Inspirational story

Perseverance is the best shortcut to the future

Ten years later, I finally accepted the principle of "the shortest line between two points".

I still remember the first time I listened to the math teacher in the classroom. I was burying my head in the novel. I couldn’t help but resent the bottom of my heart. I bowed down and said to the table, "No! He is not right." On a piece of white paper, there are countless possibilities. There is always a shortcut to more novel adventures in addition to the boring lines between the two points, which remains to be explored. What's more, there are so many unknown places in the world, wonderful options, moonlight elsewhere, why do we have to follow the direction of the sea and chase those waves that look almost like.

I don't want to live like that, I don't want to go day after day, I don't want to lose my personality between the two points.

I want to enjoy the process more thoroughly than the end of the trip.

So during the most precious time of adolescence, I spent a lot of time reading loose books, making friends, wandering around, looking for comfort in various hobbies. I have learned to dance, but it is just a shock, used to recall laughter. I have studied painting, but for no more than three months in total, the lazyness that I finally painted is often mistaken for Gray Taro. I walked through some places, but I haven’t been able to value myself in my travels, and I’ve been thrown into the sun of my life. I tried to sow my wish in each different way of life, but it was just planting. After that, watering, fertilizing and pruning were quickly thrown away by me and I didn't forget.

When I was in college, I started writing in the magazine. At that time, I had a close relationship with my friend L in the QQ group. We talked about our dreams and talked about the planning for the future. I was surprised to find that she even pointed out that the goals of life in the last five years have been stated: going to the United States as an exchange student, writing a book every two years, and trying to win before the age of 28 Your own movie copyright.

"What about you?"

"I... I don't know yet, take a step and take a step."

There is a well-known phenomenon in cognitive psychology called "confirmed prejudice", that is, too much attention to the information that supports their own decision-making, and blindly believe that any other viewpoints that are contrary to it are not desirable. For me, the words "persistence" and "concentration" are the paradox of wearing a false mask. For life, I have always been this kind of attitude. There is not much intention, even if you waste your time on things that feel happy, it is a pity, laziness, procrastination, beginning with the beginning of the third, and ending up in a mess. These are common things. Although occasionally I feel that this is inefficient and slow, but in the blink of an eye, even if you take a slow curve, you can harvest different beautiful scenery in other spaces, and then allow yourself to be arrogant.

L is exactly the opposite of me.

In this impetuous era, persistence is a scarce resource. In her world, there is no loose fishing for two days in the past two days. If she does not feel difficult, she will give up easily. She is very strict with herself and is determined to achieve the goal, even if the road is twisted and twisted. When I met her, she went to university in Taiwan, and the Chinese department. After class, she would go to a nearby cafe to do volunteer work. While holding a plate, she listened to the guests and danced to the mountains, patiently remembering those bridges, etc. Go back at night and then process it into a short story with flesh and blood. Many times, in her words, I can feel the butterflies that come from different souls, and when they plop through, they fly into people's hearts.

Those ingenious ideas beyond her actual age, each character, with its own life, lived with the trend, completely like a prisoner with a slap in the text.

Later, I heard her say that the interesting plots that can't be thought of by the brain are all derived from her volunteer life after class every day. In addition to the winter and summer vacations, she probably persisted for eight months. During the time, the writing and brain holes quickly rose to a higher level, and the freshness of the growth from the inside out made her feel pleasantly surprised.

Hu Shi said that life has no meaning. What do you mean by giving him meaning? Instead of meditation on life all the time, try to use this life to do something meaningful.

On December 31, 2019, she gave me a message. After today, she is about to start a new life.

I learned that I used to watch the Korean drama and brush Taobao in my dormitory. L was rushed to the IELTS review and was finally sent to the school as an exchange student with a score of 7.0. Now I want to come. If 2012 really has the end of the world, then our ending can't be the same. I think she will greet the reincarnation in joy, but I will be full of regrets, unwillingness, and grievances against those dreams that I have never achieved. Become a lonely ghost, swaying in the world.

After L went to the United States, our contacts were few.

She is still busy studying, and I am still busy with the brush. Our daily life can only care about each other through the form of Weibo or circle of friends, the only common point between each other, only the writing. The difference is that she will be the first to write at the desk before the rest of the day, regardless of the number of words, even for the purpose of practicing the pen, she will sit in a cup of hot tea and let her fingers dance on the keyboard. And I, soaked in the snacks every day, facing the blank word, instantly returned to the primary school students to delay the work, do not want to sleep, there is a magical Doraemon will help me think in my mind , directly on the computer in the most beautiful chapters.

Despite this, I continue to comfort myself by diverting my attention. Hey, you are not without hard work.

I went to learn makeup, and when I was able to follow the teacher's eyebrows, I stole the macaron on the table. I went to learn to broadcast, followed the roommate and went to the teaching building to practice the sound. After a few days, I vowed never to carry the nasty tongue twister again. I went to learn photography, and finally found a place with beautiful scenery and few people with my camera, but I began to complain that the camera was too heavy and my neck was sore. Repeatedly, the vicious circle, from the age of 15 to 20, I am like a child who has never grown up, always whim, always tired of getting tired.

Fortunately, although it was a little slow, I still persisted in the most disappointing way in writing.

And this persistence naturally cannot be compared with the rhythm of L.

Not long before the morning, she suddenly said to me on WeChat: her novels will finally be on the big screen. At that moment, I seemed to see many years ago, a reluctant girl sitting in the coffee shop, watching people coming and going outside the window, my fingers flickering up and down, knocking out all the blueprints about the future.

Different ages, there are different philosophies, no right or wrong, only suitable and not suitable.

I am really happy for her, and I am happy for myself. Although I was hesitant on the road of pursuing my dreams, I finally went back to the right track.

A Taiwanese brand has an ad copy that is very good. Every kind of life is unwilling, and it will become a return. I am very glad that in this post-youth era, there is such a friend who has witnessed by personal experience that the shortest meaning of the line between the two points may not be the rigid thing that I understand when I was young, nor is it the teacher’s mouth. The only way to destination, but to point out the best shortcut lurking in time - persistence. In the simplest way, you can get there.

Not afraid of your hobbies, I am afraid that you are always digging and filling up. Not afraid of your experience of twists and turns, I am afraid that you always take a detour, forget the initial heart. Not afraid of your slowness and incomprehension, I am afraid that you will always say that your curve saves the country. In the end, the country is also destroyed, and the heart is also dead.

Many young people are now looking for the so-called counterattack book.

In fact, the most fundamental way to cure confusion is to stick to it until you touch the door that is in harmony with your own soul.

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