Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the next semester of the seventh grade in 2014

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the seventh grade

In the eyes, the work of one semester is over. During the semester, I worked as a class teacher for the first class and successfully completed various tasks. The specific work is summarized as follows:

First, the basic situation of the class:

There are 44 students in this class, including 22 boys and 22 girls. Most of the students are more obedient and obedient, and it is inevitable that there will be students who are particularly difficult to discipline; the overall scores of the students are relatively uniform and stable.

Second, actively prepare for the beginning of the school and the necessary work to stabilize the students' emotions

The students in the second grade have a beautiful ambiguity and a sense of fear in the middle school. Some students may have lost or bad feelings. For various reasons, I believe that stabilizing students' uneasiness is a crucial task at the beginning of the school year. So did some soothing and encouraging work:

1. The outstanding results of the above senior high school entrance exams motivate students.

2. Analyze the characteristics of the students in this class.

3. Distinguish the similarities and differences between the national and secondary schools, let students familiar with the life of middle school and eliminate fear.

4. Reminder should pay attention to matters. How to protect your belongings and how to protect yourself from the bullying of your older brother and sister.

Third, the training and construction of class style

Class style is the common tendency of most students in the class in terms of emotions, words and deeds, moral style and style. It is a necessary condition for the consolidation and development of the class, and it is a comprehensive sign of the formation of the class. A group with a good class style can first cherish the identity of its class members and make their words and deeds and the group's styles harmonious and integrated. To cultivate a good class style, you must:

1. Cultivate students' sense of belonging and sense of class. I let them have confidence in the class, and naturally, the sense of belonging to the class comes up.

2. Develop students' learning atmosphere. During the first month of school, before or after the midday lunch break, I was in the classroom, calling on and encouraging students to develop self-study habits, and in the future, encourage students to have a competitive spirit, with their classmates. Competition, competing with other classmates. Slowly, a class has vitality, has an anger, and has a vigorous and competitive edge.

Third, regular work

1. Safety education.

According to the overall work of the school, "striving safety education and ensuring education and teaching", I always put safety education in the first place, often using class meetings, and pre-study class teachers to carry out safety education for students after work, reminding students to pay attention to safety at all times.

2. Civilization develops education.

At the beginning of the school, students were organized to study the Code of Middle School Students and the rules and regulations in the tower to regulate the students' behaviors and behaviors, and often do the ideological work of students to help students establish the concept of "becoming adults first."

3. Training of class cadres.

Through democratic elections, a group of students with strong ability and strong sense of responsibility, such as Zhang Qiongyin, were selected to form a class committee. Usually, class cadres were held to make them clear their duties and guide them to cooperate with the class teacher to manage the class. Report all kinds of bad tendencies in the class. Under their efforts, the discipline of this class has become more stable, and a good class style has basically taken shape.

4. Always communicate with parents.

The education of children is inseparable from the cooperation of teachers and parents. The performance of children at home can only be learned through parents. Similarly, the performance of students in school should be promptly feedback to parents. Only by a two-pronged approach can education be received. Therefore, in this semester, we will keep in touch with parents and inform parents of the performance of some children to discuss countermeasures.

5. Always communicate with teachers in science.

Students have different feelings and opinions for each teacher. In order to adjust the relationship between teachers and students, I will go deep into the students, understand the students' ideological dynamics, and do a good job in mediation and persuasion in a timely manner. On the other hand, I take the initiative to take classes. Teachers communicate with each other not only to understand the learning situation of students in various disciplines, but also to pass on the information of students to them and to discuss with them the scientific methods of education and teaching. In the process, I played the role of a bridge. Let each student and each teacher have a good atmosphere and get along with each other.

6. Coordinate with the school to carry out activities

According to the school work schedule, I also often organize students to participate in various cultural and sports activities carried out by the school, and have achieved certain results. For example, Zhong Xiankun participated in the city's Thanksgiving Letter Composition Competition and won the third prize; Zhang Qiongyin and Li Lizhang represented the Tayang Middle School to participate in the city's handwritten newspaper competition and won the second prize.

Fourth, there are problems

1. The attitude of individual undergraduates needs further transformation.

2. The phenomenon of eating snacks in the class has not been completely cured. The education of civilized development needs to be further strengthened.

3. The enthusiasm of the class cadres needs to be improved.

In short, the work of the class teacher is an extremely complicated job. We need to have love, patience, perseverance, care, and wisdom to do well. In the future, I will continue to learn from experienced teachers and teachers. I will learn from each other's strengths and make progress. In the face of students, I hope that the spring will turn into rain and will always nourish their healthy growth!

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the seventh grade

I am working as a class teacher for the first time this semester. Class teacher work plays a decisive role in school education activities. In this ordinary position, I have always worked diligently and devoted myself to class management. The work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First of all, I feel that since I became a class teacher, I don’t have any complaints. As a teacher, education should first be regarded as a career, not a matter. Career and things, the difference is a thousand miles, and the two are different in time, space and nature. Everything can be done, it depends on how you do it. One thing, if you only think of it as one thing, it is just one thing, and you will get rid of it when you are done. If you think of it as a career, you will design its future and treat each step of the day as a continuous process. If you take education as a career, you will pay your own energy and effort, and you will work creatively. You will love your education and love every student. You have done education as a career, and you will consciously increase the intensity of your work and emotional input. I think so: We all know that if a student learns passively and regards reading as a chore, then he will be difficult to learn. He must change "I want to learn" to "I want to Learning, it is possible to do a good job of learning. Similarly, as a class teacher, if the class teacher is regarded as a chore, then he lacks the enthusiasm of work. Everything will be done passively, and work will be difficult to do well. Therefore, I put "teaching and educating people" first, enhance the sense of responsibility of the work, always think for the students, and in the spirit of "doing more practical things, less complaints", freely contributing a little of my own labor, happy. Your own happiness, try your best to do everything in your share.

Second, establish a perfect team of cadres. In addition to the class cadres required by the school, I also set up a disciplinary chief who specializes in discipline, a labor committee that specializes in health, and a living committee that specializes in collecting fees and expenses. Of course, in terms of health, the division of labor is quite clear and there are full-time staff to check.

Once again, implement a quantitative management system for morality in the class, and pay close attention to discipline and health. Not long after the school started, I put a "seven-year class of civilized class rules and treatment measures" on the wall of the classroom, and made it a rule system for the behavior of the whole class. The quartz clock on the upper right side of the front blackboard reminds every student to cherish every minute every minute. The moral management system seems to be easy, but it is very cumbersome to do. But it must be persevering, otherwise it will not be effective. It has proven to be effective through the practice of one semester. The implementation rules of the quantitative management method of morality should be as fine as possible, and the work must be done in place. The reward and punishment standards must be formulated in advance so that they have a clear goal.

Fourth, establish the goal of class struggle: let students learn to be human and let each student grow up healthily.

For students, academic performance is very important, but I think that as a class teacher, it is not only the student's academic performance, but also more attention to how to teach students to learn to be a person. As the educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: “Thousands of thousands of students learn and learn to be real people.” Therefore, I put the education of student behavior and morality to the top of my work. Everywhere, I set an example by example and act as a role model for students. And in the class put forward the slogan of "being a person first, then learning."

Fifth, care for the students correctly, strive to create a warm atmosphere, and treat each student fairly.

A class is a big family. In the class management, I try my best to put my own "people-friendly" love and class collective "universal friendship" into the backward students, giving them more attention and more input. I treat the top students, I never love, do not move. Always remind them to "learn to be a man first." Not only do you have to be good at school, but more importantly, good character and mental health; middle school students in the class are often ignored. For them, I have consistently respected, understood, trusted, and fully mobilized their positive factors.

It is also important to treat each student fairly. Therefore, in the usual handling of class affairs, no matter how big or small, I adhere to the principle of fairness and win the trust of all students.

Sixth, earnestly and meticulously do ideological work, actively cooperate with the class teacher, and strive to improve students' academic performance.

The first-year students can't fully adapt to the life in the middle of the country. Many students have developed a dreadful mentality due to the deepening and increasing learning content. The scores often have ups and downs, and they lose confidence in learning. How to help these students to get through this level has become the focus of my work. Around this focus, I have done the following specific work:

1. Always talk to students. For some students who often have disciplinary violations, such as hauling homework, they are often late, self-study classes love to speak, and they can't do a good job in clearing the value of the day. In addition to regular supervision, they also conduct focused conversations. To be reasonable, to move one, tolerate them but not to indulge them. In addition, I also contact my parents frequently to get the support of the family. Correct mistakes based on the students' full understanding of their mistakes, and constantly improve themselves.

2. Actively cooperate with the teachers in each class and do a good job in coordination. Students have different feelings and opinions for each teacher. Some students also have feelings of resentment against some teachers. Therefore, on the one hand, I went deep into the students, understood the students' ideological dynamics, and did a good job in mediation and persuasion. On the other hand, I actively exchanged ideas with the teachers, not only to understand the learning situation of the students in various subjects, but also to pass on the information of the students. They, together with them, explore the scientific methods of education and teaching. In the process, I played the role of a bridge. Let each student and each teacher have a good atmosphere and get along with each other.

Through our unremitting efforts, the students in our class can study and live in strict accordance with the school routine, and have made significant progress in behavior habits and study habits. In the future work of the class teacher, I also need to constantly study the theory of educational science, improve my theoretical level and scientific class management level; at the same time, I will continue to work hard to make every student taught to get enough sunshine and moisture, healthy Develop and grow healthily.

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the seventh grade

During this semester, I worked as a class teacher for seven classes. There were 46 people in this class, 30 boys, and 26 girls. One classmate who came to my class in one semester did not lose. In the past six months, I have been responsible and diligent. Therefore, the class has been relatively stable, and initially formed a good class style and style of study. The students have formed a certain competitive atmosphere and a gratifying situation of unity and friendship, and the class has already had a certain cohesiveness. In the past six months, I have mainly started from the following aspects:

First, start, set a rule for the students.

At the beginning of the new semester, students will come to the middle school from the familiar national small campus. There will definitely be a strange feeling. I pay attention to which students are better every day, which students have more problems, and which students can change their ideas in time through the teacher's education. Through observation, I found that the students in the class have a very poor self-management ability. I will pay attention to the class work, start with small things, and deal with the problems that arise. I understand the performance of each student every day and have a preliminary for each student. To understanding. In the face of the school flower network*, I proposed in the first class class: knowledge changes fate, attitude determines everything. I would like to ask a number of students to express their views on this sentence so that the students can understand that as long as they correct their attitude, I also tell you that "there will be beatings behind." Only those who are struggling will have a way out. Most students have hopes in their eyes. I ask students not to greet the teacher when they are in class. They say in unison: "I am the best student, I want to learn, I will learn, my ideal is certain. Will achieve "... to remind yourself how to spend each day. Most of my class students practice this sentence. In their study life, they gradually develop the things that are not harmful to the class. Learning is to learn for themselves, and the concept of "beating" is backward.

Two weeks after the start of the school, I paid attention to the right medicine, basically controlling all aspects of the class in a short time.

Second, give full play to the role of class cadres, so that they can truly become the right assistant of the class teacher

After a period of observation and experimentation, I chose some students, such as Huang Xiaoxue, Li Zifei, Yu Jinmin, Yu Wenshuang and Qin Jiufeng, who are good at both academics and students, who are willing to serve the students. One semester, I found out that they really became the right assistant to the class teacher. Not only did this make my work a lot easier, but it also tempered many of their abilities.

In particular, Li Zifei and Huang Xiaoxue not only have strong learning ability, good grades, but also learn to help others; they have the courage, the ability to work, the ability to work, the ability to organize, and the ability to manage. Responsible for class work; worthy of trust and hard work. They are simple, hardworking and simple. I think they can lead the whole class together. So, I appointed them as the squad leader and the study committee.

Of course, we don’t just use courseware to download*,

Education and training are also often carried out. Educate them to establish a sense of glory and responsibility for collective service, and ask them to study hard, unite classmates, lead by example, and encourage them to work boldly, but also to strictly demand and pay attention to working methods. Of course, the elected cadres are not perfect after all, so they should not be overly demanding and accused, especially when there are mistakes in their work. I often check the work of the class committee, and give specific guidance and help, neither to replace it, nor to push all the work in the class to the class cadres to let go. At the class meeting, I organized them to learn to plan and implement specific measures, check the implementation, summarize the gains and losses, and improve them. They taught them how to distinguish between right and wrong and prevent bad behaviors among classmates in time. For their bad behavior in the class, they will not tolerate them, encourage them to lead by example and drive other students to promote the management of the entire class.

Third, start from small things, cultivate students' good study habits, discipline and hygiene habits.

Whether in learning or in living habits, I require students to develop good habits. In terms of learning, it is required to complete the work on time and on the basis of quality and quantity. In terms of behavioral norms, it is required to abide by all rules and regulations and be a civilized student. My class is divided into indoor hygiene, outdoor hygiene, and special management and evaluation. My class is in Hongmin. Although it is a girl, it gives me the feeling that I am the boss of the underworld. I am the boss who I am afraid of. The students did not dare to provoke her, and she took her eighth-grade brother to suppress people. After understanding the initial situation, I found that her quality is not bad, that is, she is used to being accustomed to the country, and she can still listen to it. She has been a student cadre, and she is responsible for the cadre. Come, after three weeks, she slowly lazy, the homework is not alone, the school is not finished, the date is not done, often late, and the students are constantly contradicting, and so on, no one dares to control her, and she also affects Other students, I did not find one thing to find her, but to seize her psychologically obedient and she had a very equal conversation with her, asking her to change bad habits first, and asked her to think carefully The consequences of a female classmate’s doing this, within a month, her fault has finally been changed, and the others have slowly decreased a lot. She also took the initiative to serve as the discipline leader of my class, although there are sometimes some minor problems. But she got the praise of the classmates. Her changes are very important to my class. There are very few people studying and copying homework. The study group can help each other. Everyone in the life is united and happy, more helpful, more people who care for property, and people who speak swear words. Less, everyone is ashamed of not paying homework, and the teachers of the class have reflected that the changes in my class are relatively large.

For class hygiene, I am very strict. I don't allow students to throw things at random. The offenders punish 500-character manuals. The students think that I just talked about it. Yuan Guodong accidentally downloaded the courseware* and dropped it on the floor. I punish him for writing the instructions and after reading it to everyone,

They only discovered that the words I said were implemented. No one left the paper scraps on the ground any more, and there was no one in charge of supervision in the class. So, every time I entered our class, the classroom always did. Clean, giving a sense of freshness. In the winter, the earthen stove, every student loves it. Even if someone unintentionally breaks it, other students immediately find the soil and smeared it. It is always intact. I am very pleased.

Fourth, the class will be extended, and a good class public opinion orientation will be established.

Pay attention to the role of class meetings, insist on ideological education in every class, establish a good example and typical, so that students have a sense of collective honor, so that the class forms a good atmosphere, let students know right and wrong, good and bad. Make disciplinary students have no market among students. After the violation of discipline, it will be condemned by public opinion of other students. I found that every time I used a dry language to ask for certain things, it was very boring, so I asked the class members to take turns to summarize on two Mondays, combined with domestic news reports, and some articles on the reader's abstract, according to the actual results of my class. Insights, in the case of affirming that you can do it, self-discipline, establish the goal of learning for yourself, more and more people feel the joy of learning, and fewer and fewer people violate the discipline. I organized students to carry out "comfortable classmates" and everyone from the competition, from the enthusiastic Yu Wenshuang to the mischievous Wei Genghai, each student was delighted to find that they had so many advantages. Everyone's public opinion orientation points to the side of justice. When you find bad things to report to the teacher or solve themselves in time, it relieves a lot of pressure and reduces the occurrence of many adverse events. I also use the newspaper to combine the requirements of the school in each period to help students establish a correct outlook on life and values, so that they can feel the education of parents and teachers from the heart to create a superior self and help them to be a sentimental Righteous person.

Fifth, starting from the bottom of the students, care for the students in a timely manner, students will love you from the bottom of my heart. On the 5th, I was amazed that the students brought apples from home, bought a piece of colored paper, and made a few Christmas fruits for me. They said that this is a late blessing. There is a girl named Huang Liping. Her family is very Difficult, she said to me slyly when she was out of school: "Teacher, I don't have the money to buy gifts for you. Go home today. I will send you a blessing message with my dad's mobile phone?" I said: Ok, this is Best wishes to the teacher! "I am very pleased, I am also proud of such a loving student.

In short, the work of the class teacher is a complicated and hard work. To be a good class teacher, you must also have a high degree of responsibility. Of course, I still have a lot of imperfections in my work. I think I will continue to work harder in the next semester to make my class's achievements even more progress!

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