Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

High school new course training summary

Through intense and orderly study, exchanges, seminars, comments, etc., I have a new understanding of this course training, and have a deep answer to some doubts and confusions. At the same time, he was "forced" to adjust his mentality and role. Originally, since he was a remote training, he would not be very nervous. However, from the first day of training, he realized that the idea of ​​relaxing is The invisible pressure of listening, thinking, and writing every day is gone. The training is really too stressful and too hard!

After listening to the lectures and videos of experts, I not only enriched my theoretical knowledge, but also gave me a deeper understanding of the high school chemistry teaching work after the new curriculum reform. It is really "listening to the monarch, winning ten years of books." ".

It can be said that these days of study and study. Every day is touched by me. I have learned a lot of knowledge in both form and content. I have different meanings and some sentiments.

After this stage of the new high school chemistry training, I have benefited a lot and felt a lot. In general, the feelings and feelings gained through intense and serious study can be summarized as follows:

1. Curriculum reform must update the concept of teachers

The highest state of curriculum reform is the improvement of teachers' concept. As the executor of the curriculum reform, the teacher determines the success or failure of this educational reform. Therefore, the majority of teachers participate in training at all levels, optimize school-based teaching and research, consciously develop professional literacy and teaching art, and strive to standardize teaching behaviors with the new concept of curriculum reform; on the other hand, scientific understanding and handling of curriculum reform and practical teaching The contradiction, dealing with the contradiction between old and new teaching methods and teaching concepts.

With the implementation of the new curriculum, teachers must adjust their roles and change the traditional way of education. The new curriculum reform has transformed teachers from the "authority" of knowledge into the promoters and organizers of student learning. From "teacher-centered" to "student-centered", each teacher has suffered a huge psychological gap. In the implementation of the new curriculum, teachers can achieve their own development, and the development of teachers will constitute the conditions for the implementation of the new curriculum. Our curriculum reform is not a small change in the details, but a fundamental change in the educational system and educational concepts.

2. After the expert's explanation, I made a clear understanding of the general content of the new high school chemistry curriculum. Through training and learning, I clearly understand the increase and decrease of the content of the new high school chemistry curriculum and the distribution of knowledge; how to grasp the depth and breadth of knowledge, that is, the scale that experts should remind when explaining the students; the new curriculum The requirements set out in the standard. It is not only me to ideologically recognize the importance and necessity of the new curriculum reform of high school chemistry, but also to fully prepare for the new curriculum reform of high school chemistry from the knowledge reserve. For most of the new content, you should pick them up in the shortest time, not only to find out, but also to get through. For a high school teacher, if you want to teach students a bowl of water, they must become a continuous source of tap water. The update and deepening of knowledge is also to better serve the society. Unchanging teaching materials and teaching methods cannot adapt to the development and needs of society. For the old knowledge points that have not changed, the changes in the syllabus must be known. For the new content, which are the exam-tested content and the selected content, and the extent to which different content should be explained separately, we must be aware of it. In this way, we can face the new content in the new textbooks without being eager and calm, and will not be unfamiliar and nervous when faced with new problems. Through learning, I clearly realized which modules of the new high school chemistry curriculum are composed of which modules, and which knowledge points are composed, and how the various knowledge points are related and distinguished. The analysis of the knowledge block diagram provided by the experts has very important and far-reaching significance for us to understand the teaching materials and grasp the teaching materials. For compulsory courses, it is necessary to talk deeply. For some of the selected content, it should be determined by the specific conditions of the school and students. The reform of the new high school chemistry curriculum was designed to better adapt to social development and talent needs. In order to better adapt to social development and needs, as a teacher, we should take the lead and make our own contribution to the development and transformation of society.

3. Through training and learning, I clearly understand the importance of grasping the new curriculum of high school chemistry and its common methods. A comprehensive grasp of the new high school chemistry curriculum not only allows us to clearly understand the main veins of high school chemistry, but also allows us to stand at a higher level to face the new high school chemistry curriculum with a small attitude. A comprehensive grasp of the new high school chemistry curriculum can not only improve the quality of teachers themselves, but also help students develop their chemical literacy. Only by providing students with good chemical literacy can they better adapt to the development and progress of society. Only by clearly understanding and grasping the main line of chemistry can knowledge be better linked. The so-called main line is a knowledge point that runs through a certain stage, or a certain method of thinking. This main line may only run through our junior high school and middle school, and may run through our national, middle, high and even university stages. Therefore, a better overall grasp of the new high school chemistry curriculum, a clear understanding and grasp the main line of chemistry, is very necessary and very meaningful for a high school chemistry teacher. Integrating individual wisdom with collective wisdom is one of the most effective ways to grasp the main thread of chemistry: different people's views and understandings of the same problem are not exactly the same. Different modes of thinking will produce different ways of teaching, and different ways of teaching will receive different effects. Good teaching methods and methods can make students learn easily, such as Mu Chunfeng; scientific thinking mode can make students get better and better, and the appropriate situational guidance can stimulate students' interest and motivation for independent learning. Therefore, integrating individual wisdom and collective wisdom into induction, summarization, and communication can promote us to produce more and better teaching methods and methods, and generate more updated scientific thinking modes. This has a very realistic and far-reaching significance for us to improve the quality of classroom teaching.

4. Through the teacher's specific classroom case study and expert classic reviews on the Internet, I realized how to grasp the high school chemistry classroom teaching. Through the teacher's specific classroom case study and expert classic analysis on the Internet, we have realized how to break through the key points and difficulties of the textbook; how can we get a deeper understanding; how can we successfully open up the students' thinking channel, master certain learning essentials, and form a good Chemical literacy; how to put a root line through our daily teaching process. We have realized that the new joint entrance examination is increasingly inclined to "emphasize foundation and ability to make sense." "Focus on the foundation" means starting from the most basic knowledge. It is not difficult to find out from the joint exam questions in recent years that almost all the questions can be found in the textbook. The so-called "capability" means that the test questions are not a simple pile of basic knowledge. It is a meticulous and clever assembly. Through this assembly, the subject gives a new and strange feeling. "Essence of foundation and ability to make sense" is not only the need for higher education institutions to select talents, but also the need for students to engage in various kinds of work in the future to study and solve life and social problems. Therefore, a good teacher should grasp the following two goals by grasping the classroom teaching: on the one hand, through our daily teaching, we can effectively help students improve their academic performance so that they can progress to the ideal university for further study; on the other hand, from Fundamentally improve the comprehensive quality of students and lay the foundation for future sustainable development. The arrangement and design of the new textbook fully reflects the editor's good intentions. As teachers, we should better serve our students and society through our own and collective creation.

Training I understand the basic qualities that teachers need to be: good at accumulation, good at observation and learning; good at adjusting teaching methods and content; good at controlling their own emotions; being good at using teaching resources effectively, and I also understand the interest of chemistry, The importance of inspiring teaching principles.

This training made me unforgettable. It not only made me grasp the new curriculum more systematically, but also made me feel like I was there, I was studying on the topic, commenting on each other, discussing each other, gathering opinions from the teachers, and making my vision broad and professional. And the acquisition of skills has a major breakthrough and understanding, of course, the impact on my mind is even more immeasurable. Once again, I felt the style of “being better than words” and realized the meticulous, responsible and responsible working attitude of the teacher and the strength of teamwork. ... Through this training, I have more understanding of myself, and the potential of people can really be tapped. The teachers who participated in the training also let me see a lot of teaching ideas. I have a great harvest in the study of teaching skills. The standardized teaching process and clever curriculum settings made me feel that the concepts that were originally blurred in my brain were immediately clear. ... In addition to the study of teaching skills, what makes me shocked is a rigorous style. This will undoubtedly have a positive and far-reaching impact on our future teaching work.

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