Work Summary > Summary of Teaching Work

2014 small Chinese language teaching summary

Summary of Chinese Language Teaching

Under the unified leadership of the school, the Chinese teaching and research group will work in accordance with the work plan formulated at the beginning of the semester, unite and cooperate, and work hard to implement the spirit of the new curriculum reform in an all-round way, with the purpose of comprehensively improving students’ language literacy. The Chinese language teaching work was carried out, and the teaching and research work of this semester was successfully completed. It is summarized as follows:

First, study the theory carefully and update the concept of education

As the largest subject group in the school, the Language Teaching and Research Group, we deeply feel that we should always stand in front of the wave of curriculum reform, and provide our wisdom and talents for the school's language teaching to promote the overall teaching level of the school. At the beginning of the school, our entire group of teachers carefully studied the "Chinese Curriculum Standards", understood the teaching objectives and requirements of each grade, and carried out the discussion of classroom teaching standards under the new curriculum theory. Later, through the self-study, group communication and other means to learn new courses, grasp the new curriculum, to change the concept, form a new concept of curriculum, teacher, teaching, classroom, quality.

Second, continue to carry out class evaluation and teaching diagnosis activities within the school

It is a tradition of our school to do a good job in teaching and research work by earnestly and actively carrying out the lecture activities on campus and promoting the improvement of the collective teaching level of teachers. In recent years, with the continuous growth of the school's teaching staff, the teachers of our language teaching and research group have gradually expanded. How to make different teachers grow together in the group of teaching and research groups? Our approach is to carry out a number of activities such as collective lesson preparation, special seminars, open classes, teaching diagnosis, and high-quality paper exchanges. The open class is a good way for everyone to learn from each other. At each activity, we carefully grasp the following links: collective preparation, organizing lectures, evaluation, diagnosis, and summary.

Third, further implement the collective lesson system

"The ruler is short, and the inch is long." Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. If you can learn from each other, learn from each other, and learn from each other, our work can do more with less. However, due to various reasons, the collective preparation of lessons in the past has often been in the form. During the semester, we have earnestly implemented the relevant provisions of the teaching office, strict disciplinary requirements, improved organizational methods, and implemented the practice of setting the subject, setting the time, setting the keynote speaker, and participating in the preparatory group, which greatly improved the quality of the collective lesson preparation. In the collective lesson preparation, we strive to achieve a unified thinking, unify the progress, and practice uniforms, especially in preparing for teaching objectives, preparing students for practice, preparing for teaching methods, brainstorming, taking long and short, and at the same time, through group preparation, timely understanding of education and teaching According to the characteristics of the teaching materials, we constantly explore, reform and innovate.

Fourth, the teaching routine inspection is often unremitting, and the implementation is in place.

In order to standardize the teaching work, institutionalization, scientific, and organized, regular inspections every month are carried out in an effortless manner. They do not go through the form of the game, carefully and meticulously, and find problems in time for rectification. Through supervision and inspection, teachers have formed work habits, and each task can be completed in time at the end of each month.

In short, in the current semester, the young and middle-aged teachers in our language group have taken the lead, and the new teachers have dared to innovate boldly and have achieved certain results. For example, Teacher Zhu Baojin and Teacher Fan Guiying participated in the public class evaluation activities held by the Central School on behalf of the Minnan School District. However, we have also seen difficulties and deficiencies. For example, the activities of the teaching and research group have not been carried out in a solid manner. In many specific work links, there is a lack of creativity. The activities of the preparation group are not efficient. Some teachers do not have a good understanding of the teaching and research activities. The enthusiasm for participating in group activities is not good. high. It is not enough for students to read the extracurricular reading. In the organization of student activities, there is still no embarrassment to jump out of the exam, and the attention to the improvement of their comprehensive literacy is not enough. However, we believe that as long as the whole school is ups and downs to update the educational concept, and truly adhere to the correct direction of running a school, based on the lessons learned from the semester, and with the joint efforts of teachers, our group will do better in all aspects of the next semester. In this regard, we are full of confidence.

Summary of Chinese Language Teaching

The semester work has ended, and my fourth-grade class teaching work has come to an end. In the current semester, I continue to discuss teaching methods and methods, and actively carry out classroom teaching reform attempts, and gains. Of course, there are some unresolved issues for the implementation of the language practice activities of the students. The four-level language teaching work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, strengthen teaching and research, innovation and promising, and improve business quality.

Quality education requires a good education and research reform. Every teacher is required to continuously improve the quality of their business. To this end, I actively explore and practice boldly. I actively learn from teachers in the same grade, strive to implement innovative teaching, and actively exert the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of each student, so that they can really try the joy of success. In teaching, I try my best to encourage students to dare to speak, to guide students to speak and do, and to continuously improve the quality of students in all aspects.

In order to better promote teaching, I carefully prepare lessons, attend classes, tutoring and correcting assignments. Every step of my design is carefully designed to make students want to learn. In the collective lesson preparation, I carefully recorded, actively spoke, and humbly learned from experienced teachers and explained my own opinions.

Second, relying on the teaching of comprehensive practical activities in Chinese to improve students' knowledge accumulation.

The direction of this semester is the student's ancient reading. In the teaching, for the actual situation of our students in the fourth grade, I fully stimulated their enthusiasm for reading ancient poetry. Every morning, I insisted on using the most handsome words to copy beautiful ancient poems on the blackboard and read them together. Inspire students to recite their interest in ancient poetry.

In order to better develop students' self-learning ability, I have been asking students to insist on writing reading notes, and encourage students to boldly display their reading results and display them in the form of handwritten newspapers.

Third, the scientific research, the subjective study of reading teaching has a certain understanding.

This semester, my research goal is to study the teaching objectives of reading. I believe that the basic skills of students should be strengthened first. The formation of students' basic skills is based on the full mastery of basic knowledge. In the fourth grade language group, we will vigorously strengthen the education and teaching of basic Chinese knowledge, and then continue to consolidate basic skills.

Do a good job in the research of inquiry learning methods, so that the inquiry learning method is truly mastered and used by teachers. Pay attention to the development of students' ability, strengthen curiosity, inspire students to dare to imagine, dare to question, encourage students to reverse thinking, divergent thinking, seek common thinking, and seek different thinking, and strive to develop the depth and breadth of students' thinking.

In teaching, students are always the mainstay, teachers are the leading, and teachers' innovation is based on this. Do a good job of innovation, and actively implement research on inquiry learning methods, so that every student becomes the main body of inquiry teaching.

Actively create situations, let students cultivate interest in inquiry learning, stimulate curiosity and curiosity. We make students the masters of learning. Carefully guide students to study independently and think independently, and encourage students to discover problems, ask questions and solve problems on their own.

Reform the teaching method and focus on learning the Fa. The full-fledged classroom teaching is a free and developmental teaching for students. Teachers strengthen the guidance of learning and law, and give students sufficient time and space to let students fully experience the hardships and joys of learning. The teacher puts in a timely manner and expresses the spark of the students' hard learning.

In short, after one semester of Chinese language teaching, my level of educational theory has improved, and there has been significant progress in classroom teaching. But it is not insufficient. If the students in this class do not follow the discipline, the results have not been satisfactory. In the future, based on the reality, pioneering and enterprising, and constantly advance.

Summary of Chinese Language Teaching

Language is a discipline and an art. As a language teacher, if you want to get more results with less effort in teaching, you should know what is the key to paying attention to classroom teaching. Now I will summarize some of my experiences in teaching as follows:

First, design a good teaching guide. The lead is the introduction of the new lesson. It is the opening of a new text. A wonderful lead is the key to success in a lesson. Therefore, lead design is an indispensable part of Chinese teaching. So how can we design a good introduction to classroom instruction?

1. Design different forms according to different text types. When designing, we should focus on teaching content, learning objectives, highlight teaching priorities, avoid flashy, and deviate from the theme of classroom teaching, so that students are ignorant.

2. Pay attention to conciseness and generalization. The guide should strive to achieve less and more, concise and concise, use a concise guide to grasp the essence of the text and the core content of the learning materials, which is conducive to summarizing the main content of teaching, so that students can easily grasp the relevant knowledge.

3, to be vivid and infectious. The vivid and colorful guides can make students have the interest of learning, infect students, and mobilize students to appreciate the style of the text and cause emotional resonance.

Second, create a good classroom atmosphere, the classroom atmosphere directly affects the teaching effect. Teachers are the organizers and leaders of classroom teaching. Their knowledge, personality and prestige are a huge spiritual force. They have a great educational shock effect and are the key elements that affect students' emotions and restrict the classroom education atmosphere. Therefore, in the process of classroom teaching, teachers should be “strict” and should not let themselves go. Of course, "strictness" can not be over-extended, so as not to bring psychological pressure to students.

Teachers also need to have "passion" in the classroom teaching. Teachers should pass on the knowledge and skills to the students in a positive and enthusiastic state before each class, so that the students' hearts will rush with the teacher's emotions. As long as we love students from the depths of our hearts, care for students and caring for students, and actively create conditions, so that students can be subtly influenced and infected, a good classroom atmosphere will form, and thus achieve the desired teaching effect.

Thoughts: It is more difficult to take a language lesson in order to take a language lesson. When you are preparing for a turnaround, there are many good procedures to be done. As mentioned in the above article, it is necessary to design a fine and simple lead, design a strict and relaxed classroom environment, and also need a language teacher to have ample Passion, we must firmly grasp the "heart" of students in order to implement classroom teaching. Although the language class is difficult, it also has the pleasure of harvesting results. Hard and happy.

The new curriculum standards clearly point out that primary school students should "develop the habit of reading and reading newspapers and have independent reading ability." The standard also said: "The total amount of extracurricular reading for primary school students is not less than 1 million words." To complete this task, it is impossible to do it in class, and it must be done with extracurricular reading.

Third, seek the combination of reading inside and outside the class

To effectively improve the quality of extracurricular reading, it is necessary to consider in-class reading and extracurricular reading as a whole. To this end, teachers need to often combine reading teaching to understand the reading trends of students.

Once, after the new language document was issued, the student was novel and read it from beginning to end. One student asked me: "Teacher, why is the famous French entomologist Fabre's pocket filled with insects?" I opened the ninth volume of the Soviet-speaking language book and saw the article "The bag full of insects". One bright. The root of the original extracurricular reading interest is here. So, I asked students to look for stories of scientists studying science to read, and with students, watch scientists study scientific videos and videos online. In this way, scientists love the spirit of science and comprehend in the students' extracurricular reading.

Fourth, form an atmosphere of extracurricular reading

Extracurricular reading should be the best opportunity. This best opportunity varies by student, teacher, and environment. In a word, teachers should determine the best opportunity for extracurricular reading based on the artistic conception of teaching. The general appearance of this artistic conception is: students' reading interest should be at the climax and exciting time. Every morning, as soon as I arrive at the school, I go to understand the students' interest in reading. One day, I occasionally heard two students arguing over who studied ancient poetry. One said: "I will be back to Qian Qian's "Lime Li"!" Another said: "I will recite the "Mei Mei" written by Wang Hao!" One said: "I will recite Wang Wei's "Lu Chai"! "The other said: "I will recite Li Bai's "Early White Emperor City"! I suddenly became clear: Originally, the source of reading interest is here - listen and see. So, I rushed from the reading room of the school. Borrowed more than a dozen "Ancient Poetry Collections" and sent them to students to take turns to read. In a few weeks, the 45 students of the class have finished reading the ten ancient books of ancient poetry. At this time, I am in class. In the end, a poetry recital was held. As a result, the students rushed to recite, and many of them could recite more than 30 ancient poems. They also had a good message. This time, I announced a good message to the whole class: from now on, the students You can go to the reading room to borrow books once a week. For a time, the gas in the class is very popular.

V. Teaching methods for extracurricular reading

Extracurricular reading also requires mastery. Mastering the method will solve the problem of “learning”. Through more than 20 years of Chinese teaching, I have explored several ways to guide students to read extracurricularly: 1. Write an outline method. Mainly give the article a summary, outline the outline. 2. Card excerpt method. That is, when reading, extract the main points or key sentences and paragraphs of the article on the card. 3. Symbol substitution method. That is to say, according to their own reading habits, design a variety of symbols, circle, point, hook, and painting in the text. 4, the commentary method. That is, write the text of the comment in the place where you feel the deepest. 5. Index method. That is to use the indexing method to read, write down the article title, author, newspaper name period number, page number, and index when needed. 6, scrapbooking. That is, cut out good articles and fragments and paste them on the scrapbook. These methods are mainly based on the actual reading training of students' hands-on, arterial and dynamic mouth.

In short, the significance and role of language reading outside the classroom is extraordinary. Extracurricular reading "a vast world" will certainly be another new chapter in improving the quality of Chinese.

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