Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Art class training summary

Art courses are an important course to cultivate noble sentiments, improve aesthetics, and enhance love for nature and life. The new curriculum standards for art propose: "By learning art, enriching students' vision and touch, developing students' spatial thinking and hands-on ability, stimulating students' creative spirit and art practice ability, and being able to express their emotions and thoughts with art. In order to improve students' aesthetic ability and improve their personality." From April 26th to April 30th, I participated in a five-day training program in Xinzhuang. The five-day learning experience is summarized as follows:

1. Inspire interest in art and develop cognitive and image thinking skills. Interest is one of the basic motivations for learning art. Teachers give full play to the unique charm of art teaching and use modern multimedia teaching methods to stimulate interest in art. It makes us feel that learning art is a pleasure, and learning the basic ability to master art in this fun.

2. Establish a sense of innovation, open up a broad classroom space, and promote the formation and overall development of personality. Art is a technique used to express rich life, emotions, and things. Things, emotions, and innovations are always introduced, and the spirit of innovation is one of the most important psychological qualities of members of society. Therefore, cultivating innovative consciousness is the fundamental task of teaching. The training teachers let us create and let us learn a lot of new knowledge in five days.

In short, the five-day training is over, but I will continue to work hard to learn the art curriculum standards, continue to understand in practice, constantly improve the level of understanding, and proceed from the concept of curriculum reform to improve our education and teaching activities as a The whole implementation is carried out, and while giving overall optimization, we are constantly updating our own concepts in our study and working hard to implement the art curriculum standards more comprehensively.

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