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SYB entrepreneurship training study summary

In the blink of an eye, the 10-day training is coming to an end. The first thanks in these 10 days is the xx City Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the xx City Entrepreneurship Training Leadership Office, and the xx City Pingping Vocational Technical School, which created this platform for us. Thank you. They are teachers who have quietly dedicated for 10 days. They are the way to guide our entrepreneurial enterprises. They are telling us every problem every day. They are the day when they guide us to glory. They are like them. Standing for us for so many days of silent dedication, please let us speak; teacher, you are fortunate!

In the 10 days, the humorous speeches of the two teachers worked with the classmates and spent the game playing together. In the process, there was joy, excitement, and depression. Happy is that our classmates and teachers get along well, and let me know the entrepreneurial program. Depressed is that the results of several simulations of starting a business are not ideal. Sadly, we are about to leave. But I think, as long as we have the heart, as our class sings, "If the heart is there, the dream is just, it is just starting from scratch." Before, everyone may have never sung this song several times, but because of syb entrepreneurship training Always engrave this song in your mind.

Starting a business is my dream, but when I find out that I really want to start my own business, there are a lot of things to consider, and it’s hard to get started. The syb entrepreneurial training course helped me step by step through the ideas of starting a business. After training, I will be able to decide if I am suitable for starting a business. What kind of business is to be measured, whether it is realistic and feasible to measure your own business concept, and on this basis, form your own business plan book, which makes my dream more firm.

In today's society, employment faces great challenges. Entrepreneurship has become a good way out, and entrepreneurship is the trend of today's society. Encouraging employment is not only conducive to broadening the employment opportunities of workers, creating more jobs for the society, but also helping to realize the personal value of workers, forming an atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship in the whole society, and promoting the sustained, rapid and healthy social economy. development of. In this complex society, entrepreneurship alone has enthusiasm, vitality, knowledge, courage, and challenges. It is not enough. There is no great communication circle. More is not good. It has not been able to distinguish. People have said; "On the business field, there are only common interests and no common friends. But the syb entrepreneurial training class has brought together many people who have never met before. After only 10 days of getting along, we are like "close friends." "Love the family", brothers and sisters of entrepreneurship training, we will be a group that will never be disbanded! Let us grow together and witness our achievements!

In the 10-day syb entrepreneurial training, let us believe that there are dreams that we must work hard to implement. We also believe that with the formation of a market-oriented employment system and the implementation of re-employment preferential policies, China will surely usher in a new venture. climax. I hope that we are also a boat in this market economy, riding the wind and breaking the waves to reach the other side of success.

From now on, everyone has to be separated, and each will return to their own jobs. Perhaps today's separation is for a better tomorrow. Wait until we witness the successful day, let us celebrate the success and cheer for our gathering.

Goodbye! teacher! Goodbye! classmates!

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