Good sentence Daquan > Discourse Daquan

Deaf words 2019

1. How much is this shoe a pound?

2. Seeing your face, I still like my ass.

3. If you are bothered, I will tie you to the grass boat and borrow the arrow!

4. Your looks have slowed me down.

5. The wind is bleak, the water is cold, and the money is owed, you have to pay back!

6. The world is ours and sons, but in the end it is the grandchildren.

7. I really don't want to marry you, you are a treacherous villain who does not know shame, despicable, and treacherous.

8. You are really at the extreme, you are the representative of despicable and inferior, the incarnation of obscenity and jealousy!

9. You are unique, at least not all humans want to have a second one.

10. I really don't know what you think. Long ugly, I don't know how to wear a clean spot. I just want to grow a Jingba and I want to pretend to be Shih Tzu.

11. You are living a waste of precious resources on the earth. Do you not say 2012? It is recommended that you board the "Exploration" and you can play your final use.

12. What I hate is that the hairs are not long-lasting. The hairy children who come out with milky tastes will be deducted by a few dirty words without a little technical content. They feel that they are acting.

13. You are not afraid that you are ugly. I am afraid that you will have a lot of flies on your face. When I take a fly and pat the flies on your face, it is not good to accidentally shoot your eyes.

14. The girl is quite normal, why is it full of vulgar yellow?

15. Close your mouth and don't talk about my life with your mouth.

16. You are a graduate of the Mentally Retarded School. You also take the test for the second time and receive the highest scholarship every year.

17. Your mother still needs to buffer when you are born, but unfortunately she buffered to 99.9 percent and suddenly crashed, only to give you less chromosomes!

18. Your food is so beautiful, you can only have pigs compared to you.

19. We know that your mind is empty, empty, even if you have nothing to do with your mind, we can't understand it.

20. Look at your long under-sampling. It’s really a glimpse of the kick, and the pig sees the pig.

21. If you don't learn, don't slap it out, save the sun guy from laughing at you without connotation, and don't know the art of talking.

22. The weather is cold now, seeing that you are so thick, I didn’t expect even the skin to be so thick!

23. I can't talk clearly, and the old man has this feces.

24. I don't understand. If you keep your fart and put it in the sky, you can make up the ozone layer. Why bother to suffocate everywhere?

25. Your face is a face with a great coefficient of friction, which makes me feel that I have been in that age for a long time.

26. People who like me are good people, people who don't like me are bad people, and people who hate me are not people.

27. Don't give you a face, you don't know what you are? Faces are earned by yourself.

28. I heard that someone was on you and I knew what it was called hunger.

29. How many times to water, only to give you such a wonderful.

30. I really want to give you a flush toilet in my head...

31. Hey! This is where the pants are not pulled, how can you leak it out!

32. How can your dad not shoot you directly on the wall!

33. When your mother gave birth to you, did you throw the person to raise the placenta?

34. Ask your mother to plug you back and re-create it. The brain is squeezed into a door to get rid of it. It was caught by your mother when you were born.

35. Every time I look at your face, I feel so bad when your father and you made you.

36. Hey, sorry, I really can't call you a name, otherwise people think I am jealous of you.

37. Pay attention to the body you are not your own, belong to all the drivers.

38. Let's do this first. It's too much to talk about. It's also in vain. These words are told to the dog. It also knows that I am jealous of it. I said it to you, I thought I praised you.

39. You can't even go to the old lady's palace, but also think of the old lady's heart?

40. Since the two prostitutes claim to be graduates of a prestigious university, I now claim to be illiterate.

41. Your mother has to buffer, you can barely buffer 100, and you have to crash when you buffer 99.9.

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