Good sentence Daquan > Discourse Daquan

Most touching words 2019

1. When you fall in love with someone, you will always be a little scared, afraid of getting him; afraid of losing him.

2. We may be able to love two people at the same time and be loved by two people. Unfortunately, we can only stay with one of them.

3. Pursuit and desire, happiness, frustration and disappointment. After frustration and disappointment, we learned to cherish. You have never been loved by others, and you will cherish the person who loves you in the future.

4. I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything - including you.

5. Why do you forget a person so painfully, time will naturally make you forget. If time doesn't make you forget people you shouldn't remember, what's the point of our lost years?

6. Once I met, I always beat and never met.

7. The edge is off, the edge is weak, not what we can control. What we can do is to cherish the short time when we are at the edge.

8. Meet, not hate late, it is hate early.

9. After leaving, I think you should not forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I miss you too.

10. If you can't forget him, don't forget it. Really forget, there is no need to work hard.

11. If life has never met, I am still the one who, I do dreaming occasionally, and then start day after day, drowning in this hustle and bustle city. I won't understand that there is such a person in this world, only you can make people feel good, and only you will make me fascinated. If life does not meet, I will not believe that there is a kind of person who can never tire of it. There is a kind of person who feels warm when they know it.

12. Always think that happiness is in the distance, in the future that can be chased. Later, I discovered that those who have embraced, the hand that has been handed, the song that has been sung, the tears that flow, the people who have loved, the so-called once, are happiness. In countless nights, words that have been spoken, calls that have been made, people who have missed, tears that have flown... We have seen the sights we saw or can’t see, and then in the shuttle of time, everything has become eternal!

13. Don't complain about your woman's ugliness, don't complain that you don't have a good father, don't complain about your poor work, don't complain that no one appreciates you. There are too many disappointments in reality. Even if life gives you rubbish, you can also put the rubbish on the bottom of the world. The world only cares if you are reaching a certain height, don't care if you step on the shoulders of giants, or step on the rubbish.

14. Seeing that others are not pleasing to the eye is not enough for self-cultivation. The moment when people are angry, the IQ is zero, and it returns to normal after a minute. The key to human elegance is to control your emotions. It is the most stupid behavior to hurt someone with your mouth.

15. A person who knows you is the greatest happiness. This person is not necessarily perfect, but he can read you, can walk into the depths of your heart, and can understand everything in your heart. The person who knows you the most, will always be by your side, silently guarding you, not letting you suffer a little wrong. Those who truly love you will not say many words that love you, but they will do many things that love you.

16. If a person is single for a long time, he does not want to fall in love, and he will feel that his friends are more and more important. If a person is single for a long time, he does not want to go shopping. He will like to listen to songs at home more and more. When a person is single, he will become mature. I will love my parents more and more. If I am single, I will buy a lot of shoes and go to a lot of places to travel alone. If a person is single for a long time, he will inadvertently shed tears and will not care about anything in front of everyone.

17. Every memory has a password. As long as the time, place, and character combination are correct, no matter how long the dust is sealed, the scene will be picked up again in the forgotten. You may say, "Isn't it all gone?" In fact, the past is only time, you still can't escape, remembering the fate of smiling or sad, the fate is called "incompetence."

18. Sometimes, the inexplicable mood is not good, I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to be alone in a daze. Sometimes, I want someone to hide and be weak, and I don't want others to see my wounds. Sometimes, I walked through the familiar street corner and saw the familiar back, suddenly remembering a person's face. Sometimes, others misunderstood their own words, and they were depressed. Sometimes I find myself growing up overnight.

19. If there is an afterlife, be a tree, stand for eternity, and have no sorrowful posture. Half in the soil, half in the wind, half in the shade, half in the sun, very silent and very proud, never rely on never looking.

20. There are always some people around you. You see that she is happy all day, and she is really like a child. Everyone envied her. In fact, where do you know: the last one second, she still sadly shed tears, after a second Immediately before the people, there was a bright smile. They actually don't have the ability to be alone. When they are quiet in the night, they always sit at the window and meditate on the night sky. They are like sunflowers, and they are always bright and bright toward the front of the sun, but they are deeply saddened on the back.

21. When tears flow down, I know that separation is another kind of understanding.

22. The most extreme distance in the world is that two people are far apart and don't know each other. Suddenly one day, they met, fell in love, and the distance became very close. Then one day, no longer fell in love, the two people who were very close, became very far, even farther than before.

23. Love makes people forget time, and time makes people forget love.

24. Everything has a price, and the price of happiness is pain.

25. At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.

26. Love is very precious, and many people do not know how to cherish possession. I didn’t see it until I lost it. In fact, the most familiar one is the most precious.

27. It’s not unmotivated, not regretting, but there is no time to go to embrace. If you love someone and can’t be together, love can’t meet at the right time. If you love, but love is wrong, except for the treasure. A drop of tears in my heart, no words to go far, what choices can I have?

28. Life is endless and lonely. Lonely life is endless, and loneliness is the theme of love forever. I am alone with my shadow. It said it had a whisper to want to tell me. It said that it misses you very much. It turns out that both me and my shadow are thinking of you.

29. If they appear earlier, they may not be close to another person, or they may meet later. Later, two people slowly learn to be tolerant and considerate, treat and compromise in their love experiences. Maybe when they come together, they won’t give up so easily, turn around arbitrarily, let go of love.

30. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go, your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

31. There are only two kinds of emotions in the world that can be called romance, and the other is called forgetting about the rivers and lakes. What we have to do is to fight for the love of the most loved ones and the people who love it.

32. The birds in the sky, is your loneliness more than me, or my sorrow is more than you, the rest of the time, you accompany me, okay, so you are not lonely, I will not be sad...

33. Tianliang said good night.

34. Pain, the brand of cockroaches in my heart

35. Suddenly I feel that the world is very dark and black is very dead!

36. Why, calm is always alarmed by Huo Ran? Pain, once again ringing the sound in my heart, but always unable to catch it, disappeared without a trace.

37. Why is it that the things in the palm of my hand have already been lost before they are held? No matter how hard they try to hold on, it seems that the hands will always loosen in their own hands.

38. Being alone is not born, but the moment you fall in love with someone.

39. Some people are destined to wait for others, and some are destined to be waited for.

40. Love, it turned out to be a poisonous drink.

41. When love comes, of course it is also happy. However, this kind of happiness is something to pay, but also to learn to accept disappointment, hurt and parting. since then, my life is not pure any more.

42. It is hard to love someone, and it is even harder to give up someone you love.

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