Work Summary > Summary of Teaching Work

Summary of high school Chinese teaching work

Summary of high school Chinese teaching work

The following are some of my experiences in teaching this school year, summarized as follows:

First, to improve the quality of teaching, the key is to take good lessons for each class and strive for efficiency in 45 minutes. In order to get a good class, I did the following work:

(1) Preparation before class: Prepare a class.

1 Carefully delve into the teaching materials, clear the basic ideas and basic concepts of the textbooks, understand every sentence and every word, understand the structure of the teaching materials, focus and difficulty, master the logic of knowledge, use it freely, know what materials should be added, and how Can teach well.

2 Understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills, their interests, needs, methods, habits, what difficulties may be encountered in learning new knowledge, and take appropriate preventive measures.

3 Consider the teaching method and solve how to pass the mastered materials to the students, including how to organize the teaching materials and how to arrange the activities of each class.

Second, the fine textbook essay

Students learn Chinese, mainly relying on the teacher's explanation of the textbook essay. Therefore, in the teaching process of the textbook essay, I earnestly do every step of the teaching and take every lesson seriously. The preparation of the lesson is in-depth and meticulous, and the teaching plan is written in a detailed and detailed manner. The teaching materials, materials, and students are all available, and they are truly prepared. So in the classroom, I have a well-thought-out style. Due to the high investment, full enthusiasm, and heuristic teaching mode, the student participation rate is high, the classroom atmosphere is very active, and the mastery of the textbook essay is high. On this basis, I systematically do a good job of special exercises, such as phonetic questions, word corrections, revision of sick sentences, ancient poetry, and meditation, and have a solid foundation in the basic knowledge of students.

Third, the reading teaching is not grasping

In the high school stage, especially in the science class, the language is obviously in a weak position, and the time spent by students in learning the language is very small. However, Chinese teaching cannot rely solely on classroom teaching and must rely on extracurricular activities. Only by solving this problem can the quality of Chinese teaching be improved. Therefore, in daily teaching, we must pay attention to strengthen students' reading comprehension ability! For example, the "Tang poetry and Song poetry reading" opened after the first semester of the second year of high school is the best platform. When I was teaching the "Tang poetry and Song poetry reading", I used the students to read the text carefully and then appreciate the poetry on the basis of reading. In addition, the cooperative text teaching often gave students the essays of the college entrance examination over the years. When explaining the composition, they also gave the students Read some essays in college entrance examinations, let them compare them in their essays in the college entrance examination, and learn to imitate and draw lessons from them. They also read some Zhou Ji and essays that some students have written well as Fan Wen. Through these channels, the reading surface of the students has been well expanded.

Fourth, strive to improve the overall quality of students

In order for students to become talented, they must first cultivate their comprehensive qualities. Therefore, I often organize various forms of activities to improve the quality and ability of students in all aspects. For example, in your class, use the third class in the afternoon to hold a small poetry reading competition to train students' recitation ability; use the spare time to carry out speech activities, and develop students' language expression ability by letting students introduce themselves on the podium; Let the students perform on the podium to further strengthen the students' psychological quality and so on.

The road is long and the road is long, I will go up and down! The teaching is endless. In the future Chinese teaching work, I will continue to learn with the most full of passion, update the educational concept, pay attention to education and scientific research, and strive to improve The quality of education and teaching, and strive to raise their teaching level to a new level.

Summary of high school Chinese teaching work

Chinese teaching aims to develop students' ability to listen, speak, read, write and correctly understand, master and use the language of the motherland. The current quality education has put forward higher requirements for Chinese educators. Teachers should not only face all students, but also teach and educate people. They should cultivate students' various abilities in the process of Chinese teaching and promote the all-round development of students. In order to accomplish the above tasks, I have carefully studied various teaching theories in the usual teaching work, in-depth study of teaching materials and teaching methods, and humbly learning from old teachers. After a period of hard work, I gained a lot of valuable teaching experience. The following is a summary of my teaching work in the process of high school Chinese teaching.

First, change the concept of thinking, facing all students

Facing all students is the first priority of quality education and the prerequisite for implementing the education policy. A teacher must recognize that every student is the subject of education, and every student is an object that can be educated.

1, Chinese teaching is not bad

For all students, the problem of “poor students” is inevitably involved. A considerable number of teachers always divide students into several levels according to the quality of students' test scores. Those who have poor test scores are naturally classified as “poor students”. In fact, after more than ten years of study, every student has the basic ability to use language and text, and has his own flash. Some people are good at making sentences, some are good at layout, some are written in writing, and some are good at speaking. In my eyes, there is no difference in language learning. Some are only a group with different language proficiency levels. There is no difference in language teaching. According to Bloom's educational theory, as long as the students are guided by the correct method and enough time, they will make progress on the basis of the original. The transformation of ideas will bring new teaching methods and will receive unexpected teaching effects.

2, mobilize students' interest in learning Chinese

Interest is the best teacher. It is difficult to imagine that a teacher who is not interested in Chinese will teach a good language. A student who has no interest in Chinese can learn a good language and stimulate the enthusiasm of mobilizing students to learn Chinese is a prerequisite for students to actively develop. The first is for all students, closely following the content of the textbooks, designing flexible and diverse teaching methods to attract students, vivid, novel and appropriate teaching methods, so that students always engage in learning under the new stimulation. The second is to implement the principle of successful education, so that every student can enjoy the joy of success. Teaching students in accordance with their aptitudes, different requirements for different students, and even the general requirements can be lowered at the beginning, so that excellent students can move toward profound knowledge, so that most students can firmly learn the good faith, so that students who have never been praised by teachers also experience the joy of the teacher’s positive evaluation. .

3. Granted "fishing" to seek students to actively develop

"The best learning is about the method of learning", "the singer of the singer makes people follow his voice, the good teachers make people follow their ambitions", "the good scholars do half the work, and the poor scholars do more than half the work." Helping students master the scientific learning methods allows them to swim in the ocean of knowledge. When students enter high school, the primary task is to establish a "big language" view of language learning. It is necessary to look at the society, look at life, and pay attention to everything. Let students insist on "read more, listen more, think more, write more, say more" The "five-plus" approach, and strict requirements, so that after students enter high school, they can quickly grasp the law of language learning, form their own unique learning methods, and enter the free kingdom of language learning to achieve ideal results.

In short, the change of teachers' ideological concepts will make every student feel that they are the main body of education. Every student can enjoy the joy of success, and each student's ability can be fully developed.

Second, play the role of the main channel of classroom teaching, improve students' comprehensive ability of language

The realization of the teaching purpose is mainly realized through the teaching process. In order to cultivate high-quality talents, the teacher should optimize the classroom teaching structure in the teaching process. The instructor should tell the personality, tell the style, tell the wonderful, tell the The meaning is to show students a world that is both unique and colorful, to give students thinking and enlightenment, and to encourage students to actively learn and actively develop.

1. Optimize classroom teaching structure

Mr. Ye Shengtao clearly pointed out that the text is only an example of language learning. This requires each language teacher to fully recognize the characteristics of the textbook, grasp the teaching materials as a whole, use it flexibly, give full play to the exemplary example of the textbook, and improve the comprehensive ability of students' language. In the use of teaching materials, I closely follow the syllabus and test descriptions, and strive to combine the characteristics of the textbooks with the students' actual learning. Starting from the actual situation of the students, we make certain choices for the teaching materials, which saves time and improves efficiency. A good result is achieved.

The prose of "The Most Beautiful Grave in the World" only captures the simple simplicity of Tolstoy's tomb. It is his lifelong pursuit - the yearning for civilians and the return to nature - the emphasis on the externalization of this great personality. through. Maupassant's "Necklace" is well-known in China and abroad. Students are happy to read, but this one can satisfy the students' desire to seek knowledge. On the basis of explaining the text, I added the other novels of Maupassant such as "Sheep Ball". And compared Maupassant with two other short story masters, O. Henry of the United States and Chekhov of Russia, which not only satisfied the students' strong desire for knowledge, but also enriched the inner world of the students.

2. Combine science and ideology closely to help students establish a correct world view

Classroom teaching is the main channel for implementing quality education, and it is undoubtedly the main position for students to carry out ideological education. First of all, in the teaching process, I make full use of the characteristics of the Chinese class and infiltrate the content of ideological education. The Chinese civilization has a long history and profound language. The great historical figures such as Qu Yuan, Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Xin Qiji, Wen Tianxiang, Tan Sitong, etc., their patriotic pride filled the chest of young students; Zhang Heng, Cai Lun, Shen Kuo, the reason why they have been praised by people Because they rely on their own ingenuity to contribute to the Chinese civilization; the magnificence of the Tianshan Mountains, the greatness of Mount Tai, the magic of Huangshan, the beauty of the Three Gorges, and the vastness of Inner Mongolia all make students fascinated and patriotic enthusiasm . Secondly, in the process of capacity development, the content of the text is excavated, so that students can understand the methods of understanding and analyzing problems. "Bringing Doctrine" teaches students how to deal with traditions; "Screaming" in order to let students see a great man's unremitting pursuit of truth; "AQ Forward" allows students to understand the sadness of a soul-deficient person; Say can make students abandon blind arrogance and develop a habit of seeking truth and learning.

In carrying out this principle, I strive to grasp the organic combination of science and ideology, combine the texts and proceed from the students' actual conditions, so that they truly feel the charm of the ideological value in literary works.

3, the requirements of the class and the expansion of the scope of extracurricular knowledge, broaden the horizons of students

The text is an example. Under the premise of implementing basic knowledge and the ability of the medium, I pay attention to expanding extracurricular knowledge, broadening the horizons of students, introducing the profound Chinese culture and colorful extracurricular life into the classroom, and injecting vitality into Chinese teaching. Every semester, I will introduce a certain amount of classical Chinese into the text teaching, cultivate students' reading habits of classical Chinese and enrich the inner world of students. In the classroom, according to the lecture content, the problem of close contact with reality is raised at any time, which greatly stimulates the students to think habits. Under the class, students will be guided to read some famous Chinese and foreign classics as well as special articles such as "China Youth Daily", "Guangming Daily" and "Wen Wei Po", so that students can learn about the society and lay a solid foundation for the society.

Third, explore the source of writing, improve students' ability to use language and words

The purpose of composition teaching is to let students use words to express correct, rich and profound thoughts. The text is only an example, it is a guide map, and language teaching is finally implemented into the use of language. Students write good essays, the basic skills of language use and writing skills are the basic conditions, and more importantly, students must learn to think, learn to be human, have rich thoughts, noble morality.

1. Develop thinking habits and provide lasting motivation for writing

"The text is to carry the word", the words are the heart, the language is the externalization of the soul. It is difficult to imagine a student who is not good at thinking and will write articles with rich and lively content. “Cultivating students to think that this is the most valuable asset in a lifetime for students.” This famous phrase fully reveals the importance of thinking.

Life is full of philosophy, seriously reflecting on life, purifying the soul; paying close attention to social life, can understand and understand the society, in the classroom teaching, I constantly ask questions, and guide students to think positively, greatly enrich their thoughts. For example, when I was teaching "The True Story of Ah Q", I asked the question "I am Ah Q?", let students reflect on the weakness of their character; when teaching "Medicine", I guide students to think about "medical medicine, followed by The principle of "healing people" allows students to reflect on today's society.

“I want to develop, or to have a pure space”, let students realize the importance of protecting the environment; “Do you know the birthday of your parents?”, and guide students to care for others; “What does Chinese football take off to explain”, from which to understand suffering and glory The meaning. Let the students learn to think in the debate and reject the useless grievances. A series of close contact students and social issues have broken the boring monotony of high school life, mobilized students to think positively, added the color of high school life, and unearthed a treasure house of writing.

2, classroom composition and practice composition, improve writing efficiency

At present, there is no complete set of textbooks for composition teaching, and composition teaching has become a weak link in high school Chinese teaching. In the composition teaching, I tried the method of combining the composition of the class with the practice of writing and writing. The composition of the class was grasped and standardized, and the practice of pen writing and writing grasped the basics and received good results.

Classroom essays are essential for normative requirements, without rules and regulations, necessary writing knowledge and strict time requirements, and provide rules for students to follow. Classroom essays closely follow the main aspects of life thinking, social reality, text content, and unit writing training, and strive to let students write ideas and write about life. Practicing pen essays focuses on the basics, focusing on allowing students to understand life through composition and to understand life. The form is not limited, so that the practice of writing a pen becomes the wilderness of students' galloping thoughts, and becomes a channel and platform for teachers and students to talk and communicate.

The requirements of standardization, the digging of writing sources, and the flexible and diverse forms of writing have greatly mobilized the interest of students in writing, and changed "I want to write" as "I want to write", which greatly improved the enthusiasm of students' writing.

Summary: People often say that middle school teachers are difficult, middle school Chinese teachers are more difficult, and I have experienced the fun of middle school Chinese teachers in the actual teaching work. Students also mastered knowledge and improved their ability in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. There has been considerable progress on the basis. I am convinced that one point of work will be harvested and one point will be harvested. As long as we work hard and actively explore, we will surely usher in a bright future for high school Chinese teaching.

Summary of high school Chinese teaching work

In this semester, I have been teaching Chinese in the first three classes and two classes in high school. The two classes are the basic courses for senior high school science. The student base is weak, the interest in learning Chinese is low, and confidence is insufficient. In the process of teaching, I adhered to the principle of "teaching patience, teaching and law-making", from trying to inspire students to learn to develop their desires, sticking to the traditional Chinese teaching concepts and methods, and trying to develop various language teaching activities, insisting that "every class can get The goal of each class must be to focus on cultivating students' good moral qualities, developing students' ability to think cautiously and deeply in thinking about problems, giving up the arbitrariness and blooming teaching situation in the lectures, grasping the key points of teaching and educating people, and promoting inspiration and Self-awareness and teaching methods.

In teaching practice, I use textbooks and high school review books as the main learning content, and actively cultivate and develop students' ability of "knowledge and skills, process and method, emotion and attitude"; with the main propaganda of "Traditional Culture and Chinese Teaching" The journal "New Reading and Writing" guides students to read actively and healthily, writes in a large amount, and integrates Chinese into the broad literacy of reading and writing; insists on reading the classics "Meng Zi", "Zhuangzi" or a poem The pre-class activities of Meiwen pay attention to excavating and exerting the essence knowledge of Chinese traditional culture that can positively and positively affect students, guiding students to correctly understand and think about various phenomena in society and life, and help students to establish and improve Chinese tradition. Virtue is the correct and valuable outlook on life values ​​of the core connotation.

In this semester, I completed the teaching of the fifth and sixth volumes of the high school and the first round of general review books, and also guided the students to complete six "New Reading and Writing", three "Chinese Languages" and "Men Men". 〉, <Zhuangzi> reading task, led the students to the school reading room for 5 times free reading writing class; guided Lin Yongchang students to write a book, "Chen Shan Shou Shouzheng Qingyuan - Exploring Middle School Students by Reading "Mencius" to Establish Correctly The Influence of Moral Values" Comprehensive Learning Papers. Seriously implemented eight essays to write a full batch of teaching tasks. Guide all students to participate in the "Masterpiece Tour - One of the 6th Science and Technology Festival Festival", some students have achieved good results.

Following lifelong learning, continuous self-study, and striving to improve my own thinking, in order to continuously improve the ability and character of teaching and educating people, I actively participate in business learning, training and exchange activities organized by various levels of education administrative departments, and successively go to Quanzhou. Wuzhong, Jinjiang Yangzheng, Jiyan, Nanqiao and other middle schools listened to the lectures and learned more advanced and practical teaching methods. With the desire to be truthful and thirsty, I carefully studied the "Traditional Culture and Chinese Teaching Training Materials". Road and telephone exchanged ideas with colleagues in the same subject, wrote a classic cultural reading case "The Analects of Confucius", a paper "How to read the Analects in the end" and many teaching reflections and experiences. As the team leader, I can go deep into the classroom, guide young teachers, work as a subject teaching and research contact, help them improve their education and teaching level; organize and lead everyone to work together to write a research project "School-based textbooks." Instructed He Xuanzhu, Zhang Tingting and other teachers to write cases and papers. In the first semester, the language learning ability and moral character of the students in the class have improved. In the future teaching, I will continue to work hard to improve, sum up experience, solid progress, and teaching.

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