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Famous words of parent education

1. The education of children should not only focus on intelligence and scores, because it is often not the level of learning that determines people's failure or happiness and suffering, but the health level of personality. Behavioral habits are just one of the key factors affecting personality development.

2. An act repeatedly develops habits, habits repeatedly form quality, and quality changes fate.

3. A good habit is the capital that the child stores, which will continue to add value, and the person's life will enjoy its interest.

4. Only parents and teachers develop good educational habits, and your child or student can form good habits.

5. 80% of children's bad habits are formed at home.

6. Parents must remember that emotional education is always greater than moral education in parenting education.

7. It is always more important to develop what kind of person a child will become in the future than the child's current grades.

8. Parents should give their children free space to grow, guide the wrong direction, and encourage the right direction.

9. Love children does not mean that you must understand your child. To be friends with your child, education can make a difference.

10. For children, life is a school, and everything can be the object of research and exploration.

11. Children's learning is all-round and is not limited to reading and writing and various skills.

12. Excessive and slow lag in education can ruin a child's normal psychological development.

13. In any industry, the first step toward success is to be interested in it, especially for early childhood learning.

14. Education must begin with a psychological exploration of children’s interests and habits.

15. Parents are also educating themselves while educating their children.

16. Parents are natural teachers who have the greatest impact on children, especially young children.

17. Stimulating young children's desire for knowledge and learning is far more meaningful than the limited knowledge of the church.

18. Parents cannot accompany their children for a lifetime, so they must cultivate their children's social awareness and independent consciousness.

19. Before reaching the age of reason, the child cannot accept the idea but can only accept the image.

20. The process of parents educating their children is also a process of continuous perception and learning.

21. The art of education is not about imparting skills, but by waking up and inspiring.

22. The way to maximize the ability of a person is to appreciate and encourage.

23. Parents are the earliest enlightenment teachers for children to behave in their daily lives.

24. A child’s grandparents may have limited educational experience, and these limited educational experiences are not useful because of the love and indulgence of their grandparents.

25. Parents only have to keep making progress and gain the admiration and respect of their children through their personal strength. - Jiang Jing

26. The children of the poor are headed home early, but they must be wary of “people are short-lived”.

27. All the deaf children are rich children, although not all rich children are deaf children. Since ancient times, there have been many hardships in heroes.

28. Whoever can make a child "moving like a rabbit, as quiet as a virgin", whoever has the secret of education.

29. Whoever can let the child have the opinion and understand the compromise, who dares to understand and obey, will stop the key to education.

30. If parents want to develop a healthy personality for their children, they must create a relaxed and harmonious family.

31. It is best for parents to learn and teach themselves before they are in parenting.

32. Preschool education should pay more attention to the development of children's good habits.

33. At home, parents and children try to maintain an equal status and seek advice from their children.

34. Parents should prepare a notebook to record what happened with the child, or the confusion of the problem found. The process of recording frequently is actually a simple process of reflecting on oneself.

35. Parents should not do everything for themselves and deprive them of their ability to take care of themselves.

36. Snoring can't solve children's education problems, only to vent their parents' eagerness.

37. Parents should not place all their education on schools and teachers. Because children spend half of their homes a year, parenting education is as important and even more important as school education.

38. The first mission of parents is to provide a good family environment for their children. Parents don't have much to do, just provide and maintain a good family environment for their children. To be a good parent is to become a family environmentalist. The family environment is good, the children are good; if the family environment is out of order, the child becomes a problem child. Sometimes, the child is ill, and it is not the child but the parent who needs to take the medicine.

39. Looking at your child in another way, you will see the child's strengths and "growth points." ——Shi Jinlin

40. Do not let the child have a premature birth, nor let the child enter school prematurely. The child cannot be born prematurely, because the child needs to be adequately protected in the mother's womb, so that the fetus has sufficient resistance before going out to interact with others outside. Children should not enter school prematurely because they need to have adequate protection in the family, and have enough self-care and self-learning skills to go out and interact with others outside. The saying of Chinese medicine is: "Competing memory, evil can't do it."

41. A person who will love his parents will better love others, love life and love the world in the future. ——Zhao Jingbo

42. School education always attaches importance to students' knowledge learning and stands on the side of “knowledge-based”. Parent-child education must stand on the side of “personality-body standard” and pay more attention to children's character and body. The family is home, and the school is home. God's return to God, Caesar's return to Caesar.

43. Mental abuse is a total devastating effect on children’s self-esteem and self-confidence. - Zhang Jianhe

44. A good standard of character is “the spirit of civilization”. The standard of good health is “barbarism and its body”. The standard of learning is “self-study”.

45. Effective learning is fringe learning, and ineffective learning is the focus of learning. The child’s learning has gone wrong, but the cause is in the child’s emotion or body. Parents directly instruct the child to learn, similar to the gardener to throw water and nutrients directly to the "wild leaves."

46. ​​Academic achievement is the tip of the iceberg of human growth. Below the iceberg is the character and body of the person. Character and body are the two fulcrums of academic achievement.

47. Human growth follows the “law of diminishing potential”. A child born with a potential of 100 degrees, if he is ideally educated from the age of 0, then he may grow into a person with 100 degrees of ability; if you start education from the age of 5, even if the education is very good, only Can have 80 degrees of ability; if you start education from the age of 10, you can only have 60 degrees of capacity at best. This means that the later the education begins, the less the child's ability will be realized. - Kimura for a long time

48. Poverty is an educational resource and wealth is another, more advanced educational resource. More advanced educational resources require more advanced educational skills. If there is no advanced educational skills, wealthy families will bring disaster to their children's growth.

49. A well-trained parent has always begun to patiently seek the advice of the child when the child is very young. A well-trained parent is a “Voltist”: “I disagree with your point of view, but I swear to defend your right to speak.”

50. The successful education is “the tiger father has no dogs” and the failed education is “the mother is weak”. Self-cultivating parents always regard the cultivation of self-care ability and self-learning ability as the top priority for educating children.

51. The secret to making children “self-sufficient” is to give children the freedom to choose. Free choice leads to responsibility. If the child loses the right to free choice, if the things he does are completely forced and directed by others, then the child learns to "cope" and "perfuse."

52. As parents, you must try to win the child’s inner respect. - Jiang Jing

53. Understand and appreciate the child's strengths and let the child have a sense of accomplishment because of his or her own strengths. Let the children feel eager for their sense of accomplishment and eagerness and enthusiasm.

54. Strict management before and after the age of 3, as the parents of children; gradually let go before and after 13 years old, be friends of children. Effective education is first and foremost, and ineffective education is first and foremost strict. The effective incentive is five to nine, and the ineffective incentive is nine to five.

55. The growth of a child requires a companion. Only the child can understand the child, and only the child's companion can accompany the child to grow up. Children never expect adults who are giants to understand themselves, and children never treat condescending adults as their friends. Parents can be born alone, but they cannot let their children stand alone. If there are no brothers and sisters and no partners, the "only child" children will fall into double loneliness: not only the only one, but also the long.

56. Successful parenting education comes from parents' deep understanding of the child, accepting and respecting the child, not the shortness of the child. ——Lü Bin

57. Mencius’ mother moved three times, and Rousseau brought “Emile” to the country. Before the child does not form mature rationality and judgment, the child is not allowed to have too many partners, and the child is wary of the bad habits of the companion.

58. No matter how great a parent is, the child’s education fails and the whole life fails.

59. Good parents watch the children and let the children grow up on their own initiative; bad parents do things for the children and let the children grow up passively.

60. A good mother regards her son as a friend, and a bad mother treats her son as a lover.

61. Two things are most difficult for human beings: one is how to “rule” others; the other is how to “educate” others. - Kang German)

62. The child picky eaters begins with a parent who talks about which one is not good.

63. When parents are confused about their children's education problems, they can try to ask their teachers' neighbors or education experts.

64. Young Chinese parents spend thousands of dollars to learn to drive or send their children to training institutions, but rarely participate in parenting education.

65. If you have done the above 20 parental education maxims, you will be able to achieve outstanding children.

66. A good personality is better than a brilliant one.

67. The emotions of babies are a reflection of the world.

68. Talent is like natural flowers and trees, used to trim.

69. Children's rationality is constantly growing. Don't feed them, but guide them.

70. Every detail in life can be used to educate children as long as they are good at using them.

71. Learning in life is the most effective way to learn for young children.

72. Character formation begins in infancy.

73. If you really love your child, you should send him “going through the sea”.

74. Imagination and display make it easy for children to integrate into and be educated.

75. Leading children to tell stories at the right time is a great way to keep them active.

76. Combining the meaning of fairy tales, guiding children to think and explore is more profound than simply saying.

77. Simple and concise fairy tales often contain rich knowledge and profound truth.

78. Parents should gradually develop their children's independent thinking about the independent habit of solving problems, and thus build the child's confidence.

79. The main skill in teaching children is to turn what the child should do into a game.

80. One's success = 1% IQ - IQ) + 99% EQ - Emotional Intelligence).

81. Maternal love is the most sacred feeling in the world, and it should be the most incomprehensible for this kind of feeling.

82. Children have infinite possibilities in their children and need parents to dig and guide them.

83. As long as teachers and parents are coordinated, a synergy of education can be formed.

84. Rich imagination is more important than book knowledge.

85. In the world of children, everything is like thoughts and feelings.

86. The exercise is expensive and the diet is expensive.

87. The child makes small toys by himself. Although it is rough, it is far more joyful than the beautiful toys that come out.

88. Without understanding and trust, there is no friendship.

89. All education begins with our understanding of the nature of children.

90. Parents are the first school where children know the world to gain knowledge.

91. In addition to patience, educating young children must also pay attention to methods and techniques.

92. Children's humor is the most natural and candid human language, which requires parents to discover and experience.

93. There are hardships and joys in the childcare process.

94. No friend can compare to health, no enemy can match the disease.

95. The right medicine can cure the disease.

96. The task of parenting education begins with parents educating their parents.

97. Liu Lianghua’s 100 parental education motto.

98. In order to become a child, parents must not be more accustomed to blistering, let them go naturally, let the children go their own way, water to the natural channel!——Xiao Yu

99. Appreciation of children must be limited, punishment for children must be measured, and need to have a clear way of operation. - Ringer

100. In the case of a child making a mistake, it is necessary to properly punish him, but it must be done on the premise of respecting the child's personality and maintaining the child's self-respect. - Ringer

101. When punishing a person, the most important thing is to awaken people's self-esteem and self-confidence: I am a real person, a good person, a wrong person should be punished, and a punishment is to be a better person. - Ringer

102. When we praise children, we should be eclectic, and it is appropriate to show the true charm of praise. ——Zhang Shiping

103. The Ming dynasty thinker Wang Shouren said: "The sex of a boy is like a boy, and he is happy to swim, but he is shackled. If the grass starts to sprout, if it is smooth, then it will be smashed, and if it is ruined, it will fade."

104. It is extremely wrong for some parents to reward their children for learning and progress. This is tantamount to bribery. --East

105. From the perspective of long-term interests, it is not a bad thing for children to know a little bit of sorrow from a small age. It is not good for them to cultivate their children's tolerance and will, and it may be more beneficial to their healthy growth. --East

106. The consequences of parents’ high expectations of their children are often counterproductive. --East

107. Our education is to save students from the normative education of obedience and restore the nature of students' free thinking. - Miao Tijun

108. Leave the students' thinking space to the students themselves. Of course, teachers should also give strong guidance to this. - Miao Tijun

109. The long feudal society is to cultivate the people who can only "obey the words" and kill the most energetic innovation spirit of the Chinese nation. - Miao Tijun

110. The child's heart is as pure as white paper, and it is easy to be tempered by the truth, goodness and beauty, and is also susceptible to false and ugly pollution. - Zhang Yuyi

111. Let the children enjoy the joy of fighting in the wind and rain, let the children grow and mature in the temper of life. ——Zhang Shiping

112. Let the child suffer a bit, he will feel the sweetness of life. ——Xue Canzhi

113. During the child's growth, there is nothing more important than making the child confident. - Yuan Qu

114. In early education, children should be cherished and preserved in their early life with rich and sensitive feelings and feelings of desire. Don't let children's minds prematurely become intellectualized—that is, abstraction, book, and symbolization. ——甄世田

115. The best way to preserve the child's sensibility is to let the child be in the nature and let the child pay attention to the world around it. ——甄世田

116. Take your child through the narrow circle of his life and feel the flourishing and happy life in nature. ——甄世田

117. Be conscious of letting children experience some extraordinary environments, such as violent storms, overwhelming snow...——甄世田

118. If the husband and wife have different opinions, it will make the child unable to distinguish the right and wrong, which is not conducive to the cultivation of his good character. ——Zhao Xiudao

119. When you listen to your child, you will see an innocent world!

120. “Horning” is like calcium in the process of growing up. It is an indispensable spiritual nutrient. ——Li Hao

121. Cultivating children's strong and optimistic psychological character can provide a powerful fulcrum for their future life. ——Li Hao

122. The main factor affecting children’s performance is not the school but the family. Parent education is the root and foundation of human growth. It is "Bacon Education."

123. If there is a problem with parent education, the child may have a hard time at school and the child is likely to become a “problem child” in the school.

124. The parent’s responsibility is to provide the child with two “genetic” ones: one is congenitally inherited. One is acquired the day after tomorrow. Educators can be optimistic about education, but don't be optimistic about not considering the degree of heredity. The ugly duckling turned into a white swan, mainly not the result of hard work by the ugly duckling, but the mother of the ugly duckling gave birth to a goose egg instead of a duck egg.

125. Corporal punishment is a primitive education of “sticks + swearing”, which is extremely detrimental to the child's physical and mental growth. - Xu Chuanli

126. After the child is born, the parent’s responsibility is to allow the child to accept a good “acquired inheritance” as much as possible. Paying attention to “infertility” is to provide a family environment suitable for growth, and to mention the importance of the family environment to a level similar to “genetic”.

127. For children, the family environment is similar to the mother's womb. The mother's womb is the child's first palace, and the family environment is the child's second palace. Let the child experience the suffering of others in a difficult place, let him provide help to others as much as he can, and thus gain a sense of accomplishment and self-identity. The only way to change the child's self-destructive bad habits is to let him face the suffering of others and let him provide help to the victims.

128. Parents' concern for the child's sexual health is equivalent to giving the child a lifetime of happiness. - Ma Wenhui

129. Let the child experience the helplessness and pain of helping others. Let the child want to help others and can't do anything about it, thus stimulating his "self-improvement desire", making himself stronger and growing responsibly so that he can help more people in the future.

130. Return the innocent and happy childhood to the child, preserve and enrich the child's feelings. It is the greatest gift of nature to human beings. It is the lifelong wealth of the child!——甄世田

131. There are two critical periods for the child's growth. The first critical period is around the age of three. Around 3 years old is the key period for children's intellectual and character development; the second key period is around 13 years old, and around 13 years old is the key period for children's youth development and independent life. If parents are taking advantage of their children's "critical period of growth," the education will be smoother in the future. If you miss the "critical period of growth," you will endlessly suffer.

132. Only when the learned things are passed through, can the children really grow up. ——Gu Xin

133. "If you want to be physically fit, you will be hungry and cold." It is forbidden to eat snacks before meals, so that children have enough hunger. People who can't drink nectar from rough wooden barrels are unfortunate. Let the children eat sweets such as chocolates as much as possible. A child who eats sweets and is not temperate will have a bad body and a bad personality. You don't have to wear too heavy clothes for your child. Children are not as chilly as adults.

134. For a child who is a little sensible, you can give him a look or some hint, keep a temporary silence, and often achieve the effect of “no sound at this time”. ——Lü Bin

135. Peace is heard in the mouth, but there must be a big stick in your hand. Successful parenting education always has one or a few favorite and most awesome people around the child.

136. Tube eating is suitable for domesticating pets and is not suitable for educating children.

137. The work of the nanny should be respected and the workforce is sacred, but the responsibility of educating the child should not be shirked to the nanny.

138. Poverty is an important educational resource and the children of the poor are headed home.

139. Parents who make a living must let their children experience the hardships and bitterness of their parents’ work.

140. Parents who can make a living cannot feel awkward about their children because they are going out to work, and they should not be disturbed by their children.

141. Work-type parents must allow children to develop self-care and self-learning skills as early as possible due to their parents' watch. The most watchful parents are the parents of Sun Wukong. A well-educated parent is like a parent of Sun Wukong: let the child remove the obstacles themselves, let the children experience the hardships themselves, let the children experience the difficulties themselves, and only land the children when they can't solve the difficulties after the children work hard.

142. For older children, parents can marry him in the form of “whispering”, and most children are happy to accept this “moderate” approach to education. ——Lü Bin

143. A career parent must have a person to accompany the child at home or to hire a tutor for the child.

144. If both business parents are unable to accompany their children, they must find suitable, professionally trained tutors for their children, rather than simply handing them over to their grandparents or nannies.

145. Let the child play the game of “self-sufficiency”, let the child leave the parents, to the place of suffering: if he does not work, he will starve to death. The only way to change the bad things that a child can get for nothing is to let the child leave the parents temporarily.

146. The date of the worm is early red, and the sick child is precocious. Intellectual prodigies often come at the expense of deprivation of character and physical growth.

147. A glance of approval, a heart-felt smile, and a nod of approval, can convey the encouragement of the true feelings, and can express praise for the children. ——Zhang Shiping

148. Taking children to travel, going hiking, going to the park, and going to the movies are the most appropriate ways to praise children. ——Zhang Shiping

149. The good emotional atmosphere of the parents and the harmonious living atmosphere of the family are the environmental basis for cultivating the child's health psychology. ——Lü Bin

150. In the long run, the relationship between parents in the family also affects to some extent whether the child can establish a true love with a certain opposite sex in the future, and influence what kind of family lifestyle they choose. - Ma Wenhui

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