Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

Summary of the class teacher

Summary of the class teacher

In the past semester, under the unified organization of the school leaders, with the strong support and cooperation of the teachers, the work has been carried out smoothly, and the study and life have achieved outstanding results. The work of this semester is summarized as follows:

First, strengthen the ideological and moral work for students, cultivate students' good quality, purify the students' minds, and strive to train qualified and qualified personnel. In order to cooperate with the work of the school's Young Pioneers Brigade and the Political and Education Department, our class has actively carried out many activities that are conducive to the healthy development of students' physical and mental health. For example, "actively participate in gratitude for parental activities", "the theme class for "reading for the rise of China", "the practice of beautifying the campus, protecting the environment from me", and the "foundation of the blackboard". At the same time, I also often use class meetings to educate students about physical and mental education, to help students clarify the fuzzy understanding of the mind, and to provide targeted education to students in a timely manner.

Second, strengthen class management, cultivate excellent study style, class style, in-depth and comprehensive understanding of students, and strive to cultivate the "seeking knowledge, determination, liveliness, unity" class collective. In this semester, on the one hand, I carefully selected and trained the members of the class committee: First, vigorously praise the merits of the class committee, publicize their advanced deeds, help the small class committee to establish prestige; second, encourage the class committee to work boldly, give pointers At the same time of their working methods, they are more strict in requiring the class committee members to make greater progress in knowledge and ability, and to lead by example in discipline, and strive to give the whole class an exemplary role in all aspects, that is, to take the lead. The spirit of unity and cooperation, through the small group of the class committee to establish correct and sound public opinion, to drive the entire class collectively to carry out criticism and self-criticism, to form a collective organizational, discipline and enterprising spirit, that is, to face. On the other hand, I effectively use the weekly class class to carry out some special activities to strengthen the regular training of a student. The training includes the "Students' Code" and the "Regulations on the Daily Behavior of Primary School Students", routines, class routines and routines, health routines, labor routines and many other aspects. It is imperative that each student has the idea of ​​obeying the collective and obeying the order, having self-discipline and forming habits, and ensuring that the entire class can show a good class style at any time without being chaotic or strict.

Third, according to the school work schedule and the actual situation of the class, the long-term and near-term goals of the whole class and the group in terms of knowledge, ability, and emotions are drawn up, so that each student can clearly define what the goal of our whole class and group is working hard. It avoids the blind and inefficient study and life, thus enhancing the collective cohesion and motivation. At the same time, actively carry out the transformation work of the undergraduates, create conditions and opportunities as much as possible to enable the undergraduates to express their strengths and strengths, so that they can enjoy the joy and joy of success, and strive to help them eliminate or alleviate all kinds of psychological concerns and let them realize themselves. The location and direction of learning.

Fourth, actively carry out good cultural and sports activities, do a good job of inter-class exercises, eye exercises, protect students' vision, enhance students' physical fitness, and improve students' learning efficiency. The fifth-grade students have a heavy learning task. Appropriate physical activities are not only beneficial to the improvement of students' physical quality, but also beneficial to the improvement of learning efficiency. Every time I go to the scene to participate in activities with students and give appropriate technical guidance. This will not only prevent accidents, but also deepen the exchange of feelings with students.

5. Proactively contact teachers of various disciplines, coordinate the educational strength of all aspects of the school, and play a good role. In the interaction with the teachers, I respect their status and respect their opinions. At the same time, they regard them as the masters of the class and regard them as their companions and confidants. Everything is actively negotiated with the teachers to listen and adopt their opinions. Being able to handle the relationship between students and teachers in a prudent manner, avoid dealing with conflicts between teachers and students. In this respect, I usually pay attention to educating students, making them polite, respecting the work of teachers, and establishing the prestige of teachers. To enhance the friendship between teachers and students.

In short, in this semester, through the above efforts, the class work has improved considerably, and the overall quality of students is constantly improving. Achievements can only explain the past, teaching is endless, and learning is endless. In the new semester, I will continue to explore ways of education management, sum up experience and lessons in a timely manner, and openly learn from the old class teacher and old teachers in order to manage their own. Push horizontally to a higher level.

Summary of the class teacher

The class teacher is the organizer and education manager of the class. It is the guide for the healthy growth of the students and the link between the teachers in various departments. The work of the class teacher is both arduous and glorious. Combined with the actual situation of our class, the work done in this semester is summarized as follows:

1. Cultivate and select class cadres to form a good class style

A good class leader must have a good class leadership core. This core is the class committee under the leadership of the class teacher. Since the beginning of the semester, I have consciously developed and selected some students who care about the collective, unite classmates, work style, have certain organizational skills, and create spirit and dedication to serve as class cadres. After the cadres were selected, I strengthened training and education, letting them let them work, and strengthening guidance according to the actual situation. In particular, the requirements for class cadres are more stringent, requiring them to lead by example, excellent academic performance, unite classmates, take the lead in model role, and be a teacher's right assistant. Through continuous training and hard work, the work ability of student cadres has finally been improved, and they have been divided into work and cooperation, so that students can manage themselves and gradually form an excellent class style with the characteristics of this class.

Second, attach importance to knowledge learning and strengthen ideological education.

Learning is the main task of students. It is an important task for the class teacher to teach students to do their homework. Therefore, in the work of the class teacher, I first guide the students to learn their homework, and work closely with the teachers in the department to exchange students' learning with the teachers at any time, reflect the students' requirements for teaching, and jointly study and solve the solutions. The requirements to adjust the student's work load, to avoid the burden of students is too heavy, affecting the development of other aspects of students.

In addition, from the actual situation of the students, through the students' study, labor, games, life and other aspects, systematically carry out in-depth and meticulous moral education. At the same time, in daily life, they also use the role models of the surrounding and the school to carry out all kinds of touching and educating.

Third, do a good job in the transformation of the students.

In my class, due to various factors, the number of late students is large. Therefore, post-transformation is an essential basic skill for the class teacher. First of all, give sincere love to the students. Do not discriminate in thought, not tired in feelings, not rude in attitude, not simple in method. And use their sincere love for poor students to sing the door of their hearts. Secondly, they found their "flash point." For example: create conditions for them in the classroom, encourage them to raise their hands and give affirmation and reward in time. Active counseling, tracking, and contact with parents during the extracurricular period are conducive to creating a healthy and healthy environment for them, and also conducive to the construction of the class.

Fourth, carry out various activities to improve the quality of students

The students required in the 21st century are no longer high-scoring and low-energy students, and advocate the promotion of individuality and development ability. According to the work plan of our school and the actual situation of the class, this semester has carried out a variety of large class and interest group activities, so that students have been trained and improved in all aspects while learning.

Fifth, pay attention to safety education

Safety work is an indispensable part of the work of the class teacher. In daily education work, I insist on doing it every day, always speaking, and strictly preventing the occurrence of safety accidents. There have been no safety incidents in my class for a year.

In the future work, there are still many practices worthy of my discussion and study. In short, I must adhere to the correct education policy, pay attention to working methods, and closely unite around the school leaders. Constantly improving our professional quality and professional quality has made the class teacher's work take a new step and achieve more fruitful results.

Summary of the class teacher

The national class teacher, especially the first-year class teacher, is a compound role. When the children need to care for love, the class teacher should be a kind mother, giving them careful consideration and warmth; when the children have shortcomings, the class teacher should be a strict teacher, seriously point out his shortcomings and help him correct. Therefore, I think the work of the class teacher is a difficult and hard work. To say that it is arduous refers to the growth of students, the development and even the ability to become qualified personnel. The class teacher plays a key role. It is said that the hard work means that in addition to being responsible for the students’ learning, they should also care about their bodies and disciplines. Health, safety and mental health. Despite this, I will talk about a few practices and experiences below.

First, regular habits, often unremitting

The development of a student's good behavior habits is not a class, one or two days to talk about it, it must run through the entire management process. So I worked out the detailed rules and regulations, and asked the students to follow the implementation so that the students can follow the rules and follow the rules. Because the students in the lower grades are less self-conscious and self-control, they can't avoid such mistakes. Therefore, the class teacher needs to do patience and meticulous work, and can't be too hasty. Therefore, I often use the class to educate students about the problems that arise, to be sensible, and to guide them in a timely manner, to explain the truth and harm to them, so that students can consciously abide by discipline.

Second, careful care, close to students

Love is the core of teachers' professional ethics. A class teacher should do his job well, first of all to love students. "Touching people, Mo is first love." In the work, I try to see the truth in a subtle way, sincerely care for the children, and help the children enthusiastically. I am convinced that love is a kind of transmission. When the teacher sincerely gives love, the harvest must be more love for the children! It is my happiest thing to feel the words of the children!"

Third, specific requirements, guidance in place

Psychological research shows that children's perception of things is holistic, familiar with contours, but not attention to detail.

I think that we must first kneel down, observe things from the perspective of the child, and communicate with them with words that the child can understand. Secondly, we must pay attention to the details of education, and guide the work done in this place, because they want to do what the teacher wants, and I want to do things well.

Fourth, the demonstration takes the lead, intuitive guidance

The great educator Wushenski once had such a passage: "The personal example of the teacher is the most useful sunshine for the student's mind that can't be replaced by anything." What kind of teacher is the lower grade student to his class teacher? They will pay attention to observing every movement, every look, every expression of the class teacher, and will listen carefully to every sentence of the class teacher. They have a special trust and dependence on the class teacher. The class teacher's own quality, moral cultivation, class teacher's words and deeds, every move, invisible will become the role model of the whole class of dozens of children. Therefore, in the class work, I always pay attention to my own image, everything starts from me, takes the lead in the good image, and influences my students subtly. Where students are required to do so, the teacher first does it himself and does it better. Students are required to talk about hygiene, do not litter randomly, and they can pick up the rubbish. Students are required not to be late, and under my leadership, most of the students in our class can do it without being late, and all of them are disciplined.

5. Timely praise and delay criticism

The German esthetician Hegel said: "The children's attention should not be focused on some faults for a long time. It is enough to remind them as euphemistically as possible. The most important thing is to inspire the students themselves. The belief in strength and self-honor." Teachers who have taught the lower grades know that children are small and have many things. When the teacher can't deal with it unfairly, there are too many delays, and because the students are criticized, their concentration is concentrated on their own faults for a long time, their emotions are affected, and the low emotional experience makes the level of intellectual activity drop significantly. The absorption efficiency is low. In response to this situation, I took a late criticism, which not only cultivated students' happy emotional experience, but also gave them the opportunity to correct and return. After that, the teacher can solve the problem well by guiding.

6. Seize the advantages and encourage growth

Every student has the potential. The key to being able to reach their potential is whether the teacher can help them build confidence and courage to overcome difficulties.

"Let the child live forever in hope" I believe that the great role it plays is irresistible.

When the teachers know that there are so-called obedient children and naughty children in each class. Those who are obedient, we don’t have to say more, as long as you have a look and an action, he will be able to follow the requirements of yours.

In short, the work of the class teacher is a very complicated job. Every class teacher has had a lot of ups and downs, especially the head teacher of the junior and junior grades. It is really not easy to bring a good class and educate a class. However, the junior and junior grades are the initial stage for students to enter the school and accept the world outlook on life. Therefore, the work of the head teachers of the junior and junior grades is very important and glorious. I feel that as long as I am full of love, care for and care for them, and strictly demand and educate them, there is strictness in love, love in strictness, love and strictness, and meticulousness will surely achieve satisfactory results.

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