Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Logistics staff training summary

On November 29th, XX, I was honored to participate in the “Tenth New Staff Induction Training” organized by the Provincial Foreign Transportation Company for three days. Through this activity, I not only exercised myself, tested myself, but also strengthened my spirit of not abandoning, not giving up, and the spirit of teamwork. I have benefited a lot from various activities and have many feelings. From the mouth of provincial company leaders and training teachers, I know the history and development history of Sinotrans and the overall operation of other brother companies. I have a deeper understanding of the company's corporate culture, history and development, and my own career development. Have a clearer plan.
On the first day, we accepted the outdoor development training brought by the Chuangrui training organization. Since I didn’t know what the project was and I had old injuries, I explained the situation with the training teacher when the training did not start. However, I also stated that if I can participate in some projects, I will invest 200% in the project and work hard with the team. Especially remember that in the air horizontal bar project, we have to climb 8 meters high and then jump up and grab the horizontal bar in the air, watching them are afraid to say nothing, when the teammates are eager to try, and I chose Give up the project. The instructors and teammates knew that they came to do my ideological work and told me that it was fine, but I thought that I could not participate in it. This is the only project I have not participated in in all the projects of the day, but I took a picture of my teammates and grabbed the horizontal bar. I have done my best to complete the rest of the project. Even if the completion is not good and the person ran to the corner and screamed and cried after the completion, I was not unhappy at all because I participated and worked hard. The pain and happiness, the result is important, but I enjoyed the whole process. In fact, the biggest enemy of man is himself. If you overcome yourself, then you will be successful and successful. I participated and tried my best, so I ended up with success.
By thinking of team name, slogan, queuing, etc., the hearts of people in our team have come together, so that we understand that the success of a company requires the joint efforts of all of us. We are all important members of the company. The success requires the joint efforts of each of our members. We are indispensable. We are responsible for the company. We all need to use our talents to make a contribution to the success of the company. Since my team is the second team, if you want a team name that is related to the "two" or homophonic, we will brainstorm the team name: "Erguotou" slogan: "Enough, hot, and unparalleled in the world" Team: "Internal and external double v "...
In these games, I feel that this is an experiential training for individuals and for groups. In this training, I have a lot of knowledge about myself. At the same time, I also reviewed many of my previous experiences. There is no chance for life to come again. There is no chance for another thing to come again. Opportunity for everyone. Only once, if you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime. When you are doing this, if you don’t do it all and do it, then whether it is success or failure, you will leave a lot of regrets in your life. It should be done at the same time we pay, isn't it? When you are successful, that kind of joy is happy. The tears that flow from your heart until you cry are the most sincere emotions of ours... The strength of one person is small, but each little power is added together, and everyone collects firewood. The flame will be high, and I also think of the enterprise. The spirit and quality that we should have in our games are not exactly the spirit of mutual cooperation in our company. We are responsible for the company, we all need to use our talents to make a contribution to the success of the company.
In introducing the company's corporate value, the training teachers mainly summarized three points: 1. Pursuing the maximization of corporate interests; pursuing the maximization of interests is not subject to abduction, meaning that, if allowed, more money is earned. I am highly passionate about my career, highly loyal to the service companies, and able to build on the sustainable development of the company based on long-term pursuit of corporate profits. 2, to provide a good career for employees; remember to see a metaphor on a website: a wall stands tall, the walls are employees, the outside of the wall is the expectations of the company's employees, but also the employees are better Development opportunities. To get better development opportunities, employees must climb the wall. The wall is high, and it is easier to climb over it. At this time, companies can't stand by and shouldn't complain that employees can't turn their hands on the high wall, but instead give the employees a solid ladder. The ladder represents the gap between shortening its own conditions and the needs of the company – letting employees touch the ladder that can be climbed and see the connection between the bright future and itself. The enterprise's career development plan for employees is to give the employees the ladder to cross the high wall and reach the prospect. This ladder is closely tied to the enterprise development goals and the individual career goals of the employees. 3. Contribute to society; each of us has our own ideals and pursuits, but only when we combine individual ideals with social contributions, we have a higher level. We are in the society, it is impossible to isolate ourselves from the society and seek their own development. It is not an empty talk to advocate the combination of personal ideals as social dedication. In the process of pursuing one's own ideals and value realization, only the recognition by the society is the realization of the value of life in the true sense.
In introducing the company's business segment, Peng Yu said that the main business of the Guangdong company is the six major sectors: warehouse terminal, barge transportation, freight forwarding, third-party logistics, shipping agency and property management. According to the characteristics of each sector, the corresponding business model is determined. China's accession to the WTO, SINOTRANS successfully listed, long-haul to join our family, we achieve business standardization, management standardization, will become a logistics enterprise that is synchronized with the times or even beyond modernization. We have pioneered the transportation of container ships in China, established the Continental Bridge of the Iron and Sea Intermodal Transport, and sounded the hum of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. We have grown into a towering tree in China's logistics industry. The comprehensive logistics covers the whole country, the dock storage points are everywhere, the railway transportation line runs through the Asia-Europe continent, the shipping service crosses the four continents of the five continents, and our service has moved from China to the whole world.
When you see me, I solve problems for the customer and serve the company in front of the computer. When you can't see me, I am expediting the documents for the customers to ensure the company's interests are maximized. I am ready to inherit the fine traditions of my predecessors and set sail in the vast world of the new century. Because I am young, youth is the capital that I am honing and developing. Because of my great goal, the brilliant results of the foreign transportation have given me ten thousand times of confidence. I bravely go forward, don't abandon, don't give up, and give me the power of fearlessness. I am a new generation of diligence, courage, hardship, and innovation. So far, the advice of the leaders is still around the ears. The careful explanation of the company's leaders is still vivid. These spiritual wealth will affect me in the future work and life, and urge me to move forward. With the joint efforts of everyone, we believe that our foreign transportation will be better tomorrow!

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