Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the first grade of the first grade

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the first grade of the first grade

I work as a class teacher for the first grade class. There are 53 students in my class, including 29 boys and 24 girls. I followed the work plan of the class teacher, and I completed the tasks assigned by the school. The semester is over, and I summarize the main work as follows:

First, regular work

1. Develop good habits of students.

Because of their young age, first-year students have poor self-control and discipline. I started with developing good habits of students, and taught fun in class, trying to attract students' attention and organize the discipline of students. Use the class meeting and thinking class to learn the school rules and regulations, remind students to prepare for class, and observe the behavior of students after class, and set an example among students according to their performance. In daily study, always pay attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of students, and gradually develop a good habit of taking classes seriously, taking serious homework, taking a break, speaking civilized, and being polite.

2. Develop a good class

The class is a fertile ground for cultivating students' individuality. With this fertile soil, students' individuality can be brilliance. Collective activities can best cultivate students' cohesiveness and collective sense of honor. I lead students to actively participate in various activities of the school, such as sports games and paintings. In the annual school games, my class achieved the first place in the grade group. Early in the morning, I always arrive at the school earlier than the students, direct the children to clean up, and help the students to do their health work after school. In this way, students not only develop a good habit of gradually developing a love of labor, but also always want to be their own class. Collective glory. Through the blackboard newspaper to show students' talents in all aspects, develop personality. Gradually form a healthy, united and united class.

3. Cultivate small cadres with management ability

Class cadres are the teachers' assistants. It is very important to select a competent cadre. The first-year students are young and have few abilities, so I focused on cultivating three class cadres: the squad leader, the deputy squad leader, and the sports committee. In addition to the squad leader, deputy squad leader and sports committee member, I also selected a team leader in the daily life. He is responsible for managing the day's health cleaning and eye exercises, so that more students can participate in class management and exercise them. Ability.

4. Strengthen contact with parents.

Usually, I can care about every student in the nursing class. For some students who are not very good, they have devoted more love and hard work. I often talk to them and grab their flash to encourage them. When they have trouble, I always help them patiently. Once I find out that they have special circumstances in their study, body and mind, I always contact the parents in a timely and active manner, understand the situation, patiently do their work, and obtain parental understanding and cooperation. Every child can develop strengths and avoid weaknesses and grow up healthily. Through a series of work, schools and families work closely together to better educate students.

Second, monthly training work

In the work of the class teacher, I strictly integrated the "monthly training focus" and "monthly theme education" activities, and effectively and effectively put the students' development education into practice. In the class meeting, the specific requirements of the monthly training content are proposed, and each work is refined in strict accordance with the requirements of the school. In the month of May training, my class was rated as excellent. In each of the theme education activities, I will openly let the children elect "civilized etiquette small paces" to stimulate their sense of participation, and strive to carry out some educational and educational activities to enable children to develop good habits in the activities. In order to achieve the purpose of monthly training. It is only because the first-grade children are small and the organization ability is poor, so in each activity hole, the children's participation is not high. This is worth my reflection, I will work hard to improve.

Third, my class teacher's work is still lacking in many aspects due to lack of experience.

1. Predictability is not strong. I can't always educate my students before things happen to prevent things from happening. I always deal with things behind the students. I think that although my class teacher’s work experience is lacking, if you use your heart to do it, according to Hao’s “Three Diligences”, it’s “eyes”, “footwork” and “mouth” work can be implemented. Work will definitely be done.

2. Do things to be expensive.

I always be more radical in my own work. Everything wants to be effective soon. If I want to talk about my child’s requirements, they can implement it immediately, but I don’t have tolerance for my children. I want to make clear that I am facing a living life. They all have their own thoughts and have their own habits. If you want to change their bad behaviors at once, you must pass their own ideological struggles, internalize them into their own thoughts, and then change their behavior. This must be done. There is a long time, so I have to be more tolerant, but also have to change their lasting heart.

3. Handle the relationship between the tube and the release.

Although the first grade primary school students are small, the teacher should also handle the relationship between "management" and "release". The teacher has to manage a lot of things, from the students' standing and dressing, to the students' ideological dynamics, the learning situation, the morality and the construction and development of the class. If the teacher goes to work sooner or later, he will do nothing, even act as a “housekeeper”. The role of "police" or "nanny" is beneficial, but it does more harm than good, and it is too much to die. It is easy to cause strong student dependence, weak creativity, poor independence, lack of self-education and self-management ability, and easy It is not good for the perfection and development of the class teacher to be caught in chores and exhausted.

The work of the class teacher is hard and happy; the work of the class teacher is a science and an art. In the future, I will continue to explore working methods and work hard to do my job well.

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the first grade of the first grade

The work of the first grade of the next semester has passed unconsciously. A school year may be a small insignificant period. However, for the first-year students, both the development of behavioral habits and the guidance of learning methods have insignificant gains. Looking back at the work of the first semester, there are also insufficient achievements. It is an unspeakable taste, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and full of miscellaneous. In this semester I did the following:

I. Ideological education work

For the first-grade elementary school students, although they have received six months of education in various subjects, they need to be further strengthened in terms of organizational discipline. Therefore, I still have strict disciplinary requirements for them during this semester, and at the beginning of the school, I organized students to re-learn the Code of Pupils and the Code of Conduct for Pupils. At the end of the semester, students not only have health and courtesy. Further improvement, and in the face of gold, but also greatly promoted, the class of "small Lei Feng" is also more, the learning atmosphere has become more concentrated.

Second, always care about children

Love is a silent language. It is the most effective means for teachers to communicate their thoughts and feelings. To manage a good class, you must care about and understand each student's personality traits. Children in the lower grades are particularly enthusiastic about the teacher and often turn around the teacher. I will also call my child to the side and chat with them: ask them where to go on the weekend; who bought this beautiful clothes, etc.; also tell them who has improved in these days! In this easy chat In the atmosphere, grasp the opportunity, give the children some requirements, and encourage them to encourage their learning, and will receive unexpected results.

Third, timely praise to encourage children

For first-year children, the effect of praise is very good. Usually, I will tell them when I chat with them: "You have improved", "The more you write, the more beautiful you are." They often say to them in class: "You are awesome!" "You learn really fast." "!" You said it is very good!!... When I talked with my parents, I often listened to them. The children went home and said that the teacher praised him again, and rewarded him with a few small red flowers. Then the performance in the school will be particularly good in those days.

Fourth, pay attention to cultivating children's behavior habits

The development of various habits is the basis for the formation of a good class, and the first year is the initial period of good habits. I think the key to developing good habits is to cultivate students' habitual awareness so that they can do the same with teachers. If a class forms a good class, the student will be promoted in all aspects. For this, I am working hard. According to the characteristics of the first-grade children, various competitions are used to consolidate the students' good habits. Such as: writing competition, than the one who is the cleanest clothes, the class to see who's little face is the cleanest, to see who's location is the cleanest and so on.

Fifth, for the whole and the teaching of the students according to their aptitude.

In the face of this group of mischievous children, sometimes it will be a little impatient. However, during this semester, I constantly remind myself in teaching that I must calm down and be calm, because I am only facing children of six or seven years old. They are naive and innocent, so they are in class management and In teaching, I must take proper measures to do every job.

Pay attention to students who are poor and give them warmth and encouragement. Wang Shengqi and Zhou Bingsen are the same students in the class who are struggling to learn and have poor discipline. Language mathematics is not good. I will always patiently guide and encourage them. When they do their homework occasionally, I will also surprise with them and be happy together. I will give them encouragement and give them smiles and stars. I find the more introverted children, teachers like this. The more the practice gives them the confidence and motivation to learn. Now these two children have made great progress, although the results are not very good at the time of the exam, but at least they have learned something and learned some textbooks.

Stay homework, targeting student personality. Due to the requirements of the course standard, the literacy of each class in the first grade language is very large. The task is really heavy for the children who have just entered the school. Plus, the basis of each child’s knowledge storage is different, so the students are literate. The learning is also uneven. The reason why the children's classroom literacy is uneven is that I found that even if the teacher has the task of preparing for the pre-study, many children can't fully preview, so when the students check the students' reading, they will always recognize the students, and Each lesson is almost a fixed number of students. Therefore, I will leave homework for the students who have the above characteristics. For example, the homework I want to leave to other students is to circle the words of the 12th lesson in the text, read it, and read the text three times. Read cooked. And these students only ask them to circle the words, and they will recognize them, but I will encourage them: "The teacher only gives you this homework today. I believe that you will definitely be in tomorrow's class. I will recognize the words." If the second day of the language class, there is a little girl who can't recognize the words in almost every class. I really recognize all the words in the class. It is really beyond my expectation. . So of course, I have to give her some praise and encouragement. In teaching, I realized that for students with learning difficulties, they must first reduce the number and requirements in the homework, so that these children can complete the tasks assigned by the teachers within a limited capacity, so that they can enjoy their progress and be praised by the teachers. And then on this basis step by step.

Sixth, safety education work

1. It is not allowed to stay and play in the playground, restaurant and toilet, and make a slow and slow pace inside and outside the school. Students are not allowed to play dangerous games. Such as; chasing each other, running, etc.

2. Educate your child not to wear items such as matches, lighters and glass balls.

3. Educate students to pay attention to food hygiene, and do not buy any unsanitary snacks at the stalls to prevent food poisoning. Do not drink raw water, do not eat snacks; do not eat things given by strangers.

4. Do not damage the flowers and trees of the school.

7. Health work, the top priority of disease prevention and control

There are many epidemic diseases in this year, including hand, foot and mouth disease and mumps. I have proved from many years of work experience that doing a good job in class health is a prerequisite for doing a good job in the class. If the class health work is not good, it will not only affect the mental outlook of students, but also affect the health of students. If the student's personal hygiene is not good, it will directly affect the child's health. Therefore, I have made a lot of pains in class hygiene. First, in terms of personal hygiene, students are required to wash their hands before and after meals every day. The clothes should be kept clean and tidy. In the classroom hygiene, students are required to insist on doing two sweeps every day. In the environmental area, my class insisted on having the garbage cleaned up at any time. In addition to taking body temperature on time every day, we must also do "one look, two touches, three questions." “Look at it” – whether the children’s physical, mental and emotional conditions are normal. "Two touches" - Is the clothes properly dressed? Is the small hand cold? "Three questions" - Are the homework done? Is the body uncomfortable? If you find any situation, please contact the parents or go to the school doctor's office.

Eight, a lot of harvest, a lot of happiness

As the children grow up, their skills are increasing, and there are more and more surprises and happiness. If my class is

Nine, the problems.

1. Although the class management work is methodical, it is necessary to add a word "strict". The love for the students is indispensable, but the strictness of the students is not to be lost. Although I am aware of this, I always feel soft when I perform it. I always think that they are still young children. They can't be forced to work hard. They should pay attention to future work.

2, class work has been arranged, no implementation, so that individual students are easy to take advantage of. For example, in the daily star rating, there are several times when the school engages in activities without considering the evaluation, which makes some students lose.

3, the routine work of the class needs to be further strengthened, such as: health, road team, two exercises, etc., to speak every day, every day to catch, do not bother.

These are just some of the efforts I have made in my class work. Looking back at the work for the past six months, I have a lot of emotions. There are experiences, but more are lessons. If I ask about my feelings in the past year, I will say that it is very tired, but it is very fulfilling. It is the trust of leaders, parents and students that makes me bear the responsibility. It is a strong sense of responsibility that makes me rush. I may not be a teacher, but I will treat each of my students with my sincerity, love, and enthusiasm, and never give up. In the work of the class teacher, if you want to manage the class in an orderly manner, and let the students condense in the power of the class, I need to open my mind as a class teacher, try hard to explore, and master more and more advanced experiences and methods. In the near future, I will strive to have more experience in class management and strive for a higher level.

Summary of the work of the class teacher in the first grade of the first grade

Time flies, I don’t know if a semester has passed. I will continue to serve as the class teacher for this semester. During this semester, my students and I have worked hard to do everything well, summed up, and worked hard. There are joys of harvest, and there are also deficiencies and regrets. Now I will summarize the class work situation since the semester.

First, the main work

Develop good habits for students

Good behavior habits play a very important role in a person's life. The first grade is the initial stage of basic education, and it is a crucial period for the development of good behavioral habits. The habits of good habits not only affect the child's life, personality, behavior, etc., but also directly affect the success of future study and work, and even affect the future of the child. Therefore, this semester I put the focus of class work on developing students' good behavior habits. I did it from the following aspects.

1, low starting point

The first-year students are only six or seven years old. They are young, dependent, and have poor hands-on ability. In addition, most of them are only children, and the elders are favored. Some students are not used to it, and some are even arrogant. But education must not be too anxious, and destructive encouragement. Therefore, my work pays attention to patience, requires a low starting point for the goals set by the students, learns to empathize, and considers their tolerance and mastery from the perspective of the students. The students can follow the steps, step by step, step by step. it is good. It is also possible to establish the self-confidence of students to develop good behavior habits.

2, fine requirements

The habit requirements of the first-year students can not be space-cavity, too general, close, be small, be small, be realistic, let the students understand, know the practice, and operate. So this semester, based on the training of the previous semester, I gradually strengthened classroom discipline and interdisciplinary discipline. The teachers of each class reflected that the children of this semester have made great progress and the discipline has improved significantly compared with the previous semester.

3, strong training

Some small requirements have been put forward. If you do not carry out solid and effective training, it is equivalent to empty talk. And the training must be strict, and there must be a patience that does not give up. If you want to develop a student's civilized behavior, I should softly, slowly, and rightly follow the requirements of the school. I don't want to tear the paper casually. I have to go out and do the exercises neatly. In this way, the three times of intensive training, behavior requirements have been deep into the students' hearts, and turned into conscious behavior, good habits have gradually developed, and efficiency has also improved.

4, often evaluation

First-year students are anxious to know what they are doing through hard work. In order to cater to the students' psychology, I usually observe carefully, good and progressive timely praise. My praise for them is sometimes a kind of appreciative smile, sometimes a relative's touch, sometimes a heartfelt praise.

5, hard guidance

First-year students are innocent and lively, curious about elementary school life, but their ability to discern right and wrong is weak, sometimes they don't know what is right and what is wrong. This is the guidance and education of the head teacher. I make full use of the class time to teach students to learn the "Primary School Code" and "Standards' Daily Behavioral Code", so that they can understand what is right and what is wrong. In the face of the first-year students, my management idea is that the goal is closer, the scope is smaller, the content is real, and the targeted ideological education is always provided to the students. The little changes to the students are recorded in the heart. When the students have progress, have shortcomings and mistakes, and have behavioral deviations, they will talk to them in time, be sure, give encouragement; point out mistakes and correct them.

Create a relaxed atmosphere with your children.

Give a smile to the student. Giving students a bright smile every day will make the students feel happy and smart, and the wisdom will develop. In the face of the first grade child, I have a special education method - smile. When a student succeeds, I will send it with a smile; when the student encounters difficulties, I will send it with a smile to encourage; when the student makes a mistake, I will send it to tolerance with a smile.

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