Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Summary of college students' active party training

Through the training of the new party members and development object training classes in XX, I realized my own shortcomings and shortcomings. The main purpose of this training is to help the student party members establish a correct world orientation, strengthen the ideals and beliefs of communism, and truly make the student party members become the advanced elements and backbone of the students, and play a vanguard and exemplary role among all students. In this training, let me understand how to do it. How to play an exemplary role in the next study, life, and work.
Through this training, I found out the shortcomings of my own existence: the motivation for joining the party is not too clear; I don't know much about the basic theoretical knowledge of the party; I have not played a vanguard and exemplary role in daily life; I don't know enough about domestic and international events and national policies.
The first deficiencies are mainly manifested in three categories: the first category is that when a Communist Party member is glorious, the second category is to see other students submitting applications for membership, and they will follow suit, and they have not seriously considered In the end, why did you join the party, and the third category was to ask for membership in order to facilitate job hunting and so on. For me, I should be in the first category before I receive training. However, after receiving the training, I deeply realized that when a Communist Party member is indeed glorious, the reason why Communist Party members are glorious is that they serve the people wholeheartedly and can sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of the country and the people. The glory of the Communists is closely linked to responsibility and dedication. As a probationary member, you should be aware of this. After training and taking the oath, I am more correct in the motivation to join the party.
As for the second deficiencies, as a probationary member, I must master the "four basics" of the party, so as to keep up with the pace of the times and maintain the advanced nature of party members. We must first learn the basic theories of the party, implement the party's basic line, support the party's basic program, and keep in mind the party's basic experience so that we can keep pace with the times, innovate constantly, catch up with the world's advanced scientific development, and stand in the forefront of the world. For every Communist Party member, building a well-off society in an all-round way is a glorious and arduous task given by the times. Every Communist Party member must shoulder this sacred historical mission. As a probationary member, we should constantly update our concepts. Keep up with the pace of the times.
For the third shortcoming: the vanguard and exemplary role of party members is not only embodied in the mind, but also in practical actions, playing a vanguard and exemplary role in daily life, study and work. In the usual words take the lead, do the model of practice. The tree is the first, and the model of harmony is always in the front, always in the first place, using the standards of party members to strictly demand themselves, and truly be a party member.
For the fourth shortcoming: always pay attention to major events at home and abroad, pay attention to major party meetings and major decisions, and carefully study the main spirit conveyed by each meeting, and implement the spirit of the meeting in its own actions to make its own Thoughts can follow the situation, use the party's principles and policies to guide practice, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in terms of ideology and action. Proactively report ideas to the organization.
Through this training, I realized my own shortcomings and clarified how to overcome these shortcomings. In the future, I will strictly demand myself by the standards of a party member, find the gap with the standards of party members, and work hard to narrow the gap, in thinking and action. Efforts to meet standards and take the initiative to accept the organization's education and training, through their own efforts and organizational help, as soon as a qualified party member.

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