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**Investigation report on the construction of the governance capacity of the rural grassroots party organizations in the county

** County rural grassroots party organization ability

Research report on construction situation

CPC ** County Committee

According to the requirements of the municipal party committee, the county party committee recently arranged a joint investigation team of the county party committee office, the discipline inspection commission, and the organization department to conduct a special investigation on the construction of the governance capacity of the rural grassroots party organizations in our county. The survey involved 12 townships and 48 communities. After more than two months of concentrated investigation, the village initially grasped the basic situation and existing problems of the construction of the rural grassroots party organization in our county.

I. The status quo of the rural grassroots party organization's ability to govern in our county

** County is a large agricultural county with a population of 980,000. It has 16 townships and towns. There are 20,000 peasant party members. There are 1909 grassroots party branches in the county, including 1002 rural branches. In recent years, the county party committee has adhered to economic construction as the center, and has paid close attention to the construction of rural grassroots party organizations. It has carried out activities such as three-year renovation of rural grassroots party organizations, standardization of village-level construction, and “three-level joint creation”. Promoting the economy with party building has further strengthened the combat effectiveness and cohesiveness of the rural grassroots party organizations in the county. The political factors and business ethics of the majority of rural party members and grassroots cadres have been greatly improved, providing ample economic development and social stability for the county. Strong organizational guarantees have effectively promoted the construction of two civilizations in the rural areas of the county. However, after this investigation, we found that with the deepening of rural reform and development and the transformation of new and old systems, some long-term contradictions have gradually emerged in recent years, affecting and restricting rural grassroots parties to a certain extent. The ability of the organization to govern.

The attraction of village cadres is declining, and the excellent "two committees" team is difficult to produce. After this investigation, we found that there are 4,900 village cadres in our county, and most of them are older people and those who have dragged down or have no specialties at home. Only about one-third of those under 35 years old, and 60-60 years old accounted for 60%. More than %, the village branch secretary of a certain place has reached 64 years old, and there is still no suitable candidate to take over, resulting in the failure of the rural cadres. On the one hand, because the county's rural collective economy is generally weak, more than 75% of the village cadres' wages cannot be fully realized in the same year, and the wages and salaries are low. Working outside the home earns more money than the domestic cadres, resulting in young and promising “capable people” in the countryside. Economic consciousness is stronger than political consciousness, personal consciousness is stronger than team consciousness, and it is better to go out to work and to be more aware of the local awareness of farming. On the other hand, the "official position" of the village cadres is not large, but the workload is not light. The above thousand lines, one needle below, the central guidelines and policies must be fully implemented in the rural areas, and a lot of in-depth and meticulous work is needed. Due to the uneven level of recognition and acceptance of the peasants, village cadres in specific work. Inevitably, it will suffer losses, so it has caused the "can not be a cadre, when the cadres are incompetent", even if some people feel that it is difficult for the village cadres to be reassured, such as Zhengcheng Township Xiaoxiao Village Branch Secretary for one year I have written up to 5 resignations at the most, and some even went without saying a word and went out to work and do business for a long time. Basically, it is "the selection of generals in the scorpion, and it is difficult to choose the election." According to the survey, the number of village cadres who have resigned due to work pressure or low wages or went out to work and do business has been increasing year by year. In other villages, several party members take turns to sit in villages as cadres. "Not Zhang San is Wang Wu. Whoever does not accept the cadres, and even dismantled each other and engaged in opposition. Because party members and cadres are difficult to train and difficult to select, the work in these villages is relatively passive, and the core role of the leading group is exerted poorly, which seriously affects the creativity, combat effectiveness and cohesiveness of rural grassroots party organizations.

Some rural grassroots cadres are not high-quality, and they cannot effectively implement the party's various policies and policies in rural areas and play their due service functions. First, the ideological and political quality is not high. On the one hand, it is manifested in a conservative mind, an old concept, and a lack of pioneering spirit. In the face of various new situations and new problems, we have no way to implement the party's basic line. We are weak in education and training for the majority of party members, and we are unable to open our feet to the development of the economy and the lack of service. On the other hand, it is manifested in serious fears, poor work initiative, and unreliable rural grassroots work. Faced with the contradictions and difficulties in the current rural work, some grassroots cadres think that "returning to the sky without surgery", the thoughts are shaken; some hesitate to wait and see, "do one day monk hit a day"; some complained, blaming others, not moving It puts pressure on the party committee and government and puts forward "small picks." Second, the ability to work is weak. According to the survey, the rural cadres in the county account for more than 60% of China's cultural level, and less than one-third of the high school education. A considerable number of rural cadres, either due to cultural problems, or because of heavy work-related work, or because they are busy making money to get rich, can really calm down to learn theory, learn a little bit of technical knowledge, and learn to learn and use it flexibly. There are fewer practical jobs in rural areas. Leading to old ideas, narrow ideas, lack of innovation, not broad-minded, and inefficient work. One of the performances is that the working methods are backward and the work cannot grasp the key points. Some grassroots cadres are accustomed to relying on administrative promotion to carry out work, knowledge aging, experience aging, and management aging. When we talked with the village cadres this time, we found that some rural cadres did not understand the basic terms of modern knowledge such as industrialization, WTO, and intensive management. In production guidance, they used to be "sounds" and "photos of gourds"; The second is the ability to lead the people to get rich. Some village cadres have no skills. The technology and ability to develop the economy are not as good as the general public. They simply cannot lead the people to make troubles in the market and provide services to the people. Some have the ability but lack the ideas to lead the people to get rich together. Own, regardless of others, do not care about the difficulties of the people, only ask the people for money. In the survey, we found that a large number of village branch secretaries believe that their main tasks are to plan for childbearing, social security, and higher-level assignments, but not to increase the collective income of the village and lead the people to become rich in an important position. Third, the work style is not too hard. There are a few village cadres who are separated from the people. The bureaucracy, formalism, and hedonism are serious, and some are unfair and improper. Especially in the division of homesteads, the planning of fertility indicators, and the contracting of land and collective workers and sideline projects, we should not be able to make a bowl of water and flattering friends. Others even use their power to make their own interests, in the use of electricity, taxes and fees, land contracting and children's arrangements, for their own benefits, do not give benefits to the people do not do things, give the benefits to do things, eat and take The card has lost the trust and support of the people. Some work methods are simple and rude, hurting people's feelings. A very small number of cadres are politically incorruptible, corrupt and degenerate, and relax their studies. Individuals' private desires are inflated. For example, Ma Fuxian, the former village branch secretary of the town of Zhenzhen, murdered 54500 yuan, which was extremely badly affected by the people and was finally severely punished by the law.

The rural collective economic strength is poor, and the contradiction between rural grassroots work and no money is very prominent. Due to the constraints of natural conditions and the influence of various factors, a considerable part of the rural grassroots organizations have a poor economic foundation and serious financial losses and liabilities. After the survey and statistics, we found that more than 80% of the respondents were dissatisfied with the village collective economic income. The villages that had accumulated a little collectively had a continuous reduction in the rural tax and fee reform, and the disposable funds were also decreasing. Even by borrowing to maintain the operation, due to the inability to repay the debts, the village’s quota has been reduced. The collective economy is becoming increasingly weak and even debts are high, making the rural party branch's establishment of various public welfare undertakings difficult, and the village-level expenditures cannot be spent normally, let alone the material assistance for the farmers to get rich and run a well-off society. The main performances are as follows: First, the loss is large. According to the statistics of the relevant departments of the county, the villages that are unable to make ends meet in the county account for 76%. Second, the amount of losses is large. The county-level total debt of the county is more than 30 million yuan, the average debt of each village is about 40,000 yuan, and some village debts even exceed 1 million yuan. Third, there are few sources of income and a single income structure. The county-level collective economic income of the county is less than 20,000 yuan per year. For example, the annual income of the collective economy of Shipen Village in the town is only 1,000 yuan. The wages of the village cadres cannot be fulfilled, and the public welfare undertakings in the village are even more difficult to talk about. The collective income of most villages is limited to land transfer fees and contract fees for forest farms and barren hills. There are few villages with industrial projects. Although some rural grassroots organizations have carried out some projects through internal referrals in the past few years, and some enterprises have been established, the village collective economy has a certain start and development, but it is restricted by the market, talents, funds, information and natural conditions. These village-run enterprises do not have much to do, and they have done a lot. Because the party branch lacks the necessary material conditions to lead the people to become rich and run a well-off, the public welfare undertakings such as road construction and bridging are unable to do so. The village-level expenditures cannot be spent normally, and nothing can be done. The people can not get benefits for a long time and lack of cadres. The sense of trust is that the words of the village branch cannot be heard, which leads to the decline of the prestige of the party organization among the people and restricts the ruling effect of the rural grassroots party organizations.

II. Suggestions and Countermeasures for Strengthening the Governing Capability of Rural Grassroots Party Organizations

Strengthening the ability of the rural grassroots party organizations to govern requires the clarification of responsibilities, innovative ideas, and implementation measures. We must work tirelessly and actively explore and establish a sound long-term mechanism that strengthens the ability of rural grassroots party organizations to govern in accordance with the actual conditions of our county.

We must closely focus on the selection of good people and the use of good people, and raise the overall theme of rural grassroots cadres. Practice has proved that only by building the grassroots team, the combat effectiveness of rural cadres can be enhanced, and all rural work can be effectively promoted. First, we must use the people from the source to select people and actively explore and reform the mechanism for selecting rural cadres. In conjunction with the re-election of the two committees of the village, we will broaden the horizons of employing people, actively guide the party members and the people, and select those high-quality, knowledgeable and culturally high-quality talents to be selected from the rural two committees. The return to the rural knowledge youth, the demobilized veterans, the backbone of the management of the township enterprises and the outstanding elements emerging in the market economy, especially the production experts, the rich experts, the technical experts, the management experts, and the public elections are better. As a reserve talent, cultivate "potential" cadres. Actively select college graduates, military-transfer soldiers, or township cadres with flexible minds and strong market economy awareness to serve in the village, and guide and help rural cadres to enhance their work abilities in emancipating the mind, finding development ideas, and standardizing village affairs. Improve the overall quality of rural cadres. In line with the principle of "fit, develop, neither seek blame, nor plead for perfection", the eclectic selection and employment of people, with the strong village team. Second, we must do a good job in training grassroots cadres. It is necessary to focus on the tasks of the new stage of agricultural and rural economic development, improve training methods, enrich training content, combine concentrated training with decentralized training, combine classroom teaching with visits and visits, and combine incoming and sending out, theoretical study and field. The combination of training, according to the actual situation of different towns and villages, divided into different categories, in stages and in batches of training, through the major classes, watching video, base practice, e-learning and other forms of training, improve learning, so that party members and cadres receive real In the education. It is necessary to formulate a good village cadre training plan, and adopt a combination of centralized training and regular training after the re-election, and carry out in phases and in batches. Based on the principle of “practical, practical and practical”, the training content will be strengthened so that the village cadres can listen, sit and use. At the same time, it is necessary to innovate training methods, make full use of the county and town party school positions and party members' audio-visual education and other means, and adopt various forms of training. Efforts will be made to change the shackles of the unfinished small-scale peasant economic thoughts that exist in the heart of the grassroots cadres, and effectively improve their ability to become rich and serve the people.

We will develop and strengthen the village-level collective economy according to local conditions, and solve the problem of “no money to do things” in rural work. Whether the collective economy can develop and grow is a big issue related to whether the party's ruling status in the countryside can be consolidated. The settlement of some contradictions and problems in the rural areas and the stability of the rural cadres are fundamentally dependent on the development of the rural economy, especially the rural collective economy. Therefore, party committees at all levels must actively guide rural cadres to focus their efforts on developing the rural economy, especially the development of the village collective economy. The first is to establish a correct path for economic development. We must base ourselves on the feelings of the countryside and the village, adhere to the principle of adapting to local conditions and developing advantages, and help them establish a correct path for economic development. Vigorously develop crop farming, aquaculture and processing industries that use local agricultural and sideline products as raw materials. In conjunction with the “Hundred Villages Assistance Project” and “Millions of Farmers Get Rich Projects”, they actively strive for support and assistance from relevant departments at higher levels, increase the adjustment of agricultural structure, and implement scale effects. The second is to formulate preferential policies. The county, township and financial departments should implement tilting to poor villages in terms of capital, talents, technology and information. For them to run enterprises, go to projects, build water conservancy, develop high-quality agriculture, and actively provide effective support and assistance. At the same time, we must combine "transfusion" with the construction of "hematopoietic mechanism", educate party members and cadres to work hard, strive for self-improvement, and work hard. The third is to make full use of existing collective resources, such as water conservancy facilities, forests, minerals, etc., to implement market-oriented operations and increase collective income in multiple ways.

Establish and improve the target assessment mechanism for rural cadres, and further mobilize the enthusiasm of rural cadres and entrepreneurs. The first is to establish a responsibility system for the management of rural work objectives. According to the overall goal of the "five good" village party branches put forward by the central government, we must conscientiously study and formulate the long-term plan and annual plan for the construction of rural grassroots party organizations. Based on the actual conditions, we should make sure that each village is determined by the village system. The specific objectives and implementation measures of the organization. The goal of economic construction, party building and spiritual civilization construction will be refined, quantified and decomposed, and the party committee and branch will sign the target responsibility. The second is to establish and improve the target responsibility system for rural cadres. According to the work objectives of the branch, rationally reorganize the division of labor and decompose it into people. From the branch secretary to the members of the two committees of the village, it is necessary to clarify their respective post responsibilities and work objectives, so that the members of the two committees can perform their duties in the work. Everyone has a task on his head, and there is pressure on his shoulders. The third is to improve and improve the assessment mechanism for the harmonization of rural cadres' rights and responsibilities. According to the annual work objectives and the completion of the post responsibility objectives of the branches and the two committee members, the township party committee should establish a strict and reasonable assessment mechanism, and use the assessment results reasonably to achieve clear rewards and punishments, unified responsibility and rights, and appropriately improve the political treatment of rural cadres. And economic treatment, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of rural cadres, and maintain the relative stability of rural cadres.

We will improve and improve the work and operation mechanism of the Party Committee of the Party Branch and further standardize the work of rural cadres. In accordance with the principle of "strengthening the party's leadership, establishing the system according to law, orderly and orderly, easy to operate, and classifying guidance", we should formulate and improve village management rules and further standardize the work of rural cadres. The village management rules should emphasize the establishment of four major mechanisms: First, establish a coordination mechanism to rationalize the relationship between village affairs. It is necessary to clarify the main body of village affairs management, the permission of village management, the relationship between the village party branch and the village committee, and to perform their duties and coordination. The second is to establish a decision-making mechanism to promote scientific decision-making in village affairs. Further improve the rural village decision-making procedures, highlight the main role of the villagers in decision-making and the important role of the "three teams" in decision-making, so that the village-level decision-making procedures are scientific, democratic, and institutionalized. The third is to establish a management mechanism to promote village affairs according to the regulations. Further standardize the village collective economic management, village financial management, clarify the management permission, management responsibilities, and make democratic disclosure, so that the village management will be changed from "black-box operation" to "transparent operation", from "disordered" management to "regulation" "work. The fourth is to establish a supervision mechanism to ensure the orderly operation of village affairs. We will further implement the village government democratic supervision mechanism, implement the commitment and promise system of the village cadres, let the village cadres accept the supervision and evaluation of party members and villagers, and implement the system of accountability for violations of village cadres. Putting the village cadres under the supervision of the party organizations and the people, they are urged to do things according to the rules, to be honest and honest, to prevent the village cadres from abusing power and using power to seek private affairs from the source.

Vigorously promote the innovation of the working mechanism of grassroots organizations, and further stimulate the ruling vitality of rural party organizations. It is necessary to effectively solve the problem of the rural party organization "the old method does not work, the new method will not be used", and establish a working mechanism appropriate to the new situation. First of all, we must establish a dynamic village-level working mechanism. Encourage the village "two committees" cadres to be bold, bold and bold, and the town party committees should fully protect and mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of their work; they must focus on the "two committees" of the decentralized villages, and strive to solve the problem of too much at the village level. The problem of managing over-death is to combine the rights and responsibilities, strengthen the functions of the "two committees" of the village; focus on reducing the "two committees" of the village, resolutely overcome formalism, and create a good working environment for village cadres. The second is to establish scientific decision-making and democratic supervision mechanisms. We attach great importance to the establishment of a decision-making mechanism that thoroughly understands the people's sentiments, fully reflects public opinion, broadly concentrates on the people's wisdom, and cherishes the people's power. We standardize democratic decision-making procedures, improve the rules of procedure, implement decision-making argumentation systems and accountability systems, and ensure the scientific nature of decision-making by using systems to avoid and Reduce mistakes, and at the same time establish a mechanism for people to supervise decision-making, so that people can exercise their right to self-government according to law. Once again, it is to establish a joint responsibility system for the "two committees" of the village, a joint meeting of the "two committees", a democratic review of the "two committees" cadres and other systems, and to clarify the functions of the village party branch to implement political leadership, work guidance, and ideological guidance for the village committee. By insisting that the leadership does not arrange, to grasp the direction, to ensure that the autonomy is not illegal, and to support the work without dismantling, the village committee exercises its powers under the leadership of the party branch, and the work is in place without overstepping, forming a "two committees" coordination and benign interaction. The operating mechanism.

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