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Respect the teacher's famous words

1. The sorrow of the sorcerer is also the father. - "Lv's Spring and Autumn Advice"

2. Respecting the teacher is rich and poor. - "Lv's Spring and Autumn. Persuasion"

3. The study of the classics, Mo speed is good for others, followed by Long Li. - "Xunzi. Persuasion"

4. The grace of the Master, honesty is too heavenly, and heavier than his parents. - Jin. Ge Hong, "Qi Qiu"

5. The country will be prosperous, and the heart will be master and heavy. - "Xunzi. General"

6. The threesomes must have their teachers choose their good ones and change them. - "The Analects"

7. The gift of the words, all the teachers. ——Liang Qichao, “The Study of Chinese History. Preface”

8. The teacher's path is both respectful and self-study. - Kang Youwei, "The Collection of Political Theory. Speech in Zhejiang"

9. The book of good is teaching, and the teacher is in the teacher. ——[Song] Li Wei’s “Huang Qiang Book”

10. The teacher, so preaching, teaching, and confusing. - Tang. Han Yu, "Speaker"

11. The teacher of one day, the father of life. ——Yuan. Guan Hanqing

12. For the sake of learning, it is more important to respect the teacher. ——Tan Yitong, “Exhibition of Liuyang Mathematics Institute”

13. The gentleman is a teacher and friends. - "Scorpion Slim"

14. The disease is to respect the teacher. - "Lv's Spring and Autumn Advice"

15. He is right and does not make orders; his body is not right, although he does not. --Confucius

16. Teaching is more important than words. - Wang Fuzhi

17. To be eager to learn, you must be eager to learn. Only those who are not tired of learning can teach students who are not tired of learning. - Tao Xingzhi

18. For the students to do things, the faculty members should do it together; the students should learn the knowledge, the faculty members should learn from each other; the rules for the students should be kept, and the staff should be kept together. - Tao Xingzhi

19. It is not so deep to be eloquent to the speaker; ——Li Wei

20. The only source of respect for the teacher’s respect for the teacher lies in the teacher’s virtue and talent. - Einstein

21. The personality of a teacher is everything that an educator has. Only a healthy mind has a healthy behavior. - Wushenski

22. The personal example of the teacher is the most useful sunshine for the minds of young people that cannot be replaced by anything. - Wushenski

23. As long as a teacher lie to the student and lie to the bottom, it may destroy all his educational achievements. - Rousseau

24. Whoever you want to be a student, who you should be. - Chernyshevsky

25. Teachers are not only the disseminators of knowledge, but also models. [United States] Bruner

26. Teachers are not only the disseminators of knowledge, but also models. --[United States] Bruner

27. If you love your value, you have to create value for the world. --[Germany] Goethe

28. Without the mainland, no great undertaking in the world can be accomplished. --[Germany] Hegel

29. To illuminate the way for others, you must shine – this is the greatest happiness of man. --[former Soviet Union] Dzerzhinsky

30. Only one subject must be taught to the child. This subject is the vocation of being a human being. I would rather call a teacher with this knowledge a tutor than a teacher, because the problem is not to ask him to teach him anything, but to teach him

31. How to be a person. --[France] Rousseau is right, not doing it; his body is not right, although he does not. --[China] Confucius

32. It is more important to respect the teacher. ——Tan Yitong, “Exhibition of Liuyang Mathematics Institute”

33. Teacher is the engineer of the human soul

34. Respecting teachers is rich and poor. "Lv's Spring and Autumn. Advise"

35. The teacher is a position that is superior to the sun. [Czech Republic] Comenius

36. You warm the heart of every classmate with the emotion of fire, countless hearts are pulled by you, and even your back is condensed with hot eyes...

37. You are not an actor, but it attracts our hungry eyes; you are not a singer, but let the clear spring of knowledge sing and sing a fascinating song; you are not a sculptor, but you are shaping a group of young people. Soul... Teacher, how can I forget you!

38. The name carved on the board is not necessarily immortal, and the name engraved on the stone may not be immortal; the teacher, your name is engraved on our soul, and this will last forever.

39. Your thoughts, your words, full of poetry, philosophical, and so magical - Oh, in my mind, how many wonderful encounters they have provoked!

40. You respect sincerity and integrity as a guideline for human life. You are a model in the minds of our students.

41. I admire great men and celebrities, but I am more eager to dedicate my respect and praise to an ordinary person - my teacher.

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