Work summary > Sales work summary

Personal summary of the property sales staff

At the end of the year, in the days of washing the old and welcoming new ones, it seems that the past is just a little bit past yesterday. This year has a fruitful harvest, the hardships of collaborating with colleagues, and the rush of time and difficulties. When you encounter difficulties, the year of hope is accompanied by the beginning of the new year.

The Spring Festival of 2019 has passed; friends of the same age and classmates have picked up their backpacks and boarded the car to go to their families with their hopes and future, and I am still at home. Faced with the computer boarded the talent information network, my resume was sent many times until the middle of the day in March, my phone ringing. The next day, I was eager to go to the sales department of xxx city; this xx people are well-known for the big new city. After filling out my resume, I passed the first interview with the “Interviewer”. I was lucky enough to join this glorious team the next day. For me this is a strange start to filling in a blank new job so everything needs to be learned. However, we are very happy because of the support and help of our colleagues with the care and care of the leaders, and the director Huang of the case gave us painstaking efforts to work overtime and meticulously and patiently. Through the tempering of the days, we can enter the sales initially, and the unrest factors and impatience in the beginning have gradually stabilized.

Through the accumulation and exploration of more than half a year of work, there is also a preliminary plan for the future development direction, and I personally gradually think that it is suitable to go on in this industry.

The total number of customer receptions this year is relatively large, but the results are not optimistic. Customers are waiting to see more, of course, the competition of peers is also fierce. From April to May, the real estates have also stopped doing various activities, but they are all poor. After some discussion, our real estate decided to go to the township for publicity and no longer wait in the sales department. We arrived at the township streets and we sent posters to introduce the customers to the project. The results were very satisfactory. Later, we continued to make several consecutive visits. Township.

In short, I have done some work and achieved some results in the past year, but there is a certain gap from the requirements. I will continue to sum up experience, strengthen learning, update concepts, and improve work ability in all aspects. Work closely around the company's center, with a high degree of responsibility for work and business, down-to-earth, and do everything in a responsible manner.

In the future, I will make up for my own shortcomings in my work, improve and improve my working methods, improve work efficiency, learn more and ask questions, and improve my business level. And in the promotion of work, strengthen theoretical study and improve their ideological and political level. Building a strength for the company's development.

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