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2014 group cooperation learning summary

Group cooperation learning summary

Dear teacher, dear students, How are you!

Today, the campus is full of festive atmosphere, and we ushered in the first group cooperation learning evaluation commendation conference. As a five-class student, I am honored to be named an excellent member. I am more fortunate to be here to share my experiences with everyone.

Now, we use group cooperative learning in each class. Our class is divided into 11 groups, each group consisting of four members. Each member has its own division of labor. Take our group as an example: Group 1 is also the leader of the team. It is mainly responsible for organizing the activities of the group members in an orderly manner. The No. 2 team member is a recorder. It is mainly responsible for recording the main points of the students during the discussion and the scores of the other groups in our group. The No. 3 team member is a spokesperson whose main duties are to speak on behalf of the group and to lead the team members to participate in the reading competition. The No. 4 team member is a data officer and is mainly responsible for sending and receiving inspection and study materials, including homework and class notes. Each group has a nice name, and our group is called "Qisi" group, which means that each of our team members has a unique whimsy. In class, first, we will check each other's pre-study situations in the group, and then carry out group cooperative learning under the guidance of the teacher. In the process of learning, we will first think independently, approve and write feelings according to the questions given by the teacher. Then discuss the exchanges in the group, when the exchange, the 4th class first speak, say their own views, talk about their feelings. Then the 3rd classmates will speak, or say their own different opinions, or supplement the 4th classmates. The next classmates will speak, and the last one will be the final summary and summary of the team leader. Sometimes, we will also write the results of our group cooperative learning on the small whiteboard, and then show it in the whole class. Whenever we hear the praises of our teachers and classmates, we will all be happy, because this is the result of our own exploration. In terms of discipline, you don't have to worry about it because we have a prescription. The members of each group will supervise the members of the other group, and one person will supervise one. This classmate will be able to see all aspects of class speech, discipline, cleanliness, civility, and diligence. If the performance is excellent, the reward score will be awarded. If the performance is poor, the score will be deducted. In the end, the teams will compare each other. If the score is the highest, they will get the title of “excellent group”. In this way, we are chasing each other between our teams. The competitive atmosphere is extremely enthusiastic. I am afraid that the group will be affected by the deduction of points. The students in the group are also united in an unprecedented manner, and the phenomenon of obeying discipline is increasing.

In short, through cooperative learning, I feel that different learning methods can bring us different happiness and different inspiration. In the past, teachers always taught us their valuable knowledge. Now we need to use our own brains to create, we group, express our opinions through interaction, and then summarize and summarize, and finally form the answer to the question. After everyone’s “thinking gymnastics” activities and watching the learning results, the pride was not realized before. This method is very novel and very useful. It not only allows us to prefer to learn, but also enhances the friendship between members and lays the foundation for future interpersonal relationships. It can be said that knowledge, friendship and ability are harvested.

In a word, "It is my deepest feeling to "learn the strength of a hundred homes." Classmates, let us bathe in the sunshine of the group to learn together, take a deep breath together, greet this new thing together, and strive for "excellence" together! Thank you!

Group cooperation learning summary

Group cooperative learning can cultivate students' collective spirit and unity and upward team spirit, avoiding the narrow thoughts of some students' selfishness and self-interest, and have a great shaping and edification of students' personality.

According to the students' ability and personality differences, each group has different levels of students, so that each child has the opportunity to speak as much as possible, so that good students can help students with poor ability to overcome the fear of speaking. Make clear requirements and learning tasks before the cooperation, so that each student has something to do, gain knowledge and gain in doing things. I create a democratic atmosphere in the classroom, which makes students change from passive listening to active participation, dare to express their own unique opinions, and learn to listen and respect the opinions of others. Telling children to learn to communicate, listen, and appreciate is also the respect for others, emphasizing the importance of communication and listening. Generate your own ideas from other people's speeches, speak out your own ideas, and rationally supplement and expand the content of exploration, and improve your own ideas inspired by others. Encourage students to develop full imagination.

Through teamwork, we can improve learning efficiency and optimize. In the new course, I have added a lot to do, think about it, and discuss it. If you are alone, it will waste a lot of time. Group discussion can save time and students' interest is also strong. In the process of cooperation, let students comprehend the methods and communicate with the students. It is better than the method of one, so that students can learn from each other and form good study habits. At the same time, students can learn to choose and judge what is effective and correct. , the best ideas and practices.

After learning through group work, the enthusiasm of the students was mobilized and the performance in the classroom was very positive. Discussion, display, answering, busy is a pleasure. The answer to the question was extremely active, and there was even a situation of “smashing”. At this time, I joined the evaluation mechanism to further mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, so that the classroom group can learn to live and not be chaotic.

However, at the current stage, although I have repeatedly summed it up and repeated reflections, there are still some unexpected problems, and I will continue to improve in the continuous practice in the future.

Group cooperation learning summary

In the efficient classroom teaching method, the change of students' learning style is proposed. In the process of implementing the curriculum, the emphasis is on accepting learning, rote memorization, the status quo of mechanical training, and advocating the learning mode of student autonomy, inquiry and cooperation. Group cooperative learning is a new type of learning based on this concept. It can change the single and rigid drawbacks of traditional classroom teaching, and truly make learning a part of student life and promote students' active and comprehensive development. In combination with the actual situation of our school, we have conducted research and classroom experiments in group cooperative learning in the past academic year.

First, the work done:

Students have just come out of the traditional teaching mode. They are accustomed to independent thinking, question-and-answer learning, and suddenly let students solve certain problems in the form of group cooperation, students are confused. Previously, student cooperative learning was mostly carried out at the teacher's request. In fact, group cooperative learning should be the spontaneous behavior of students' learning, and should not be the teacher's demand response. Therefore, to effectively carry out group cooperative learning, we focus on:

First, cultivate students' sense of cooperation.

1. Establish a fixed cooperation group. This is the most basic condition, and the team members are generally controlled at around 6 people. After a long period of cooperative learning, I feel that we are a study group. I am a member of this group and subtly cultivate students' sense of cooperation.

2. Conducting learning mode training, the school issued relevant materials to introduce students to various advanced learning methods. Such as: Introduce the advantages of the group cooperative learning method, the general operating methods, so that students have the desire to be independent, cooperative, and inquiring.

3. Hold group cooperative learning competitions and evaluation activities, regularly evaluate them from time to time, stimulate the enthusiasm of students to cooperate, and develop the habit of cooperative learning.

Second, gain insight into the timing of student collaboration needs.

Choosing group cooperative learning depends on the content of the lesson and the actual situation of the students. When there are many tasks, time is tight, students learn to be confused, and they do not have the conditions and abilities to complete independently, they can carry out group cooperative learning, in order to obtain greater overall results. Under the group leader's organization, the team members will be divided, the progress will be notified in a timely manner, and finally valuable information will be recommended to the whole class to achieve the maximum degree.

Third, scientifically grouping.

The scientific grouping is a very important part of the group cooperative learning model. The composition of each group member follows the principle of “heterogeneity within the group, group group homogeneity”, that is, grouping according to students' academic performance, aptitude, personality characteristics, etc., so that the group cooperation members can learn from each other and encourage students to learn from each other. Each group of 4 people, division of labor. Generally divided into five categories: organization, record, report, summary and evaluation. Each member must undertake certain tasks and understand what each should do for the group. The tasks can be selected by themselves or rotated. This creates opportunities for students to make multiple attempts to form a community of interests, ensure the quality of each collaborative learning, and enhance students' sense of cooperation and responsibility. .

Fourth, guide in depth in a timely manner.

In the group cooperative learning, teachers always pay attention to the students' learning dynamics, reasonable guidance, and active regulation. In the process of communication, students understand the effects of their cooperation, the focus of discussion, the difficult points of thinking, guide students to complete tasks, become the “leaders” of student learning; promptly praise students who are fast and innovative, and ask through the group Investigate, in the form of individual inquiries, etc., teachers should promptly put members who have not participated in group cooperative learning or remain silent for a long time in the group discussion, effectively promote group cooperation and become a "promoter"; When there is a dispute, you should go deep into the group to participate in the group discussion, find a solution to the problem, and become their "cooperators." Teachers participate in group discussions to encourage, guide, and promote students to find answers, and never give answers.

Fifth, evaluate the results reasonably.

Team-based collaborative learning requires the joint efforts of the team's co-workers. Each team member must do his utmost to achieve the goal of the group and achieve the class goal. At the same time, it also gains and improves itself. Therefore, the evaluation can not only target individuals, but also target groups, which will help to improve the enthusiasm of group cooperative learning.

In the evaluation, the evaluation of the learning process and the evaluation of the learning results should be combined to encourage the evaluation, and at the same time, the collective evaluation of the cooperation group and the evaluation of the individual members of the group. The group cooperative learning process evaluation is evaluated from the aspects of independent learning, cooperative inquiry, wonderful display and learning effect; the evaluation of the team members is mainly evaluated from whether the task assigned by the group is completed or whether the cooperation with others is positive. Through group self-evaluation, mutual evaluation, team members self-evaluation, mutual evaluation to evaluate the effectiveness of group cooperative learning, select outstanding groups and individuals, form competition, in order to facilitate the next cooperative learning.

In short, group cooperative learning is an effective learning method and a learning method to cultivate students' good learning quality. Cooperative learning should be organically combined with other learning, especially independent learning, and have their own independent opinions in fostering cooperative spirit. Really do your own opinions, learn from each other's strengths, and brainstorm ideas.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of all the teachers, the work of group cooperative learning has made breakthrough progress, achieved satisfactory results, and achieved the expected goals.

Second, the achievements

1. The group cooperation study has been fully and completely opened in all the teaching classes of our school. During the course, we found that all the classes, all subjects, and all the teachers used the group to learn in the classroom teaching process, and the students performed quite well in the group cooperative learning process.

2, the classroom began to become wonderful. The students’ discussion, speech, evaluation and even questioning in the classroom are very exciting, and the student activities are orderly and effective.

3. The phenomenon of "military soldiers" began to appear in the classroom. During the course of the lecture, we will see that in the process of group cooperative learning, some students can't solve some problems on their own. At this time, the group leader will give an initiative to explain, and after the lecture, they will ask if they understand. If you still don't understand, the team leader will continue to talk. The emergence of this phenomenon indicates that the group cooperative learning has developed to a very high level, reflecting the team's spirit of cooperation and greatly stimulating the enthusiasm of students to explore.

4. The habit of cooperative learning of student groups is gradually being developed. The chaos in the past group cooperative learning has basically disappeared. Group cooperative learning begins to develop in an orderly direction, and in the process of classroom teaching, teachers are constantly strengthening the habits of cooperative learning of student groups and correcting problems in time.

5, the teacher's evaluation is gradually in place, and has begun to have affinity. Appropriate evaluations began to appear in classroom teaching. This evaluation narrowed the relationship between teachers and students, and greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of students in the classroom.

Third, the existing problems

1. There is no desire to maximize the student's “movement”. In some classes, it was found that the students' participation was not big enough. A small number of students had not participated in the group cooperative learning, which means that they did not maximize the students' desire to “move”. In this regard, the school's view is that the individual “moving” of the students is not “moving”, and the “moving” of the whole class is “moving”, so that all students should participate in the group cooperative learning.

2. The phenomenon of “wearing new shoes and walking the old road” still exists, and the ideological concept has not completely changed. I dare not let go of the students, and my desire to lecture is still quite strong. I always want to teach the knowledge directly to the students. In this regard, we should boldly let go, emancipate our minds, and give opportunities to students in the classroom.

3. The new curriculum standard strongly encourages teachers to use the method of group cooperation in teaching practice. However, in actual teaching, there is no organic integration between group cooperative learning and subject teaching. No optimal entry point is found, and sometimes the taste of the discipline is lost.

4. When a teacher encounters a problem, the teacher will let the students cooperate and learn, often leaving the students at a loss, and even some students will be unable to implement the problem. It has caused a formal group cooperative learning, which is a waste of time and no effect.

5. After the cooperative study, there is no concern about the results of the group's cooperative learning. The simple free discussion has resulted in the laissez-faire teaching.

6. Due to the limitation of classroom teaching time, it is impossible to meet the exploration requirements of all students. When the interest of students is strong, it will stop, and the cooperative learning will be limited to the classroom...

7. How to use scientific design, use the nature of students who like communication and interaction, like the age characteristics of exploration and discovery, and use the form of group cooperation to improve students' multi-faceted ability and ensure the effectiveness and timeliness of group cooperative learning. Let the group cooperative study fully play its role in the acquisition of students' knowledge and ability, so that the teaching can be “moved” and “live”, so that “everything is done, everyone has something to do”.

In short, group cooperative learning can not be achieved overnight. It requires constant guidance and long-term edification of our teachers, and continuous learning and discussion, continuous improvement, reflection and correction. I believe that with the continuous development of the new curriculum reform, as our understanding continues to improve, our research on group cooperative learning will be further deepened. As a teacher, I would like to use my own eyes to observe, express in my own language, use my own mind to think, practice with my own body and mind, and meet the group to learn a brilliant tomorrow!

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