organization management and quality management regulations are effective. Teaching research activities at least once a month, special moral education activities at least twice per semester, the Academic Affairs Office, the Political Education Department, the Teaching and Research Group can regularly organize teachers to conduct research on new curriculum standards, teaching materials and teaching methods, and put forward targeted and effective opinions and rectification. Measures. The teaching routine management is in place, and more than two preparations for corrections and assignments are made every semester, so as to effectively reduce the burden of the students' heavy work. Weekend activities are strictly carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Education Bureau. They do not take new courses and do not make up classes. In fact, according to the "Outline" and "Procedures" to implement moral education, moral education work carried out in an orderly manner, solid and effective. Construct a moral education mechanism that is a three-in-one school, family, and society. Efforts will be made to form a joint effort in education to promote the smooth implementation of school moral education. After everyone's joint efforts, in the past year, there have been no illegal incidents in our school students, and social evaluation has gradually improved. The transformation of the backward students is obvious, and the number of students in the campus is double-regressive, especially after the moral education. Teaching materials subscription specifications. Emphasis on experimental teaching, and actively create conditions to make the experiment done on time. The experimental opening rate is slightly insufficient.
18. The school attaches great importance to teaching and research work, and actively organizes teachers to conduct teaching and research activities. Teachers must complete an educational or teaching paper every semester. However, the quality of the treatment has been further improved. This year, Wu Huiping’s educational paper won the second prize in the city. The school has developed the Red Cross school curriculum and has a special teacher to teach. However, there are no provincial and municipal projects this year.
19. The school has a moral education work plan and a young pioneer work plan every semester. The plan can basically be put in place. There are two class guide work seminars every month. There is no school period to conduct a school moral education work. The school moral education routine education activities are carried out normally. The Young Pioneers are rich in activities. Teachers' home visits are arranged every semester, and home visits must reach more than 90% per semester. Usually, home visits or teachers are invited to conduct school visits. The school carried out star class evaluation activities, which played a good role in promoting students' behavioral norms. Efforts to carry out mental health education, counseling by certified teachers, and establishment of psychological counseling rooms. Can guide students with mild mental health problems.
20. There is a certain improvement in the quality of subject teaching, but it is still not obvious. The difference in teacher's ability level and teaching attitude has caused the quality of some disciplines in some years to be poor and needs further improvement.
21. Seriously implement the school sports health work. The implementation of the two exercises, two lessons, the school uses the tap water of the Sandu Town Government Waterworks, the students quoted the water as the bottled water "Thousand Island Yuquan". The school holds a sports meeting every year and often holds small sports competitions. It is a Jiande City Sports Traditional Project School. A health checkup is conducted once a year for students to establish a student health record. Seriously implement sports health standards and prepare various testing instruments. Actively teamed up to participate in the city's China Sports Games and other sports competitions. This year, the school volleyball team won the sixth place in the city and the fifth group in the Go game. In this semester, three sports talents were sent to Hangzhou. Strictly control the improvement of students' poor eyesight rate. The poor eyesight rate of our students is 8%, and the new incidence rate is below 1%.
22, every year on the first day of New Year's Day, New Year's Day to hold art festivals, organize students to carry out cultural competitions, and actively carry out various art and technology activities, actively participate in the city art festival competitions, in the city's English story speech contest, 2 students of our school In the third prize, 4 people won the second prize in the calligraphy and painting competition, 6 won the third prize, 2 the second prize in the model airplane competition, and 2 the third prize. In the reading activity, one person won the second prize in Zhejiang Province and the teacher won the provincial tutor award.
Secondly, in terms of school hardware construction, in addition to the acquisition of information technology equipment, the updating of office equipment, and the improvement of students' learning conditions, the school has also invested about 450,000 yuan to add a student canteen dormitory building; A steam stove was added; about 20,000 yuan was invested, which hardened and beautified the space in front of the canteen, which made the students' living facilities have a qualitative leap. The students lived in the spacious and bright student apartments. The student cafeteria is bright and clean, with reasonable structure and advanced facilities. The canteens are well organized and the teachers and students are fully satisfied.
In addition, in terms of characteristic construction, the school has taken the Young Pioneer Bo'ai Green Recycling Company and the Red Cross School as the starting point, strives to innovate, dares to be the first, has achieved certain results, and has been recognized by the brother school, parents and society. In particular, the establishment of the Young Pioneer Green Recycling Company opened the first of its student companies in the city. Students compete for posts and self-management, and experience education goes deep into the hearts of every student. It was fully affirmed by the acceptance team of the Hangzhou Eagle Red Flag Brigade.
3. Insufficiency The teacher's education and teaching ability needs to be further improved. The understanding of the new curriculum concept is not thorough enough. The school's school-based training for teachers is in a form, and the effect is not obvious. The school leaders' innovation consciousness is not enough, and there is still a certain degree in school management. The problems, such as obedience, obedience, etc.; the establishment of the school's activity curriculum system is also preferentially further improved. The construction of the school-based curriculum is not very satisfactory, and the establishment of the system has not yet been fully implemented.

IV. Self-evaluation conclusions Based on the above review and summary, we carefully compare the assessment rules. We believe that although there are still many shortcomings in our work, we still need to make continuous efforts to improve, but compared with ourselves, this year's progress. Still very obvious. According to the actual situation of our school, we gave ourselves a score of 117 points, and we rated ourselves as a rural first-class school with reference to the annual assessment and other standards. Look at the leaders of the Education Bureau and the Supervisory Office.

Sandu Center National Primary School
January 12, 2005

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