Inspirational story

Success is paving the way with a special edition

The comic actor Guo Degang plays a unique role, often a ticket is hard to find, when the host is familiar, humorous, and the film is also smooth, very popular. But Guo Degang has always been a controversial person. Criticizing his bricks and praising his flowers is almost as hot. Some people predict that "this kid is a bubble", the rabbit tail can't grow up, and some people accuse him of some styles that are vulgar. Similar to two people; some people claim that he copied the traditional comic dialogue to his own paragraph; some people also unearthed his right and wrong with the old man... In the face of these disputes and censure, Guo Degang said calmly: "What is success? Success is Good at paving the thrown bricks into the road."

Indeed, if life is alive, if you want to do something famous, if you want to succeed, it’s almost impossible to get ahead without criticism and bricks. Those who are weak will probably be thrown by the bricks. Knocked down, I look down on it, this is what Lu Xun said was "killed". Those who are determined will bravely face criticism and accusation, and if they do, they will be crowned with criticism, gain nutrition from criticism, see their shortcomings from accusations, and of course, those malicious personal attacks and Unprovoked rumors will also laugh.

In the modern Chinese culture, Lu Xun is one of the most thrown bricks. There are both good-will criticisms and discussions, as well as malicious attacks and filth. There are both opinions from cultural celebrities and cultural hooligans. Shameless rumors, for example, he took the Soviet government's ruble, for example, his work "plagiarized" Japanese writers, etc., the cool Lu Xun not only used these slabs to lay their own way forward, but also used these slabs to become a sly The cultural peak has never been achieved.

The little giant Yao Ming is an admirer of Lu Xun, and his growth is also no less than a brick. When he first entered the US NBA, the sneer, doubts, and criticisms of the American media were overwhelming, and the bricks were as rainy. Facing the bricks, Yao Ming showed the wisdom and reluctance of the Orientals. He did not argue with reason. He did not fight back with bricks, because he knew that it was useless. It is best to speak with facts. You are not laughing at me as a thin bamboo pole, I will try hard to practice myself as a "muscle man"; you are not ironic that my style of play is too soft, I will try to express myself in hard and evil; you are not attacking my physical strength. Poor, a ball can not get 20 points in any case, I will make a look for you to see, a ball to take him a three or four very bad export. Yao Ming also used these slabs to pave his own path to success and became an NBA superstar.

"Success is to pave the way with bricks." This is extremely philosophical and more feasible. Guo Degang and Yao Ming can do it. You and I can do the same. Linyuan squid is better than retreating and netting, so let's do it first!

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