Work Summary > Summary of Training Work

Summary of the education and training of cadres of the Marine Fisheries Bureau

Under the care and guidance of the municipal party committee and municipal government, the cadre education and training of our bureau is guided by the important thinking of “xxxx” and the spirit of the party’s seventeenth, and conscientiously implements the scientific development concept. The requirements of the Work Regulations, and effectively carry out the cadre education and training work, the current cadre education and training work experience and XX annual training plan are reported as follows:
First, improve the training of cadres, strengthen leadership, set an example, and conscientiously do a good job in cadre education and training. In this year's cadre education and training work, the SIPO has combined this work with the improvement of the party's ability to govern, and asked the participants to cherish these training opportunities and strive to improve their own quality and promote their work through training. At the same time, leading cadres take the lead in learning by taking the lead and earnestly participate in various educational and training activities to actively create a learning organization atmosphere. The Bureau has invited experts and scholars to give lectures, departmental leadership exchanges, leading groups to take the lead in lectures, watch live TV, watch feature films, etc., and do a good job in cadre education and training, and consolidate the establishment of learning institutions. Using the study time every Friday afternoon, we organized 12 trainings for cadres and workers, trained 920 people, and actively sent staff to participate in 35 trainings at the national, provincial and municipal levels. Through the above education and training work, the trainees' own political theory and business standards have been improved, the administrative capacity of the administration has been effectively enhanced, and the knowledge structure of the trainees has been adjusted, and the knowledge of the trainees has been expanded. In addition, he has gained more understanding of the current international and domestic situation, further understanding of the general laws of economic and social development and leadership work, updated concepts, broadened his horizons, improved his ability to analyze and solve problems, and improved his ability. The management level of the trainees provides a strong political thought and ability guarantee for further improving the city's marine and fishery management.
Carefully deployed, strictly abide by the learning discipline during the training period to ensure the effectiveness of education and training. In order to ensure that the education and training work is not in the form, we require that every comrade who participates in the training should actively participate in, strictly abide by the learning discipline during the training period, carefully listen to the class and make good study records, and must not absent from class due to no reason. At the same time, it is required to participate in the training of comrades, to effectively combine the actual situation of their work with the content of training, and to apply the learned knowledge to their own work.
Second, XX cadre education and training program
In the XX year of the cadre training work of the bureau, in accordance with the requirements of standardization, scientific and institutionalization, on the basis of the training of the cadres, we will continue to do a good job in the following four aspects.
Grasp the political theory study of the cadres of our bureau. Focus on the spirit of the Party’s xx and xx sessions. In accordance with the study plan formulated by the SIPO, we will purchase relevant counseling materials for party members, especially party members and leading cadres, and combine learning materials to do a good job in various topics.
Continue to do a good job in the business knowledge training of the cadres of our bureau. In accordance with the contents and requirements of the relevant business knowledge training of the Municipal Ocean and Fisheries Bureau, the Personnel and Regulations Department of the Bureau will formulate a knowledge training plan for the cadre business of the bureau, and evaluate and evaluate the comprehensiveness of the cadres every six months. Encourage bureau cadres to strive for excellence in their business, thus driving the overall cadre drilling business, enthusiasm for enthusiasm, and promoting and consolidating a good working atmosphere.
Strengthen job training. In conjunction with the personnel arrangement, the staff of the relevant personnel will be reasonably trained to provide the ability and knowledge reserve for the first job.
Encourage cadres to participate in on-the-job learning. In XX, under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx", the bureau earnestly implemented the scientific development concept and continued to train all levels of cadres, especially leading cadres, on ideological and theoretical, business knowledge, job skills and modern scientific and technological knowledge. All aspects of cadres are good, strengthen the ruling ability of our bureau, and carry out work in a solid manner.

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