Work Summary > Summary of the work of the class teacher

2014 class teacher final work summary

Summary of the class teacher's final work

The one-month long-term training for the mental health education of the head teacher is coming to an end. In this full and intense study, I am filled with gratitude and I am very fortunate to have heard of the reports and lectures of the education experts. There are experts' wise educational thoughts, cutting-edge educational concepts, and wonderful and valuable exchanges of experience from peers. A lively example makes me feel more cordial and gives us thinking and enlightenment. My own psychology has also been adjusted once. Although I have seen a lot of books in this area before, I have also heard lectures on mental health education, but I have not invested so much in this study, so enriched. The confusion of the work of the class teacher over the years has been as if I have found the answer in these days of learning and found a new breakthrough.

Let me talk about some inspirations and gains from the distance training of the head teacher's mental health education:

First, pay attention to the mental health of students, teachers must first be mentally healthy.

As the main body of education, teachers' own quality plays an important role in the development of mental health education. It is difficult to imagine that teachers with low psychological health and lack of scientific understanding of psychological education can cultivate students with good psychological qualities. Lecture by Professor Bai Yuping on "Teacher's Mental Health and Stress". I was deeply impressed by the teacher's improper educational behavior, which caused psychological barriers for students and affected the healthy growth of students' mind and body. After listening to so many examples, I have warned myself again and again: Be sure to be a careful, patient, caring class teacher, not to be the chief culprit in the psychological deformity of students.

The work of the small and medium-sized people is hard and cumbersome, especially our class teacher. Therefore, having a good attitude is very important. Teachers' positive and optimistic emotions can infect students, so they must learn relevant theories and methods to improve their psychological adjustment. Summarizing the methods provided by the professors in the lectures, I think the following should be done:

1. Enrich each day with pleasure. It’s a day of laughter, and it’s a day when you frown. If you don’t smile, accept everything. If the day is happy, then your life will be happy for countless days.

2. More interaction with others. People who are alone for a long time are prone to depression. Mentally healthy people need to have a sense of belonging, have their own friends, feel respected and need to be among friends.

3. Devotion to meaningful and valuable work. If you love your education, then just right; if you are not satisfied with your career, then please try to fall in love with it, say that you have a long time, if you suddenly leave your education, I think a lot People will not adapt, if you do not want to leave this position, then please cherish it.

4. Cultivate positive and optimistic emotions. Remember three don't. Don't punish yourself with other people's mistakes. It's obvious that students make mistakes, they can't be mad at them; don't punish others with their own mistakes, because they don't want to do things because they are in a bad mood; don't take your own mistakes. To punish yourself and to do things that are not good enough for you is not conducive to physical and mental health.

A teacher is unhealthy and may be a large or many students. This sentence sounds chilling. Teachers' own quality directly determines their educational behavior, only their own mental health, master the scientific knowledge about the psychological development of young children, carry out education work according to the laws and methods of science, and deal with the psychological behavior problems and accidents that students display on a daily basis. To truly implement mental health education, we can truly promote the development of students' mental health.

Second, grasp the "spiritual meteorology" of the students, so that the child's mind is full of sunshine.

I listened to Zhao Xiaoying's lecture "Analysis of the Causes and Strategies of Common Psychological Behavior Problems of Pupils" and a case study. My understanding of the content and methods of primary school students' mental health education makes us clearly aware of the problems to be discovered in future work, the problems to be aware of and the problems to be actively resolved. Among them, especially the teacher-student relationship, helping students to understand themselves, and melting the students' rebellious psychology, etc., from theory to practice, from lectures to activities, we are deeply impressed. This is very instructive for my future work. In the future, I will start from the psychological reality of the students, communicate with the students, and be the close friends of the students. The class teacher should constantly learn the knowledge of psychology and understand the psychological characteristics of the students, such as the imbalance of psychological quality development, the imbalance of emotional and emotional development, the incompatibility of interpersonal relationships and self-awareness, the concept of self-realization and the difference between cognitive and cognitive abilities. In the process of education and teaching, pay attention to discover the psychological problems of students, and guide students to overcome obstacles and grow up healthily.

Third, create an atmosphere that fosters healthy psychology.

In the teaching process, create a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere. There must be a concept that a harmonious and cooperative relationship should be established between teachers and students, students and students.

1 Treat each student equally. On the one hand, we must treat each student equally and respect the personality of each student. On the other hand, we must treat students as equal members and be good at communicating with each other. In the subject teaching, students should not be instilled with knowledge, but should guide students to explore knowledge with themselves. As a teacher, I would like to listen to the opinions of each student and pay attention to the exchange of emotions between teachers and students. In the classroom teaching management, especially in correcting students' disciplinary behaviors, we must not harm the students. To meet the needs of the students' personality respect, we must encourage, trust, affirm, and praise so that they can produce positive and positive forces. Gain confidence and learn with optimism, pleasure and ease.

2 Maintain good teaching mood. To use their sincere feelings to ignite the spark of the students' minds, we must use our full emotions to mobilize the students' enthusiasm for learning. In the classroom, I believe that every smile, every look, every movement, every sentence is emotionally communicated with the students, and positive emotions are transmitted to the students. There will also be some incidents or sudden incidents in the classroom. If the students are emotionally abnormal or have a fault, I must be good at controlling my emotions, take timely measures, and deal with them. I must not let the students’ bad behavior affect themselves. The mood that undermines the atmosphere of teaching. In an equal relationship, in a harmonious atmosphere, students participate in their own learning activities, which can effectively cultivate students' good self-confidence, self-confidence, creativity and strong will.

Fourth, love and dedication, teaching and educating people.

For the class teacher, the first thing is to represent the interests of the students, and what they do is conducive to the healthy growth of the students. Firmly establish the idea of ​​"all for the students, for all students, for the students". In teaching practice, students should be the main body, because they are in a long period of time, long knowledge, and gradually form a critical period of worldview. They like to imitate and even blindly follow others. They often regard the teachers who live with them as their idols and models. Teachers' speech and behavior are extremely infectious and exemplary for the growth and development of students. As an engineer of the human soul, we must first establish a correct concept of professional ethics, and create a good image of teacher's morality. We must teach by ourselves and be a teacher. Only in this way can we effectively infect students and educate students, and teach students through their words and deeds. With the cultivation of sentiment and the purification of the soul, we truly shoulder the mission of "cultivating socialist builders and successors and improving the quality of the nation." Teachers should have the dedication of the Gandang ladder and the red candle. They are full of love for the students, full of responsibility for the work, full of confidence in the future, and truly love and dedication, teaching and educating people. I have been a class teacher for 23 years. I have reviewed the experience I have experienced. I have always regarded teaching as my favorite career, and I have treated my work with the attitude of being worthy of students. I have experienced the joy and pride of dedication to education. . I remember a sixth grade student I taught when I graduated: "Mr. Lan, you have taught me the sixth grade from the first grade, 6 years... Thank you! You let me know that there are so many people who love me. I don't hate me, I didn't give up on myself. Without you, there would be no me today. You will be the greatest to my mother, the teacher's love, because the teacher loves the children of others." What better than hearing as a class teacher? These words are more pleasing? I feel that as a teacher, sometimes as long as a little insistence, the change may be the fate of a student's life. "This unforgettable text made me feel the great happiness as a teacher and a class teacher, and also inspired me to put forward higher demands on myself.

Fifth, teachers must have love and have sincere love.

The famous educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: "Hold a heart, without a half-grass to go", a word that tells the sacredness of education and the greatness of teachers - interpret education with love. The soul without love is a barren desert, and it is impossible to grow a sacred, green grass-like virtue; education without love is a dry riverbed, and it is impossible to bloom the waves of the soul. After twenty-three years, the class teacher was deeply moved. Only by becoming a good teacher can you develop good students. The most important thing for a famous teacher is to have a noble teacher's morality. Love is the soul of the teacher's moral cultivation.

1. Pay attention to the mental health of "left-behind students"

Our school is located in the north of the railway, and the students and families are very poor. There are more students staying in our school. As a teacher, we should pay more attention to the mental health problems of left-behind students. Parents who go out to work have no time to take care of their children. Children can't get emotional exchanges, they can't get proper guidance and help, and they lack the warmth and education of their parents. This has a great impact on students' psychology. Left-behind students are generally introverted, inferior and sensitive, and their character is relatively fragile. Another part of the students are parents working outside the home, often sending money to the family, and some even bought a mobile phone for the child, plus the guardian's pets and love, the guardians are grandfather, grandmother, grandmother, lord. Leading children to develop bad behaviors such as not learning, self-destruction, etc., such students are often selfish, lonely, violent, and arrogant. In response to this feature, I use the extra time, the importance of class to talk about frugality, talk, and many home visits. Let them develop a thrifty habit and experience the difficulties of their parents, so that they feel that their parents are not not loving them, but to make their lives better. And organize a variety of extracurricular activities to enrich students' after-school life. And carry out mental health activities to answer their doubts in a timely manner. Help them take less detours. Encourage and organize left-behind students to participate in amateur activities to fill the emptiness of their parents. Because the parents are not around, the left-behind students can't be spoiled by their parents, and enjoy the family fun together with their parents, so their thoughts will inevitably become empty, and because they have more time than others to do nothing, if they can't guide correctly, They are easy to develop autistic characters or fascinated with bad hobbies such as playing games. In response to this situation, I usually guide them to read more books and other useful leisure activities.

2. Care for students from life.

Teachers should care for the little bit of student life, and be sensitive to the students' words and deeds. If the teacher can think about the students everywhere and be their close friends, when the students are in trouble, the teacher can give a helping hand in time, a warm and pertinent comment, a sincere conversation, a happy smile can often play Unexpected effect.

3, to psychologically care for students

As a class teacher, it is the best way to narrow the distance between the class teacher and the students by deeply understanding the students' psychology and maximizing the trust and sincerity of the students. In the process of contact with children, I became the closest person to the children, and even more close friends of the children. My class Xiaoming wrote on the letter: Teacher, I want to ask you, is it that Dad or Mom doesn't want me, I don't want to go to school... After reading this, my tears can't stop flowing, I didn't expect Xiao Xiao At an age he is under such great pressure. I pay attention to observe his every move and help him build self-confidence. After one semester, his academic performance has improved rapidly. At this time, I really realized that the timely love of the class teacher will affect the growth of the child's life. When I lead him on the road, many people will ask, is this your child? Xiao Ming will deliberately tighten my hand, and my body will be closer to me. I will tell people invisibly that we are mother and child.

Sixth, open up multiple channels of effective communication.

Through this training, I realized that the teaching process itself is the communication process between teachers and students, and effective communication is the prerequisite for improving students' psychological quality. From the perspective of classroom language, teachers should use rich teaching language, new teaching methods, and modern teaching methods to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning. Therefore, we must pay attention to the use of encouragement, respect, and discussion of the discourse, and listen carefully to the students' views, build a bridge between teachers and students. Timely feedback to encourage evaluation. The teaching feedback should run through the whole process of classroom teaching. Teachers should take timely measures for all kinds of feedback information, and make timely and fair evaluation, and strengthen students' learning motivation through timely and impartial evaluation: use feedback feedback Incentive mechanism should establish students' self-confidence and fully trust students; train students' self-examination, self-summary, self-evaluation and self-regulation ability to achieve the goal of optimizing students' psychological quality.

I think I must have this kind of consciousness: the classroom teaching process should focus on infiltrating mental health education and developing student personality. Only in this way, when students conduct learning activities under the guidance of teachers, they can better master knowledge, develop intelligence, form skill skills and good individual psychological quality.

In short, through these days of study, I have indeed learned a lot, improved a lot, and updated many concepts. I really feel that these education experts are fascinating and close to education, and have perfected my educational philosophy and opened up for me. A new educational idea. These inspiring insights and guiding ideas need to be slowly digested, borrowed and applied in future work practices. They are constantly constructed and enriched in theory to achieve perfection and development of their own goals. Serve education and teaching to better serve the growth of students.

Summary of the class teacher's final work

Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon are like a shuttle. Joining Peking University High School has been in the blink of an eye for more than a year. I think that the years of taking over the 08.2 class have really made me think and have a lot of emotions. Class 08.2 is the first May 4th student of Peking University High School. I took over in mid-2006. It was the second semester of the second grade. It can be said that this class is the most difficult and embarrassing, and the school is most helpless because of this class. I have changed my own class and dozens of teachers, teachers are turbulent, students and parents have great opinions, and people's minds have become fixed. And all the teachers who defaulted on the penalty were all the class and the class teacher. Originally, the teachers came to seek greater development. As a result, some taught for a few days or taught for a few months and would rather pay a fine to leave the penalty to solve the problem, which is enough to explain the problem.

In fact, these children have good basic qualities, smart and cute, and very human. The three feet of the ground are not cold in the day. Because of frequent teacher changes, some students have grievances in their hearts, low mood, no progress, no progress, broken jars, negative decadence, and lack of spirit. If your parents are irresponsible and irresponsible to themselves, they can be summed up in one sentence; "that is, there are no people they are afraid of, and there is nothing they fear, everything does not matter." The class is a state of chaos, pessimism, negative, lazy, unorganized, undisciplined and completely free, that is, there is no collective consciousness, no team concept, everyone is self-centered, has passed, and even when the monk does not even have a day Hit it, coming to school is a pastime, in order to chat to find a companion, it is really shocking!

At that time, I gave the teaching office, the moral education department, and the director of the university, Chang Qu, talked about the situation, wrote a report, and explained the meaning of not wanting to leave. It was the members of the leadership team and the sincerity of the headmaster who moved me, we carried out The communication, and finally stayed, and determined to do it, my commitment to the school leadership is; I will do my best to teach the students, only pay attention to the education and teaching process, do a good job in every job, as a result How can I not imagine it!

In response to this situation, since I took over 08.2, I first carried out patient and meticulous ideological education, carried out talks and activities, and made facts, reasoning, grasping the two ends, taking the middle plan, setting the rules, and writing the implementation. Methodological measures for planning and class rules. The method of criticism is to appreciate the method of praise, to find their shining point, and to continue to encourage and praise. Using the weekly meeting time to carry out the theme class will make people meet the individual situation in the class situation, talk about the lack of experience, talk about the experience, talk about the ideal, and all the participating class management classes take the lead and the students actively cooperate to form a good situation. This actually requires great patience, love and understanding. More need for all the teachers and all students and the grade group to actively cooperate.

Since the beginning of the fourth year, I have mainly done six things:

1. Pay attention to positive ideological education, be sensible, be sensible, educate at least three times a week, and never give up any student.

2. Pay attention to the work of the class, take the points, break each other, and pack the nails.

3. Pay attention to the effect of each lesson in the classroom, and strictly follow the rules.

4. Pay attention to the publicity of class construction and board slogans. On the blackboard every day, the number of days in the middle school entrance examination and the striking and inspiring quotes are displayed.

5. Pay attention to the environmental sanitation of the class, be responsible for the person, and take turns in the day.

6. Strictly follow the school rules and regulations, and banned contraband such as snacks, jewelry, and mobile phones. Do the school uniform every day.

What needs to be strengthened in the next issue is to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of learning and clarify the purpose of learning. Education students are responsible for their parents, responsible for the future, and a responsible student. Work hard to achieve your own lofty ideals.

Summary of the class teacher's final work

At the end of the spurt, I came back. I think that the half-time of the class teacher is really sour and bitter. It is really delicious and tasteful. I am the head teacher of the first class of the school. Everyone knows that the class teacher is working innumerable and cumbersome. My class is a group of 60 students, including nearly 40 students. I have been with them for a semester, and I am responsible for the attitude of each student in a sincere manner, and completed the education and teaching of the class teacher in a school year.

I. Ideological work is fundamental to all work.

The students are in the period of formation of the world outlook on life. Every student has different views on the world and different values ​​of life. There are always problems in the class. I am in a timely manner to understand the class situation and the performance of each classmate, pay attention to persuasion education, to convince people, let the students fully understand the teacher's good intentions, and strive for the problem to be solved in the bud, can not exist and have a psychological, rather than their own hard work Children should also handle the students' ideological fluctuations, avoiding students' feelings of emotion and affecting learning. Discover the bright spots of students, improve students' self-confidence, and let every student see their excellent side. The current students' self-esteem is very strong, and the emotions of the judgments are generated from time to time. If the face is still taught, it will not be effective because of improper methods. I often reflect on whether my education for students is legal. Is it to be equal to the students, to infect them and to influence them like a big sister? As long as you pay the truth, you will be rewarded. It may be an understanding, it may be a heart-felt smile, and more likely an upward motivation.

I have a large number of students, and there are many students living in the school. In order to let all the students unite, I often cooperate with the school to hold various activities, so as to let all the students get together and twist them into a rope. So whether it is military training, sports games, or speech contests, my class can take seriously and achieve excellent results. I think that this is a big step forward for many students who are sloppy in the country and do not participate in class activities. It is also the influence and strength brought by good class style.

Third, carefully organize the teaching, and timely communication with the classroom teachers

Our class is an ordinary class, and most of the students have a weak foundation and a poor foundation. Some students are tired of learning emotions, and they are in the heart of Cao Ying. In order to change this situation, on the one hand, I started from the students, on the other hand, I communicated with the teachers in a timely manner to stimulate the students' enthusiasm for learning, which in turn stimulated the teaching motivation of the teachers. This promotes each other. At the end of the semester, the class learning atmosphere is strong. Many students urge each other to remind them that some students in the current examinations have significantly improved their grades and the number of students who failed in various subjects has decreased.

Fourth, standard management, strict system.

Actively implement all stages of the school and sudden work requirements, and resolutely obey, deploy, and implement policies, and regularly organize, coordinate, supervise, and inspect the work in class management. Like other class teachers, we regularly strengthen the examinations and assessments of students' early reading, morning exercises, hygiene and cleaning, and evening self-study. We regularly and arbitrarily observe the learning and discipline of students in other classes, and strive to be more Many sensibility masters first-hand materials, in order to strengthen the dynamic management in a targeted manner, to timely understand, care, educate and supervise the development of good habits in the study, life and activities of students, and at the same time play the demonstration effect of teachers' words and deeds.

5. Where improvements are needed

Although my class has achieved some results, there is no denying that there are still many places for improvement. For example, some students are very tired of learning, and they are in a bad state and are absent-minded. Some sleep in class, write letters, look in the mirror, eat. The teacher left homework or did not do it, or copied the homework of the classmate. Other classmates and teachers play the game of "cat and mouse". The teacher is in the same way, and the teacher is not there.

In the future work of the class teacher, it is necessary to pay more attention to the students' ideological dynamics, make the class more cohesive, and take the class work to the next level.

Summary of the class teacher's final work

There are 54 students in our class. The classmates have a strong sense of collective honor. From the competitions in the radio, some of our competitions reflect our classmates and are happy for the class to win honors. We are saddened by the lack of honor. I can report to the class in a timely manner some deductions, indicating how much the students in this class care about the honor of the class.

To be a good class teacher, it can also be said that a class teacher who will be "lazy" will train a strong team of cadres to manage the class when the teacher is absent. In this semester, I also focused on cultivating some class cadres. Now I can basically manage classes, but there are still a few who dare not manage them. I believe that they will act in some days.

In terms of moral education, the students in this class are already fifth-grade students. I generally think of reasoning. Most students want to treat them like this. In the form of some corporal punishment, it is useless to let them know that they are wrong. Where, it is best to tell them some good things, improve their self-confidence, and make them feel embarrassed about this. This effect is much higher than corporal punishment.

In terms of learning, since I became a class teacher, I feel that students are more conscious of learning than last semester. I listened carefully to the class and finished the homework. However, for some poor students in the class, the group will help, and 3/4 people will help one person and try to improve the performance of the whole class.

In the class management, the class teacher should be flexible and diverse, so that every student can have the opportunity to display his talents. I mainly lead students to create a variety of class culture, fully demonstrate the skills of students, develop students' individuality, and develop students' talents. Carry out a variety of activities, entertaining and entertaining, students will actively and self-development in the activities. At the same time, the event provides each student with opportunities to think, create, express and succeed. I also hold regular class meetings to organize knowledge contests, debates, and speech contests. Make full use of the blackboard newspaper, design the praise bar, display bar, etc., let the students organize themselves, manage themselves, and develop themselves. Develop students' practical ability through a variety of activities.

In short, the class teacher should put the creative education throughout the work, create a good atmosphere of creative education, and make the flower of creative education bloom.

Summary of the mid-term work of the class teacher:

Time flies, and half a semester of teaching work has ended. In order to better do the work in the future, sum up experience and learn lessons, I will summarize the work of this half-semester as follows:

I have been working in three classes of education and teaching this semester. It is really difficult to take over a new class. Coupled with the graduation work this year, I am able to work as a class teacher. I really appreciate the trust of the leaders. At the same time, I feel a lot of pressure. Because there is no experience, I don't know how to manage the class. I can only slowly explore it by myself.

The head of the national class is facing a child of 8-10 years old and the work is very heavy. I believe that any class teacher wants to be qualified for this job and free himself from the heavy burden. Then, how to carry out the work of the national class teacher is very important. This is a question I often think about. Thought of the following:

First, close to students and study students.

"Whoever loves children, children will love him, only love can educate children." The class teacher should be close to the children, considerate and caring for the students, and have a close exchange of ideas with them and be friends with them. This is the basis for the class teacher to carry out all the work smoothly. Research students are a necessary condition for the success of education. The best way is through ordinary observation.

Understand the class style, study style, understand the main advantages and disadvantages of the class and analyze the reasons, study the personality characteristics of students, understand the personal living environment, master what are active elements, which are students who need special attention and so on. Triple reading reproduced please keep

In the process of getting close to and studying students, our class teacher should strive to show his extensive culture and noble moral sentiments, so that students are close and admired to you, and that you are a trustworthy teacher and a good friend. Set up the lofty prestige of the class teacher. Then, your education may get twice the result with half the effort.

Second, the formation and training of the cadre team.

The collective appearance of a class is largely determined by small cadres. Class cadres have the role of “point-to-face” and “face-to-face” for the class. I call them “the left and right hands of the class teacher.” Therefore, only by carefully selecting and cultivating the cadre team, the work of the class teacher can gradually move from heavy to simple and relaxed.

The elected cadres should have strong appeal and self-management skills. They should be able to manage themselves and help the class teacher manage other students.

Good practice is to ensure the normal study and life, a student is mischievous, and the failure to observe discipline in class will directly affect the interests of the class. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the regular training of a student in a solid and effective manner. The training includes the rules of the Primary School Student Code and the Code of Conduct for Primary School Students. There are also class conventions in their own classes.

3. Formulate the long-term and near-term goals of the collective and individual.

There are goals to be motivated. The class teacher should formulate the long-term and near-term goals of the whole class and the group in terms of knowledge, ability, and emotion according to the school work schedule and the actual situation of the class, so that each student can clarify what the goals of the whole class and the group are struggling, and enhance Collective cohesion and motivation.

Then, we must guide each student to develop practical personal and near-term goals, and implement the collective motivation to each student to help and encourage everyone's progress so that everyone can consciously ask themselves under obvious and easy pressure. .

The goal is not the purpose, how to achieve the goal through efforts, improve the quality of students is the purpose. Therefore, in view of the age and psychological characteristics of primary school students, there are two points to be noted: First, the near-term goal is more stimulating than the long-term goal; second, the goal must be formulated so that the child can “jump to pick the apple”. Can not be so high, so as not to lose the child's confidence.

Fourth, to stimulate students' sense of competition.

Competition is a huge, potential, and other power that no external force can achieve or replace. The class teacher should set off fierce and lasting competition activities in the class. It must be emphasized that this is a "mutual assistance" and "friendly" competition rather than a "hostile" and "conservative" competition, the purpose of which is to achieve common and greater progress.

1. Inspire and compete with foreign students:

From the performance of group activities, the quest for class honors, the impression left to teachers, and the circumstances in which individuals are given the situation, the whole class is motivated by the overall to individual and external competition. This is also a training of team spirit.

2. Establish a regular evaluation system:

With a relatively fixed evaluation model such as “Excellent Star” and “Character Star”, we regularly evaluate the performance of individual students and groups, so that each student and group can clearly identify their recent strengths and weaknesses and where they are in the class, thus enhancing their vigilance. Sex and enterprising, cultivate students' consciousness.

3. Establish mutual help groups:

With mutual help groups, group helpers and other forms of mutual assistance, the poor students can make greater progress and achieve the goals of individual, group and collective struggle.

4. Rewards and criticism: There are various ways to reward and criticize. The purpose is to encourage advanced, point out shortcomings, and encourage all students to strive for greater achievements. Reward is more effective than critical education.

It is true that the class teacher should educate students in the process of “learning to survive, learning to learn, learning to care, learning to do things, and learning to live”. The content of the work of the national class teacher is complicated and the task is heavy. However, as long as we sincerely hold a "love", we will be able to do a very good job. Be a qualified class teacher.

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