Secretarial knowledge > paper format

Basic format requirements for English graduation thesis

First, the basic format:

Papers can only be printed on one side of each page and must not be printed on the front and back. The size of the paper is printed on a4 paper. Side binding.

Second, the title page:

The printing format on the title page of the paper is basically similar, in Chinese and English, the Chinese topic page is on the first page, and the English topic page is on the second page. Generally, the title of the thesis is printed from the top to the bottom of the page. The title of the thesis is in uppercase letters. The name of the investigator and the TVU are printed in the next eight lines. Xxx xx day and course name: thesis project design

All of the above should be printed in the middle of the title page of the paper.

Third, the summary and keyword page

The print format on the abstract and keyword pages is the same as the title page of the paper, in Chinese and English, the Chinese title page is on, and the English title page is below. Generally, the printing is arranged according to the content of the summary. The abstract of the Chinese topic is Song No.1, bold, and the main part of the abstract is Song and Xiao. The keyword part is in the Song Dynasty No. 3, bold, and the keyword phrase part is Song and Xiao. The English topic summary uses the times new roman font, the font size is number one, bold, and the abstract text part uses the times new roman font, and the font size is small four.

Fourth, thank you page

Students can choose the thank you page, generally do not require to write Chinese. The English headline uses the times new roman font, the font size is number one, bold, and the body part uses the times new roman font, the font size is small four.

Fifth, the catalog page

The English headline adopts the times new roman font, the font size is No.1, bold, and the subtitle part is unified with the times new roman font, the font size is No.3, bold. Note that the corresponding page number is indicated on the right and the middle dotted line is connected.

Sixth, the body page

The text of the paper needs to be printed alternately. The text uses the times new roman font, and the font size is small four. The headline is times new roman font, the font size is number three, bold. The subtitle is times new roman font, the font size is number three, bold.

7. Chapter notes, reference pages and appendix pages

Chapter notes, reference pages, and the body of the appendix page, such as chapter notes, bibliography, and appendices, may not be printed alternately. The font is times new roman.

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