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Seventh grade Chinese teaching summary

Seventh grade Chinese teaching summary

The hot summer is coming again, indicating that this semester will be over again. Looking back on the situation with the seven classes of students in the past six months, I really feel that we are growing together. Education is the exchange of love. My students and I have been getting along in the past six months. Our students have made great progress in their study habits and abilities. They have risen steadily compared to last semester.

First, treat students and care for students fairly and fairly in learning and life, and win their trust.

The first is to respect the personality of the students. No matter how angry the education is, I will scruple the self-respect of the students, never insult the students, and even do not practice corporal punishment. First of all, I have won the respect of the students and then the reasoning education. The educational effect I want will be nine out of ten. achieve.

Second, it is fair and just to treat every student. I said that the teacher prefers eugenics. I don't think I am like this. I like good attitudes, that is, students who are motivated. It is better to say that Tang Shuai, Mao Shimei, Mu Yuqing and other students in our class are only moderately graded, and even have overall overall scores. However, they have strong self-control and are bent on learning. These non-intellectual factors are the basis for their future success. .

Again, it is to care for students in life. As long as there is any difficulty in the student's life, you can come to me as long as I can solve it. I will try my best to explain and comfort the difficulties that students have in their studies, classes, bedrooms, families, and individuals.

In short, abandoning indifference and accepting the emotional exchanges between students and students, students will feel that they love to hear the truth.

Second, continue to cultivate and stabilize students' study habits.

I still remember that when I received my first language class assignment last year, my helplessness, disappointment, and sloppy words were all wrong. I went to see the students’ books and workbooks this year. 90% of the students have a sense of cleanliness and neatness. . From the completion of homework, the book is blank, and now there are different handwriting, the skillful use of various symbols, the practice of the Chinese learning method "circle drawing annotations", this series of learning traces, our class students have preliminary Formed a certain language learning habits and methods.

Habits and methods have changed, and academic performance has naturally changed. The first test, our class and seven, class than, in addition to the English gap is not big, language and mathematics are the gap is shocking people - the bottom. But from the mid-term exam, the December monthly exam, the final exam, and the March exam, the four exams, whether it is a single subject or a class goal, are step by step improvement, change, and even some small surprises, but also lead.

In this year's final exam, the scores and pass rates of the people exceeded the other two classes. The excellent ones only lost one student than the class, indicating that our class is still promising next year!

Third, actively participate in various activities of the school, and do a good job in language teaching and research.

In addition to last year's classroom observations continue to be implemented, in this issue, our school has promoted the "same class heterogeneous" teaching philosophy. The text of "Same Class Heterogeneity" in our seventh grade preparation group is 13 lessons "Mr. Wen Yiduo's Saying and Doing". The three of us first talked about the class together, then each of them conceived the teaching method, divided the class, carefully listened to the class, listened to the class and made a record; in addition, actively participated in the classmates of the eighth and ninth grades: The title and concept of the material composition, "Chameleon" and so on.

The school has always asked us to pay attention to the students' mistakes. In addition to the correction, explanation and correction of each question on the "Crested Magic Shinkansen", there are also erroneous title files and corrective copybooks. I feel that both teachers and students are solid, so student achievement can rise.

Fourth, the prospects in the teaching of Chinese.

The biggest hope for the coming year is that Hong Xinyu, Xia Tian, ​​Luo Hongju, Tian Huijuan and Luo Xiwen should not disappoint my expectations of them. They can become diligent, and their attitudes and achievements will change. Because one can not be less!

Seventh grade Chinese teaching summary

In this semester, I have taught five classes and seven classes in the seventh grade. Because the teaching experience is still shallow. Therefore, I dare not neglect the teaching work, study hard, study the teaching method in depth, and learn from the younger generation. After a semester of hard work, I gained a lot of valuable teaching experience. The following is a summary of my teaching during the semester.

Teaching is teaching and learning. The two are interrelated and inseparable. If there is a teacher, there must be scholars. Students are the subjects to be taught. Therefore, understanding and analysing the situation of students is crucial to the success of teaching. When I first came into contact with teaching, I still didn't know how important students are to teaching. They just concentrated on studying books, textbooks, and trying to make the classroom vivid and easy for students to accept.

On the one hand, the rural students listened and said that their ability was relatively weak, and the lectures used deeper Mandarin teaching, and the students could not adapt. On the other hand, the students are more active and the class atmosphere is positive, but the middle school and the poor students account for the majority, and the top students are relatively few. Therefore, I talked too deeply and did not take care of the whole. I did not notice this when I prepared the lesson, so the teaching effect was not as good as ideal. From this we can see that understanding and analyzing the actual situation of students, seeking truth from facts, specific analysis of specific problems, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude, has a direct impact on the effectiveness of teaching.

In teaching, preparing lessons is an indispensable and important part. Preparing students and preparing for teaching. Inadequate preparation of lessons or poor preparation will seriously affect the atmosphere and enthusiasm of the classroom. A predecessor once said to me: "If you are not prepared for the lesson, it is better not to take classes, otherwise it will be in vain." I understand the importance of preparing lessons. Therefore, every day I spend a lot of time on the lesson preparation, seriously study the teaching materials and teaching methods, and do not accept the work if I am not satisfied. Although it is hard, it turns out to be worthwhile.

The preparation for the class is sufficient, and the enthusiasm of the students can be mobilized. But at the same time, we must have the ability to control the classroom, because every move of the students in the classroom will directly affect the classroom teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to try to get students to invest in class and not to distract them. This is very particular. The class is rich in content and realistic. Naturally, the lectures are lively, and it is difficult to take care of all of them. It is natural to attract students. Therefore, teachers must have sufficient spirit every day to let students feel a natural atmosphere. In this way, teaching is more effective. Looking back at my own lectures, I feel a little embarrassed because sometimes I can't do it very well. When students are unwilling to learn in class and violate discipline, my emotions are affected, and this is brought to the teaching, so that the original normal lectures are impacted, and the level is not enough to affect the teaching effect. I must work hard to overcome, research methods, and take a favorable approach to solve the difficulties.

Language is a tool discipline. It is both familiar and difficult for students. In such a big environment, to teach a good language, students should love the language and make them interested in the language. Otherwise, students will be afraid of this subject and will not learn, nor can they learn. To this end, I have taken some measures, that is, to talk about some cultural life stories as much as possible, so that they can learn more about Chinese and prefer to learn Chinese. Because only the language level is improved, they can improve their language writing ability, which is good for students with excellent grades.

Language is language. In addition to the classroom effect, students need to read more, talk more, and practice more. To this end, during the morning reading, I insisted on getting off work to understand the early reading situation and found that the problem was corrected in time. After class, I found that the students' homework problems were solved in a timely manner, and they were clearly explained in time to allow students to digest them immediately. In addition, some unconscious students also take a tough and memorable way to improve their abilities.

After a semester of hard work, the final exam is a test. Regardless of the level of achievement, it reflects the teaching results of my semester. I understand that this is not the most important thing. What is important is how to improve myself after the semester and how to improve the language level of students together. Therefore, no matter how hard, I will continue to work hard, ask more, think more, learn more from the older generation, and strive for progress.

The above is my summary of the teaching work in this semester. Due to the lack of experience, there are shortcomings in many places. I hope that in the days to come, I will be able to achieve better results under the guidance of leading teachers and seniors.

Seventh grade Chinese teaching summary

During this semester, I continued to work in the language teaching of seven classes and seven classes. One semester, I strictly demand myself, insist on getting to the school every day, carefully preparing lessons, taking classes seriously, carefully reviewing homework, and patiently tutoring students. Treating colleagues with sincerity, being modest and cautious; caring for students, teaching and educating people. The teaching results are obvious: students have a higher interest in learning Chinese, and the average score is significantly higher than other subjects. Summarizing the work of this semester, I have the following experience:

First, teaching should follow the law of students' physical and mental development, and students should be taught to learn.

I always think that if the teaching disregards the students' physical and mental development laws, not for the students, and only from the subjective concept, then such teaching will certainly fail.

When preparing lessons, I always have to think about it this way: What should I teach students in this class, what should be said, what should be said, what should be difficult for students, and what should be Students can't think of it. What must be said, in terms of what steps can be used, how can students be interested in learning; what methods can be used to reduce the difficulty of students' content; how to mobilize students' life experience and reading experience to understand text.

During class, I tried to mobilize the students' thinking, encourage students to combine learning and teaching, teach students how to read the text, and cultivate their good habits of reading and taking notes. At the end of the new class, I will check the student's learning situation in time: or ask, or check, in order to adjust the teaching method in time, fill the gap. I tried my best to avoid the situation of full house irrigation, so students will not feel tired when I attend my class. I am very careful to make the classroom rhythm suitable for students' psychological changes: when the class starts, the students' mind is not calm. At this time, we must find ways to let the students enter the learning state as soon as possible. My approach is: 1 advance in class; 2 tasks written on the blackboard; 3 persuasion education for those students who can not enter the learning state in time, indicating the importance of improving learning efficiency. About ten minutes after class, the student's heart calmed down and entered the golden stage of learning. At this time, I grasped the key points of teaching to explain and promote students' thinking with typical problems. In the middle of this, I pay attention to constantly changing the teaching method. I will never let the students discuss it. In short, the activities of teachers and students are closely related to the teaching focus. I think that an important feature of Chinese teaching is that no matter what method is adopted, students must not be separated from the text and cannot be separated from the perception of language. When the class is near, the students are a little tired. At this time, I will remind the students to sort out the class notes and summarize the lessons of this lesson.

As far as language work is concerned, I look at it this way: I don’t have as much arrangement as possible or arrange things that students don’t understand at all that need to be memorized. Chinese homework, less can be arranged in the class, and extra can be arranged outside the class. I hate to write homework, which is almost a common problem for most students. Why is this? I thought that it was not necessary in the homework assigned by the teacher. For example, "Synchronized Homework", if the students don't even understand the text, what is the use of writing "synchronized homework"? At that time, it is better to read a useful extracurricular book.

Second, the language class should be kept on standing

I often think why Chinese teachers are so hard, but many students have such poor reading and expression skills. In the final analysis, they are related to the teaching skills of teachers themselves. Think about our general preparation process: open a few books, what "teaching reference", "textbook full solution", "reference lesson plan" ... look at each other, a text to read several times, sometimes encountered If you have any problems, you should check them online. Imagine if we were the same as the students and faced the completely unfamiliar texts, we would read to what extent we know more than the students. The language class is different from the math class. I believe that the mathematics teacher can do this completely: without looking at the math textbook, all the contents are understood. The language is different. Which language teacher dares to say that he fully understands the text and has no problem? The language course is all-encompassing. It is no exaggeration to say that each lesson is a brand new world. Which language teacher did not dare to say that he did not need to prepare lessons at all. Therefore, as a language teacher, there is a task that is more troublesome than other subject teachers: the class should be constantly prepared, not only to prepare for the class, but also to prepare extracurricular things.

There are also some shortcomings in the teaching of this semester, which are manifested in:

First, the teaching progress is not very good, and the review time is short. This may be related to the fact that some self-study classes take up too much class time. Sometimes students write homework and take up some time in class.

Second, comprehensive learning and teaching is not very in place. Since there is no library in the school and there is no access to the Internet, the information that students can access outside the classroom is limited, and some comprehensive learning activities have to be simplified.

Third, the students with poor individual performance have been slow to progress; the phenomenon of students' writing and scribbling, and the lack of active learning still exists.

I think that in the future language teaching work, we should pay attention to the following aspects:

First, strengthen theoretical study and improve theoretical level

Second, read more and write more, improve the level of literature

Third, diligent reflection, accumulation of teaching experience

Fourth, conduct education and research to solve practical problems

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