Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Summary of Party Party Training Work by Street Party Working Committee

Our sub-district office actively carried out the "double-day" activities of party members, and has been insisting on it. There are 27 party branches in Ganzi Street. Each branch carries out a variety of "double-day activities" according to its own reality, and is determined to surround the general secretary of Jiang Yimin. The important idea of ​​"xxxx" put forward the "double-day" activities on the results of the "double weekends" in previous years.
First, continue to adhere to the "five one" activities and carry out the activities of striving for excellence.
Read a book activity. The Party Work Committee of the Street, unifying thoughts, reading the basic knowledge of the party, as a compulsory course for all party members in the street, focusing on how to do a good job of a qualified party member, and combining reading with individual self-study to make reading notes. Through study, we should clearly define the requirements that should be met by a qualified party member, clarify rights and obligations, strictly discipline, strengthen organizational life, and give play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.
Dedicating love to the elderly and loving the young has always been the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Dedicating a love, doing good for the lonely old man, has become the responsibility of every party member in the street for several years. The party members of the Longshan Community Party Branch have been selflessly taking care of the elderly in the jurisdiction for several years. They are sent to the hospital for medical treatment without paying any holidays, and they have taken some of the activities for many years to buy the daily necessities and supplements for the elderly. To the death of the old man. The Hexagon Stone Party Branch organized a community of elderly people to carry out a variety of cultural activities in the Double Ninth Festival, and commended a group of outstanding Communist Party members, setting off a wave of learning and catching up.
A reasonable proposal was issued to issue more than 300 opinions and drafts to the public to understand their views, opinions and requirements on street work, and to set up supervision suggestion boxes, supervision calls, city management, family planning, floating population, etc. Work closely related to the people, focus on feedback, and play a positive role in promoting party building and team building through a series of activities.
Conducting a social survey to conduct a social survey is a good way to understand the situation in the area and analyze and solve problems in a timely manner. Under the conditions of market economy, the branches of the sub-district office will strengthen contact with the people and be the caring people of the people, and start a series of activities to make a big picture of the living conditions of the laid-off poor workers in the area under their jurisdiction. The poor households in the household applied for the minimum living allowance, and did practical things for the people, so that the party’s policies were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
Participating in a compulsory labor activity, the party branch of the subdistrict office in order to make the city clean up a new clean-up work during the Spring Festival, and to clean up the Dazhong Road with a large flow of people. The dead corner garbage and the stinking ditch stacked at the junction of each door point and pavement, the bricks and stones left behind by the building are all removed, the road surface is cleaned, and the order is organized in order to obtain the surrounding station units. And the praise of the people.
Second, in the party members to carry out the first priority to create excellent activities Street Party Work Committee attaches great importance to the study of street party members, improve their own problems, in addition to planning at the beginning of the year, mid-year inspections, year-end summary, usually carry out various forms Compared with learning, rushing, and super-activity, organize party knowledge classes, invite teachers from the city and district party schools to attend party classes, participate in quiz competitions organized by higher authorities, and educate the general public, and invite the National People's Congress representative Mei Meihua to all street members. The cadres of the government agencies made reports and achieved good results.
Third, through the above activities, the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the party branch have been enhanced. It has enriched the party members’ business life, enhanced the party members’ dedication consciousness, and played a leading role in influencing and promoting the citizens’ positive and active “weekends” activities. In the future, we must make this form regular, diversified and popular. People create a colorful, healthy and uplifting atmosphere, and let the flower of socialist spiritual civilization spread across the motherland.

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