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Summary of Chinese teaching in the first grade

Summary of Chinese teaching in the first grade

Time is like water, a blink of an eye, one semester of education and teaching work is nearing completion, and the specific work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, stimulate students' interest in learning and improve their language literacy

Language is a subject full of thoughts, full of humanity and full of wisdom. In the context of the new curriculum reform, students' self-learning and cultivating students' innovative abilities have become the focus of teachers' attention. The learning methods such as discussion, communication and inquiry have become the mainstream of the classroom. In the language classroom teaching, I strive to make students live fresh, let students learn to be full of interest, and enable students to enjoy learning in Chinese learning, so as to develop students' language literacy.

For example, learning pinyin and understanding Chinese characters in children's favorite situations; consolidating Chinese characters in activities such as connecting, painting, painting, spelling, pendulum, etc. In the after-school practice and language garden, a large number of "I will read" "I will Write "" I will say" and "I will draw" and other forms to stimulate students' interest in learning and cultivate confidence in literacy. In the teaching, we proceed from the actual teaching materials, according to the age characteristics of children, carefully design the teaching method, stimulate children's literacy interest, and teach literacy methods.

Second, the use of new and old knowledge contact method for random literacy

We know that the acquisition of new knowledge is often based on old knowledge. Similarly, the process by which students recognize new words is often based on existing knowledge. In the teaching process, we often use the strokes, radicals, and familiar words that children have already learned, and adopt the methods of adding, subtracting, changing, and writing puzzles to guide students to random literacy.

3. Guide students to multi-stage literacy in reading teaching

A total of 34 texts are compiled in this volume. The literacy of each lesson is quite large. For the problem of excessive literacy, teacher guidance is very important. I am reading all aspects of teaching, paying attention to stimulating literacy interest, allowing the words to reappear multiple times, and consolidating literacy in recurrence.

Instruct students to read the pronunciation in the preview

The preparation is designed to learn new knowledge. In order to improve the literacy efficiency of students, we ask students to read the text when they first read, "Look at the babies in the syllabary, who have you already met? Say hello to it, who else do you know? Take it from the text. Find out, circle, and read it with Pinyin. The students acted immediately and were happy to recognize the words in the text and get the initiative to learn the new words.

Instruct students to learn new words in cooperation

Cooperation is a very important learning ability. In class, we divide the students into four groups, each of which selects a group leader. After the first reading of the text, I asked the students to work together to learn the new words in the group: four people sit around, each person uses the right index finger to point to the words in the wording of the word, starting from the group leader, taking turns to teach, each word is read three times. The other three people read it three times, and the reader will not be taught or misunderstood. Any one of the other three can immediately remind or correct, and strengthen the memory of the word and font. After that, let the students talk about their literacy methods in the group, and through the evaluation, let the students gradually comprehend and master the best literacy methods. Through this simple cooperative learning, all students take the initiative to participate, actively perform, complement each other, enhance the spirit of cooperation and competition, and improve the effectiveness of learning.

Fourth, attach importance to reading the evaluation of feelings, so that classroom teaching "live".

Each text in the Chinese language textbook is a masterpiece of both beauty and beauty. Its wonderful description of context, the exquisite use of language, the deep expression of thoughts, and the uniqueness of insights are important contents to guide students' perceptions. Due to the limited time of classroom teaching, the wonderful things in the text are not likely to guide students to realize one by one. In order to make these wonderful impressions to the students, I focused on reading and guided the students to read the language and words in order to realize the rich image connotation, meaning connotation and emotional connotation. At the same time, let the students guide students to judge the texts on the basis of sentiment, deepen understanding in the evaluation, sublimate the understanding, fill the gap.

5. Teaching students to consolidate literacy in reading

Children literate, recognize fast, and forget too fast. Therefore, continuous recurrence is an important way to consolidate literacy, and it is better to put the words of knowledge into the language environment. Reading psychology believes that reading is not a process of passive acceptance, but a process of reading the subject's active participation. In teaching, I use various teaching methods, use a variety of forms, read the text repeatedly, and literate with the text, that is, literacy in the language environment, so that the words do not leave the word, the words do not leave the sentence, easy to understand the meaning of the words, help to establish words A unified connection in sound, form, and righteousness.

Sixth, pay attention to the combination of internal and external classes, mobilize the enthusiasm of parents to participate in the curriculum reform, and guide students to read literacy outside the classroom.

An educator in the United States pointed out: "The extension of the classroom is equal to the extension of extracurricular activities. With classroom learning as the core, it can effectively extend and expand the students' school life, family life, social life and other fields of life, so that classroom training and Extracurricular behavior training forms an orderly, interesting, powerful and effective combination to achieve the overall benefits of Chinese teaching."

Although I have fulfilled my responsibilities and ability to complete the teaching tasks in this semester, I have also achieved certain results, but the results only belong to the past. In the future, I will continue to work harder and harder to improve the students' language performance.

Summary of Chinese teaching in the first grade

During the semester, I took the school work plan, the work plan of the teaching office, and the implementation plan of the school language ability as the guide. I completed the language teaching work in this semester earnestly and conscientiously. The specific work is summarized as follows:

I. Prepare lessons carefully

According to the characteristics of the students in this class, carefully study the teaching materials, grasp the key points and difficulties of the teaching materials, prepare the classes, take good classes, write good-leaf teaching plans, and timely feedback and explanations on time.

2. Learn "Continuing Education" content

Take advantage of the opportunity to continue education online this semester, multi-charge, completed more than 700 class hours of study tasks this semester. Through learning, it has deepened the understanding of curriculum reform, broke through the traditional teaching thinking mode, established a new curriculum concept, and enhanced the consciousness and responsibility of implementing the new curriculum. Through the research, discussion and implementation of curriculum standards and new textbooks, mastering the curriculum standards, grasping new textbooks, and improving the ability and level of implementing new curriculum.

3. Efficiently use the classroom time to complete the teaching of textbook content, and strive to do the day affairs, and complete the day.

4. Pay attention to and pay extracurricular reading


In order to further improve their own understanding, the online search for information deeply understands the importance of “reading”; learning how others guide students to read.

2. Strengthen communication with parents, strive to reach a consensus on the issue of “reading”, and then get active support from parents. Facts have proved that this work is very effective, and many parents have taken the initiative to participate in this activity, and the continuation of parents has been particularly prominent.

3. Let students understand the importance of reading.

4. Carefully choose the reading materials for the children and purchase the "365 Night Story", "Celebrity Story" and "Children's Song 300".

5. A variety of methods to stimulate and develop students' reading interest. Telling a story--feeling the book's magical suspense--the desire to mobilize reading. Storytelling--Sentimental Storyline

6. Guarantee the child's reading time - morning, noon, special time.

7. Incorporate “reading” into the homework and gradually let the students develop the habit of reading at home.

8. Strengthen the summary, appraisal, and achieve or motivate or motivate students.

9. Establish a class library. Each student has donated a book that students can borrow at any time. We also exchange reading with the other three classes on a regular basis.

V. Use the Chinese classroom to do a good job of reading students

1. Explicitly read the requirements: Ask them to be eye-catching, mouth-to-mouth, and heart-to-heart. Do not rush to seek success, strict requirements do not lose words, do not add words, good words, do not repeat, do not sing, do not read sentences. Further do---when reading, there are high and low, rushing and slow, fast and slow.

2. Teachers do a good reading, I practice many times in each text, and strive to achieve the correct content of the text with sound, giving students a good orientation.

3. Grab the typical text and guide the students step by step.

4. Hold a reading competition to stimulate students' interest in reading.

5. Do a good job of poor health counseling.

Sixth, do a good job of memorizing

Reciting can help primary school students to accumulate language foundation and enrich their knowledge. As the saying goes: "Reading is broken, there are gods in writing," "Reading 300 poems of Tang poetry, you will not be jealous." It can be seen that reciting is the language ability of students. Effective ways to improve the quality of Chinese teaching.

1. Book your piggyback plan in time

At the beginning of the school, after the school's "implementation plan" was arranged, I organized the group's teachers to set up a "reciting plan" at the first time. Whether it is the idiom, the famous words, the ancient poetry, we strive to combine the class with the extracurricular, and strive to suit the first-year students.

2. After the content of the back is firmly grasped, we print it into a table and distribute it to the students. Because the students are in school time, the task of learning is relatively heavy, so the completion of the reciting task is basically a piecemeal time--- before, after noon, after the second class in the afternoon, lead the students to read over and over again and again. In order to keep students in mind and to be able to apply what they have learned in the future, I have been particularly successful in every aspect. In order to let students understand the meaning of idioms, famous sayings, and ancient poems, I have put a lot of effort into it. The life of first-year students is very shallow, and many things are verbally explained. They don't understand. Many times I go online to search for courseware demonstrations for students. Sometimes, in order to let students understand the meaning of an idiom or perform or tell a story, what methods are used. In order to complete the reciting task with quality and quantity, it is even harder to check this level. Mobilize parents to check at home, check the students at the school, and check with the teacher. Not only does it require a loud sound, but the words are clear, and even the flat tongue is corrected one by one.

7. Pay attention to writing teaching and lay the basic skills of writing.

Use the classroom teaching time, the class features teaching activities time, and carefully guide students to write. In the classroom, I started with basic strokes. Every word in the text was a demonstration. Even for the first month of the class, I gave the students one by one. Also download the online courseware for students to feel the font and remember the strokes. If you pay, you will definitely gain something. This is even more obvious in the first-year students. Students are getting better and better, and I am sincerely happy.

Work in time

After completing a lesson, you will be able to do the workbook in time. The semester workbook is basically done at the school and under the guidance of the teacher. Instantly correct the workbook, find problems in time, solve them instantly, and repeat training until you understand.

Nine. Seriously correcting the operation

Every time you place your homework, you are very careful, and you can be targeted and hierarchical. Strive to achieve the maximum effect of each exercise. At the same time, the students' homework corrections are timely and conscientious, paying attention to analyzing the students' work situation, classifying and summarizing the problems they have in the operation process, conducting thorough evaluations, and timely improving the teaching methods according to relevant situations, so as to achieve targeted. In the semester of the semester, my class performed outstandingly.

In short, under the joint efforts of teachers and students this semester, students have made great progress. Many students have developed good study habits, their understanding ability has gradually increased, and they have accumulated so many language knowledge. Each student's language performance has improved to varying degrees. I feel very fulfilled and comforted. I will continue to do my best!

Summary of Chinese teaching in the first grade

First, the guiding ideology:

In the teaching of Chinese, we must implement the national education policy, face modernization, face the world, and face the future; we should use the Marxism-Leninism and scientific education theory as the guide to connect students' real life, strengthen language practice, actively carry out teaching reform, and improve teaching quality.

Second, the total goals and requirements of the semester teaching:

The teaching of Chinese language should be based on promoting the development of students and laying the foundation for their lifelong study, life and work. The teaching of Chinese language should foster students' love for the motherland's language and Chinese culture, guide students to correctly understand and use the motherland's language, enrich the accumulation of language, and enable them to have a preliminary listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, and develop a good language learning. habit. In the process of teaching, students are enlightened by patriotism education, socialist ideological and moral education and scientific ideological methods, cultivating students' creativity, cultivating the love of beauty, developing healthy personality, and developing a good will character. The primary goals and requirements for the first year of the semester:

Chinese Pinyin

1. Learn Chinese Pinyin. You can read the consonants, finals, tones and the whole syllables. You can accurately spell the syllables and correctly write the initials, finals and syllables.

2. You can use the Chinese Pinyin to literate, correct, and speak Mandarin.

Literacy and writing

1. I like to learn Chinese characters with the desire to actively literate.

2. Know 400 commonly used Chinese characters and write 100.

3. Master the basic strokes of Chinese characters and write according to the rules of stroke order. The words are written correctly, correct, and neat.

4, initially develop the correct writing posture and good writing habits.


1, like to read, feel the pleasure of reading.

2. Learn to read the text correctly and fluently in Mandarin.

3. Learn to read with the help of pictures in the reading.

4. Be interested in the content of the book and be willing to communicate with others.

Oral communication

1. Learn Mandarin and gradually develop the habit of speaking Mandarin.

2, can listen carefully to other people's speeches, and strive to understand the main content of the speech.

3, can talk to others, the attitude is natural and generous, polite.

4. Have confidence in expression. Actively participate in oral communication and actively express their opinions.

Third, a brief analysis of the basic situation of students

The first-grade class has 26 classes, including 11 boys and 15 girls. Students have already had initial contact with Chinese Pinyin in kindergartens, but they are not systematic, nor standardized, and the pronunciation is not accurate enough. Because students come from different kindergartens, influenced by some objective factors, students' knowledge, experience and cognitive ability are quite different. Individual students have already recognized many Chinese characters in their early childhood and have the desire to actively literate; most students can recognize a small number of Chinese characters; individual students cannot even write their own names correctly. Some students can ask simple questions about the content of interest. Individual students have self-confidence and can express their opinions actively. Some students lack self-confidence, are more timid, have less active initiative, and express their wishes. blurry.

Fourth, the main measures to improve the quality of teaching

1. For children who are just in the first grade at 5 or 6 years old, it is obviously difficult and boring to master the abstract Chinese Pinyin. In light of the characteristics of the students' age, combined with the "Chinese Curriculum Standards", we strive to achieve the teaching of Chinese Pinyin. It is fun and childlike, allowing students to master Chinese Pinyin in a harmonious classroom atmosphere.

2. Literacy is the foundation of reading and composition, and is crucial in the teaching of lower grades. Lower grade students are easy to remember some specific, visual, and color materials, so in the teaching of literacy, they will strengthen the visualization and intuitiveness, and guide students to learn. Through image, intuitive teaching, and rich imagery, students can master the Chinese characters they have learned.

3. "Reading is the behavior of students' individualization." Therefore, in the reading teaching, the teaching method of autonomy, cooperation and inquiry is adopted, and the initiative of reading is given to the students. At the same time, the reading teaching is extended from the classroom to the extracurricular, and then the extracurricular reading is applied to the class. The two are closely combined to coordinate the development of reading ability.

4. In teaching, actively guide and encourage students to question, introduce students into the world of problems, let them express their opinions, diligently question and ask questions, and improve their verbal ability in the process of asking questions and seeking answers. At the same time, in the lower grade Chinese textbooks, the texts are rich in content and have certain suspense. You can use this favorable factor to guide students to develop their imaginations, create situations for students, and encourage students to speak boldly.

Summary of the first grade Chinese language teaching

As time passed, the semester passed again. The new course has entered our school for one academic year. It is like a spring breeze, which has injected new opportunities into our education and brought us a new teaching stage. At the end of the period, recalling the teaching work since this semester, I feel really tired, but also accompanied by the joy of harvest.

Since this semester, I have worked in an orderly manner in accordance with the curriculum reform plan formulated at the beginning of the period. Listen to each other's classes, listen carefully to the teachers' opinions in the same year, and improve the teaching methods. Regularly summarize the work, sum up the teaching experience, put the experience into the teaching, and give full play to the main role of student learning. Let students acquire the knowledge of the language they should master in the process of observation, guessing, inquiry, discussion and communication, so that the language learning activities become a lively, active and personalized process. Efforts are made to align with the important concepts of the current Chinese curriculum reform.

In the course of the semester's teaching, in the process of students' self-directed learning, when students' emotions are passionate and forgetting to invest, it is inevitable that there will be “noisy” problems, and there may be “I think... I want... I can ... I will do it... I still... I think...". This is, I try not to easily deny the students' thinking results, and do not impose their opinions on the students. Therefore, students can participate in the whole teaching process with high emotions from beginning to end and feel the joy of learning. In the process of teaching and learning, if the different conclusions put forward by the students are justified, I will give them affirmation, let the students have the opportunity to confess their own ideas, respect the children's thinking, and not easily deny the child's basic thinking. The answer above. At the same time, on the basis of students' divergent thinking, they guide students to identify each other and reverberate the divergent thinking, which is conducive to cultivating the systematic, rigorous and profound thinking of students.

In short, in the course of this semester, I have always adhered to the implementation of the new curriculum standards, adhere to the student-oriented educational philosophy, attach importance to the development and utilization of curriculum resources, promote the spirit of cooperative learning, and guide students from the source of life. Drawing on the development of thinking and language nourishment, in the combination of textbooks and life textbooks, it has opened up a vast world of curriculum learning. However, it should be said that while achieving the results, there are also many deficiencies in teaching. Many students are able to accept the new curriculum education. A small number of students have a little difficulty in learning because of differences in age and vacancies in parenting, so there are two extreme phenomena in the class. Of course, in the future, I will continue to improve in teaching to adapt to the new wave of education reform.

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