Work Summary > Tax Work Summary

2019 local tax personal summary

Dear leaders and colleagues:
Hello everyone!
The cows are full of joy and spring, and the flowers of the earth are open. Looking back on the XX years, I worked with the staff of the Training Center, the Regulation Office, and the Cultural Office to complete the education and training work, the standardization construction work and the local tax culture construction task. I was very enthusiastic in my study and work. It is full of blood and blood, and it does its own for the local tax work. Summarize the work of XX, summed up in three sentences, that is, "study is not annoying, hardworking, and honest." Below, I will report my work and study as follows.
First, learning not to be bored "learning not to be bored" is to regard learning as a happy thing, as a necessity of life, so that they will be willing to learn, take the initiative to learn, and can enjoy the knowledge in learning Joy and happiness. In order to improve my work skills, I always insist on learning and not relaxing according to the needs of the situation and my own job requirements, so that learning and work complement each other, and learn from each other: constantly strengthen political theory learning, especially focusing on learning "xxxx" Thoughts and scientific development concepts, guided by the spirit of the XX and xx sessions of the Third Plenary Session; systematically learned the relevant knowledge of training management, participated in the training training course of the western region held by the State Administration of Taxation in Jiangxi Province, and made the basic knowledge of training. Be more solid; learn the knowledge of management, use the cutting-edge knowledge of management to guide the standardized management and personal performance management of our bureau; learn the knowledge of cultural management, explore and practice with the spirit of continuous enrichment and diligence, in leadership and colleagues With the help of the work, pay attention to continuous learning in the work, exercise and grow in practice, and sum up in the accumulation.
Second, the diligence of hard work, "diligence and hardship" lies in the ability to make up the diligence, but also in the diligence. Do any work, be diligent and diligent. Learning to be diligent, to work, also requires diligence. For a long time, I was responsible for the three tasks of education and training, standardization, and local tax culture. Only one word of "diligence" was used to make up for it, and it was hard to talk.
Establish a humanistic concept, strengthen the sense of urgency, and successfully complete the task of education and training
In XX, the city's local tax system held 28 training courses of various types, and successfully completed the training tasks for the whole year. In order to ensure the smooth development of the training work, we formulated the annual training work plan and training work points at the beginning of the year; the “XX-XX Education and Training Work Plan” and the “XX-XX Education and Training Work Plan” were issued. The system-wide education and training work was arranged early and planned early. In order to strengthen the education and training work of the “six-member”, we timely issued the “Six-member” training implementation plan for the Xinyu City local tax system, which clarified the different categories and levels of each post. According to the principle of democratic recommendation, competition and merit, the province’s local tax system took the lead in hiring 13 in-house part-time teachers, and revised the part-time teacher recruitment and management operation instructions. During the training course of the tax administrators and the training staff of the first tax service department, the part-time teachers within the system played an important role; organized the fourth business basic knowledge test, the whole system had 110 people participated in the fourth business. The basic knowledge examinations were all successfully passed; the fifth section of the cadre training was held at the Changsha Tax Training Center. Class, at this point, the first round of training for the cadres of the departmental units has been completed, and the training surface has reached more than 99%; continue to do a good job in the “one daily lesson” of the municipal bureaus, carefully select and plan the “daily lesson” learning content to overcome Everyone's boredom ensures the vitality of the "Daily Lesson" study.
Consolidate the management foundation, explore new management roads, standardize and achieve breakthroughs in personal performance management. The standardization management work has been carried out for three years. In XX, we mainly explored how to standardize management functions, how to give full play to the functional departments in standardized management. In the process of the role of the process, in the province's eleven districts and municipal bureaus, we took the lead in the development of "standardized normal management implementation measures", and strive to achieve the normalization of daily work, standardized management of normalization; strengthen the review and revision of standardized texts Work, strictly control and analyze the work process according to the requirements of the pdca cycle, find out the reasons, propose improvement and preventive measures; give full play to the error correction function of standardized audit and management review, and examine the standardized management system and daily work from the perspective of system The existing problems, comprehensively regulate the tax law enforcement and management behavior of local taxpayers. In the process of standardization and acceptance of the provincial bureaus, all the units of the city's local tax system have passed the acceptance test and received favorable comments from the provincial bureau's compliance inspection and assessment team; Performance management Pilot work, deepen the grassroots level of the county bureau, discuss with the cadres and workers how to optimize the performance indicator system, how to improve the counseling and assessment methods, actively participate in the performance management key research, for the pilot work diagnosis, XX years, personal performance management The pilot work has achieved relatively obvious results.
Exploring cultural connotations, expanding cultural carriers, and building a local tax culture is closely linked to the theme of “culture-cultivating and cultural people” in the construction of local tax culture. From the concept of cultivating cadres and workers' outlook on life, world outlook and values, we have established the construction of local tax culture. The implementation outline, the implementation of the XX annual land tax culture construction implementation opinions, the local tax culture construction work project in the various units, departments to decompose and coordinate, so that work has plans, decomposed indicators, implementation has a basis for the city's local tax culture Construction of the layout of the article; the implementation of the local tax culture speech contest, in the city's local tax system to guide the cadres and workers to carry out in-depth thinking on "continuing emancipation of the mind, deepening the practice of scientific development, continuously promoting the construction of local tax culture, and promoting the good and rapid development of the local taxation cause" Strengthening the investigation of the local tax culture work, "how to create an advanced atmosphere in the whole system, and strive to be an advanced and strong atmosphere", guide the cadres and workers to love and dedication, advocate advanced, and make the cultural concept of "harmony and cohesion" fall into the practice of local taxation work. Organizing personnel to inspect the new steel company Learning organization "to create activities experience, explore the" Learning Organization "and the tax culture construction, combined with reading activities point to promote enthusiasm for learning cadres and workers, stimulate the vitality of the cultural construction of land tax.
Third, honesty and poverty, "Let's not talk about poverty" requires us to withstand the temptation, endure loneliness, and keep the poor. Since I chose to be an ordinary civil servant, I chose to be honest, arduous, and diligent. For a long time, I have tightened the string, learning from advanced learning, learning from typical, and educating both positive and negative examples. And warn yourself: we taste achievements in our work, taste emotions in life, look for happiness, seek self-confidence, and embrace the full-fledged ambition with ordinary posts, peace of mind, calm mood! Do not use the word "greed" to break the string of family reunion, lose the blessing of well-being and prosperity, and deprive the righteousness of human dignity. Then "Lian" will sing the song of happiness, and on the road of civilization, it will be tempting and stalking. I firmly believe that the breeze will always be boasted around, and the song of clean government will always play in the heart.
Of course, in the face of performance review, I still have many shortcomings, such as further study and response, leadership experience needs to be further accumulated, etc., I need to continue to work hard in the future work.
My debrief is over, thank you all!

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