Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

2013 school middle-level cadre training summary

In order to build a strong and full-fledged school cadre team, we have been proactively since the xx xx xx xx secretary’s report of “clearing the situation, clearing the advantages, and pioneering and innovating” opened the prelude to cadre learning. I have participated in the study, I have heard the topic report, I have done the topic exchange, and I have developed a lot of skills. These have made us listen a lot, read a lot, and thought a lot. Today, I am honored to have the opportunity to share some experiences with you, perhaps very superficial. .
I am an ordinary middle-level cadre. I think the middle tier should be loyal first. A good cadre should be an excellent person first. We are in the position of connecting the top and the bottom, shouldering the heavy responsibility of deepening the normal and orderly operation of the school leadership. Only our style is practical, telling the truth, seeking practical results, implementing it in every job, dedication, dedication and dedication, can reflect A high-quality team can only exert the non-power influence of middle-level cadres.
Secondly, through study, I feel that the cadres still have some spirit. We will all remember his experience and reflections that Chen Zhengxiang gave us a review. From this, we have drawn the professionalism, research spirit and innovative spirit that a cadre should have. We are willing to be dedicated to the development of the school, seek to improve our own quality, seek deeper education reform, seek the development of school together, and conscientiousness is the concrete embodiment of professionalism; Chen Shuji’s "analysis of the five generations after the founding of the People's Republic of China" benefited us this semester. It’s shallow, good learning can develop, and it can become the leader of the school development. The spirit of innovation is closely related to the connotation of the school. Because the height of thought determines the vision, the intensity of behavior, the effectiveness and strategic nature of behavior. Because of innovation, we have the continuous improvement of the concept of running a school, the continuous promotion of the mode of training, the deepening of school-based curriculum and teaching materials, I think we should continue to think and practice more in innovation. In particular, I listened to the report of Han Xiaoling’s reporter. As a cadre of the school’s teaching function, I still have to learn and do a lot of news and publicity.
Finally, I want to pursue the best life of a cadre. I want to take the students' will as the first signal, take quality education as the first pursuit, and take teachers and students satisfaction as the first goal. This may not be the best. I want to have a scientific education concept, sincere emotional quality, and extensive The accumulation of knowledge and rich management wisdom may not be optimal, but these are all I want to pursue. Only by continuous improvement can we achieve the best. In fact, every study organized by the school is leading us to the best.
Finally, I would like to say that we are both the deputy of the leadership, but also the helmsman. Only by improving the initiative of the main body can we improve the standard. Therefore, I will stay in the position without falsifying, work hard, keep improving, and ask the school leaders to continue. Note our growth.
It is the greatest feeling of my cadre training to entertain and educate, to play and to experience.
In the two days and nights of the boutique base, we learned to unite and help each other. From the first six scattered points, gradually merge into a network with its own connotation, flexibility, vitality and unity, a solid, mutually assisted network!
In this training, I not only understood the responsibility that I should take as a student cadre, but also made me understand that our lives are full of things that touch us, full of people who help us, and full of needs. We reach out to the people who give help! During the training, the members of our third group are always united to face difficulties and challenges together! In this, I saw the preciousness of friendship!
I believe that I will do better in the next study and work, and take it to the next level!

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