Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Summary of training for teachers of Chinese as a foreign language

August 1, XX, is a turning point in my life. On that day, after five years of graduation, I stepped into the beautiful East China Normal University, and I regained my dream of returning to college. The mood to re-enter the university this time is even more embarrassing than when I first entered college. This time, I am not a freshman, but a teacher of Chinese as a foreign language. I am filled with joy and pride.
The content of the training is very practical, including Chinese international promotion situation education, foreign affairs education; Chinese professional knowledge and teaching skills, Chinese cultural communication skills and intercultural communication skills; Hanban excellent Chinese textbooks, teaching resources and new Chinese level examinations, etc. . Each content is carried out in the form of a number of famous lectures and targeted drills. Through intensive training and training, we can update the teaching concept, improve the teaching methods, enrich the knowledge of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and improve the communication ability and cross-discipline of Chinese culture. Cultural communication ability, training Chinese international promotion compound talents who can adapt to life in the country of residence, integrate into the local society, and have the ability to deal with various problems. Through nearly one month of training, I have gained a deeper understanding of Chinese teachers.
I. Before the role recognition training, most of the trainees believed that the role of international Chinese teachers was limited to teaching Chinese language knowledge. Through training, our understanding of the role of international Chinese teachers has undergone fundamental changes. Recognizing that international Chinese teachers should not only teach Chinese, but also introduce Chinese culture as needed; not only through the introduction of cultural activities, but also through their own words and deeds to showcase Chinese culture, because they can act as a living The textbook; the Chinese teacher of the Confucius Institute is not only a Chinese teacher, but also a Chinese and a person. Therefore, it is most important to be a good person. On this basis, there are other roles to carry.
Second, the understanding of the importance of cross-cultural communication The director of the National Hanban Xu Lin gave us a vivid and inspiring lesson about the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese language promotion, which greatly improved our students. The level of ideological understanding and determination to endure hardship and hard work. Their speech made us understand that the spread of language and the development of the country are mutually reinforcing and mutually promoted; the major powers of the world are all vigorously promoting their own language and culture; we vigorously promote the teaching of international Chinese not only to satisfy the study of Chinese in the world. Urgent demands are also the needs of China's own development. It is an organic component of the country's "soft power" construction, a national and national undertaking, and one of the national development strategy goals. The students’ sense of glory, mission and responsibility for their upcoming Chinese promotion work came to the fore.
Third, the improvement of knowledge of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
East China Normal University invited many famous celebrities to give us special lectures, which created a high point for us in the field of zero-distance contact, which made us have the privilege of enjoying the style and academic essence in such a short period of time, which benefited us a lot. Professor Ye Jun’s first lesson kicked off our training and taught me about basic classroom forms and second language acquisition abroad. A very classic phrase from Professor Da Yuzhong: “educating the international leaders of tommorrow! .” Wendy da used her decades of research and practical experience in teaching Chinese as a foreign language to reveal the profound meaning of this sentence. Every child has the potential to become the "leader" of tomorrow. The premise is that we must be teachers to have the mind to cultivate leaders. This is undoubtedly a big challenge for our teachers. The correct guidance of the teacher is to enable the children to build confidence beyond themselves. Armed with this kind of thinking, the classroom is filled with fun activities to attract students into the long-standing Chinese culture and the powerful Chinese character world. Teacher Da also showed us the infinite power when ordinary people around the world used their most sincere and true work to obtain the highest speciality in the world.
Professor Wu Zhongwei of International Chinese at Fudan University in Shanghai gave us a Chinese grammar class. Professor Wu’s class is very exciting. He explains the Chinese grammar in a simple way. The class is full of fun. The original boring grammar class is full of reflection and reflection. Although Chinese is our mother tongue, we have been from the primary school language to the third year of the country, for 12 years, but when Professor Wu asked questions such as the word "ha", "put", "is...", "... When we were so familiar that we couldn't be familiar with it and it was a grammar teaching of words together, we were asked to be stunned and swallowed, but we could not say it. At that moment I really felt very embarrassed and helpless. Let me deeply understand that as a qualified teacher of Chinese as a foreign language, I still have a big gap, and reminded me to start learning from that aspect. The two professors of Golden City and Mao Shizhen really let me appreciate the wonderful things of experts. Let me understand that we should not directly explain the main points of Chinese grammar in the classroom. We should try to find a situation for students to understand and correctly use Chinese words. . At the same time, our teachers should strengthen the study of grammar knowledge and strengthen the accumulation of education law and voice.
Fourth, to train us to better adapt to foreign work and study intense and intense development training gave us a good lifelong class. Let us understand the importance of "life" in a deeper level. We have developed our potential by expanding our training. It emphasizes unity, collaboration, and collective spirit. At the same time, it also has the deep meaning of tempering the will, edifying the sentiment, perfecting the self, and melting the team. It also reminds me of the strength of the team, the recklessness and impulsiveness of individual heroism is not good. In short, this expansion training has given me an unforgettable experience. I will transform everything I have learned in this expansion into a professionalism that adapts to international Chinese education.
I still remember that when we gave a lecture on the work of our class, we introduced a lot of valuable experience to us. From her narrative, let me feel a lot of unknown difficulties in the future. From the first flight, the plane went wrong, the plane was lost, and the line manager dropped them for a few days from the beginning. The difference in culture, the strangeness of the environment, and the loneliness of the soul are all we must face alone, and my joy is gradually precipitated. Dr. Wang Aqin, the leader of the Asian Institute of Positive Psychology, tells us about positive psychology - the science of happiness. Through the study of the course today, I understand that the road to happiness is in front of my eyes. Teacher Wang asked us to recognize ourselves in a relaxed form, let me know that I have a strong heart, and that my positive attitude can go and overcome the loneliness of foreign countries.
Fifth, improve cross-cultural communication ability For teachers who are about to engage in international Chinese teaching, cross-cultural communication ability is an essential ability. Most of the students mistakenly thought that only transnational communication belongs to the category of intercultural communication. Through learning, we understand the fact that as long as there are cultural differences, intercultural communication will occur, so intercultural communication not only occurs between countries, but also Occurring between different ethnic groups, it may happen in the country. All of these help us to correctly understand and deal with possible ethnic and religious issues in intercultural communication. Let us understand that when we explain the situation of China to foreigners, we should try to talk less about empty words and advocate telling stories around us, because foreigners like to listen and are more willing to accept. In cross-cultural exchanges, we have to look down on neither developed countries nor underdeveloped countries. Because the history of the rise and fall of our own country and the rise of today tell us that the international status of a country can be changed. Both developed and underdeveloped countries have their own strengths worth learning. To build a good image of the Chinese, the overall image of the Chinese people at the international level is still unsatisfactory. Therefore, it is necessary to improve their own ethos, create a lovely and respectable image of the Chinese, and eliminate the international community’s Negative opinion.
6. Re-recognition and judgment of Chinese culture This training has aroused our desire to understand and explore Chinese culture. The Chinese Talents Class brought me to this group of Chinese talents. We learned the four compulsory talents of Tai Chi, paper-cut, Chinese folk dance and calligraphy, and let us suddenly discover many skills that we had learned but did not learn.
In short, nearly one month of training has brought to everyone a comprehensive improvement in thoughts, organizational discipline and business capabilities. The all-round improvement of the Chinese language teachers and Confucius Institute teachers' understanding of Chinese language promotion, correct working attitude, improving Chinese teaching ability and intercultural communication standards, this training has brought us a lot of gains. In the end of the intense and meaningful training, I am facing the beautiful East China Normal University. I will try my best to improve my ability and quality in the future, and gradually move closer to qualified foreign language teachers. The road ahead of us is not smooth, but we firmly believe that after a few years we will definitely cheer for us today.

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