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Zhang Haidi's famous sayings

1. When you suddenly face so many flashes, laughs, applause, adjust yourself to the most important thing, what to do or what to do, it will always be like a clear water, so blue, so deep.

2. I am grateful that life has given me a pen that can speak. It allows me to talk, to fight, I am not only alive, but also free my mind in writing.

3. As long as your heart is still jumping, study hard.

4. If you fall down a hundred times, you must stand up once and for all!

5. Everyone's life is a small boat, ideally the sail of a boat.

6. Be alive and be a person who is good for society.

7. Fly even if your wings are broken.

8. I am an ideal person, not willing to do nothing in my life, to be a boring person. I don't feel much if I don't learn much. I would like to dedicate my life to my favorite career. Although my legs are not good, I have been so optimistic for many years and are passionate about a beautiful life.

9. I am like a meteor, I want to leave the light in the world.

10. On the road of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, depending on whether you can overcome it. Conquered, you are the hero, the strong man of life.

11. Like all those who are determined to struggle, I regard the hard search itself as true happiness.

12. If one wants to struggle, the inner strength is eternal, and it is not long-lasting to rely on others to encourage it.

13. In the predicament, build confidence, believe that everything will pass, and encourage yourself to overcome difficulties with an optimistic attitude.

14. Genius is born in pain.

15. Today, our life still needs a passion for enthusiasm. If one has passion, then she will love life and have the motivation to live.

16. If there is no ever-changing love, the flowers of marriage will wither.

17. If there is a truth, if I am a healthy person, I think I will do better than now, than today.

18. If I can stand up, I think I will try to dance. Really, this is the biggest wish in my heart. Although I have not skipped dance for so many years, I have never stopped dancing in life. I think the dance of life may be more beautiful than the dance of reality.

19. As a woman, it should be a humiliation, or a disgrace, which is a realm of life.

20. On the road of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, depending on whether you can overcome it. Victory, you are the hero, the strongest of life. - Zhang Haidi

21. Even if you fall a hundred times, you must stand up a hundred times - Zhang Haidi

22. The aspiring person has succeeded - Zhang Haidi

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