Work Summary > Summary of Teaching Work

2014 Geography Teaching Summary

Geography teaching summary

In this semester, I have been teaching geography in grades seven and eight. In a limited time, I have learned about the students in many aspects. Based on the actual situation of the students, I have carefully studied the curriculum standards and combined with the established teaching plans to actively complete the teaching tasks for this semester. The specific summary is as follows:

First, learn the new curriculum standards, and use the current advanced teaching concepts as a guide to improve students' enthusiasm for learning.

The overall goal of the Geography Curriculum is to require students to master the basic knowledge and basic principles of geography, acquire geographic skills, develop geographic thinking skills, master the basic methods and technical means of learning and exploring geographic issues; enhance patriotic sentiment and establish a scientific population. Concept of view, resource, environment and sustainable development. The refinement of goals in teaching is carried out from the perspectives of knowledge and skills, processes and methods, emotional attitudes and values. That is to say, students are required not only to master basic geographic knowledge and basic skills in learning geography, but also to require students to master the methods of acquiring knowledge or to understand the process of acquiring knowledge. In order to cultivate qualified socialist modern citizens, students are trained to form correct in the teaching process. Human-land relationship, sustainable development concept and patriotic sentiment.

In teaching, students should be regarded as the creators of knowledge, and not only students should be trained as a recipient of knowledge. The purpose of teaching is to let students learn to learn. Only when students learn to learn, teaching becomes meaningful and hopeful. To achieve this teaching philosophy, teaching methods should be flexible and diverse, so that students learn to learn actively. In the class teaching, there are differences between the classes, and the individual students are also different. In the teaching, according to the actual situation of the students, I use the layered teaching to bring the first, then contract and help each other, show the personality of the students, highlight the team-based learning, and establish learning. Type group. Following progress is an excellent principle, highlighting process evaluation and improving students' enthusiasm for learning.

Second, combined with the actual situation of students, strengthen the geographical basis of students and cultivate students' geographical thinking. Today's students have a poor geographical foundation and even some geographic common sense, not to mention the development of geographical thinking and methods. Through geography teaching, students' intelligence can be enlightened. When teaching, I pay attention to the wisdom of students.

Development, pay attention to geography, contact life, contact current events, such as this year's Global Climate Conference, Haiti earthquake, a series of extreme weather events in winter. To lay a foundation for students to participate in social practice activities, so that students can learn more about natural phenomena, social phenomena, international affairs and student life and other aspects related to geography teaching content, which increases the knowledge of students and expands students. The vision of our country is vast and rich in resources, so that we love it more and realize that our population is large and the resources per capita are small. We have cultivated the children’s love for the motherland and love of their hometown, and inspired their national pride. And a sense of responsibility, so from now on to establish aspirations for the socialist motherland.

Third, pay close attention to the classroom teaching links, do a good job of regular teaching, and carry out diversified forms of learning. Because the state-centered geography emphasizes the analysis of the principle of geographical things, it is more difficult to say "rational". Therefore, before preparing for class, I carefully studied the teaching standards, integrated various versions of textbooks, and combined with the actual situation of students, appropriately increasing the depth of students' understanding of the problem. Usually collect more relevant current affairs materials, such as “earthquake”, volcano, successful return of Shenzhou V, typhoon events, etc., combined with local natural environment and economic advice achievements, pay attention to the connection between life and knowledge content, in life As the entry point of knowledge interest, grasp the key points and difficulties of each lesson, carefully prepare each lesson, and write a better and detailed lesson plan.

On the basis of preparing a class, it is the key to improve the performance of geography teaching by giving a good lecture to each lesson and improving the teaching effect of the class for 45 minutes. In the classroom, the students are taught the knowledge of the teaching materials accurately, often inspiring the students' thinking, paying attention to the vividness and fun of the teaching language, analyzing the problems in a simple way, enumerating the difficult cases of the students' favorite stories, creating a relaxed classroom atmosphere, and interacting with teachers and students. On the other hand, it makes full use of various teaching charts, pictures, specimens, and sometimes multimedia to show the formation of geographical things, such as: terrain profile, formation of frontal rain. Let students enhance their perceptual knowledge, deepen their understanding and memory of textbook knowledge, and cultivate students' ability to read pictures, and the classroom efficiency is greatly improved. Third, in the teaching process, combined with the relevant chapters, educate all students on environmental protection, and cultivate students' environmental awareness, such as air pollution, natural environment, natural resource utilization and ecological destruction.

I try to develop a variety of learning styles in teaching, and develop students' geography learning ability, such as conducting research.

Research, geography, field trips, survey reports, etc. In the process of learning, students can acquire the ability to collect materials and extract effective information; use maps to comprehensively analyze the ability of geographical problems; dialectical thinking and expression ability. By cultivating students' ability to learn independently, students' individuality is developed, and students are made active in thinking, thus achieving the goal of cultivating innovative spirit and practical ability.

Fourth, do a good job in map teaching, map training ability. The merits of students' geographical achievements depend to a large extent on students' ability to understand, analyze, and apply geographic maps. In the teaching of this semester, I often draw relevant geographic information or schematic diagrams on the blackboard during class. From the very beginning, I emphasized the importance of maps to students, and also cultivated their ability to read and analyze images in continuous teaching. Instructing students to master basic map knowledge, focusing on the most basic map reading and use methods, cultivating students' image thinking ability, mastering reading skills, and putting the knowledge they have learned on the map. Proficiency in the method of graphic and text conversion, gradually establish the interconnection of geographical and geographical phenomena, complete the accurate positioning of geographical things, and encourage students to remember the names and locations of the world regions and countries.

5. Actively and seriously participate in teaching and research activities. Every pair of schools set up on Wednesday to carry out various teaching and research group activities, study and explore the teaching methods and methods, and humbly ask other teachers. In teaching, there are doubts. Take the initiative to undertake the school-organized observation activities, evaluation activities and theoretical study; participate in the competition activities organized by the teaching and research section in time; participate in the seminars organized by Du teacher, and supplement the materials in time, and strive to make themselves The aspect goes further.

Sixth, reflection and prospect of subject teaching

1. Comprehensively study various educational teaching theories, focus on stratified teaching, and strengthen the practice and theoretical exploration of geography teaching.

2, through a variety of forms to achieve feedback on teaching results, showing students' personality, highlighting team-based learning, and building learning groups.

3. Continue to strengthen the “ideology-cue learning method”; continue to strengthen the process evaluation and overall optimization.

Geography teaching summary

With the end of the college entrance examination, the results of the knowledge, the busy high school work ended smoothly. Looking back at the work of the entire third year, although tired, it is very fulfilling. The teaching work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, strengthen learning, reform ideas, and establish new ideas. In the current semester, although he served in the geography teaching work of the sixth, eighth, and eighth classes of the third year. The workload is large, but I still seriously study the school education development strategy proposed by the school leaders, combine their own reality, improve their ideological understanding, establish a new type of education and teaching concept, and improve their own business level. This semester I insisted on studying hard, taking learning as my own responsibility, reading some teaching books and some related teaching materials and books about the new courses I purchased. Seriously study the high-level examination questions in recent years, in-depth analysis and interpretation of the college entrance examination outline and the new curriculum standards, and strive to delve into the teaching materials to continuously improve their business level.

Second, the teaching work is carried out in a down-to-earth manner. In combination with the poor foundation of students in our school, poor learning habits, lazy thinking, etc., I adopt low requirements, low difficulty, adopt a small step teaching method, and formulate a reasonable review plan to achieve the implementation of double base, cultivate geographical thinking ability, and improve geography. The purpose of problem solving ability.

1. Develop a reasonable review plan. The second round of review highlights a "comprehensive" word, focusing on the topic review, reviewing the college entrance examination site, focusing on improving ability, and aiming at the integration of knowledge and the formation of capabilities. In the review, the college entrance examination questions are used as entry points to encourage students to discover problems, highlight key points, break through difficult points, contact hot spots, and infiltrate test sites.

2. Guide the students' active learning and fully mobilize students' self-awareness. Update review concepts and change traditional review methods. In the review, students are allowed to achieve "five learnings": 1 learn to read books by themselves. Look at it comprehensively, look carefully, look deeper, and ask a few more questions. 2 learning

Look at the picture. Will see, often see. 3 learn to do the problem. Establish a wrong set of questions and be good at reflection. 4 learn to take notes. 5 learn to ask questions. If you don't know what to ask, don't know what to ask. In particular, it guides students to learn how to ask questions and guide students to learn to reflect. Guide students to ask questions. It is not only the problem in the content of the textbook, but also the students themselves to ask questions on their own initiative, thus inspiring the way of thinking and solving the problem. Guide students to reflect. Only after thinking and processing can we truly understand and turn knowledge into our own and form our own views. Therefore, during the review process, I pay great attention to this part of the process. Each chapter leaves enough time for students to think. Everything must ask “why”, “what” and “how”. Students refer to the catalogue and think about the chapter content; let the students look at the map or chart and contact the relevant knowledge.

3. Do a good job in the transformation of eugenics and the improvement of art candidates. As a teacher, it should be understood that any student will have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of eugenics are obvious. For eugenics, it is easy to find their shortcomings, especially in the study of eugenics, often without the teacher's affirmation. Whether the conversion of eugenics is successful or not directly affects the overall performance of the whole class. In order to ensure the average score of the college entrance examination, the transformation of eugenics is crucial. First of all, help the eugenics to find advantages and disadvantages, to carry forward the advantages and overcome the shortcomings. Secondly, it treats with normal mentality, strengthens understanding and communication with eugenics, helps analyze the causes of learning difficulties, and proposes corresponding assistance measures.

Secondly, do a good job in the promotion of art candidates. For art candidates, the art entrance exams and school exams that began years ago have delayed their review of cultural classes for a long time. In the next less than three months, how to guide art candidates to review cultural courses and improve the performance of cultural courses. The four main points of the review of the art class of the art candidate: First, we must establish a firm belief in the study of the culture class.

Heart, always have a high degree of enthusiasm and positive emotions in the face of cultural studies; the second is to develop a detailed study plan, not only have daily, weekly, monthly study plans, but also have each The detailed review plan of the discipline; the third is to be targeted, to clarify the achievements that must be achieved in their own culture, to break down the results into each subject, to focus on the examinations, to focus on the basics to carry out review; the fourth is to focus on the core of the college entrance examination Test points for each breakthrough. In short, I have done some work in the first semester and have achieved some results, but the results can only represent the past, and there are some shortcomings in the work. In the future work, I must carry forward the advantages, correct the shortcomings, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and strive for greater achievements.

Geography teaching summary

In this semester, I worked as a geography teaching for the three classes of No. 334, 337, and 338 classes. In order to do a good job in teaching, I took a serious and responsible attitude, prepared lessons carefully before class, and took good lessons in each class to urge students to complete homework and review in time. To enable students to master the basic knowledge and basic ideas of the textbook. Specifically, the main tasks are as follows: 1. Prepare lessons carefully.

In the course of preparing lessons, carefully analyze the teaching materials, delve into the new curriculum standards, design teaching plans according to the characteristics of the teaching materials, such as the structure of the teaching materials, key points and difficulties, and the actual situation of the students. Understand the quality of students' original knowledge and skills, their interests and needs , methods, habits, what difficulties may be encountered in learning new knowledge, and take appropriate preventive measures. Consider teaching methods and how to pass on the materials that have been mastered to students, including how to organize teaching materials and how to arrange activities for each class. Second, attach importance to classroom management

As a teacher, I am very aware of the importance of classroom management. I know that with a scientific classroom management, that teaching is half the battle. To this end, I attach great importance to classroom management, and in the classroom to 45 minutes to quality. Generally, when I enter the classroom, I will affect all the students with their full emotions, so that the students can also take the class with full and high emotions, and then grasp the most concentrated time of the students to study the key points of this lesson. Analyze the difficulties clearly. Then the students' energy began to diverge, and the classroom order was somewhat unstable. At this time, I came to a geography story or a little humor, changed the atmosphere of the classroom, and when the students concentrated their energy, they focused on the difficulties and difficulties. As for the easy-to-understand knowledge, I usually let the students discuss each other to complete, so that the students' enthusiasm is high and the effect is good. Third, learn with an open mind and improve your classroom teaching ability

A teacher is often required to teach first. The level of teaching ability directly affects the healthy growth of students. Is it a successful teacher, or is it a teacher who is a misguided child? I did not hesitate to choose the former. I have listened to the open classes of the teachers of the school many times, so that I have the opportunity to learn and observe, take the longest, and make up for myself. Many times the group's teaching and research activities have given me the opportunity to check my own time; through Teacher Liang Yonglu Teacher Zhang Yu’s dedication, the help of the team members, change themselves and improve themselves. It is necessary to "prepare every lesson; to give up every lesson; to evaluate each lesson; to reflect on each lesson" has become a way for me to improve my teaching ability. 4. Pay attention to cultivating and improving students' geographical literacy in teaching

This is a major feature of the high school geography curriculum reform. I often focus on this topic in teaching and play the role of geography education. Such as: training students' comprehensive thinking ability, cultivating students' scientific world view, resource view and population view. For example, when it comes to "Tibet is the most abundant area of ​​solar energy in China", it uses the maps in the textbooks as materials to explore and expand the knowledge of textbooks. In this way, the students' geography reading analysis skills are cultivated, and the students' comprehensive thinking ability is developed.

The above summary of my work in this semester, the results are affirmative, but there are still many deficiencies, I need to work hard in the future work, open-minded learning, to make their teaching level to a higher level.

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