Work Summary > Summary of Teaching Work

First grade English teaching summary

First grade English teaching summary

The teaching work of one semester has ended, leaving me with new thinking and greater efforts. In the teaching work of this semester, I pay attention to the improvement of my own level of thinking, and strive to shape myself and improve my rational cognitive ability. I took the education and teaching work of the first English class. During this semester, I feel that I am nervous, busy, happy and fulfilling. The work summary of this semester is made from the following aspects.

I love education, love school, have a good morality, abide by the law, and consciously abide by the "Chinese Little Teacher Professional Ethics." I work hard to do my job, and on the premise of completing my job, combined with the needs of the work, humbly ask for advice, strive to make progress, and constantly improve my education and teaching level.

Education and teaching work: I will summarize the work and experience I have done in this semester, and strive to achieve greater achievements and progress in the future teaching work.

1. Preparation before class: Prepare a class. Every preparation is very serious, and I have conceived and designed all the links and activities of each lesson. If you think about it, please ask other English teachers for advice and consider various options. Write your own opinions and let everyone discuss them. If there are any problems, correct them immediately and improve them.

2. Listening to more classes and learning the teaching methods of different teachers. The improvement of teaching level lies in hard work and accumulation of experience, not in the length of teaching time. The old teachers have rich teaching experience and accumulated a lot of teaching skills. The new teachers have passion and strong sense of innovation. They should learn from them and constantly improve their teaching level. At the same time, they should carefully record and conduct evaluations. . After listening to the lectures, I will write about the lessons, what places are not available to me, and what places can be said to have better effects. It is necessary to have the greatest gains in every lesson, and if necessary, discuss with the lecturers to understand the basis of their lecture arrangements.

3. Study the teaching materials and prepare lessons carefully. I carefully studied the teaching materials, grasped the knowledge points, and carefully prepared each class. The textbook is the basis of teaching, and it is also the main reference book for students to learn. I will teach the content of this course on the basis of familiarity with the teaching materials. Students will have a basis for learning. Students can refer to the textbook to reorganize their ideas when they can't keep up with the teacher in the classroom. Keep up with the teacher's ideas, so we should pay attention to the study of teaching materials. In the course of preparing lessons, without leaving the teaching materials, you can refer to other textbooks, compare their differences, and seek teaching methods that are more acceptable to students. With these teaching methods, you should talk to the teacher before class. Whether it works or not, in general, individual combat is easy to drill, and every problem in teaching should be discussed and discussed with other teachers.

4. Organize classroom teaching, pay attention to all students, pay attention to information feedback, and mobilize students' attention to maintain relative stability. At the same time, the students' emotions are stimulated, they create a happy mood, create a good classroom atmosphere, and the classroom language is vivid and vivid, overcoming the problems of previous repetitions. Classroom questions are for all students, paying attention to students' interest in learning English. In class, they combine practice and practice, and arrange homework assignments. The homework is less and more refined, reducing the burden on students.

5. To improve the quality of teaching, we must also do a good job in after-school tutoring. The first-year students love to play, have fun, lack self-control ability, often can't finish their homework on time, some students copy their homework, and for this kind of problem, It is necessary to do a good job in the ideological education of the students, and to make this work familiar with the students' study and guidance. It is also necessary to do a good job in counseling and helping students to learn, especially in the transformation of the underachievers. Start with kindness, for example, do more ideological work and care for him from life. Starting from praise, all people are eager to get the understanding and respect of others, so when talking with poor students, they have a deep understanding and respect for his situation and ideas, and before he criticizes students, talk about his own shortcomings. .

The shortcomings of existence: there are defects in the teaching work. For example, because I have a better education for the underachievers, there is no measure for the lazy students.

Improvement measures: 1. Communicate more with students. It is very important to understand the situation of students' knowledge. This is conducive to the targeted education of students. No matter how careful and careful the preparation is, it is difficult to adapt to different classes. Only communication and understanding can better solve the different problems of each class. In addition, some students have a good foundation, and strengthening communication between teachers and students can better guide these students to learn better.

2. Pay attention to organizational teaching and strictly require students. Some students have a poor learning foundation. These students have formed a habit of being tired of learning. At most, they are doing the homework assignments of the teachers. Some are even plagiarized. They don’t dare to contaminate the content that is easy to master, so they must be strictly required. . Because students lack learning self-consciousness, class time is the main time for them to learn. Teachers are good at organizing and mobilizing students to learn, and make better use of class time.

3. Use a variety of skills to teach students to learn English. Starting from the spoken language in daily life, try to use English to talk to students, or use interesting things to attract students' attention, spark their interest, and make students interested in this course. Moreover, in teaching, a variety of teaching methods should be used to pay attention to the training of listening and speaking.

In short, in the future teaching work, I will continue to summarize, study with humility, and strive to improve my ideological and moral quality and education and teaching. The above summary, if there are any deficiencies, I ask the school leaders to give criticism and correction.

First grade English teaching summary

This semester I am in English in the second grade of the seventh grade. Looking back at the teaching work of this semester, I feel a lot. First, know the teaching materials, understand the students

For the new textbooks, everyone is at the stage of exploring and exploring; but at the same time, I have also seen the rich and experienced experience of many senior teachers. The new textbook is GO FOR IT, which is published by people. This set of textbooks is rich in content and novel in concept. It is aimed at students with a certain English foundation. At the same time, the textbook creates an environment that tends to localize language. Many contents are understood by domestic students. It's a bit difficult. Compared with the previous textbooks, GO FOR IT has a higher starting point, more words are presented, and the difficulty of shaving is not obvious, and it advocates “use it to learn”. As the students who studied the textbook, some of them have also been exposed to English, and some of them have been exposed to English during the summer vacation. Under such circumstances, it is more difficult to feel that class is difficult.

Second, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, master the difficulty

We often say that teaching is teaching and learning. The two are interrelated and inseparable. If there are teachers, there must be scholars. Students are the subjects to be taught. Therefore, understanding and analysing the situation of students is crucial to the success of teaching. When I first came into contact with teaching, I still didn't know how important students are to teaching. They just concentrated on studying books, textbooks, and trying to make the classroom vivid and easy for students to accept. After several new teaching and research activities, I felt that I had benefited a lot. So I began to learn to reduce the difficulty of teaching materials according to the actual situation of the students. For example, listening is more difficult in this set of textbooks. Appropriate improvement makes it easier for students to understand and continuously improve their enthusiasm. I think this is probably what the pedagogy says about "preparing students for the teaching method."

At the same time, according to the characteristics of students in different classes, I also adopted different strategies. Conduct a variety of group activities to discuss cooperation and encourage them to speak positively. In one semester, overall, the results of the three classes were basically the same.

Third, mobilize the atmosphere, participate in encouragement

In the process of classroom teaching, I feel that some students are unwilling to speak up: one is that the teaching materials are more difficult, and they are afraid of making mistakes; the other is that students are less courageous. In response to such a situation, I have reduced the difficulty of the textbook and adopted a method of praise and encouragement.

At the same time, the teacher must have sufficient spirit every day to let the students feel a natural atmosphere. In this way, teaching is more effective. Looking back at my own lectures, sometimes I can't do it very well. When students are unwilling to learn in class and violate discipline, my emotions are affected, and this is brought to the teaching, so that the original normal lectures are impacted, and the level is not enough to affect the teaching effect. I must work hard to overcome, research methods, and take a favorable approach to solve the difficulties.

Fourth, strengthen consolidation, treat in batches

Because of the special circumstances of English, students will have a good differentiation phenomenon during continuous learning, and the expansion of the poor face will seriously affect the learning atmosphere in the class. Every time I teach a new word, I take time to dictate and carefully correct it. Sometimes, the wonderful and practical sentences appearing in the text, I also asked the students to recite them. I divided the five students into a group to make the students with relatively good grades as the group leader. It is more difficult to be lazy. For students who are not ideal for dictation, I usually leave them behind after class to re-dictate. Or re-profess words based on actual knowledge. Until qualified.

For the students of different foundations, the bottom line I gave them is different. At the beginning, I was all asking for all the students. Later I felt that this was not true. Some students' perception of language itself is relatively poor. The more unified the requirements, the more he resisted. In fact, he did not learn anything at the end. Therefore, I will separate the students. In general, most of the students' requirements are unified, while a small number of students with poor ability to accept them will give them a relatively low standard. After doing so, gradually raise the standard, students I learned a lot more.

In addition to classroom teaching, I also actively participated in teaching and research activities, participated in the preparation and lectures in our English group, and publicized classes. Through such activities, I have effectively improved my understanding of the teaching materials.

In this semester's work, I feel that I still have many shortcomings: I don't have enough grasp of the teaching materials, the logic of the class is not strong enough, and the connection of the class is not natural enough. The merits of many excellent teachers have not been learned, and the number of lectures is not enough. In particular, there are too few exchanges with other teachers. I hope that in the next semester, I can learn more from other teachers and improve the teaching level.

First grade English teaching summary

In this semester, I am in the second grade of the seventh grade, three classes of English teaching. Due to poor foundation and insufficient teaching experience, I dare not neglect the teaching work, study hard, study the teaching method in depth, and learn from the old teachers with humility. After hard work, I learned a lot of things and also had some ideas for the seventh grade teaching in the teaching process. The following is a summary of my personal work during the semester.

First, the teaching plan

The seventh grade is the transition period from the national to the middle, and the teaching methods and teaching contents are beginning to change. Therefore, I always pay attention to the students' adaptation to this change and solve the problems in time. I try to classify the learning content and teach the lesson in a way that is as simple and fun as possible, so that students can unwittingly accept knowledge so that students do not get bored with English learning. The number of students in both classes is around 50. It is almost impossible to give meticulous counseling to all students, so I set goals every week to provide targeted counseling on a wide range of issues. After one year of study, the students have gradually adapted to the teaching mode of the middle school, and the knowledge has also been improved, and the use of knowledge is also better. Second, teaching results

In this year's study, most of the students are able to master the English knowledge that should be mastered in the first year, and they can use them more skillfully, which is very helpful for their future study. In addition, in addition to the study of textbook knowledge, I also pay attention to the cultivation of students' good habits. I hope that they will gradually enhance their self-control and lay a good foundation for students to change from the teacher-learned learning mode to the self-learning learning mode. In the English final exam of this semester, the average score of the seven classes is 55.18, which ranks first in the same class; the average score of the seven classes is 26.11, which is the second in its class. It is gratifying, but it is still very big compared with the foreign school. gap. Third, the existing problems

Although students can basically master the knowledge they have learned, there are still difficulties in the flexible application of knowledge. In addition, some students lost interest in learning, and their attention was placed in other places. The writing of English letters is still a problem, which is not only bad for teachers' teaching but also seriously affects the future development of students, thus creating a very strong shaping of students' personality. Bad influence. Fourth, improved measures

Only by mastering the problems in the teaching and work of this semester can we improve better, so I often reflect on my work, in order to have a better teaching method presented to the students. After thinking, I found that there are still some areas for improvement: First, the focus of the grade teaching is not clear, which leads to sometimes unclear teaching ideas and too many teaching contents. Secondly, there is a lack of mastery in the classroom, and it is not always possible to pay attention to the student's learning situation at all times. Finally, in the teaching process, the extension of knowledge is not very good. In view of the above points, in the following work, I would like to think more about the difficulties of students' learning from the perspective of students, help students solve problems encountered in learning and let students gradually build up self-confidence and further improve in ease and speed. Academic achievement.

The above is my summary of the teaching work of this semester. During this year, I encountered a lot of difficulties and learned a lot. I experienced a lot of happiness. In the future teaching, I must learn more and try to improve my teaching. Level and ability.

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