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Summary of mathematics teaching experience

Summary of mathematics teaching experience

In a hurry, I have been to Huangni Middle School for more than 14 years. I have reflected on the mathematics teaching in these years. I have paid, failed, and gained. Let's talk about your own experience in mathematics. First, stimulate students' interest in learning

I believe that the key to the success of a subject is three factors: interest, energy, and time spent. Interest is the primary premise and condition for a person to actively complete a thing. The age of middle school students is still relatively small, the stability is poor, and the attention is easy to disperse. To change this phenomenon, students must have a strong interest in mathematics classes. With interest in learning, they can fully engage in learning. So, how can they make them interested in learning? First, "students are the masters of mathematics learning." In the new lectures, I try to establish an equal status with the students, discuss the teaching content like a friend, and walk into the hearts of the students, so that they can eliminate psychological barriers and pressures, and make "I want to learn" into "I want to learn." My class has always been very easy, and the class next door often hears the laughter that my class teaches in math class. In the classroom, if some students are not attentive, then I will use my eyes to wake up; if the students are tired, I will tell them a joke or a competition, active atmosphere, mobilization, and even sitting posture. I also don't make strict demands. But one thing I never relax is that my class students must be spiritual. Students can only learn mathematics if they learn well in the classroom and learn easily. In practice class, I use a variety of practice forms to develop abilities. I have an inappropriate analogy to the practice class: the new one is like planting a small sapling, and the practice is like follow-up management, watering, and fertilization. Although there is no accurate statistics, we can still feel that the mathematics practice class and the review class account for a large proportion of the total mathematics class. From this point, we can see the importance of the mathematics practice class and the quality of the practice class. It is directly related to the effect of students' mathematics learning. For example, in the class, I will let the little master to correct the answer of the alumni is correct; or through the group competition form. Give encouragement to the winning team to promote student interest and self-confidence. Second, create problem situations and stimulate student interest. The problem-solving scenario is to constantly raise the situational problems related to the new content in the teaching, which will arouse the students' curiosity and thinking ability. It is an effective method to stimulate students' interest in learning and curiosity, and can also cultivate students' ability and confidence to solve problems. . When I teach the "straight line, ray, line segment", it is not difficult to draw a line, a ray, a line segment. But this part of the teaching is more important to combine the situation, feel the straight line, the ray, the line segment, understand its meaning, make the students see, touch and use, cultivate students' space concept, observe the imagination and explore the problem. . Therefore, from the very beginning, students are allowed to find straight lines, rays and line segments in the classroom. From the beginning to the end, the whole class is closely combined with the actual life and situational problems, so that the students can understand the lines, rays, and Simple questions related to line segments. Once again, we must teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and appropriately reduce the difficulty, so that everyone can learn in the teaching process, and everyone can gain. Reducing the slope is very important for students with learning difficulties. Learning poor students is like a classic car on the road. It is slow and has many problems. So how do you make this classic car run smoothly? That is, let them choose to walk on a relatively flat road. The steep road can only make this classic car break down and fight the confidence of learning. This is worth noting as a teacher. . Therefore, in teaching, I always start with the simplest questions, always motivate the help of the young masters, and always pay close attention to them, so that students with learning difficulties can solve problems, and thus insist on this part of students. After listening to a lesson, lay the foundation.

Second, believe in students and give students the chance to succeed.

This is a mistake and a lesson in my work. I used to give students a place in their own mind, a space for development, and often this incorrect leader determines my future education. Decided his achievements. A good position is his luck, but the poor ones make the original outstanding students become mediocre. Therefore, when I took over the mathematics teaching of a class, I only made an overall analysis of the previous mathematics scores of this class, and I diluted the individual achievements of each student. I told the students that in my mind, every student is equal and has a lot of room for improvement. Every classmate has the opportunity to work hard, not to give up. I create a happy, harmonious and equal learning environment for every child. Regain success with your own efforts and the help of the little master. As it turns out, my approach is correct. I am glad that I did not use discriminatory eyes to look at those who were born, and did not hammer them down, otherwise I think they must have made progress.

Third, good at learning, understand the psychology of students.

Although the teaching knowledge is simple, the method of teaching each time cannot be the same. In order to let myself work better, I will read some kinds of books about psychological research, so that teaching can be combined with the psychological characteristics of students. For example, in the classroom teaching, I pay attention to the characteristics of the students' attention, and focus on the teaching during the period of concentration of the students' attention. At the same time, pay attention to reduce the related interference, so that the students' attention can be more concentrated. When students are confused by more mathematics methods, and they are very confused when they struggle hard to make progress, I tell him that this is the "highland phenomenon" in learning. Don't worry too much, as long as you try to cross this level, you will suddenly become confused. Cheerful. When the students feel that they can't remember the knowledge, I instruct the students to remember according to the psychological forgetting curve, so that the students can remember and remember. Fourth, attach importance to reflection, accumulate experience, and use the teaching strategy of harmony and mutual assistance.

For reflection, the first is the reflection of the textbook. In the face of the new curriculum, I tried to change the role and confirm my new teaching identity. Today's textbooks pay more attention to the cultivation of students' individual abilities. It is not a teacher-centered model, which is specifically explained. Huangni Middle School The harmonious mutual aid teaching strategy requires teachers to be transformed from traditional knowledge transferers to guides and organizers of student learning. There are more time for students to communicate on their own, and they will gradually become the main body of classroom learning. The teacher is only an individual who guides students and assists students. Second, reflect on the students. Every week I do an analysis of the student's situation and reflect on my approach from the student's perspective. It is advisable to write down, and it is not advisable to find ways to improve. Fifth, attach importance to the collection, learn from each other.

As a young teacher, I study, practice, reflect, and grow every day. In addition to the continuous guidance of the school leaders, the continuous guidance of the old teachers, and their continuous learning, the most important thing for me is the collective preparation of lessons. The collection has created an equal and harmonious seminar environment for our teachers, emphasizing brainstorming and strengthening the professional training, coordination and cooperation among teachers in the implementation of the curriculum. Each teacher in our mathematics team is free to choose the task to be undertaken or to assign tasks by the team leader in a common lesson discussion, thus creating a kind of happiness and joy of labor. Teachers understand each other in cooperation and appreciate each other to form a coordinated atmosphere of interaction and interaction. In the collective research under such an atmosphere, I feel that my ability to solve problems and the ability to teach are constantly improving.

Summary of mathematics teaching experience

In this semester, I took the first grade mathematics teaching work. As a teacher who just took the first grade, I felt the burden on my shoulders. Because the teaching experience in the lower grades is still shallow, I dare not neglect the teaching work, study hard, study the teaching methods in depth, and learn from other teachers with humility. Based on the present, looking to the future, in order to make greater progress in the future work, we will summarize the teaching work of this semester, hoping to carry forward the advantages, overcome the deficiencies, sum up the test and lessons, and carry forward the past to promote the teaching work to a higher level. After a semester of hard work, you can say that you are busy and have a lot of gains.

Mathematical knowledge comes from life, and mathematics must be linked to real life so that it can be used. If you just leave life and only know blindly, you will become a gangster and become a nerd. So, how do students connect with real life while learning mathematics, and use the knowledge and methods they have learned to solve practical problems in life? Let me talk about the practice of this semester. First, in terms of knowledge and skills

In the actual situation, we can correctly recognize, read, and write the number within 20, and can recognize the unit of counting, ten, know the composition and order of the number within 20, and learn to compare the size of the number within 20. Combined with specific scenarios, further understanding the meaning of addition and subtraction, will calculate the addition and subtraction of the number within 20. It has cultivated students' ability of observation, analysis and abstract summarization, and established a preliminary awareness of independent thinking and exploration. In the current situation, we can correctly understand the whole time, half time, just a few times and soon.

In the process of understanding graphics, the students' ability to observe, imagine and operate has been developed, and a preliminary space concept has been formed.

Second, the ability to cultivate

In the real life, I can communicate with my peers, discover and ask questions to develop students' awareness of applying, and feel that the same problem can be solved in different ways. Initially learn to solve problems and form a preliminary sense of innovation and practice. With the encouragement and help of others, they will have curiosity and interest in mathematics around them and actively participate in mathematics activities. Learn to use numbers and shapes to describe certain life phenomena, to achieve a successful experience, and to increase confidence in learning mathematics. The abstraction of mathematical knowledge is very strong, while primary school students are mainly based on image thinking. To this end, I try to use the emotional materials in my life to teach intuitively when teaching new knowledge, so that students can understand and master. For example, in the teaching "simple subtraction application", I first brought 5 apples, gave 2 of them to a classmate, and then let the students express their meaning in two sentences according to my practice. At this time, the students can say: There are 5 apples, 2 for xx students, and 3 left. On the basis of this question, I asked the students to compile a set of questions according to their own preferences and the freedom of the articles. The students quickly compiled a lot of questions. I seized the opportunity to tell the students that such topics are called application questions in our mathematics. So that the initial understanding of the concept of the application. Another example: when teaching "cognition of cuboid and cube", I will introduce the common electric freezer, chalk box, ink bottle and other real objects. Q: Who knows what shape it is? At the same time, let students discuss and explore the rectangular parallelepiped. The characteristics of the cube have been said a lot at the end. Finally, I asked the students to make a cube and a box with hard paper. In this way, the students' specific understanding of the abstract cuboids and cubes is easy to remember, and they are used in order to lay a good foundation for learning their surface area. In this semester, there are intellectual differences between the two classes of my first-year mathematics. Because of the different living conditions, family background, psychological level, and way of thinking of each child, they may have the same mathematical problem. Different ideas and strategies cannot be overstretched. So I focus on algorithmic diversity, allowing each child to learn mathematics in a different way. For example, when teaching "9+5", it can be "4+5+5" or "9+1+4" or "4+4+1+4+1". Respond to the way students answer their questions, and then guide students to use their favorite methods to answer. I am sure of the number of students who can answer the questions, reward them in different ways, let them experience the joy of creation, and enhance the confidence to learn mathematics. At the same time, the students also realized that many mathematics problems are from the actual knowledge that mathematics is closely related to life. It comes from life and is higher than life.

Third, pay attention to the following issues in teaching:

Achieving a multi-dimensional goal to grasp the new concept advocated by the new curriculum, establish teaching objectives from the aspect of knowledge ability, and promote the all-round development of students. In the teaching, creative and interesting teaching scenarios are created to guide students' mathematics activities, help students to understand knowledge and master skills, experience mathematics thoughts and methods, and gain extensive experience in teaching activities.

In the teaching, the teacher changed the problem and solved the problem, and tried hard to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students. Respect the individual differences of students, so that different students can develop differently in mathematics, allowing students to choose exercises according to their own needs, to meet the needs of students to the maximum extent, and to maximize the intellectual potential of students.

Create creative curriculum resources and utilize curriculum resources. According to the new curriculum concept, it should not only become the implementer of the curriculum implementation, but should become the constructor and developer of the curriculum. To achieve a diversified evaluation concept for students, pay attention to the process evaluation, and evaluate the whole process of teaching, making evaluation an integral part of teaching activities.

Summary of mathematics teaching experience

Mathematics teaching should design teaching activities consciously and systematically, and guide students to experience mathematics and reality.

The association will strengthen the students' awareness of mathematics application, continuously enrich the strategies for solving problems, and improve the ability to solve problems. Combine relevant teaching content, train students how to conduct preliminary analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, generalization, judge, reason, and gradually learn to deal with problems in a structured and informed manner, while paying attention to the agility and flexibility of training thinking. Sex. In the daily study life, we can open up the specific image of things, extract the essential attributes of things, and acquire new knowledge. In the past few years, I have learned some lessons, I realize that I have a lot of deficiencies, and I have some experience in the teaching work of the small and medium schools. First, design the actual life, guide students to actively explore

This kind of instructional design is conducive to stimulating students' interest in learning, making students have a strong desire to learn new knowledge, giving full play to the role of students' initiative, thus exploring students' thinking ability, cultivating students' habits of exploring problems and exploring problems.

1. In the teaching, it is necessary to carry out reasonable teaching design according to your own reality and the actual situation of the students. Focus on developing students' thinking ability and linking mathematics with life practice, so that students can feel mathematics everywhere in their lives. Make the teaching design visual, give students great attraction, grasp the characteristics of students' understanding, form an open teaching mode, and achieve the effect of pre-teaching.

2. Give students a full space of thinking, combine the transfer of knowledge with the ability to cultivate, and pay attention to the cultivation of students' non-intellectual factors; reasonably create teaching situations to stimulate students' learning motivation, and focus on stimulating students' enthusiasm for learning to promote students' awareness of activities.

3. Use reasonable questions and discussions to play the role of the group in the classroom and exercise students' language skills. Achieve independent, active learning, and actively cooperate with teachers to achieve goals. Second, actively ask questions throughout the classroom

It is impossible for students to concentrate on listening to your class within 40 minutes. They will be more or less open, and some of them may not even take out the books or open them, or even talk. At this time, if you use the way of asking questions, you will make the spirit of the students nervous and think about the questions you asked, but when you ask questions, you can't just ask some selective questions, because the space they think about will be very Small, this is not conducive to the development of students' thinking ability; in addition, the question should be uniform, can not repeatedly ask a student, which will make other students' enthusiasm for answering questions fade. Third, design questioning teaching, stimulate students' desire to learn

1. Fully excavate the teaching materials and use the knowledge and experience of the students as a foundation.

2. Emphasis on the combination of imparting knowledge and cultivating ability, giving full play to the use of students' intellectual abilities, actively mobilizing students to actively and actively explore problems, and cultivating students' self-learning habits.

3. Questioning in teaching, let students pass the test, develop and train students' thinking ability, enable students to actively seek problems and actively acquire new knowledge.

4. In the teaching, the problem situation should be created in accordance with the logical thinking mode of the students, and the rules of creative learning should be used to make the students use the existing knowledge and experience to analyze, compare and synthesize.

In short, mathematics teaching activities must be based on the level of cognitive development of students and existing knowledge and experience. The teaching process is an exhibition of teacher-student interaction, interaction, and common development. Teachers should change their minds, update their educational concepts, and shift from a condescending authority to an equal dialogue with students, giving students the initiative to learn and encouraging students to actively participate in teaching activities. Teachers must walk out of the role of the speaker and become the organizers, motivators, guides, coordinators and collaborators of student learning. Teachers only give students proper guidance and help during the process of student discussion and communication. Students should be able to acquire knowledge and develop their abilities through hands-on experience, experiencing the formation and application of mathematical knowledge.

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