Inspirational Quotes > Aphorisms

Diligent maxim

1. If you don't know, ask, can't learn. - Dong Zhongshu

2. There is no accumulation of steps, no miles, no accumulation of small streams, no rivers. ——荀荀

3. If you don’t give up, the dead wood will not fold; ——荀荀

4. Asking a question is often more important than solving a problem. - Einstein

5. Life is in diligence, no matter what you get - Zhang Heng

6. Genius is the ability to work hard and endlessly--Carlisle is smart and diligent, and genius lies in accumulation--Hua Luogeng

7. I am eager to learn and not to ask non-good scholars.

8. Shushan has a road to work, and there is no end to learning the sea.

9. The exception of strong-willed people - Hugo

10. Genius is nothing but hard work and diligence - Bifeng's prudent diligence brings good luck - Britain

11. Science is for those who are hardworking and eager to learn, poetry is for those who are knowledgeable - Joseph Lu

12. No one will become a wise man because of learning. Learning may be gained by diligence, while wit and wisdom are lazy in talent - John Selden

13. No animal is more diligent than ants, but it is the most silent - Franklin

14. Diligent people are the masters of time, lazy people are the slaves of time - North Korea diligence and wisdom are twins, lazy and stupid are brothers - folk genius should never despise diligence - Little Pliny

15. Diligent people sleep and sleep, lazy people have no time - Japanese wisdom comes from hard work, greatness comes from ordinary people - folk songs

16. Any achievement I have made in science is only due to long-term thinking, patience and hard work – Darwin

17. The wooden tree is born in the end; the nine-story platform starts from the base soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with the foot. --------- Laojiao quoted from Laozi·Taojing

18. After a diligent day, you can get a good night's sleep; hard work, you can have a good sleep - Da Vinci

19. The decisive factor in forming a genius should be diligence - Guo Moruo

20. The human brain is the same as the limbs. If you don’t use it, do you want to be a happy person? I hope you can learn to suffer first. - Turgenev

21. Inspiration is nothing but a reward for “tough labor” – why is it that the number of people will be more than five, and that the most unhelpful one will be exposed to the cold of the day. Success = hard work + correct method + less talk - Einstein has learned from the ancient times that people who have made achievements can not be separated from a "bitter". Genius is 99% of sweat and 1% inspiration - Edison

22. Asking a question is often more important than solving a problem. - Einstein

23. Reading a hundred times, its righteousness. ——Chen Yu’s reading broke through thousands of volumes. - Du Fu

24. Reading a good book is to talk to many noble people. - Goethe

25. If you like reading, you will replace the lonely light in your life with a moment of great enjoyment. —— Montesquieu

26. If the land is not cultivated, then fertile and fruitless; if people do not learn, they will be wise and illiterate. —— Cicero

27. Being open-minded makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind, and we should always remember this truth. —— Mao Zedong

28. I like reading, I like to know people and people. Reading more, knowing more people, and knowing more people will broaden your horizons and make you more kind, pure, or useful to others. - Ba Jin

29. History makes people wise, poetry makes people intelligent, mathematics makes people precise, philosophy makes people profound, ethics makes people solemn, and logic makes people eloquent. - Bacon

30. All the outstanding qualities of my body are attributed to books. - Gorky

31. Success = hard work + the right way + less talk. - Einstein

32. Love to learn to be diligent and diligent to be genius. - Guo Moruo

33. God bless those who get up early. - Spanish proverb

34. The lazy hand is to be poor; the hand is diligent, and the rich is obtained. - The Bible praises weaken diligence. - Samuel Jensen

35. The more we are busy, the stronger we feel that we are alive and the more we realize the existence of our lives. ——Kant

36. Although a diligent person will damage his insights or spiritual freshness and creativity because of his diligence, he will still be praised. - Nietzsche

37. Being bored is a serious problem for moralists, because more than half of human sins are due to fear of it. - Russell

38. Laziness and poverty are always shameful, so everyone will do their utmost to conceal the property from others and hide their laziness from themselves. - Samuel Jensen

39. Climbing to the top, this struggle is enough to enrich the heart. People must believe that the base mountain is more than happiness. - crowning

40. When I was young, I noticed that I had nine unsuccessful things in every ten things I did, so I worked hard ten times. - Shaw

41. If we think that only strong passions such as ambition and love can suppress other emotions, then it is wrong. Lazy, though weak and watery, often conquers us: it penetrates into all the goals and behaviors of life, eroding and destroying passion and virtue. - La Roche Fuco

42. The idlers are the least free. - Surtees

43. For me, one thing that has not been realized is the biggest spur of my lifetime. - Erwin White

44. The establishment of the socialist system has opened up a path to an ideal realm, and the realization of the ideal realm depends on our hard work.

45. Diligence is the mother of success for those engaged in science.

46. ​​Genius is hard work, and someone once said this. If this is not entirely true, then at least to a large extent is correct.

47. A person's talent is like a spark. It can be extinguished or burned, and there is only one way to force it to burn into a raging fire. It is labor and labor.

48. Young children of children who do not have the right to inheritance often develop well through their own struggles. And sitting on the people who enjoy it, but rarely can become a big business. - Bacon

49. In order to live a successful life, young people must learn to stand on their own feet, eradicate obstacles in the ambush, and educate him in the family to give him an independent personality. - Dale Carnegie

50. Where there is a genius, I use the work of drinking coffee for others. - Lu Xun

51. The so-called genius is the power of effort. - Dwight

52. Without doubling diligence, there is neither talent nor genius. - Mendeleev

53. The tragedy of genius is bound by the small and comfortable fame. - Akutagawa Ryunosuke

54. Rest and rest, your brain is rusty. - German proverb

55. Life is in diligence, no matter what you get - Zhang Heng

56. Industry is good at diligence and absurd, and it is ruined and destroyed.--Han Yu’s genius is the ability to work hard and endlessly--Carlisle is smart and diligent, and genius lies in accumulation--Hua Luogeng is not good at learning. Not really good scholars.

57. Shushan has a road to work, and there is no end to the sea.

58. One day of hard work, you can get a good night's sleep; hard work, you can have a good sleep - Da Vinci

59. The determinant of genius should be diligence - Guo Moruo

60. The human brain is the same as the limbs, and the multi-purpose spirit is used.

61. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you first learn to eat hard - Turgenev

62. Inspiration is nothing but a reward for “tough labor” – why does Repin have a constant life and sleep more than five, and the most unhelpful one is afraid of one day exposure. Success = hard work + correct method + less talk - Einstein

63. How can I see the rainbow without going through the storm? "The Hero of the Heart"

64. People who have made achievements since ancient times cannot be separated from the word "bitter".

65. The avenues of art are thorny, this is also a good thing, ordinary people are discouraged, except for those with strong will--Hugo

66. The black hair does not know how to work hard, and the white head regrets reading late. Being able to make up for it is a good training, and it takes a little hard work.

67. The full play of genius and the hard work of individuals are directly proportional.

68. Hard work is not enough, and ants are also very hardworking. What are you working hard? There are two kinds of faults that are basic, and all other faults are born: impatience and laziness. - Kraft

69. The industry is diligent and absurd. - Han Yu

70. Everything should be learned and learned at all times; concentrate on all efforts to know more and know everything. - Gore is at

71. Learning is the sweet fruit that grows on the bitter roots. - Ricardo wants to know the world, and must read the ancient books. - Feng Menglong does not know, then ask, can not learn. - Dong Zhongshu

72. There is no accumulation of steps, no miles, no accumulation of small streams, no rivers. ——荀荀

73. In the meantime, the dead wood is not folded; the perseverance, the stone is awkward. ——荀荀

74. Asking a question is often more important than solving a problem. - Einstein

75. Reading a hundred times, its righteousness. ——Chen Yu’s reading broke through thousands of volumes. - Du Fu

76. Reading a good book is to talk to many noble people. - Goethe

77. If you like reading, you will replace the lonely light in your life with a moment of great enjoyment. —— Montesquieu

78. If the land is not cultivated, then fertile and fruitless; if people do not learn, they will be wise and illiterate. —— Cicero

79. Being open-minded makes people progress, pride makes people fall behind, and we should always remember this truth. —— Mao Zedong

80. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent hardworking. —— Edison I like to read books, like to know people and understand people. Reading more, knowing more people, and knowing more people will broaden your horizons and make you more kind, pure, or useful to others. - Ba Jin

81. A new book is like a ship that leads us from a narrow place to an infinitely vast ocean of life. ——Helen Keller

82. History makes people wise, poetry makes people intelligent, mathematics makes people precise, philosophy makes people profound, ethics makes people solemn, and logic makes people eloquent. - Bacon

83. Time should be so precise that it has its special tasks every year, every month, every day and every hour. - Descartes

84. There is nothing more vain than time, more worth cherishing. If there is no time, we will accomplish nothing in the world. - Mendeleev

85. Everything should be learned and learned at all times; concentrate on all efforts to know more and know everything. - Gorky

86. Learning is the sweet fruit that grows on the bitter roots. - Ricardo

87. To know the world, you must read the ancient books. - Feng Menglong does not know, then ask, can not learn. - Dong Zhongshu

88. There is no accumulation of steps, no miles, no accumulation of small streams, no rivers and seas. ——荀荀

89. In the meantime, the dead wood is not folded; the perseverance, the stone is awkward. ——荀荀

90. Learning this is not about whether someone teaches you or not. The most important thing is whether you have your own consciousness and perseverance. - Fabre cherishes time

91. All savings, in the final analysis, boil down to time savings. - Marx

92. Utilization time is an extremely advanced law. - Engels

93. Arranging time reasonably means saving time. - Bacon

94. Don't wait for tomorrow, what you do, don't wait for others. - Goethe

95. What I should do today is not done, and it will be delayed sooner tomorrow. - Pestalozzi

96. Wasting time is a big sin. - Rousseau

97. The industry is diligent and absurd. - Han Yu

98. Everything should be learned and learned at all times; concentrate on all efforts to know more and know everything. - Gore is at

99. Learning is the sweet fruit that grows on the bitter roots. - Ricardo wants to know the world, and must read the ancient books. ——Feng Menglong

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