Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Summary of the Volunteer Association Cadre Training Conference

In this semester, our school takes "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance, and progress" as the service spirit, with the slogan of "spreading love, spreading civilization, contributing to society, and improving self", to repay the society, and constantly develop and innovate, so that the youth volunteers of Minsheng College The work of the association has better development and progress on the basis of the original. The volunteer spirit of the Youth League should be transmitted both outside and outside the school. It must truly reflect the style of contemporary college students, serve the school and serve the society. It is summarized as follows:

I. Morality and Qualification: At the entrance to the cadre training conference, the XX teacher of the Youth League Association said that the university students should have the morality and quality they deserve. To enter the Youth League, we must always remind ourselves to be a contemporary college student with morality, quality and responsibility; to convey the spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress". When you give your love, you will be satisfied and happy to help others, and you will get unlimited happiness and affection.

Second, ideal: In the Youth League, sometimes it is necessary to engage in some activities to prepare funds, which is very difficult. However, together we hand in hand to make a arduous activity to do a good job. Coming to the Youth League is to have a passionate love. As the saying goes: "There is less than a thousand cups of wine, and there is not much speculation." We are gathering for the Youth League because we share our common ideals and strive for this ideal.

Third, independence: to cultivate the ability of college students to live independently, based on the school, based on the community.

4. Project: According to the development direction of the Youth Association, “based on the school and facing the society”, we clearly began to show the spirit of the Youth League to the society.

V. Activities: An association relies on the support of activities to survive. The activities are good, the brand of the association will naturally increase and there will be more people to pay attention to. Since the new chairman Li Hao took office, he has launched the Baobao special bottle activity, but many people lack enthusiasm when engaging in activities. This is our consensus. We should note that you should actively mobilize the enthusiasm and cohesiveness of the members of the association. I hope that members of the association can do better in the next event.

Sixth, requirements: For the requirements of the board of directors, each activity plan should be implemented in each department. The details determine success or failure. Mistakes often accumulate in the slightest, even if it is a small matter, when it is assigned to oneself, it is necessary to do it with care. Ok, pay attention to the details.

7. Atmosphere: The association emphasizes the feeling of “home”. We must let members of the association feel the feeling of “home”. In the future, we will hold more meaningful activities and let each member of the Youth League participate in the happy activities.

8. Exchange: Deepen the exchanges within the association. Sophomore is the backbone of the Youth League. Because it has been running for a year, the knowledge is richer than that of the freshman. It is necessary to strengthen the exchanges and cooperation of the members of the new association so that future work can be carried out and the members of the Youth League should be strengthened. Cooperation.

Nine, unity is strength: in the usual work, profoundly understand the importance of a departmental cohesion.

X. Be good at discovering problems and summing up experience: discovering problems, rethinking and summarizing after work, is the real responsibility, and will be further improved. Only by being good at reflection and summing up experience, can we avoid making the same mistakes and let ourselves Work is more perfect.

Goal: For freshmen, there should be a clear goal, but freshmen have no goals, no clear goals and directions, no solar energy for us to look forward to, we have chosen volunteers. There should be an ideal and a goal. The past belongs to the god of death, but the future belongs to oneself. We must use sweat and pains to compose our own dreams. Under the leadership of the cadres and the active work of the volunteers, we will strive towards our own goals.

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