Inspirational story

Win yourself, your biggest enemy is yourself.

A long time ago there was a very stupid child. I don’t want to talk about my homework. I only know that every time I open a parent meeting, the teacher announces the grades of the students in the class. His father is hanging a heart and just wants to hear his child’s name earlier. The result is to read his child’s name. At the time, the teacher made a final pause, and then said: Finished.

His father is not angry. He only said: Son, there are many people in the world who can't compare. You only compare with yourself. You just have to win yourself once a day, I am happy. One son scored 60 points, and his father was licking his son's ribs, because his son only got 58 points last time. Later, the child was clever, knowing that his homework was better than others, he no longer wanted to be a Newton or Archimedes. He made a good essay, so he wrote an article for himself every day and let himself win himself every day. As a result, the child easily smashed the Chinese language's guarantee index and finished his college.

This stupid child is me.

A reporter asked the Olympic gold medalist Lewis: You are the fastest in the world, what do you do without the goal of competition? Lewis A: The next thing I should do is to smash myself!

Lewis is really calling. He gave me the most incisive point in this article.

I always remember the message he wrote in my interview when interviewing a red star in Beijing. He wrote: May your day be better than yesterday! I think this is quite true. I think that she has been so steady in the past few years, that is, there is a certain amount.

Yes, think about it: Your best is yourself, your biggest enemy is yourself. If you are not deliberately giving life to others, you know that only you can compete with you every day - you are alive and harsh to yourself, you are alive and nervous, and you are a little more relaxed, you can only It is boring and somewhat dull. No one acts as your opponent from time to time, and no one always remembers to rate you. Just between today and yesterday, you know your own wins and losses.

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