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The city's foreign trade and economic work operation survey and inspection report

The city's foreign trade and economic work operation survey and inspection report

According to the arrangement of the municipal government, in late May, the Municipal Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau organized two working groups, led by two bureau leaders, and went to 13 counties, urban and high-tech zones in the city, and carried out the work of foreign trade and economic cooperation since the beginning of the year. Research supervision. The results of the investigation and supervision show that in the new year, all counties and cities have earnestly implemented the deployment and requirements of the Municipal Party Committee Economic Work Conference and the city's foreign trade and economic work conferences, and actively implemented the open-minded strategy around the construction of economically strong counties. The pace is accelerating, and the consciousness and initiative of developing foreign trade and economic undertakings are further enhanced. In the face of the impact of the SARS epidemic, the whole city has changed its pressure to be the driving force. It has faced difficulties and worked hard to reduce the impact of the epidemic on economic work to the lowest limit. The development of foreign trade and economic business has maintained a good operating situation. After persistent and aggressive progress, the set goals for the whole year are expected to be realized.
First, the main features of foreign trade and economic operations in the first five months
1. Strengthen the organization and leadership of the opening up work and do a good job in the implementation of the foreign trade and economic responsibility system. Dengzhou, Nanzhao, Xixia, Sheqi, Wolong and other counties and districts newly established the opening and opening leading group and office at the beginning of the year; Dengzhou, Fangcheng and Wolong held an open meeting and foreign trade conference in time; most counties and cities The district party committee and government clearly have leaders in charge of open work and foreign trade and economic cooperation. The tasks and tasks of the year are clear and the measures are effective; Fangcheng, Sheqi, Zhenping, Tanghe, Tongbai, Dengzhou, Neixiang, Xixia, The county and urban areas such as Wolong will decompose the "three foreign" goals throughout the year, implement the responsibilities at all levels, and strengthen the supervision of work operations.
2. The mechanism for attracting investment promotion was further improved, and the preparation of the “two sessions and one meeting” project was more adequate. In order to increase the intensity of investment, and actively promote the implementation of the project, most counties have included the special funds for investment promotion into the current year's budget in accordance with the requirements of the province's "open decision." Nanzhao, Tanghe, Tongbai, Wancheng, and Gaoxin Districts have set up investment promotion bureaus; Fangcheng, Nanzhao, and Neixiang have decided to arrange two-month special investment in one year; Tongbai, Sheqi, Wolong and other counties have also formulated and improved The incentives for attracting investment. The county has generally implemented the system of responsible persons for investment promotion projects, the system for supervision and notification, and the system for assessing rewards and punishments. During the epidemic, go out, please come in to attract investment restrictions, Xinye, Nanzhao, Dengzhou, Zhenping, Fangcheng, Tongbai, Xixia, Wolong and other counties and cities, actively carry out online investment, commissioned investment.
In the preparations for the "two sessions and one meeting", the counties and cities are generally prepared early. Tanghe, Tongbai, Wancheng, Wolong, Dengzhou, Luanchuan, Xixia, Nanzhao and other counties and districts have set up preparatory leading groups to make work arrangements. For the project preparation, many counties began to package on a project-by-project basis after they had bottomed out, screened, and demonstrated. Some counties have begun to contact merchants. For example, Dengzhou has already contacted nearly 60 domestic and foreign merchants, and the preliminary work has been more active.
3. Actively organize all types of enterprises to declare and register import and export management rights, and the import and export team has further expanded, and foreign trade exports have maintained a good growth momentum. In the first five months, the city newly approved 15 domestic self-employed enterprises, including 5 in Luanchuan, 4 in Xinye, 3 in Wolong, and 1 in Dengzhou, Fangcheng and Nanzhao. Up to now, all kinds of import and export self-employed enterprises in the city have reached home. In terms of foreign trade exports, the city's business statistics for the first five months totaled 52.3 million US dollars, up 27% year-on-year, accounting for 41.5% of the annual target tasks. Among them, Xixia, Xinye, Gaoxin District, Wolong, Tanghe, etc. reached and exceeded the average progress. County area.
4. Around the adjustment of agricultural structure and industrialized operation, the pace of agricultural opening up has accelerated. In March, Dengzhou invited more than 20 experts and professors from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the China Agricultural University to Deng, to train and develop agricultural products and agriculture, and to train more than 500 leading cadres and agricultural science and technology personnel. . Based on the positioning of “suburban agriculture and export-oriented agriculture”, Wancheng District has actively selected and introduced agricultural projects. It has successfully introduced many agricultural projects such as Chuangji Dairy, Diaoyutai pollution-free vegetables and Jinhean Holiday Resort. Wolong District proposed the agricultural economy to develop fruit and grass husbandry as the base, paying close attention to the idea of ​​characteristic agriculture. Through the introduction, it has successively established asparagus, Agaricus bisporus planting base and deep processing project, sika deer breeding and deer product series processing project, and developed the base of the lunar season. , detoxification sweet potato base, turmeric base, Bupleurum base and other projects. Xinye County makes full use of the advantages of vegetable bases, intensifies the efforts of the project, and vigorously develops “order agriculture”. This year, it has won 2.4 million yuan for agricultural comprehensive development projects, and the vegetable order area is 100,000 mu; 3000 acres of burdock in Xindianpu Town The order has been exported 4,200 tons through the port company. Tongbai, Xixia and other counties combined with returning farmland to forests, and increased foreign cooperation in forestry, animal husbandry, and Chinese herbal medicine industries.
5. The labor export development channels have been broadened, the structure has been improved, and the reserves have increased; Since the beginning of the year, all counties and cities have taken the opportunity of implementing the Provincial Government's "Opinions on Further Expanding Foreign Labor Services" as an opportunity and motivation to make full use of the advantages of labor resources in the local area and speed up the construction of labor export bases. Tongbai County has set up a labor exporting authority; the social flag, Dengzhou, Xixia and other counties, to take advantage of the original foundation, further establish labor service cooperation institutions in various townships, expand development channels and scale, and actively strive for provincial labor services. Export key counties; Fangcheng County expands the development of labor resources from rural areas to laid-off workers and veterans in urban areas, expands the selection of reserves, and improves the quality of expatriates.
The three municipal key projects of the city's foreign economic work have been promoted healthily and functioning normally. The assistance funds for the UNICEF Xixia Aid Project are in place as scheduled. Through the implementation of the project, women's income-generating activities have flourished, and the health standards of rural communities and women's health awareness have increased significantly. The monitoring period of the UNICEF Tongbai Aid Project was working normally; the Australian Government’s assistance to the Tongbai Human and Animal Drinking Water Project was basically completed at the end of April and has entered the final stage of final settlement.
Second, the main problems exist
1. The US-Iraq war and the SARS epidemic have directly impacted the “three foreigners” business, increasing the difficulty of achieving the goals. Since the beginning of the year, the outbreak of the US-Iraq war, especially the development of the SARS epidemic after April, has restricted foreign-related business activities. The use of foreign capital, import and export trade, and foreign economic and technological cooperation have all been affected to some extent. In the face of difficulties, the counties and cities have made active efforts to reduce losses to the bottom limit, but the actual progress of the "three foreigners" has still slowed down. In the first five months, the number of newly approved “three-capital” enterprises and the amount of contracted foreign investment in the city decreased by 18% and 3% respectively over the same period. The actual use of foreign capital was excluded from the previous year’s statistics, which was 31% lower than the same period; the city’s foreign trade exports and The average annual progress difference is 0.2 percentage points, and the labor export difference is 15 percentage points. Judging from the lag and persistence of negative effects, the forecast for June and July will be more obvious.
It is important to point out that the investment promotion work requires a long process. In the past few months, the project reserve is weak, and there are very few projects in the talks, which will directly restrict the stamina of the investment throughout the year. The situation is very serious.
2. The economic entity's participation in international competition and the exploration of the international market are still relatively weak. In the "three foreigners" work, many enterprises have the government to promote, the enterprises move, or even push the situation, lack of enthusiasm and initiative to "go out, introduce." Since the beginning of the year, there have still not been large projects in the city's overseas investment, and overseas processing trade and economic cooperation are still within the starting line; some products with competitive advantages in the international market have not been directly exported from the city, but are exported to the province. , reducing the level of foreign exchange earning in our city.
3. Some foreign economic and trade management functions of counties and cities are not in place, and policies are scaffolding. In order to promote the development of the county-oriented export-oriented economy, the municipal government issued the "Opinions on Defining the Responsibilities of Foreign Trade and Economic Work at the County Level" last year. However, in some counties, the management and service activities of foreign-related economies have been greatly affected. . In recent years, the state and the province have successively introduced a number of preferential policies to encourage foreign trade and economic development. In some counties, due to the lack of organizational implementation channels, enterprises cannot benefit.
4. The project construction is extensive. In recent years, through investment promotion, promoting project construction and promoting regional economic development, a consensus has been basically formed in the city. However, there are still some common problems in the implementation of options and project organization. First, the preliminary work of the project is weak, the screening and argumentation are not refined, and the project structure is unreasonable. Second, the investment scale of investment projects is generally small, and there are not many high-tech and high value-added projects. They do not meet the requirements of large enterprise groups and consortia, and they are not attractive and cannot cooperate effectively. Third, there is a phenomenon of focusing on investment promotion and light implementation. After signing the contract, some project units did not pay attention to tracking the results and did not seriously organize the implementation, resulting in the failure of the contracted project. In addition, some departments in the project statistics and publicity activities, can not be realistic, great achievements, mixed with water.
5. There is a shortage of foreign trade professionals. With the development of foreign trade and economic undertakings, foreign-related professionals in various counties and cities cannot meet the needs, and it is urgent to speed up the pace of introduction and training.
6. The investment environment and the business environment have undergone special rectification and comprehensive management. Although there have been significant improvements, in some areas, some aspects, and some links, the problems have not been effectively corrected, and the phenomenon of “four chaos” has occurred from time to time.
Third, countermeasures and recommendations
1. Establish confidence, firm determination, and overcome difficulties, and strive to achieve full realization of foreign economic and trade goals this year. The SARS epidemic has brought certain influence to the city's foreign trade and economic development and the eastward introduction of the west. However, the implementation of the opening-up strategy and the expansion of the opening of the city will not be slowed down. The successful blocking of the SARS epidemic in this city fully demonstrated the powerful ability of the municipal party committee and municipal government to lead social and economic development and maintain social security. The whole city should seize the opportunity to actively publicize and establish the image of Nanyang, so that foreign businessmen can increase their trust and dispel doubts, attract domestic and foreign enterprises to invest and promote business exchanges. The foreign trade and economic departments at all levels and the relevant departments of cities and counties need to adopt unconventional measures, strengthen their functions, strengthen their services, and actively guide and help enterprises to resume and carry out their business activities as soon as possible. . As long as the whole city works together, it will become a driving force, and if challenges are opportunities, spirits, and hard work, we will be able to overcome difficulties and promote the completion of the annual target tasks. In order to unify understanding, boost morale, study measures and measures, and stimulate urgency, it is recommended that the municipal government organize several special conferences in the near future: First, each of the advanced units that use foreign capital and foreign trade exports will hold one on-site meeting; In preparation for the investment promotion project, a report on the preparation of the investment project and the promotion of the mobilization meeting will be held. Or combine several items into one meeting.
2. To comprehensively promote the implementation of the "Decision" of the opening of the province and the city and the implementation of the foreign trade and economic responsibility system. At the beginning of the year, the provincial and municipal foreign trade and economic work conferences have separately requested that this year, the implementation of the "Decision" should be examined and the special reports should be written. All counties, urban areas and relevant departments should take this as an opportunity and motivation. On the basis of comprehensive self-examination, focus on unfinished aspects and weak links, and promptly formulate and improve specific measures, and strive to promote the full implementation of work and mission requirements. .
Foreign trade and economic work is the main body of opening up. Adhering to the foreign trade and economic responsibility system and incorporating it into the target assessment is an effective guarantee and incentive measure adopted by our city to speed up the opening up. For a small number of county responsibility systems not implemented, foreign trade and economic work inspection, guidance, supervision and promotion are not in place, business development is slow, the relevant county party committee government should pay enough attention, take it seriously, and reverse the passive situation as soon as possible.
3. Practically solve the problem of weakening and overhead of foreign trade and economic management functions. The reform of county-level government institutions is very necessary, but there should be corresponding departments for the management of foreign trade. At present, the practice of weakening or even overseeing foreign trade and economic functions in some counties is inconsistent with the policy of further expanding opening up, and cannot adapt to new situations and new changes. First of all, there is no corresponding department management, publicity, foreign trade and economic enterprises, and various export-oriented enterprises. They lack a deeper understanding of the country's foreign trade policies and policies, industries and products supported by the national foreign trade policy, preferential methods, and how to operate. If the questions are unfamiliar, the government and these companies cannot communicate and exchange information in a timely manner. Secondly, the loss of the county-level foreign trade and economic management department has caused the inability to effectively organize and integrate the “three foreign” resources of the region, and cannot effectively provide services to enterprises, which has an adverse impact on the development of foreign trade. Therefore, the counties should actively coordinate and rationalize foreign trade management in accordance with the requirements of the “Opinions on Defining the Responsibilities of Foreign Trade and Economic Work at the County Level” issued by the municipal government last year, and the spirit of the provincial and foreign economic and trade work conferences, combined with the actual situation of the county. Function.
4. Use all the preferential policies that encourage the development of foreign trade and economics. Foreign trade preferential policies are mainly proposed to promote the development of export-oriented economy in the central and western regions. Most of them are special measures and measures during the transition period after joining the WTO. And this transition period is very limited. The machine can't be lost, but I don't want to wait. All kinds of export-oriented enterprises in the city, especially private enterprises, should cherish the opportunities, seize the opportunities, use the relevant policies well, and effectively exert the effects of the encouragement policies. To use the policy well, the first thing is to understand. This requires the foreign economic department to enhance the awareness of opportunity, responsibility, and service, and earnestly grasp the policy propaganda; go deep into the grassroots, go deep into reality, and guide enterprises to use policies well. Last year, the Municipal Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau compiled a series of preferential policies issued by the state and our province in recent years, and sent them to the counties and related enterprises. In the second half of the year, we must conduct a comprehensive inspection of the implementation of various policies.
5. Actively promote the expansion of agricultural opening up. At the end of last year, the provincial government issued the "Opinions on Further Expanding the Opening of Agriculture to the Outside World." In order to promote the implementation, it is recommended that the municipal party committee and the municipal government coordinate the relevant departments to put forward the specific implementation opinions of the city on the basis of doing a good job of investigation and research.
6. Accelerate the introduction and training of foreign-related professionals. In view of the serious shortage of foreign trade and economic professionals in the city, the city and county level should plan overall, and plan to introduce talents from colleges and universities and export-oriented economically developed regions, and recommend them to enterprises. At the same time, it is necessary to earnestly grasp the on-the-job training of the backbone of the export-oriented enterprises. In the near term, export, customs declaration and business negotiation should be the focus of training.

Nanyang Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau
June 5, 2003

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