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Summary of history teaching in the third day

Summary of history teaching in the third day

This semester, I teach the history class of class 94 in the third grade. In one semester, I can work in the graduating class with a serious and rigorous academic attitude, diligence and perseverance.

First, stimulate interest and develop potential

As the saying goes, "interest is the best teacher." Students have a strong interest and learning has a motivation. The history of the subject is rich in content, illustrated, interesting, and easy to understand. I insist on using multimedia teaching in each new class, a large number of pictures, vivid videos, and pleasant music, which constantly stimulate students' audio-visual effects. I also use some simple games, storytelling, debates and other forms to make students take the initiative to participate in the classroom. The history lesson has become vivid and interesting, and students naturally like this subject.

After entering the third year, the learning task is even more difficult, and students can't do everything. Their interest in history subjects has gradually weakened. How can students pay attention to it in many disciplines? I can only be "excited". After each exam, I will praise some students in class, one is a top student, let them Introduce successful experiences; one is a progressive student, especially a late-grader, and I will give more praise and encouragement. Let more students understand: As long as you correct your attitude and carefully follow the teacher's requirements, you will achieve the desired results. Things that others can do, as long as I work hard, I can do it. The role of the role model is endless. The students gradually became competitive and formed the learning atmosphere of your pursuit.

Second, cultivate good study habits, base on the classroom, improve efficiency

Lack of good study habits is the "root cause" of most students, especially in the boys class with their ears, they are very happy, let them start to lazy. From the third day onwards, I have focused on cultivating students' habit of taking class notes. I use a combination of classroom notebooks and historical assignments to effectively avoid the above problems. Due to the use of open-book examinations in history subjects, it is particularly important to outline heavy and difficult points in textbooks. I ask the students to draw with a red pen or a colored pencil and indicate the items of the test center: such as the contents of the "Meiji Restoration", so that the students can see at a glance. During class, I talked, patrolling, reminding and supervising the students who were born and naughty to sketch textbooks.

Near the end of the period, the entry of all seven disciplines entered the stage of major review, and the work of various subjects came one after another, and the students were overwhelmed. I can only base on the main position of the classroom, hold on for 45 minutes, try to let students read more and write more. In the class, everyone must complete the classroom training and leave the teacher before leaving the classroom. In the classroom, we pay close attention to every second, and the efficiency of the classroom is obviously improved. There was no homework after class, and the student burden was reduced.

Third, lay a solid foundation, pay attention to the guidance of problem-solving methods

The tall buildings are flat. The foundation of any subject is fundamental. Without foundation, it becomes a tree without roots and a passive water. The basic questions in the history test take up about 70%, and do a good job of the basic questions, which saves time and results. The content of the history of the third world is complicated and trivial. It is unrealistic for most students to recite all the test sites. For students, memory is a seemingly simple but actually the most difficult. Things. I first take a "comprehensive offensive", organize the test sites for the senior high school entrance examinations, mark them in important content, print them to students, and then reorganize the test sites into small questions and answers, let the students train in the classroom, and be familiar with every knowledge of the senior high school entrance examination. point. Every once in a while, I let the students practice it again, the same small question and answer, I usually let the students train three or four times. Once and for all, training again and again, the students gradually became familiar with the test sites. For important chapters, I take a “key attack”, let the students remember the important content, and then write in the classroom. Through the repeated training of small questions and answers, the basic knowledge of the students has been solidified.

A solid foundation is the first step in dealing with the exam. It is not enough to train a small question and answer. The multiple-choice questions and material questions of the senior high school entrance examinations require students to have higher and more complete abilities, including reading, understanding, analysis, comparison and integration. The second step is to effectively train the exam questions. The topic is ever-changing, and the key is to master the problem-solving method. I attach great importance to the guidance of problem-solving methods, such as “finding keyword language”, “reading questions first, reading materials”, etc., to help students improve their test-taking ability.

Fourth, special training, special review, training comprehensive ability

After the mid-term exam, I mainly conducted a special review. I divided the middle school entrance examination questions from all over the country in the past three years according to the two major items of multiple-choice questions and non-choice questions, and then organized them according to the modern world time period to allow students to train. Students feel that the exam questions in previous years are more difficult than the usual training questions. This is a second round of review. I have higher requirements for students. It is better for students to complete multiple-choice questions independently. This is challenging for students. Students are eager to try. More and more students are trying to do this.

The questions in the middle of the year often involve the vertical and horizontal connection of historical knowledge, which puts higher demands on the history teachers and requires special review of the students. No relevant information, do it yourself, use the Internet to inquire, combine the examinations, and compile and compile seven comprehensive topics such as "Early bourgeois revolution in Europe and America", "Ideological emancipation movement in the modern world history" and "Comparison of two industrial revolutions". Take related exercises. As time goes by, students are getting tired and relaxed, and their learning situation is not as good as before. Good memory is not as bad as a pen. In the past, it used a method of writing more and less reading. Now I can only change the method, let the students write less and read more. History subjects have comprehensive questions everywhere. Through querying, collecting, and sorting out, I compiled the comprehensive review questions of the senior high school entrance examination, and comprehensively summarized the comprehensive questions involved in world history. The special review makes the scattered knowledge more organized and systematic, which is convenient for students to integrate historical knowledge and cultivate the comprehensive ability of historical learning.

Fifth, pay attention to the growth of underachievers

The extent of the proportion of the underachievers has greatly restricted the improvement of the scores. How to improve the performance of the undergraduates? This is another difficult subject we face. Backward students need teachers to pour more love and give more understanding to dispel their inner loneliness and low self-esteem. It is easy to transform a backward student and it requires great resilience from the teacher. They have not taught change, let the teacher have a headache, and even think of giving up, but they can’t stop. A classic line in "Soldier Assault" is "Do not abandon, do not give up." When each of us faces difficulties and setbacks, we should not give up. After the transformation, students should be more motivated and think of ways, depending on the situation, different from person to person, and grasp the timing. The education of the underachiever is a long-term process. In this process, he will be shaken and repeated. The teacher can't give up easily, but he must persist in order to achieve the desired result.

After each exam, I will give more praise and encouragement to students who have made great progress in learning, especially for underachievers, so that they can feel the joy of success and thus enhance the confidence of hard work. I often use my spare time to communicate with underachievers, to find out the reasons for the failure of the exam, to explore effective learning methods, and to help them adjust and improve themselves. After the mid-term exam, I often use my spare time to conduct individual counseling for the undergraduates, mainly to strengthen the training of the basic questions. Sixth, unity and cooperation, and common progress

I usually participate in the city and the school's collective lesson preparation and teaching reflection and other teaching and research activities on time, through teaching and research activities not only improve their own business level, but also constantly understand the cutting-edge information outside. I took the initiative to learn from my colleagues and ask questions. For the problems encountered in the history review, we jointly explore effective ways to solve problems and adjust the progress and methods of review in a timely manner. We learn from each other, learn from each other's strengths, and make progress together.

These are some of my explorations and attempts at the teaching methods of history in this semester. Most of the review materials used by junior high school students are compiled and written by ourselves. Although the workload is very large, it is very practical, and it has been basically solid, meticulous and in place in teaching, and has achieved relatively obvious results. In the future teaching, I will make efforts to avoid weaknesses, constantly improve teaching methods, and make unremitting efforts for students to test their outstanding achievements and comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching in our school!

Summary of history teaching in the third day

This semester, I teach the history class of the second class in the third grade. From the beginning of the semester, I work hard and diligently, with diligence and perseverance. The following is a summary of my work during the semester.

I. Measures and results implemented during the semester

1. Do a good job in preparation for the class and carefully prepare each class. In order to better explain the history lesson, I bought and read a lot of historical books, such as historical knowledge idioms from books, historical basics manuals, first-year historical optimization exercises, and so on. Before preparing for class, I carefully read the relevant contents of these books, and filtered out the content that is close to the knowledge points and can be combined with the actual content of students' interest. According to the syllabus and teachings and teaching plans, try to make history Teaching is in line with the requirements of the outline and is full of fun.

2. Carefully design student exercises. According to the characteristics of the subject and the characteristics of the students, carefully prepare classroom exercises, design open extracurricular exercises, make historical handwritten newspapers, computer newspapers, historical hand-made, etc., so that students can use their brains. Different evaluations are given to students' different characteristics, students are correctly guided, patient answers to problems encountered by students, and students' trust is achieved, becoming a good teacher and friend of students.

3. Actively participate in the activities of the group and the preparation of the class, and open the class well, and often listen to the lessons of the teachers, learn from the teaching experience, learn from each other's strengths, and improve the business level of their teaching.

4. Optimize classroom teaching and adopt a variety of teaching methods. Such as analysis, discussion, self-study, reading, etc., so that students have their own brain, mouth, hands-on ability, stimulate students' interest in learning and improve teaching efficiency. 5. Strictly grasp the discipline of the classroom, improve the initiative of students' learning, concentrate the students' attention in class, and develop good study habits for active review and preparation. In the teaching process, pay attention to stratification, reduce the difficulty of students and improve their self-confidence for students with poor performance.

6. The basic knowledge of the history lesson of this semester was completed according to the quality and quantity. In the teaching process, the key points and difficulties were highlighted, the basic points were grasped, major historical events were clarified, important historical figures were analyzed, and students learned from the modern history of world history to the modern history of Chinese history through the study of this semester. Important economic, political, and cultural aspects of the content.

7. Through the teaching of this semester, students have been educated in moral education: through the teaching of historical culture, economic achievements and other achievements, to stimulate students' patriotic enthusiasm and national pride; teach students to objectively analyze historical figures and improve students' ability to analyze things comprehensively; Education for safeguarding the unity of the motherland and national unity was carried out; education of excellent moral character and noble sentiment was carried out. Improve students' ideological consciousness. Second, the inadequacies and problems

Students pay less attention to the study of this subject, so most of the study is based on interest, not fine enough, and there are not many high scores. In the future, we should start from the perspective of improving students' interest in learning, and ask more experienced teachers to find a more suitable teaching method for students, and strive to further improve the scores of the history department.

Summary of history teaching in the third day

Looking back on the education and teaching work of this semester, I can strictly abide by the teacher's morality, do not dare to neglect the teaching work, study hard, study the teaching method carefully, and engage in teaching work with a serious and rigorous academic attitude, diligence and perseverance. After a semester of hard work, I gained some teaching experience. I hope that through summing up, we will do our best to avoid weaknesses and strive for greater progress in our future work.

First, self-rigorous requirements: As a teacher in the history class of the graduating class, I understand the heavy responsibility and teaching tasks, so I carefully prepare lessons before class, and collect relevant materials and exercises in many aspects; in order to improve the quality of teaching in each class, Focus on research materials, grasp the foundation, and focus on other difficult ways. Also use other educational methods to cultivate students' interest in learning and improve the quality of teaching for 45 minutes. Each lesson is “ready to come”, each class is Make adequate preparations before the class, and make a summary of the class in time after class, write a good post-teaching, and carefully write the lesson plans. Focus on arranging materials, collecting choices, and combining test questions. In the third round of review, I collected the integrated materials in many aspects and prepared for the open-book exams. In combination with the recent exam questions in the provinces and the exercises in the various exercise books, I combined 10 sets of simulated test papers to train the students. Improve the efficiency and skills of their exams.

Second, train students to be the real masters of the classroom:

To learn history well, we must first cultivate their interest in history. Otherwise, students will be afraid of this subject and will not learn, nor can they learn. To this end, I began to talk about historical facts and historical anecdotes in the beginning, let them begin to contact history, and began to like history, and actively asked to learn the master of history. Next, before each new class, there will be a story every day, let the students take turns to bring a story, walk out of the podium and tell the class. Therefore, the students first become the masters in the classroom, and everyone has the opportunity to become the protagonist. Each time a new lesson is taught, the student is pre-read and discussed to decide which type of activity to use for learning. Students decide how to attend classes based on the characteristics of each lesson. For example, in the division of the national government, there are more allusions, and the form of storytelling competition is adopted.

Third, guide students to standardize the answer:

Such as guiding students to do material analysis questions. Attention should be given to training students to obtain effective information from materials and to develop students' ability to summarize. If some material answers are directly drawn from the materials, some materials can find answers from books, some answers need to get information from materials or pictures, and summarize the answers, which must cultivate students' generalization ability. .

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