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2014 high school English teaching summary

High school English teaching summary

With the end of the college entrance examination in 2019, the teaching work of the third year of high school is basically over, and a stone finally falls. I saw that the students’ college entrance examination English has achieved gratifying results. My heart is full of joy and excitement. The hard work of the past year has finally made me harvest fruitful and enjoy the happiness brought by the harvest! The teaching task was successfully overfulfilled. Although it was bitter but also happy at the same time, the college entrance examination made me and the students experience a hard life.

At the beginning of the third year of high school, I fully realized that the teaching work of the third year of high school is "short time, more content, strong responsibility, heavy task, high intensity, and high pressure", so I combined my school with the characteristics of the syllabus and the college entrance examination. The actual situation of the students in English, and according to the requirements of the new curriculum reform, the overall planning of the teaching work of this school year. In the education of people-oriented, learning to use, pay attention to the cultivation of students' ability, quality training and moral quality training; encourage students to actively participate in exchanges and cooperation, bold innovation and practice, advocate research-based learning, enhance students' enthusiasm for learning English and Initiative. In summary, there are the following main points:

First, focus on the foundation and break through one by one.

1. Pay attention to listening and reading aloud. Personally think that listening and reading are the most fundamental basis for language communication. One year of teaching work emphasizes the cultivation and training of students' listening and speaking ability. Listen to all the texts and words, and do listening training. Use the morning reading time to read the first eight volumes of texts and words twice. This not only makes good students consolidate the foundation, but also helps poor students overcome learning difficulties and generate interest in learning English. It also enables students to maintain a constant learning enthusiasm and motivation. Listening training is conducted weekly using the ninth section and a night self-study to train students to take two or three lessons before the training. In addition, in the usual classroom teaching, students should try to create a listening and speaking language environment. For example, the teacher's teaching language can use English as much as possible. In reading lectures and grammar, students can also read key paragraphs and sentence patterns.

2. Vocabulary training, this is the key link in English teaching. Finding ways to get students to master a lot of vocabulary is very important for the college entrance examination. It is necessary to pay attention to the basics of students' voices. The words must be read first, and the word-building method should be used to cultivate students' sense of words. At the same time, students should be guided to distinguish between reading vocabulary and writing vocabulary. The use of commonly used key vocabulary and advanced vocabulary should be repeated, so that students can master and strengthen the application of vocabulary in context. The mastery of words, especially verbs, should be placed in sentences, in texts, and in words or sentences. If you want to break through the word, you must remember one when you are steadily learning. If you want to use the memory cycle, you should use the memory cycle to repeat the memory.

3, re-reading reading, reading is the key to improve students' English scores. Only reading can consolidate the vocabulary recorded by the society. Only a large amount of reading can improve students' reading speed, cultivate students' English thinking and quickly and accurately capture sexual interest. ability. In the first semester of the third year of high school, students are allowed to do two readings a day. Students with poor foundation insist on doing one article every day. In the second semester, students are allowed to do 2-3 articles a day, and urge students to do every day. The subject of reading comprehension covers a wide range of subjects, including science, society, politics, economy, history, culture, etc., and the content of information is very large; the genre involved is also diverse, including narratives, explanatory texts and applied articles. Examine candidates' ability to understand different genre articles on different subjects from multiple levels. In the training process, students are guided by the reading method and problem-solving skills, so that students pay attention to the accumulation of common sense, pay attention to the way of proposition, and the analysis of sentence structure. On the basis of a large amount of reading, we also continuously summarize the lessons learned, and gradually enable students to develop the reading speed and skillful reading skills. Focus on cultivating students' fast browsing ability, clever vocabulary ability, independent analysis ability, accurate ability to capture topic sentences, and logical judgment ability.

4, written expression, occupying considerable weight in the test papers of the college entrance examination. The key to the practice of English writing lies in the usual training, the form and content of writing should be diversified, and the intensive practice is combined with the current social reality, current affairs politics, cultural life and other related content themes. In recent years, the writing content and theme of the college entrance examination English have basically reflected the current social and people's daily concerns. In this regard, the teacher should give guidance, and take the first step to collect relevant materials for students to practice. In general, students can also read the official website of the Chinese government or English publications in English, and learn about the current social reality, current affairs politics, cultural life and other related content. This not only enriches English knowledge, but also expands reading comprehension; it not only cares about national events, but also improves writing ability. For example, the "no smoking" in the basic writing part of the college entrance examination this year, in fact, I have already covered this topic in my usual writing training.

Second, comprehensive review, with a prominent focus.

The purposeful and focused work is to organize, summarize and summarize the knowledge, so that students can integrate the knowledge they have learned and form a knowledge system. The third year of study, time is tight, the content is more, the task is heavy, the teaching must have plans, purposefully, do not blindly act, the beard eyebrows grab or grab the sesame and lose the watermelon. In the application of the basic knowledge, a comprehensive comprehensive review of the students is carried out, and each knowledge point is also practiced with a purpose and focus. Grasp the key points and difficulties, and train the targeted links of the students' knowledge structure. Do your heart and be clear.

The "three breakthroughs" in the weight of college entrance examinations require students to break through the cloze, break through reading comprehension, and break through written expression. These three big questions have a large score in the high test papers, and they are also the weak link of many students. Therefore, they are listed as the focus and difficulty of the senior high school review. These three knowledge systems are especially important for the college entrance examination.

In response to the breakthrough of “cloze-filling”, focus on cultivating students' problem-solving skills. We need to understand the characteristics of the question form. Generally speaking, we should quickly read through the full text, and take a look at the full text. Read the questions carefully and contact the context to guess the answer. For those who can't answer for a while, you can first put down the hints to find the above questions through the following. In short, the mind should be let go, remember to drill the horn.

The key to the breakthrough in "reading comprehension" lies in the amount of vocabulary and grammar rules that you have mastered. The breakthrough in vocabulary and grammar is the basis for breaking through reading comprehension, so any knowledge system does not exist in isolation, they are interdependent. Because of the wide range of subjects and genres of reading comprehension, this requires students to have all-encompassing knowledge. Only by grasping from the usual, and cultivating students' ability to read quickly, accurately understand, skillfully guess words, judge analysis and logical reasoning, can they be handy.

In response to the breakthrough of "written expression", in fact, English writing is not difficult, the key is to let students practice more. The process of writing is a process of vocabulary grammar and thinking integration. As long as you are diligent in hands-on, you can't get it out. Students should be encouraged to work diligently. At first, some students can only write a few words, vocabulary or phrases. Under the encouragement and guidance of the teachers, they have gradually made progress. Although this is the weak link of most of the students, I think that writing is practiced, and the teacher's guidance is especially important.

Third, strengthen the practice, do not engage in sea battles.

Organize simulation volumes in various regions, with selective and focused exercises and explanations. The goal is to improve students' problem-solving skills and skills. Frozen three feet, not a cold day. In fact, intensive training is not to allow students to master a lot of knowledge in a short period of time, but to allow students to have selective and focused exercises to improve their problem-solving skills and skills. Intensive exercises and mock exams can be conducted on students in peacetime. Teachers should select the test papers. The selected questions should be chosen. The selected test questions should be highly representative, scientific, and oriented to allow students to be refined. Give students a good lecture; do not engage in sea tactics, rather than more, not more abuse, moderate training, better results; the difficulty level of the topic should be suitable for the overall level of students, each test must be able to test the level of students, It is also necessary to find out the problems of students; after the test results come out, it is necessary to analyze and summarize them comprehensively and carefully. In particular, the joint entrance examination or the unified examination should let the students know the overall level so as to clarify the direction of future efforts. It is necessary to pay attention to the examination of students' abilities, so that students must be pragmatic in their training. It is not advisable to do both the pros and cons of the test questions, and to blindly ask for more sea tactics regardless of the training effect.

In terms of the arrangement of the work, the principle I insisted on was moderate and effective. The homework is arranged every day, and the amount of work is kept for about one hour. The content of the work is to review and consolidate the teaching content of the day. There are various ways of working, and different working methods are adopted according to different time periods and different contents. After-school homework is an important means to review the accumulated knowledge, but in order to make the homework work well, the workload must be moderate. If the workload is too much, it will consume a lot of time for the students, and the students will get bored and tired. To cope with them, then they will not take homework seriously, and the effect will naturally be greatly reduced. In addition, it is necessary to coordinate with the school to arrange weekly training, monthly examination, joint examination, and unified examination.

Fourth, caring for students, respecting students, communicating with students and harmonious teacher-student relationship.

The relationship between people is based on mutual respect and mutual trust, and the harmonious teacher-student relationship is the key to the smooth development of teaching. In particular, students in the third year of high school have heavy study tasks, less rest time, and ideological pressure. Sometimes there are such problems and even frictions with classmates and teachers. At this time, the teacher must understand and go with kindness. Caring for, respecting, and diverting, instead of blindly seeking blame, so that you can win the respect of students, believing that people are always good, especially teachers, must be modest and friendly, so that they can set an example. . In the past year, I have been very friendly with the students in the two classes. The students have given positive support and cooperation to my work.

In short, under the care and support of the school leaders, through the teaching work of the third year of high school, on the one hand, humbly consult with peers and experienced teachers, on the one hand, communicate with students in time, understand their needs, and improve their teaching methods. In order to effectively complete the teaching tasks, and achieved gratifying results. The average class is 82.2 points, the number of outstanding people is 7 people, the excellent rate is 7.5%, the number of qualified people is 39, and the qualified rate is 42%. The number of people in each batch reaches 61 and the target is 34. However, there are still shortcomings that need to be further improved in the future work.

High school English teaching summary

In the third year of high school, it was a temper for teachers and students. Although it was hard, it was very rewarding. The college entrance examination English score also achieved excellent results, the liberal arts and sciences average score of 104.6, the city ranked 13th, the highest score of 137 points. As a high school English teacher, with the sudden change of the exam questions this year, there has been a certain sense of confusion, but at the same time this is also a good thing, prompting us to spend more time to study, research new questions and college entrance examination, In order to be able to teach students better. Looking back at the teaching work of the third year of high school, it should be relatively successful. The examination skills and training of students are effective and targeted. This is mainly due to the fact that we have a unity and cooperation preparation group. Here I will talk about some ideas and practices for review preparation.

First, work together and focus on wisdom.

Carry out good collective lesson activities consistently. We make the most of the convenience of the office. Teachers in-depth study of teaching materials, to understand key points and difficulties, and to make breakthroughs in key and difficult ways, teachers are actively supplementing and perfecting, so that they can gather ideas. Through collective preparation of lessons, teachers clarify the short-term and long-term goals, specific targets to people, specific to special tests, monthly test papers, mock papers, etc., to ensure the orderly conduct of high school English teaching. Among the members of our senior high school English preparation team are Wang Zhihong, an old teacher with many years of teaching experience in English, and a newcomer, Pan Weimei. Both old and new teachers can continue to learn and improve, and a relatively strong atmosphere for discussion and study has formed within the group.

Second, the teacher "peaceful" to give dedication, students "replenishment" is not afraid.

Because we are a foreign language school, the English foundation of many students is still good, we fully stimulate their potential and do better and better. However, due to various reasons, there are still many students in the division. In order to make up for the better, almost every English teacher can use the after-school time to talk with the students, to stimulate their enthusiasm and self-confidence in learning English, and to guide the study of the law and answer the questions; to approve the test papers for the students, In practice, as far as possible, students should be prevented from falling because of the English subject. Part-time students can overcome many difficulties, persevere and surpass themselves, and their English scores have made great progress.

Third, borrow the stone of his mountain and attack the jade of our school.

We know that English teaching, especially high school English teaching, must not be closed behind the door, especially this year is the first year of the implementation of the new curriculum standard. Therefore, we actively communicate with the brothers and schools, send teachers to study and exchange many times, and invite professors from Guangwai University. Come to our school to hold an English teaching lecture. These activities create a good learning atmosphere, which greatly stimulates the students' enthusiasm for learning English, which helps to improve teaching performance.

Fourth, closely follow the "one center" and do a "three breakthroughs."

"One center" is to maximize the student's English scores. The "three breakthroughs" are to break through the cloze, break through reading comprehension, and break through the written expression. These three big questions have a large score in the high test papers and are the weak link of most students. Therefore, we have listed them as the focus and difficulty of the third year of teaching.

(1) Pay attention to skills and break through the cloze.

In response to the characteristics of cloze questions, we focus on developing students' problem-solving skills:

1. Read the full text quickly and understand the whole text.

Read the entire article quickly without looking at the options to understand the full text. Candidates should carefully understand the meaning of the sentence, understand the background of the article, and clarify the clues of the content of the article. In the process of fast reading, don't rush to choose the answer. You should read it all at once. If you don't understand, jump to the past and continue reading. In order to look at the context, you can get an overall understanding of the content of the article, so as to determine the judgment. The basic idea of ​​choice, should not look at a question.

2. Read the essay, choose the answer, contextual contact, and consider it throughout.

3. When you are doing a problem, if you do not answer a question, you can skip it and do it. It is likely that there will be hints or information about the topic below.

4. For some questions, don't go to the tip of the horn, think with conventional thinking, don't think too complicated.

Of course, to break through the difficulty of cloze, we require students to insist on intensive training, accumulate over time, take it seriously, and make perfect.

(B), a large number of reading, breaking through reading comprehension.

A large number of readings and extensive exposure to articles of various themes and genres are the premise and basis for improving reading ability, and the key to ensuring a qualitative leap in reading ability. Without enough reading, you will not be able to master reading skills and improve your reading.

First of all, you should first pay attention to the breadth of the content when reading.

Second, in reading, we must carefully select materials. The selection of materials is suitable for the degree of students and can stimulate students' interest and reading enthusiasm. Some teachers only consider expanding the amount of vocabulary and rapidly improving their ability to solve problems. They tend to focus on articles and problems that have more choices. The results often dampen the enthusiasm of students, which is extremely unfavorable for improving their ability.

In addition, on the basis of a large number of readings, we constantly sum up the lessons learned, and gradually enable the students to develop the reading speed and skillful reading skills.

In practice, we focus on developing students' ability in five areas:

1 fast browsing ability;

2 clever guessing ability;

3 independent analytical capabilities;

4 the ability to accurately capture topic sentences;

5 logical judgment ability.

Students have mastered these reading skills and are more capable of self-learning. Even after graduation, they will benefit in learning and work.

(3) Improve the level and break through the written expression.

The basic writing in written expression is a “five sentences” that is similar to translation. Students are required to organize the text from the perspective of expressing information and embed the information in a specific English framework. Its completion depends on a solid language foundation and correct language expression habits. Some students do not dare to do it, they are afraid of emotions, their expressions are inaccurate, they are unsatisfied, their articles are unclear, and they are not accustomed to thinking in English. In order to change this phenomenon, we paid attention to these aspects in our senior high school review:

1 Grasp the accumulation of common words, phrases and sentence patterns.

No matter what style of writing, you can't do without basic, commonly used words, phrases and sentence patterns. In other words, with basic words, phrases, and patterns, general communicative content can be expressed. The English syllabus stipulates that when students go to the third year of high school, they are required to master about 3,000 common words and master these common words, phrases and sentence patterns. Basic writing has basic guarantees and meets the requirements of the outline.

2 Grab the practice of writing simple sentences.

Simple sentences are good sentences as long as they can correctly convey information and achieve communicative purposes. Try to use simple sentences to make fewer mistakes.

At present, middle school students' English writing ability is relatively weak, which is caused by the tendency of heavy knowledge and light ability for a long time. In order to improve the ability to express in writing, it is necessary to strengthen the essay writing of various genres. The test instructions stipulate that task-based writing may be either a dissertation or a narrative. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out a variety of genre exercises more comprehensively.

There is a saying in our country: "Bao Jianfeng has been grinding out, plum blossoms have come from bitter cold." Through the review of the third year of high school, most students reflect such a review "good understanding, easy to distinguish, remember to be". Of course, the key to the success of the English review class is that teachers must make careful systematic arrangements in advance, lay a solid foundation, pay attention to the student's information feedback and adjust in time. Only in this way can one step at a time in the senior high school English review, and constantly improve, and finally enable students to successfully win the "vouchers" in the college entrance examination and achieve excellent results. The achievement of our school is due to the hard work and hard work of all the teachers of the whole school. The results can only explain the past, and we also have many shortcomings. Looking forward to the future, we still have to learn from teachers and strive for greater progress.

High school English teaching summary

This year, I was teaching English in the third year of high school. In the last semester, the time was short and the task was heavy. During this semester, I seriously studied students, paid attention to students, studied curriculum standards, combed the knowledge structure, implemented review tasks in a planned manner, and successfully completed education and teaching tasks. The teaching work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, analyze the situation

After two years of teaching, the basics of students’ learning have been basically understood, and the “teaching according to their aptitude” is better. The guidance and requirements are different for different students. Among them, 69 classes are science classes. Students generally have a good English foundation, but there are also very few students who have serious partiality in English. In response to this situation, I use the principle of overall supervision and individual counseling. The 68 classes are parallel classes of science. For the academic situation of the parallel classes, I have taken the basics and firmly grasped the situation.

Second, study the "Explanation Notes" and the college entrance examination, and put the teaching plan into practice

1. Seriously study the course standard and the "Examination Notes", implement the teaching objectives, cultivate students' ability, and study the direction of the college entrance examination.

2. Seriously study the college entrance examination. This year is the first year of the Hunan New Curriculum Reform Examination. Everything is new. Seriously study the 2019 syllabus and exam descriptions to understand the 2019 college entrance examination requirements. At the same time, it also carefully analyzed the English test papers of the college entrance examination in recent years, combined with the requirements of the new curriculum reform, grasping the direction of the English proposition of the college entrance examination, especially the new questions of the college entrance examination, so that you know what you are doing. Pay attention to the collection of college entrance examination information, so that the high school English review does not deviate from the direction, and spend a limited amount of time on the blade.

3, select test questions, focus on the classics of the college entrance examination, try to avoid "question sea battle."

4. The preparation group will prepare lessons and share resources in a unified manner, and effectively improve the efficiency of review. At the same time, carefully analyze the 2019 Hunan college entrance examination sample, grasp the direction and difficulty of the high exam questions.

Third, a lot of exercises to promote students' consolidation of basic knowledge and ability

1. Textbook review is the key to improving student abilities. From the beginning of the school, the textbook knowledge points are carefully summarized and summarized, and the learning feedback is carried out through the form of practice.

2, listening training is a guarantee to improve performance.

Students conduct listening training on Monday, Thursday, from 6:40 to 7:00 pm. One week before the test, students are allowed to listen to a set of college entrance examination listening questions to further improve their listening and problem-solving skills.

3. Expand reading and develop English reading ability.

Extracurricular reading is essential if you want to achieve good grades in English. I have collected a large number of classic college entrance examination articles. At the same time, I have taken a limited time training method that allows students to make a reading comprehension seven minutes before class, which greatly improves their reading ability.

4. Carefully review the students' English composition and recommend the outstanding works of the students.

This semester collects a large number of excellent essays from college entrance examinations over the years, and organizes essays and templates for various essays for students to memorize and imitate. At the same time, each student's English essays were approved and directed to improve their written expression skills, which encouraged the students' enthusiasm for English learning.

Fourth, strengthen learning and improve their own quality

Actively attend lectures, evaluate classes, listen to lectures, and learn from the peers with humility; discuss the teaching methods with the teachers of the teaching and research group, learn from others, and improve the teaching level. Read more extracurricular books, cultivate a variety of hobbies, and constantly expand the knowledge, inject fresh blood into the teaching content.

All the time, the new college entrance examination has ended, and a student has been sent away. Although some achievements have been made, the results will surely become a thing of the past and there is no end to teaching. In the future education and teaching work, I will strictly demand myself, work hard, carry forward the advantages, correct the shortcomings, develop and advance, and constantly improve their own quality.

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