Work summary > Sales work summary

Summary of the work of real estate sales staff

Time is like an arrow, 2019 is about to pass. Looking back at this whole idea, life and work have not changed much. After a faint year, I have had fun and lost. When I get something, I also lose a lot of valuable things. The past has passed forever. I don't think about it anymore. I only hold my faith and welcome a new year with a red heart. I believe that I am the best.

In October XX, I came into contact with the real estate industry by chance. Through a whole month of training, I became a real estate salesperson. I am very passionate about this job and achieve better results through my own efforts. On October 8th, 2019, I became a salesperson of xx company. I learned a lot of people here. Everyone is like a family, they are very friendly, help each other, support each other, for the ultimate Performance is working together. I have been in the company for two months. I am very grateful to the leaders and colleagues for taking care of me. I will study hard and work hard.

On December 1st, 2019, Haixi Mingzhu opened its doors and its sales performance hit a new record. From the accumulation of customers in the early stage to the successful sales in the latter period of two months, the entire sales process was very smooth. Among the reception customers, their sales ability has improved, and they have a new understanding of the concept of sales. From the customers who have already bought the house, I also experienced a lot of sales experience in the process of selling them. No one can deny that emotions will be transmitted. When you receive customers with an optimistic and enthusiastic heart, customers will also be infected by your happy emotions, if you bring complaints, melancholy and darkness to customers. Then the customer will respond to complain, melancholy and darkness. Therefore, emotions are very important. We must learn to control our emotions. In the reception, we must always maintain a warm and good attitude. A good attitude is the first step towards success. No matter what you do, you must maintain a positive and optimistic attitude so that you can get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't have a good attitude, it is definitely not good. At work, I feel that attitude determines everything. When personal needs are frustrated, attitudes best reflect your values. Positive and optimistic people attribute this to personal ability and imperfection of experience. They are willing to constantly improve and develop in a good direction, while negative and pessimistic people blame opportunities and environmental injustices, always complaining, waiting and giving up! What kind of attitude determines what kind of life.

In 2019, I will make a detailed plan for myself, find out and recognize my goals, and constantly strengthen my confidence to go forward and stick to the end. This is always the most important. The fable of the tortoise and the hare race constantly appears in real life, the rabbit tends to be opportunistic, and the tortoise always insists on core competitiveness. In real life, like the ending of the tortoise and the hare, people who constantly accumulate core competencies will eventually win the opportunity to chase opportunities. Sometimes life is like climbing a mountain. When you are young and strong, you always live like a rabbit. When you have a chance, you want to change jobs and copy shortcuts. If you have setbacks, you want to give up and want to rest. Life is a need to accumulate. Experienced people, like tortoises, understand the principle of moving at a constant speed. I firmly believe that as long as the direction is correct, the method is correct, and one step at a time, each step is firmly on the way forward, instead You can reach the end early. If the lead depends on the opportunity, luck is always a useful day.

Everything is not doing my best but doing my best. Therefore, in the past six months, I have been doing what I can do well, and I have been doing accumulation. I am moving towards my goal step by step. The year of XX is meaningful, valuable, and rewarding.

I wish that with the efforts of every employee, the company will have new breakthroughs in the new year, and the new weather will have a place in the increasingly fierce market competition. I wish our company a better tomorrow, and we will give you a good old age and a happy new year.

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