Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

Second grade class teacher summary

Second grade class teacher summary

In this semester, I worked as a second-class education and teaching teacher, and served as the class teacher. In this semester, in order to improve the class style and style of study, create a good class learning environment, improve the quality of students, and promote the overall development of students, the following Point work:

Since the beginning of a semester, I have focused on strengthening students' civilized etiquette education, safety education, using class meetings, guild meetings, lunch meetings, combining the "School Code for Primary School Students" and "Standards of Daily Behavior of School Children" and school arrangements, requiring students to be civilized and ceremonial. Obey the discipline, be honest and trustworthy, and gradually develop good behavior habits. Through the activities of the theme team such as “Safe in my heart” and “Sharing the Olympics”, students' safety awareness will be enhanced and students' patriotic enthusiasm will be stimulated. Carry out the "Red Rock Soul, Heart of the Olympics" reading series activities, organize students to talk about experience, write feelings. Actively cooperate with the school to do a good job of the staged art education of "paper-cutting", improve the students' aesthetic taste, and be immersed in it.

Develop students' habit of obeying discipline. During the semester, I often use class classes and morality classes to educate students to follow classroom discipline. I usually find that some classmates or a group have done a good job of timely praise, set an example in the class, and found that the bad phenomenon was corrected in time. Students are required to implement the school's student code of conduct, and the department is responsible for part of the work, allowing students to manage themselves. Do a good job in the safety and discipline of the two exercises. After one semester of hard work, more than 90% of the students in the class can do well, and the study habits and health habits have been fundamentally improved. There are also three disciplinary concepts. Weak people often have to be educated and supervised by teachers to do a good job, and education needs to be strengthened in the future.

To cultivate students' habit of civility and politeness, students are required to achieve the beauty of the instrument, the beauty of the language, and the beauty of the soul. Reinforce the requirements of students to implement the school's student code of conduct, neatly dressed, wear a red scarf, do not wear slippers to school, supervised by the class cadres, combined with the appraisal system to encourage students to self-consciously, now students have developed this good habit. In the language action, the students know how to be civilized and polite. Whether they are on campus or outside the school, they see the teacher politely screaming "teacher is good!" The students are united and friendly, help each other, and pick up the good things. Good things are constantly emerging. It can be seen from their actions that they have already produced beautiful buds in their little hearts.

Develop students' habit of actively participating in classroom teaching activities. Nowadays, in education newspapers and periodicals, it is often mentioned that "to reform classroom teaching and mobilize students' enthusiasm for learning, teachers are organizers and instructors in classroom teaching", etc. In classroom teaching, students are often taken in various forms to actively develop students. Participate in classroom teaching activities. If you let students close their eyes and listen to the recording, enjoy a piece of the text. Slide the slide projector and ask the students to look at the picture to answer the question. The four-person group reads the self-reported text and draws the birth words. Read the texts by the characters, let the students speak the words and sentences they like, use the game form to consolidate the characters, and use the performance form to understand the thoughts and feelings of the characters in the text. In this way, it not only mobilizes the enthusiasm of students to participate in classroom teaching, but also trains students' ability to move, brain, and hands-on, and also cultivates students' ability to express words.

A strong team of cadres has been established. To do a good job in a class, you must have a capable cadre team. At the beginning of the semester, the class cadres will be re-elected, and they will be responsible for their division of labor and clarify the work they have done. They are also often taught how to do their job well and understand the difficulties in their work. The education class must lead by example. You must first do well and manage others to serve the public. If you know that a class cadre has difficulty in a certain job, the teacher will assist him in solving it. He will hold regular class meetings, praise and encourage the cadres who have done a good job, and make suggestions to the cadres who are not doing well enough to educate him. Pay attention to improvement and really be a good cadre. After several months of training, the cadres of the class have been bold, and they have done a lot of work. They also have high prestige among the classmates and often get in touch with their parents. I want to teach students well, besides doing the education and management in the school, we must also do the work outside the school, contact the parents, get the parents' assistance, exchange opinions in time, find that the students have bad thoughts and wrong actions, and correct and stop them in time. Attention should be paid to doing a good job in this area, especially those naughty students who want to be disciplined by parents. In the past, there were four classmates who often damaged other people's things outside the school. They often quarreled with classmates in the school. After many educations by teachers and parents, they have changed a lot now, and they can basically abide by the school's student norms.

In the future, I will continue to increase the ideological education and teaching work of college students, and strive to make more changes in the next semester.

Second grade class teacher summary

The time is really fast, and in a busy schedule, one semester has passed. For this class, I feel that the children's growth is really inadvertent. Inadvertently, their heads are a lot higher; inadvertently, they know a lot of things; inadvertently, they learned a lot... Inadvertently, they grew up bit by bit. And as their peers, as the witness of their growth, the greatest feeling is joy.

Looking back at the work of the class teacher in this semester, I deeply understand that only the joint efforts of all students and class teachers can enhance the collective cohesiveness and create a harmonious learning atmosphere, so as to promote the overall development of the class style, so that students can make progress in all aspects. . The work of the class teacher is trivial. In normal times, I mainly divide the work focus into the following aspects:

First, care for children. Love is a silent language. It is the most effective means for teachers to communicate their thoughts and feelings. To manage a good class, you must care for and understand each student.

As a class teacher, I always put the responsibility of my work first. My education is for children aged seven or eight. They are innocent, and that smiles are full of childishness. Be a hard gardener, so that every flower blooms, and every seedling grows up. This is my belief in being a class teacher. The children in the lower grades are particularly enthusiastic about the teacher. They often turn around the teacher. I am also used to calling the children around me after class, chatting with them, asking him to teach the teacher how to play this new toy; ask her Who bought this beautiful new dress? Ask him how he came to the teacher to eat the candy today? Will he recognize pinyin after the test? Tell him that he has improved in the past few days! Tell him that the homework is very beautiful on Sunday, He also told him that the words he wrote yesterday were not good. Today, he shouldn’t argue with his classmates... In this relaxed atmosphere, grasping the opportunity of education, naturally put forward some requirements for them, and also received good effect.

I also think that the class teacher's love for the students should be a kind of tolerant love. I often think of a sentence: If I am a child, I will spur and reveal myself. Every time, when the child makes a mistake, when I am angry, I let myself think about it: If I am a child, will I be like them? If that is my child, how to educate Is this the best way? So, under such a premise, the children's mischievous, ass, and curiosity about new things have become understandable behavior. For the children of the lower grades, the power of praise is endless. In normal times, through the observation of the children, I recorded the children's flashes and bit by bit progress in their own hearts, and praised and encouraged them in time. I will always say to my children: You are the best! The biggest improvement in this semester is you! The teacher is more and more like you... When I talk to my parents, I often listen to them, the children Going home, the teacher praised him again, and he was excited. Then he would be especially good at home in those days. Still the same sentence: love is mutual. At this point, as a class teacher, I am happy, I give a love, and I gain more pure love. Second, pay attention to cultivating children's behavior habits. The cultivation of various habits is the basis for the formation of a good class style, while the lower grades are the key period for good habits. I think the key to developing good habits is to cultivate students' habitual awareness so that they can do the same with teachers. If a class forms a good class, the student will be promoted in all aspects. Therefore, I especially pay attention to cultivating students' good habits, whether it is study habits, class habits, or hygiene habits. According to the characteristics of the children in the lower grades, on the one hand, we will consolidate the students' good habits by means of competition and competition. On the other hand, as a teacher, by example, every time you enter the classroom, you will first look at the ground, and you will see the whole thing. The children look in their eyes and create a good atmosphere for developing good habits.

Third, cultivate small cadres and develop children's abilities. Class cadres are the core of the class and the backbone of the class. To build a good class, we must first build a team of cadres with strong sense of responsibility and ability. Like this semester, Qian Chen, Zhu Yating, Qian Linxin and other students have become the small cadres in charge of the class, my little assistant.

Fourth, strengthen communication with parents. Parent education and school education are inseparable, especially the work of the class teacher, which requires more understanding and support from parents.

I pay special attention to establishing good relationships with parents and strengthening communication with parents. One semester, I exchanged the parents of each student and told them about their performance at school. When the child has made progress, the child is ill, and the child is not in good condition during this time... I will get in touch with the parents in time to synchronize the parent education with the school education and better promote the healthy growth of the child. For example, some children in my class have a better family, such as Qian Qi, Lu Lijie, etc. Parents are extremely fond of them. Over time, they have developed some ills: squeaminess, self-willedness, self-centeredness... Every time they talk to parents, parents introduce The word is bad temper. Therefore, in addition to engaging in collective activities to guide them to love the collective, learn to appreciate others and help others, I have more initiative to communicate with parents. In particular, the children in the class are very tempered, and when they are not happy, they lose their temper and cry. I always pay attention to observe his small changes, talk to him, and contact his parents in a timely manner, hoping to cooperate with the school. Help him change.

Second grade class teacher summary

I set an example by acting as a teacher

I realize that the class teacher is not only a class organizer and manager, but also a class educator. Usually, I spend more time with students than other teachers, so every change of the class teacher will have a greater impact on students. As the saying goes: Teaching is more important than teaching. The teacher's external behavior has a role as an example and a demonstration for the students, which will have a subtle influence on the students, especially for the lower grade children with poor discrimination ability and self-control ability. Therefore, in the usual time with the students, I strictly demand myself, to do what the students do, the teacher must do first. For example, students are required to be hygienic and do not arbitrarily throw paper scraps. In normal times, I always throw paper scraps into the garbage bin. Those near the students see me doing this and will tell other students that those Students who arbitrarily lose paper scraps will be educated and will no longer lose paper scraps. Educating students to be civilized and polite, then I will take the initiative to say hello to the students, say thank you and other polite language, the child will naturally answer me with polite words. Such a positive impact will certainly benefit the development of students.

2. Strengthening the education of ideology and morality

The basic task of the class teacher is to educate the students in ideology and morality so that their body and mind can develop in a comprehensive and healthy manner. For the second-year children, it is the best time to accept all aspects of education. Besides learning, I think it is more important to teach them to know the world, to distinguish between right and wrong, and to learn how to behave. Therefore, I use the weekly class meeting, combined with the contents of the speech under the flag, to make corresponding arrangements in class classes.

Class management, training habits, exercise ability

The cultivation of good habits has always been one of the key points of education this semester. So how do students develop good habits in daily class management? I try to make class management a thing for everyone, let students become masters of class management, and at the same time cultivate their abilities in this process. So try the following:

1. Encourage class cadres to dare to think, dare to do, not only to be a doer, but also to be a decision maker, as long as they can motivate students to participate in class management consciously, which is conducive to the study of students and the development of various hobbies, what ideas and activities are It can be discussed. In this way, the subjectivity of the class cadres is exerted, the enthusiasm of the class cadres is mobilized, the work is much easier, and the effect is also good. In addition to the activities organized by the school, various activities are carried out in the class to encourage the students. Active participation, most of these activities are planned, organized, summarized by the students themselves, and received good results.

2, cleaning and sanitation is the responsibility of the team.

Hygiene is responsible for each group. The method of rotating the value of the day is used to select the head of the health team. The team leader assigns the tasks and cleans them according to the order of the work in the value day. After the cleaning is completed, the sanitary tools are put back in place and then at the hygienic value. Japan has made relevant records and the team leader is responsible for checking the value of the day.

3. Some children who like to play, I will ask him to help me with things, such as finishing the book, sending and receiving books, dragging the floor, wiping the table..., changing the way to keep his hands free, the purpose of doing this is Let the children realize the joy of doing something, and thus carry out civilized inter-class activities.

4. Let students show themselves and build confidence

The second-grade school life is very active, so that you can express yourself more and more quickly in a variety of activities. In the class, I worked hard to build a stage for students to showcase, and use the class to carry out some small activities, such as: dictionary search, idioms, fairy tales, etc. to encourage the children to perform for everyone and enhance self-confidence.

5. Education for special students

There are always some students in a class who have a slightly worse grade. I will use some inter-class time to help them. If there are difficulties in homework, I will work with him together. In addition, you will be able to give guidance on the lack of understanding of the text or words.

6, home school communication, work together

The education of children is inseparable from the cooperation of teachers and parents. The performance of children at home can only be learned through parents. Similarly, the performance of students in school should be promptly feedback to parents. Only by a two-pronged approach can education be received. Therefore, in this semester, we will keep in touch with parents, inform parents of the performance of some children, discuss countermeasures together, and use the class website or communicate with many parents when they are out of school.

Of course, I am still not doing enough. Sometimes I lack the eyes that I will find. Therefore, there are a lot of unsatisfactory places in the class management. It can be said that the work of the class teacher is a long way to go.

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